Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

What is the catch?
Why do you do everything you do with no charge.
What is the hook? Nobody does something for nothing.
Fud Fomo will remain in suspense.
Tell us why you allowed queen drag in your alleged education space for the innocent first.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

murder of people by government which has power over them.
don't forget to thank them
funding will increase until morale improves

3 Toxic Personality Types.
Uni par ty

virtue of humility for the common good
idiots ... -bombshell

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Karen Somebody the Mayor now tells you to deal with our Marxist policy as they burned looted and murdered
and even the lib News speak paper ran out of town to survive.
Pure trained Marxist geniuses of the left coast looted the bruised and broken as they spent it on loot reality
and yes, it was for themselves geniuses. ... &m=2&f=jpg ... 57562.html

They just need to protect and grow the NGO looters market share. Looks like 6 billion grift to date for fiscal decimations
of dumped of cartel chattel and base ms13 cut outs. The loon mayor is as sharp as a ballon.
All it will devolve to is ghetto lottery tickets and has. The ones who escaped these criminals are now seeing facts
of these criminals as it is now as they said. Overrun.

Deep blue shitholes are way past implosion scale as designed for the criminal vote dialectic.

Just more government trash and political trash to shift the blame for their failures as the less dull now moving out also
not totally bankrupted by these halfwits. 75,518 homeless is vastly understating ground intel to the actual facts in just that county.

Leftist fruitcakes have proven themselves they are threat the national security threat but you see how much they love you yesterday.
Uniparty has one plan. Not you as your just blood bags to bleed out. If they blather about ze party your just a retard to listen.
End game looting of the treasury. Body farm study only.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Adjusted algorithm arrested for pulling the wrong straw. No chance one day they’ll reflect on the irony. Hamas’ cheerleaders.
Same logic applies as the cannibal claim of Uncle Ambrose.
They are not as trustworthy as starved rabid feral canines.
Navarro is in prison.
The lunatic was ignored in a gas station as the molek lepers they are.
Demsheviks and uniparty are the oubliette of pols in a dead end on the molek plantation.
Sir Glubb was correct in the steps.

Ferals destroyed two more local business over night.
Doubtful they will survive it as the demsheviks would jail them if they even try to protect themselves
to even survive. ... cb1e04.jpg Elmer finally gets a clue.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The only strategy was fee based to provide funding and unsustainable zombie loans. Period.
"Who Cares Wins" was the inception verbiage as when change from the outside is more than within it dies in LEAN speak timeframe segment.
Bastardization of the pareto paradigm to appease the cult infiltration lawfare we had seen as in the academic nut cases
period also. They could only focus the other head cases with prosaic core focus period.

7-Year Cycles That Crush The Uninformed:
1. unbridled enthusiasm
2. mass confusion
3. sudden disillusionment
4. search for the guilty
5. punish the innocent
6. rewarding of the non-participants
7. see step one

Your swamp idiots will abandon you at step 5 and 6 as long as possible to bleed out the not true believers.
Look at the NPR for grift central and the ghetto lawfare period as also to a degree eat the turtles.

In NYC you dumb bastards let Him walk charged assault and harassment, though the station reported that he pleaded not guilty and was released without bail.
That’s why I am here telling my story," Pichardo said through gritted teeth as her mouth remained wired shut due to her broken jaw.

We don't need any proof your past stupid.
Vote harder.

Allowing the country to be invaded is nothing for the uniparty relegated.

Thanks to the United Nations Environment Programme Initiative for their great help with inspiring the ESG movement all those years ago. ... nvestment/

Title Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21
Author Rosa Koire
Edition illustrated
Publisher Post Sustainability Institute Press, 2011
ISBN 0615494544, 9780615494548

By now we can call it wormwood since the effect is not even starting to slow down.

... while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived... 2tim3

The project ignored was called Collective Security.
The ideology to establish global public policies designed to transform global governance practices.
Our current tarball.unix selected genius is onto cannibal's campaign trail with a touch of Andrenocrome fallout some suggested.
No clue needed.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Social Media Founder Refuses to Do Business in US.
Engineer was targeted by American agents seeking to recruit him to gather intelligence on users.

So, real production is back in vogue, and the workers of developed countries who had their middle-class status offshored by
40-years of neoliberalism are vindicated.

Tell that to our murdered dead.

The last thing they ever cared about is security threats.
Intersectional Gramsci dialectic class was easy exploit as the useful idiots stay uniparty cheerful.

November will allow data suddenly to be 'allowed' to select the reality. Bureaucrat has one mission.

Historical materialism is rooted in Marx and Engels's philosophy of dialectical materialism,
which posits that all things develop through material contradictions.
The effort is simple.

Frankfurt intellectuals came to the United States.
Ironically, Adorno, the hater of popular culture, settled in Los Angeles. Marcuse ended up in NYC.
You know what they worshipped.
Frankfurt School of critical theory, whose work has come to be associated with thinkers such as Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer,
Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse, for whom the works of Freud, Marx, and Hegel were essential.

Two decades to even start it to turn around as it is in any core focus was clear.
The village idiots burning their own future for less than pocket change. Lin was correct how easy it was and is.
The other point is the retards lost 20 percent before and they called us stupid.

Bezmenov explained that once they cross a brainwashing Rubicon there is no hard evidence or rational explanation that can bring them
back from the mental wasteland.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Kandy got edjamacated on serving two masters as they anti each other with the duel cards. Priceless.
Where have all your children gone.

One law and one custom shall be for you and for the stranger who dwells with you.

...everyone did as they saw fit. Judges.

Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations,
and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners.

One touch and they has been healed when He was here.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

According to Chuck 700000 users are actually proven idiots also.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

It got very old and everyone knew they were the ones causing trouble so everyone seen the Purple gang took care of the business.

Vote for the saloon if you want future generations to be shriveled, bloodless, prematurely decayed creatures ... Vote against the saloon if you wish to build up a race of giant, healthy manhood and glorious womanhood.
— Michigan Catholic Register, 1911

Now we get open border grifter wrapped in uniparty debauched marxist fiat of a design in the Kalergi Alinky Golem white paper from the
Quenn of the damned and fent ravaged record slaughter.

You can't even send kids to schools as the predator State chops them up on numerous levels so you pay for a sane one
not wrapped in in rainbow flag. Your rot is uniparty and now utterly complete just as it was written.

dog by the ears. Proverbs 26:17
Mike eats all of Archies food and bangs His daughter. He is on the board genius.
You are not going to listen or care anyways.
The fools will simply sprint to Godwins law in record time.

Amos was right. ... -gang.webp
All I seen was potatoes sacks with eye slits. Small sample size as we stopped for a AIPA Type-C USB and the store was a busted up plexiglass prison.

The Synthesis is always the revealing.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

debt-servicing costs with your rate hike data
rather toss your fiat thieving asses into a volcano
depression starts in less than 12 months as transport implode

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