Generational Angst among Lawyers

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Generational Angst among Lawyers

Post by ridgel »

When the lawyers start complaining about how bad they have it you know times are bad. Here's a thread someone linked to from a group I read, with lawyers complaining about how baby boomers sit around fat and happy in their big houses while new lawyers struggle jobless and with huge school debt.

Here's one of the best comments:
Very interesting article talking about the generational gap in the UK. Baby boomers are enjoying their big houses and jobs, while the younger generation can't find jobs and can't leave the nest. The young people are so saddled with student loan debt and hopeless, they're waiting for the boomers to die to get their hands on the inheritance. 4 in 10 families see no hope of their kids ever being able to leave home.

Reading this you can't help but get a sense that what JDU'ers bitch about every day is not a law thing. It's not even a graduate school thing, a college thing or even a US thing. What we're seeing globally is the last days of the baby boomer generation of the West enjoying the fruits of WWII, and now the party is finally ending, with the younger generation left to suffer the hangover.

We are witnessing a world wide cataclysmic economic shift, and the more it develops, the more it's looking like it's going to be the boomers vs. the young. Their continuing to live the high life REQUIRES screwing the younger generations with inflated housing prices, crushing student loans, and paltry job options.

The inter-generational conflict is only going to get worse as the boomers get more desperate. Remember, boomers are the "me" generation and far from stoic. They'll do everything in their power (including using government as a tool) to force the younger generations to keep subsidizing their lifestyles, even if it leaves the younger generation completely screwed.

There are 10's of millions of boomers getting ready to retire, and they haven't saved nearly enough money. For younger generations the results are pretty predictable:

- They're going to try to use government to inflate the price of housing, and therefore force the younger generation to overpay for housing, because many have only their homes to fund their retirements. If they succeed, the younger generation is going to get doubly screwed, paying inflated prices for houses, and then having no one to sell them to once the boomer generation dies off and kills demand.

- They're going to continue outsourcing, laying off, creating fake wealth, creating bubbles, and doing everything possible to continue the illusion that America is not just playing with numbers on a spreadsheet, at least until they die, and then things can collapse.

- They're going to continue the tuition/student loan race to space because it funds the lifestyles of millions of college administrators, professors, bankers, lenders, etc., all of whom are baby boomers, and it continues the illusion that success is simply a matter of attaining more eduction (nevermind that the boomers didn't need 3 graduate degrees to start their careers).

- Government will continue to print money like mad, because if it doesn't, there's no hope baby boomers will be able to continue the good life in their last years, which means politicians will be thrown out of office. They're more concerned with keeping the music playing on the Titanic to keep everyone calm than saving the ship.

This entire microcosm of pissed off, dejected JDs is nothing special. You might as well stop with the law school scam blogs, because they're one of thousands of scams. EVERYONE in the younger generations is overpaying for school, housing and probably even stocks in their 401Ks, and they're going to have very little to show for it

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