What is the official name of Post-Millennials

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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What is the official name of Post-Millennials

Post by Alosito79 »

John calls them the Pivotal Generation.

Neil Howe calls them the Homeland Generation.

Others call them Generation Z.

The starting dates range from the late 1990’s to Mid 2000’s and probably still being born.

Any thoughts ?

This is also a forum to discuss which trends they’re leading or will lead in the future after Millennials.

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Re: What is the official name of Post-Millennials

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Alosito79 wrote:...
Any thoughts ?

This is also a forum to discuss which trends they’re leading or will lead in the future after Millennials.
Birthyears 2000 to 2020 (or more likely 2022): The Lasters

They will be the last cohort to have "normal young lives".

The events of 2023 (approx ±9 months) will force the "Millenials" (and younger GenXers) into the role of "The NEW Greatest Generation Leaders", equivalent to the "Commanders" during WWII.

The "Lasters" will be the "GI's", or the "Grunts" (the workhorses) that will be used to physically overcome "the enemy".

The Lasters will learn their value as "doers" and rebuild the world in an entirely different direction based on what they've learned.

Their primary "modus operandi" to affect this change will be to radically alter what their children come to know as "childhood".

The Lasters will make sure that "the world" sees "the last" of several major characteristics of what we call "normal life" (especially normal YOUNG life).

One of those "lasts" will be the notion of "privacy", and it's corollary "non-intellectual freedom".

Only the "internal freedom of the mind" will be allowed,.. and it's corollary: "Strenuously achieved and maintained covert shared fantasy".

Those who aren't "strenuous" enough about maintaining the "covertness" of their shared fantasies will be "de-personed" in a short step-wise manner, until eventual termination.

Prosperity will proliferate. And the resentment built from the edicts of the Lasters will bring on the next cycle of the wheel...

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Re: What is the official name of Post-Millennials

Post by CH86 »

FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
Alosito79 wrote:...
Any thoughts ?

This is also a forum to discuss which trends they’re leading or will lead in the future after Millennials.
Birthyears 2000 to 2020 (or more likely 2022): The Lasters

They will be the last cohort to have "normal young lives".

The events of 2023 (approx ±9 months) will force the "Millenials" (and younger GenXers) into the role of "The NEW Greatest Generation Leaders", equivalent to the "Commanders" during WWII.

The "Lasters" will be the "GI's", or the "Grunts" (the workhorses) that will be used to physically overcome "the enemy".

The Lasters will learn their value as "doers" and rebuild the world in an entirely different direction based on what they've learned.

Their primary "modus operandi" to affect this change will be to radically alter what their children come to know as "childhood".

The Lasters will make sure that "the world" sees "the last" of several major characteristics of what we call "normal life" (especially normal YOUNG life).

One of those "lasts" will be the notion of "privacy", and it's corollary "non-intellectual freedom".

Only the "internal freedom of the mind" will be allowed,.. and it's corollary: "Strenuously achieved and maintained covert shared fantasy".

Those who aren't "strenuous" enough about maintaining the "covertness" of their shared fantasies will be "de-personed" in a short step-wise manner, until eventual termination.

Prosperity will proliferate. And the resentment built from the edicts of the Lasters will bring on the next cycle of the wheel...
Nope, No self-respecting Xer or Millie or from what I see of gen-Z on 4chan and elsewhere, Gen-Z either; would fight for an end state of the government having even more access to the citizens private lives. Even the boomers (the awakening ones at least) would oppose these ideas. The notions in your above post, would also violate 4T theory since during the crisis, a society chooses from which ideas from the previous 2T get implemented or not, and the boomer awakening itself was a rebellion against the government trying to monitor the private lives of the citizenry. If it ever came to either/or between the constitution and MacArthur-ism/NGO-ism/Human Right-ism, it would be the constitution that is kept and "MacArthur-ism/NGO-ism/Human rights-Ism" that gets thrown out the window or into the garbage shoot.

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Re: What is the official name of Post-Millennials

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

At the "regeneracy" existential survival is the only motive that matters.

All "internal opposition" will be "eliminated",.. one way or another.

Due to the fact that "tech control" of society is the only effective means to maintain focus on the existential survival aspect of the "struggle", societal control mechanisms will advance rapidly and be implemented.

That control will not be relinquished, by any power that remains standing.

An "Eloi"-esque near-paradise will form. Prosperity will flourish.

..but the controlling Morlocks will eventually get old and sloppy, and cracks will form that will create and amplify the frustrations of the "rebels", resulting in the inevitable cycle continuing to cycle on...


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Tom Mazanec
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Re: What is the official name of Post-Millennials

Post by Tom Mazanec »

iGeneration, Gen Tech, Gen Wii, Net Gen, Digital Natives, Plurals, Founders, Snowflake, Delta, Internet, Neodigital.
And for future reference the next generation is already being called the Glass or Alpha.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: What is the official name of Post-Millennials

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Tom Mazanec wrote:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Z#Terminology
iGeneration, Gen Tech, Gen Wii, Net Gen, Digital Natives, Plurals, Founders, Snowflake, Delta, Internet, Neodigital.
And for future reference the next generation is already being called the Glass or Alpha.
Interestingly, the "Eloi" name that Wells chose SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN (in my opinion) because "El-" refers to "God or the godlike" in "semitic", and "-oi" is the greek suffix for "people" (or race or "group member", etc).

They are the "godlike" in that they live in "heaven", but they are the "godlike foodstuff" which the Morlock eat.

They are the ultimate "Snowflakes". And they taste "really good!" as well.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if the Genzeds (snicker!) could get the epithet "Eloi" firmly attached to them. Although, that's rather mean spirited of me, 'cuz it implies a Morlock parasitic "group" which feeds on them, which I desperately hope does NOT happen.

Calling them the Glass generation is also delightful, as I instantly think of "Glass Jaw".

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Re: What is the official name of Post-Millennials

Post by Lesteraction123 »

If the Genzeds (snicker!) could have the name "Eloi" firmly tied to them, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE that. The fact that it suggests a Morlock parasite "gang" that feeds on them, which I fervently hope does not happen, makes that fairly ungracious of me.

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