2012 Presidential Question

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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2012 Presidential Question

Post by peaceandlove »

What I find myself wondering is whether we will have another Gen-X president (like Obama) or will we go back and have another Boomer President.

It seems curious to me that we've only had two Boomer Presidents (GWB and Clinton both served two terms - so that's 16 years between the two of them). I'm wondering if that's the norm (or pattern throughout history) or whether this is a blip because there was no boomer running in 2008. (Obama being a Gen-Xer and McCain being a Silent).

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks, in advance.

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Re: 2012 Presidential Question

Post by Owasco99 »

The list of Boomer hopefuls is much longer than he Gen X list.

What I have started to consider is whether there might be a run at Obama from the Dem side. The last time an incumbent was seriously challenged from within their party was Carter in 1980. He held off Kennedy, but just barely. The most optimistic assessment of the economy is that we are in similar straits to the late 70's, although I fear we are heading down a much more serious road. I can only think of one Dem with an ego big enough to consider a challenge. And her husband is probably the most popular Dem alive. To top it off, the Clintons are picture perfect Boomers.

Reality Check
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Re: 2012 Presidential Question

Post by Reality Check »

You ask:

"It seems curious to me that we've only had two Boomer Presidents (GWB and Clinton both served two terms - so that's 16 years between the two of them). I'm wondering if that's the norm (or pattern throughout history) or whether this is a blip because there was no boomer running in 2008. (Obama being a Gen-Xer and McCain being a Silent). "

The answer to your question is a matter of public record and simple math...

Tom Acre
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Re: 2012 Presidential Question

Post by Tom Acre »

Obama is most likely a late Boomer.

The most interesting point is that it appears that unless Joe Biden, most likely a late Silent, becomes POTUS the Silents will be the first generation in American history without a President.

In any case, as I see it, these are more Strauss/Howe than GenDynm issues, as GenDynm focuses on large populations and assumes individuals (including leaders or even dictators) are only relevant to the degree they reflect or symbolize the population as a whole.

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