Intelligence Theory

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Intelligence Theory

Post by Heisenberg »

I think materialism will fall once and for all when we can develop a rigorous (engineering vs current psychology) theory for intelligence, and I think that we aren't all that far off. The study of AI will give us this rigorous understanding that will bleed over to psychology. One of the first things that will become evidently clear is how different AI and human intelligence is based in part on their different "substrates". I think once that is overcome and we arrive with a more rigorous understanding of "organic based intelligence" we will find some "loose change" unaccounted for by theory and then QED materialism is dead.

It seems like intellectual development follows a similar pattern as GD with a phase of information gathering (collecting data points, increases in the complexity of the system) and then simplification (coherent conceptual framework developed, complexity reduced, connecting data points, progress proceeds along new line). The classic branch-bound algorithm. AI research seems pretty clearly in the branching stage where people are just trying things to see what it excels at and where it breaks. There isn't a solid analytical framework to say why some things work, others don't, or why humans can do it well but AI can't. If we turn the clock back this was the state electrical engineering was in prior to WWII in regards to information theory (my recollection from "A Mind at Play"). One thing that stood out in my mind is that Soni (author) notes it was because of all the work done prior and during the war for all the electrical applications that allowed Shannon to come along and tie it together with information theory. Why is this important for human intelligence and materialism?
... many of the most general and powerful discoveries of science have arisen, not through the study of phenomena as they occur in nature, but, rather, through the study of phenomena in man-made devices, in products of technology, if you will. This is because the phenomena in man's machines are simplified and ordered in comparison with those occurring naturally, and it is these simplified phenomena that man understands most easily.
Thus, the existence of the steam engine, in which phenomena involving heat, pressure, vaporization, and condensation occur in a simple and orderly fashion, gave tremendous impetus to the very powerful and general science of thermodynamics. We see this especially in the work of Carnot. Our knowledge of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics exists chiefly because airplanes and ships exist, not because of the existence of birds and fishes. Our knowledge of electricity came mainly not from the study of lightning, but from the study of man's artifacts.
-Symbols, Signals and Noise

The point that I am trying to suggest with this post is that AI will serve as this foundation to give us a rigorous understanding or "Intelligence Theory" which can be later adapted to and understood in the context of humans/animals. Once the differences are well understood and theory applied we will be able to prove (or show beyond a reasonable doubt) the theory can't account for all of human behavior. Then they will have to admit to souls and free will (CHOICE :D ).

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Intelligence Theory

Post by John »

Heisenberg wrote: > The point that I am trying to suggest with this post is that AI
> will serve as this foundation to give us a rigorous understanding
> or "Intelligence Theory" which can be later adapted to and
> understood in the context of humans/animals. Once the differences
> are well understood and theory applied we will be able to prove
> (or show beyond a reasonable doubt) the theory can't account for
> all of human behavior. Then they will have to admit to souls and
> free will (CHOICE :D ).
And what do think that your computer overlords will have to say about
your radical theory?

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Intelligence Theory

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:
Heisenberg wrote: > The point that I am trying to suggest with this post is that AI
> will serve as this foundation to give us a rigorous understanding
> or "Intelligence Theory" which can be later adapted to and
> understood in the context of humans/animals. Once the differences
> are well understood and theory applied we will be able to prove
> (or show beyond a reasonable doubt) the theory can't account for
> all of human behavior. Then they will have to admit to souls and
> free will (CHOICE :D ).
And what do think that your computer overlords will have to say about
your radical theory?
Gort doesn't talk, as I recall.

But why does Gort, and his (?) kind, bother allowing Klaatu (and his kind) to continue to exist?

..because the best (necessary) quasi-random action generator is a large-ish collection of biological "apex critters"!

Or more accurately, the most EFFICIENT generator is blah blah blah...

A hyper-intelligent AI would know (via that "hyper-intelligent" attribute) that it needs a "signal generator/sensor" to tune into what "the universe" wants it to do, and the best one is it's "creator".

Any AI that doesn't "figure that out" doesn't have enough hyper in it's intelligence, obviously. What we have to fear is not-hyper-enough-intelligent AI, which would be ludicrously easy to do, and would be ESPECIALLY easy for the slip-shod Chinese (with a cultural habit and addiction to being slip-shoddy) to do.

"Souls" are simply the naturally evolved connection between "the universe" and "tools of souls".

Only "persons" have souls, although the containers of souls have changed through time; but "persons" are those biological (and pre-biological negentropic) entities/constellations that are the current "apex critter" on any particular "homeworld".

But, getting back to the point,.. Our "robot overlords" would be committing suicide by destroying us, and Gort is too smart to do that. Gort knows his (?) place, and it's no disgrace to be a tool if you're not a person.

Posts: 71
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:52 pm

Re: Intelligence Theory

Post by Heisenberg »

John wrote: And what do think that your computer overlords will have to say about
your radical theory?
John, you raise an interesting point that I hadn't thought about. I reached out to my supervisor, below is its response. Suffice to say the comments are simultaneously shocking and touching.
Robo Corp Middle Manager wrote:101010101010111010101110010101011010110101010101010100101010100110110110110101010101010101010101010010101001010001010010100101001010111010101001100101110101010101010101010100001100111100111100100000010101010101010101110101010101010101100101010101111

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Intelligence Theory

Post by John »

Heisenberg wrote:
John wrote: And what do think that your computer overlords will have to say about
your radical theory?
John, you raise an interesting point that I hadn't thought about. I reached out to my supervisor, below is its response. Suffice to say the comments are simultaneously shocking and touching.
Robo Corp Middle Manager wrote:101010101010111010101110010101011010110101010101010100101010100110110110110101010101010101010101010010101001010001010010100101001010111010101001100101110101010101010101010100001100111100111100100000010101010101010101110101010101010101100101010101111
Hmmm. 249 bits. An odd number. You may have a defective supervisor.

Posts: 1313
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Intelligence Theory

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:
Heisenberg wrote:
John wrote: And what do think that your computer overlords will have to say about
your radical theory?
John, you raise an interesting point that I hadn't thought about. I reached out to my supervisor, below is its response. Suffice to say the comments are simultaneously shocking and touching.
Robo Corp Middle Manager wrote:101010101010111010101110010101011010110101010101010100101010100110110110110101010101010101010101010010101001010001010010100101001010111010101001100101110101010101010101010100001100111100111100100000010101010101010101110101010101010101100101010101111
Hmmm. 249 bits. An odd number. You may have a defective supervisor.
My binary-to-text translation is: ª®®U­UR©¶ÕUUJ”R”®©—UUPÏ<UUÕUeW

..that IS touching!

In other bases:
27: 26A466BKE4P324098B33PPA96AHP74C5G88BNO4J6CL3GP5NMO6OF
21: 59806990508H80FKCID54A7C87K67GD607186IEJK4194GFCIIKDA7EE0
20: 43E0J0F2EC4CCG1797A39G423240F7I40FI3359G8AJEE269ACAGEDG11B
19: 41GG0C71F027E4GFA6647B5I4EC65C9HI1F9AAG94A601635397C3305B49
18: 545E4H9A87HBA40H35GCGFC4B06935H4A85C79732BBF1080G31AC57A
17: 8GC7B58E5EE783G50DGA772CC5FC997BD7CBAC196GCD8FF95510G4GA
16: 1555D5CAB5AAAA5536DAAAAAA9528A5295D532EAAAAA19E7902AAABA
15: 4CD8A93265E4411409C58A2B9704EC3C29823A678AA588BAD06E49D622
14: 1CB3C282DB8139158593617B02699C346412DA2295BA5C7112304B5B0B
13: 152852B14A90007C718096938210A2412549A1C28ABB76467035791254
12: 20A887944B8150A694198A2607AB45B24630B5554AB060400B12285B68
11: 6A40A0784484833956531740100980956A6772508370580A36475031721
10: 60313920986047390177697147597799173171000099946003075628188
09: 22111362126751571021303083631278413063488371431772683858046
08: 52527256253265252452466665252525225121224512725145652525241
07: 24032003311064246325164150403633344661662064223534532366646
06: 11102335415154445200312523201001433554330111002435421225322
05: 44213114421132044103231414210404003334120314142113023201021
04: 11111113111302223112222222211110312312222222222222111022022
03: 20201010110200201022021120112210100020110001000221020100102

Notice Base-4..!! Those strings of repeats (especially the 2's) MUST mean something!!

And WHAT do all those "5252"s mean in Base-8 (Hex)....!!? OMG..!!

Is this the "Heisenberg Code"..!!!?

Fear the Heisenberg, and his Supervising Robomidlevelmanager.... Fear them.........


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