Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

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Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:02 pm
Prejudice is indeed still being practiced, but only officially against "white" and Asian people.

For a semi-comprehensive illustration of this with real-life examples, visit the Equal Protection Project
EPP is identifying and seeking to correct through the legal system official, codified prejudicial policies, but guess what? All the actual proven prejudicial policies are against WHITES and ASIANS (Jews soon to follow, no doubt).

I know some people on this board are too busy posting mind-numbing jibberish (maybe should be speech writer for Biden?) to keep up with current events, but the Supreme Court recently ruled that prejudice in university admissions is in fact illegal ... 9_hgdj.pdf. Not to be dissuaded, our lawless executive branch immediately began scheming on ways to continue prejudice against white people and Asians (see "Opposition" ... v._Harvard).

But it's not entirely our liberal friends' fault that they can't see this. After all, most of them have their heads so far up where the sun don't shine that they rarely even catch a glimpse of daylight.
It's amazing he doesn't see this and still it can't register into his pea brain and clouded soul. We've only told him a thousand times and he knows the official racist BLM, NAACP and CRT policies that are adopted by all the corporations and the government at this point. Only a son of lies would keep dodging this reality. The "dominant culture"? Oh yeah, the one that is racist against the merits of certain asians and whites, of course.

Meanwhile, Biden/Zelensky/et al use US taxpayer money for riches and buying off friends, yachts and real estate, while they send young men to their death so they can be kings in shit lands. And keep the grift going. What's more, Bish claims we have a dominant culture of something that lets outsiders in and steals money from actual citizens to take care of or pay them.

They are traitors, and Bob Bish has blood on his hands.


Re: Evil

Post by Guest »

Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:18 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:06 pm
They do the bidding of their father "unknowingly" even. Amazing.
Forcing other cultures to endure the dominant culture? Practicing prejudice? Does that sound more like Jesus, or the Father of Lies?
Has CRT work into this, Butler?

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Bob Butler
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Evil and CRT?

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:31 pm
Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:18 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:06 pm
They do the bidding of their father "unknowingly" even. Amazing.
Forcing other cultures to endure the dominant culture? Practicing prejudice? Does that sound more like Jesus, or the Father of Lies?
Has CRT work into this, Butler?
CRT came well after Jesus and the creation of the devil myths. Any connection would be a stretch of a modern concept onto an ancient society.

You could say the 'Good Samaritan' was the equivalent of a modern minority. In Jesus's time, the Jews and Samaritans did not get along. When proposing one should love thy neighbor, the parable specified who one's neighbor is. Everyone. You know, provide them health care. Open a sanctuary city. The early Christians put a big emphasis on charity, on helping people out.

That's the best I can do.


Re: Evil and CRT?

Post by Guest »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:09 am
Guest wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:31 pm
Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:18 am

Forcing other cultures to endure the dominant culture? Practicing prejudice? Does that sound more like Jesus, or the Father of Lies?
Has CRT work into this, Butler?
CRT came well after Jesus and the creation of the devil myths. Any connection would be a stretch of a modern concept onto an ancient society.

You could say the 'Good Samaritan' was the equivalent of a modern minority. In Jesus's time, the Jews and Samaritans did not get along. When proposing one should love thy neighbor, the parable specified who one's neighbor is. Everyone. You know, provide them health care. Open a sanctuary city. The early Christians put a big emphasis on charity, on helping people out.

That's the best I can do.
That has nothing to do with racist Critical Race Theory. You talk about nothing.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Evil and CRT?

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:25 pm
That has nothing to do with racist Critical Race Theory. You talk about nothing.
We just have different ideas of what CRT is. Generational Dynamics features an instinct to hate, oppress and kill the different. CRT is a variation of that idea, the practice of hating oppressing and killing the different. Racism exists. It is instinctive, pervasive and wrong. It should be anticipated in other cultures and avoided in one’s own. Hitler’s nazi against the Jews, Americans against the blacks, modern Israel against Palestinians and many others, choose to wallow in it. The notion is that if one was once prejudiced against a people, attributing the attributes of their few to nonexistent worst on their many or all, one should compensate and correct. Prejudice is an evil to be fought against.

The prejudiced reject this.

Samaritans were a hated minority in Jesus’s time, thus Jesus presented them as typical people, friends, and deserving of the commandment of love thy neighbor. If you hate the different more, well, you are going to disagree with progressive politics, the original spirit of Christian charity and CRT.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Navigator wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:12 pm
I personally am neither a liberal anti-theist, nor an anti-semite Putin lover.
Think of it, we have a communist loser on the board, and a younger American who knows his country as well as anyone, and he gets called "anti-semite Putin lover"

Navigator, you lose all credibility when you do these things, because think of what you and fullmoon are doing when you equate the communist with an american who knows what has happened to his country, and knows who the evil people are, and tries to tell others, but gets lumped in with the communist?

It's breathtaking how confused you people are.

The only reason people come on at this point is to get a glimpse into my posts since the rest of you can't even put an idea that is relevant anymore. What's more, you put me in the same category as Bish. You should be ashamed of yourself. It's people like him that handed over the keys to the sickening state of DC, the media, and the babylon war machine that the US has become.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Trevor wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:29 pm
Navigator wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:12 pm
spottybrowncow wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:53 pm

Sadly, I must agree. I started frequenting this site about 10 years ago, because, like many visitors, I saw something unique and genuine, primarily in John's daily summations of world news. Other contributors, I'll mention Navigator and Higgie, but there have been many others, have made very substantial contributions to the truly learned dialogue here over the years. FWIW, I have contributed several thousand dollars over the last few years to support this site, because I perceived it as delivering great value. With John's declining vigor, and the aforesaid individual's persistence in trolling and filling the forum with incomprehensible nonsense, I don't think it delivers great value any more. God bless you John and Navi and Higgie (and others, you know who you are), you and we have fought the good fight, but things are deteriorating. Truly, the left destroys everything it touches.
As FullMoon pointed out just before this, the site is increasingly Bob and CoolBreeze posts, and both are off on extremes. Bob seems to live here now. CoolBreeze probably has to work somewhere, so he isn't posting quite as often. I can't post as much as I used to, but I should try and do more.

The point FullMoon was making, I think (don't want to put words in his mouth), is that the extremes are both wrong. I personally am neither a liberal anti-theist, nor an anti-semite Putin lover. As I have posted before, I do not support Trump or Biden. I am with the 70% of the US electorate that wishes neither were on the ballot for President.

I believe that everything is in place for the next great disaster. It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN. And that WHEN is increasingly close. It could happen tomorrow or it could hold off for a year or two, but I seriously doubt it will be that long.
That's why I rarely go onto this forum anymore. There are occasional thoughtful posts, from you and a couple others, but far too much mindless ranting. The sad thing is, we're heading toward the final crisis at full speed, but the best we've got is a couple of corrupt old men, one of whom is showing signs of senility.

We've got two of the dominoes falling, in Ukraine and Yemen, and at this point, I agree that the final one isn't going to be long. From our enemies' perspective, it's the perfect opportunity to attack. China's both desperate and extremely arrogant; that's a dangerous combination. If you want to know how our ancestors could be so blind to Hitler's intentions in the 1930s, well, we're getting our answer right now.

i hope you recover soon, John, and thank you for all the work you've done here.
Best wishes to John on recovery.

Let me ask you, Trevor, do you even know that Hitler was bankrolled by people to do what he did? Do you know why? Do you know who bankrolled the Red Army's Soviet run and assassinated the Romanovs?

Until you can answer that question, you have no business talking about "what people were blind to"

You don't know what you don't know, and it shows.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Navigator wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:52 pm
Right now the "Axis of Evil" is Russia/China/Iran/North Korea.
How are they evil when the US indiscriminately bombs people and nations, freezes other countries assets, tells other countries they can't freely trade with one another, flies gay flags at embassies in other countries, actively hates Christians, is racist it its domestic policies against white and east asians, has a dead president and a communist cabal running the country, etc

Shall I continue?

At some point you have to come clean with this religious devotion you have to Babylon because of the revelations of Mr. Smith

Guest 33

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest 33 »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:34 pm
Navigator wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:52 pm
Right now the "Axis of Evil" is Russia/China/Iran/North Korea.
How are they evil when the US indiscriminately bombs people and nations, freezes other countries assets, tells other countries they can't freely trade with one another, flies gay flags at embassies in other countries, actively hates Christians, is racist it its domestic policies against white and east asians, has a dead president and a communist cabal running the country, etc

Shall I continue?

At some point you have to come clean with this religious devotion you have to Babylon because of the revelations of Mr. Smith
Well said. I hate to agree with you; however, the present situation is terrifying.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest 33 wrote:
Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:13 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:34 pm
Navigator wrote:
Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:52 pm
Right now the "Axis of Evil" is Russia/China/Iran/North Korea.
How are they evil when the US indiscriminately bombs people and nations, freezes other countries assets, tells other countries they can't freely trade with one another, flies gay flags at embassies in other countries, actively hates Christians, is racist it its domestic policies against white and east asians, has a dead president and a communist cabal running the country, etc

Shall I continue?

At some point you have to come clean with this religious devotion you have to Babylon because of the revelations of Mr. Smith
Well said. I hate to agree with you; however, the present situation is terrifying.
Being a mature person means telling the truth no matter where it leads.

I am censored on this site for a reason. That's it.

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