Religion and Vaccine Arguments

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »

A record of military and intelligence coordination of the global Covid event.
The Covid Dossier is a compilation of the evidence we have amassed over the last three years supporting the following claim: Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.

The Dossier contains information regarding the military/intelligence coordination of the Covid biodefense response in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. For some countries we have extensively documented information. For others, we have some documentation of military/intelligence involvement, but not all the details. For as many countries as possible, we list the military/intelligence agencies in charge of their country’s Covid response; dates on which emergency declarations were made in each country; military/intelligence-related agencies and bodies in charge of censorship/propaganda; and top people with military/intelligence jobs who were known or reported to hold leadership positions in the response. We also list connections to global governing bodies, including the EU and UN/WHO, through which the response was coordinated. In the final section, we provide a list of military/intelligence/biodefense alliances and agreements that provide multinational frameworks for responding to a bioterror/bioweapons attack.

By providing all of this information in one place, we hope to dispel the notion that Covid was a public health event, managed independently by each country’s public health agencies, with some limited, logistically focused military involvement. We also hope to drive home the shocking realization that not only were military and intelligence agencies in charge of Covid in all of these countries, but the response to what was represented as a public health crisis was coordinated through military alliances, including NATO.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... ed-serious
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Serious and Irreversible Neurological, Developmental, and Immune-Related Health Risks

Four Studies Reveal the Grave Consequences of Childhood Hyper-Vaccination
When studies compare vaccinated to unvaccinated children, they find serious and irreversible neurological, developmental, and immune-related health risks. This is likely one of the primary reasons that prevents Big Pharma and our regulatory agencies from conducting such studies — their flawed business model of pushing inadequately tested injections would collapse as parents learn the true risks of vaccination. It’s important to remember that ALL of the routine childhood vaccines were licensed WITHOUT proper long-term, placebo-controlled trials: ... ated-women
Czech Republic data: vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women

Meanwhile, in the US, the CDC continues to recommend pregnant women in the US get the COVID vaccine.
BIG DATA: Donations from Pharma Industry and Employees, US Senate Edition.

Want to know which senators get the most pharma employee donations? Read on for more.
TOP 7 All-time Senate Pharma Cash Recipients
Harris Kamala (D)

Biden Joe (D)

Obama Barack (D)

Clinton Hillary (D-NY)

Romney Mitt (R-UT)

Hatch Orrin G (R-UT)

Casey Bob (D-PA)

2025 In-Office Senate Pharma Cash Recipients
McConnell Mitch (R-KY), Kentucky, 1984

Sanders Bernie (I-VT), Vermont, 2006
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »
"You have 200 million Americans that took it and they feel guilty and/or don't wanna talk about it. So it's kind of this elephant in the room...[but] awareness is slowly growing and it's metastasizing."

Former BlackRock fund manager and founder of Phinance Technologies Edward Dowd (
) describes for Greg Hunter (@USAWatchdog) why he believes people, en masse, are struggling to come to grips with the fact that the COVID injections have maimed and killed so many people. He notes the problem surrounds a "mass psychosis" perpetuated by media, tech, and pharma companies, along with a population that feels "guilty" about taking the jabs and "[doesn't] want to talk about it."

"I would have thought it would have happened a while ago, but there's been a couple things going on here," Dowd tells Hunter. "It was such a mass psychosis, and so many people participated in the madness. You have media companies that took money from pharmaceutical companies and the government to propagandize us. So media is complicit. The tech companies did the same thing. They censored. They're complicit. You have Fortune 500 companies that mandated this garbage. They're complicit. You have the health agencies. They're complicit. And then you have 200 million Americans that took it and they feel guilty and or don't wanna talk about it. So it's kind of this elephant in the room.

"But awareness is slowly growing and it's metastasizing. And, at the very least, the booster uptake is at, I think 2 percent. And no one's taking these damn shots anymore. If you look at the stock price of Moderna and Pfizer, they're in the tank. So that's good news."

When Hunter asks Dowd about how RFK Jr. and his team are handling this issue, Dowd responds:

"I don't have any insight into what's going on with RFK and his team. There's a confirmation process coming, and it would be best if they just...wait till they get over the hump to talk about anything. That would be my advice to them."
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... d-suddenly
In America just this past week, 58 babies have "died suddenly," and 14 doctors died in Italy

Some standout horrors from our latest compilation, for those who don't have the time, and/or the stomach, to read through the entire "Died Suddenly" we posted yesterday
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... scientists
Safe and Effective: Norwegian Scientists Link Covid ‘Vaccines’ to Global Death Surge

A group of leading scientists in Norway is sounding the alarm after a major study of international mortality data linked Covid mRNA “vaccines” to a global surge in excess deaths. ... ccines-are
Saudi Scientists: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are Destroying Male Fertility

A group of top scientists in Saudi Arabia is warning that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are having a devastating impact on male fertility. ... a-blackout
Media Failing to Cover ‘Powerful Testimony’ of People Injured by COVID Vaccines

Important information about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and their impact on people’s lives is “slipping between the cracks” of media coverage, according to YouTube commenter John Campbell, Ph.D. ... speaks-out
‘They Lied to Us’: Wife of 53-year-old Who Died Hours After Receiving Remdesivir Speaks Out

Shannon is trying to raise public awareness of the COVID-19 hospital protocols that she believes led to her husband’s death
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... s-in-vaers
The DEATH safety signals in VAERS were obvious if anyone looked

I'll show you just how obvious it is. Like over 100X above normal. ... ent-story/
Vaccines Were Supposed to End the Pandemic. Excess Death Figures Tell a Different Story

The reality is that waves of infection and excess mortality continued after the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccines during 2021, continuing with two severe waves in the U.S., and peaking again at the end of January the following year. ... milk-cola/
How Industrial Dairy Industry Corrupts Health Benefits of Milk

Modern science confirms that dairy fats, which are naturally high in saturated fat and low in polyunsaturated fats, are beneficial to human health. But Big Dairy has developed “rumen-protected fats” that bypass the cow’s natural digestive processes, which increases polyunsaturated fatty acid content and decreases beneficial saturated fats by up to 20%.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... -lies-used
Dismantling The Common Lies Used To Push Vaccines

How the System Continually Manipulates Us and How We Can Now Overcome It.
In turn, the ultimate goal of this article was to use the remarkable story of RFK’s confirmation process to highlight two critical themes as we move forward:

1. Now is the time for us to begin challenging many of the misleading frames that have been erected to enslave and exploit us—and sadly, this article just touched the tip of the iceberg on that (e.g., there are many outside of medicine).

2. There is a massive wave behind us that has been building for over a century (e.g., my first article here highlighted how the global protests we saw against the COVID mandates were almost identical to those against the abhorrent smallpox vaccine mandates 150 years ago). Because that wave is now cresting, we have the power to change a lot of things which previously could not be changed. However, if we want to maximize it, it is critical that we work in a manner where our actions compound each other rather than counteracting and dissipating the wave that is sweeping through.

I am now immensely hopeful we can continue to build the wave of truth around us that has been generations in the making and profoundly grateful for the support that each of you that has given me the chance to play part in this. In turn, going forward, it is my sincere hope that each of us can play a role in amplifying it by having the courage to speak truth to those around us and support those we know who are doing the same. The opportunity we now have before us is extraordinary, and it is imperative we make the most of it.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... s-syndrome
Angelina Jolie has Bell's palsy; Andie MacDowell has piriformis syndrome; Karine Jean-Pierre's mom has colon cancer; soap star Colin Egglesfield has prostate cancer; rapper Bhad Babie has blood cancer

Actress Lili Reinhardt "spent the last year dealing with an unknown illness"; NFL/Penn State's Brian Milne has lymphoma (again); "Bachelorette" star's husband, Kevin Manno, has thyroid cancer; & more ... ncels-show
Patti Smith collapses onstage; Dave Matthews cancels shows; Death from Above 1979 postpones show; "unwell" Mayor Eric Adams "limiting appearances"; UK: snooker star Ricky Walden quits German Masters

NO: Ski great Jarl Magnus Riiber retires at 27; Bangladeshi singer Sabina Yasmin collapses on stage; AU: Skyhooks guitarist "Bongo" Starkie has leukemia, DJ Kyle Sandilands has brain surgery ... feb-3-2025
In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, January 27-February 3, 2025
Movie industry exec Lindsay May (C); comic Ken Flores (28); baseballer Rich Dauer; hoopster John Shumate; TV producer Allyce Ozarski (41, C); music exec Ben Vaughn (49); broadcaster Bill Weber; & more
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... -effective
Preliminary 2024 Data (compiled Effective 30 November 2024) Shows National Births in January 2024 have dropped by 26% Compared to January 2019. NCR Births in this same period have dropped by 33.5%.

In 2024 the Philippines had an estimated median age of 25.7, and the majority of babies (28%) were born to mother aged 25 to 29. Population momentum should mean births are still rising. They are not!
Drops in birth rates are happening globally in most nations, and particularly those whose population were heavily vaccinated. Mechanisms of fertility harm are described by many authors.

Such a rapid loss in births is not cause for “population control” celebration! The implication of crashing birth rates are catastrophic for the future of the Philippines!

All the industries revolving around and built to serve children are facing rapidly dropping business.

Tax and business revenues may be affected.

The nation faces labor shortages as the numbers of young people drop rapidly (and older people die).

The nation will not be birthing enough children to maintain a stable population, particularly in the face of high outward migration to meet global demand for Filipino workers and as Filipinos migrate in search of better opportunities.

Population contraction is possibly already in progress if Births - Deaths - Outwards migration is taken into account. ... za-vaccine
Deconstructing HHS: Influenza Vaccine Propaganda

Long past time to face the data. Can team MAHA move past propaganda to find better and more ethical solutions?
What if I told you that increasing annual influenza vaccination of the elderly is associated with increased influenza-related death in the elderly?

What if I told you that annual influenza vaccination can make you more susceptible to influenza-like illness?

What if I told you that deploying leaky influenza vaccines (into either humans or poultry flocks) will accelerate the evolution of vaccine-resistant influenza viruses?

What if I told you that the real problem with influenza virus-associated death in the elderly is due to the aging of their immune systems (immunosenescence)?

What if I told you that most of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” deaths could have been prevented if (antibacterial) antibiotics had been available?

What if I told you that most countries do not recommend population-wide annual influenza vaccination?

What if I told you that USG annual influenza vaccination policy is influenced by a desire to -support and maintain- influenza manufacturing capacity?

What if I told you that most of what you have been told about annual influenza vaccination is propaganda?
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

Cool Breeze
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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by Cool Breeze »

It's amazing how they got their $ hooks annually into everyone. Just sick.

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