Nuclear War

Read Navigator's book, How To Prepare For The Coming Storms,
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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim »

J.R. NYQUIST: So, Russia’s best forces are deployed secretly in the Far East?

LUDE: Absolutely, because Xi and Putin are working together on this. So, the strategic depth of their union is much bigger than anything we have seen in history. It is greater than the Soviet Union had in World War II. It is not like one country is attacking. It is global in scale. For the Russian military force, the tip of their spear is, first, their ballistic missile submarine force which is not seen in the Ukraine War. Second, their intercontinental ballistic missile force which is also not used in the Ukraine War. And this will play a major role in the future conflict in the Far East and Pacific.

J.R. NYQUIST: Will the Russians move their Northern Fleet across the Arctic to the Pacific through the Bering Strait?

LUDE: Because the Arctic Ocean will be another hot spot in the future, I don’t think the Northern Fleet will be moved to the Far East through the Bering Strait. The Arctic Ocean will be a point of interest for the U.S. and Russia in the future.

J.R. NYQUIST: In 2018 Russia conducted the Vostok 18 exercise with Mongolian and Chinese troops. It was – as I recall – simulating a nuclear bombardment of America followed by what looked like a practice invasion for Alaska. Do you recall that?

LUDE: Back in February when we talked about Russia’s strategy, we mentioned in our program that Russia was – and had been – interested in taking Alaska in the future, because the strategic forces in the Far East just prepare for that.

J.R. NYQUIST: And I imagine they would attack northern Canada as well.

LUDE: Yes, absolutely, and, for China, in the intercontinental ballistic missile force there are two units – two bases – in Mohe China – in the northern part of China, on the border with Russia. These two bases with their DF-41 ballistic missiles can reach as far as Washington, D.C.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim »

J.R. NYQUIST: You got hold of this amazing recording, the 56-minutes from the standing party meeting in Guangdong which mentioned an American counterattack against Chinese strategic targets in Guangdong. Are they expecting to be hit by nuclear weapons from America?

LUDE: Yes, that is for sure. The Chinese government of the CCP do not really care about its people’s lives. They just use people as their shield. They use people as a resource. If they get hit with nuclear weapons and millions die, they don’t even frown on that.

J.R. NYQUIST: And I understand, when you released the recording of that meeting, when you did that, people were arrested and killed?

LUDE: There are 40 people being investigated right now. This has already [warranted] martial law for these people already.
J.R. NYQUIST: So, how will we know when this war is going to start. What are we looking for?

LUDE: The time frame depends on several factors. First, negotiations between China/Russia and the U.S. If these negotiations go very well, they will come up with a [new] borderline in the Pacific. They will then reach an agreement. In that case we will probably never see a war. If the U.S. does not back off from Taiwan, from the first island chain, and if the U.S. totally disrespects China and Russia’s demands, then China and Russia will start carrying this [war] out in two or three months. But “carrying out,” just like we mentioned, is a talk and fight and talk and fight – this kind of theme. They will use all different kinds of warfare, in all domains, to achieve their strategic goal. They will be talking as they go.

J.R. NYQUIST: So, [just to be clear], there will be a blockade of Taiwan and there will be all kinds of talking.

LUDE: First, they will block off Taiwan from air and sea…. And then they will use this as blackmail to force the U.S. out of the first island chain. Push them back to second island chain. If the U.S. does not agree with this kind of demand, there will be a war. There will be military conflict. If the military conflict goes well for the U.S., then it is a different story. If it does not go well for the U.S. then they will keep talking. All these things will happen at the same time.

J.R. NYQUIST: So they have contingencies.

LUDE: Yes, exactly.

J.R. NYQUIST: So they want Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan to be in their sphere of influence, under their side of the Pacific.

LUDE: Yes, exactly. They want Taiwan, Japan and South Korea under their control. This will be a huge blow to U.S. technology and economy. These three countries are critical to semi-conductors, electronics, motor vehicles, and even military. If the U.S. is pushed out of the first island chain these countries will fall to China and it will be a disaster for the U.S.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim »

.R. NYQUIST: If there is a breakup of the United States, or any weakening, the Russians and Chinese – I assume – will send troops to the United States.

LUDE: Yes. Red Dawn is not really a movie anymore.

J.R. NYQUIST: They would be welcomed by some people in California, I think.

LUDE: The dictatorships, they play a psychological trick. One of their main skills in history. Xi and Putin are no exception. If we, the Americans, are ready – our leaders, our Congress – are ready to take them on, there is only a small chance they will prevail. If we try to trade space for peace, that will be a disaster.

J.R. NYQUIST: I knew Col. Stanislav Lunev, the highest-ranking defector from Russian military intelligence. He was at a meeting of the Russian General Staff before his defection in the 1990s. It was about the secret coordination of China and Russia in a future war; and [he said] they had divided North America so that China would get the lower 48 states while Russia would get Alaska and parts of Canada. Have you heard anything like this from any of your Chinese military sources?

LUDE: Yes, we talked about this plan in our program.

J.R. NYQUIST: And do you believe in the authenticity of this secret speech of General Chi Haotian that he gave about twenty years ago, when he was Defense Minister [of China], talking about using biological weapons to “clean up America” while making their war preparations seem like they are aiming at Taiwan when it is really aiming at America?

LUDE: Back in Mao’s days, forty, fifty, sixty years ago, they have three major weapons. The first is the nuclear weapon. The second is the biological weapon. The third is the infiltration weapon.

J.R. NYQUIST: It sounds like nothing has changed. Thank you very much for granting me this interview. This has been very informative.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5


Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

The Russians are inept and corrupt to the core. The Chinese are corrupt and ham fisted as hell. They can't even make decent truck tires in China, how are they going to pull off this plan?

The Russians can't even encrypt their phones and radio communications in Ukraine, but they can hide their "best troops" in the far East and attack North America overland? Right...

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by thomasglee »

Guest wrote:
Mon Jun 06, 2022 1:12 pm
The Russians are inept and corrupt to the core. The Chinese are corrupt and ham fisted as hell. They can't even make decent truck tires in China, how are they going to pull off this plan?

The Russians can't even encrypt their phones and radio communications in Ukraine, but they can hide their "best troops" in the far East and attack North America overland? Right...
You're so naïve.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim » ... -overview/
By Barrett Moore

Some weeks ago, Jeff Nyquist posited: “The American people have been living in a fool’s paradise. People in China are trying to warn us. Will we listen or turn a deaf ear?”

Unfortunately, Americans are not only deaf, they have been subjugated in ways few understand. Total war is upon us. Ukraine remains a diversion. Rational and critical independent thought has virtually disappeared. The leadership of our government, military and business community is adrift and WE THE PEOPLE are the target. Many are going to perish. Too dramatic? You have no idea.

“Don’t worry,” we are told. “Everything will go back to normal.” Not only is your life, your family, and nation under threat, but also all of Western civilization is in danger, and perhaps billions of lives. Will America become a mere footnote in human history? I would argue that most Americans no longer have a preservation instinct. Others would argue they never had one. Too many within the American political and professional class believe that their wealth, education, and social status will carry the day – irrespective of the threat. This flawed assumption may cost many their lives, because even at this late hour, standing at the precipice of a larger war with Russia and China, the greed of the professional class still exceeds their fear. The inflection point will come quickly.

I know something about this. For 25 years, I have advised UHNW[ii] folks on how to protect their families from low-probability-high-consequence events. This encompasses risk mitigation of every type, to include the construction of secure haven facilities for those with the foresight to recognize that neither their balance sheet, nor Gulfstream jet, can be relied upon to preserve their family. In addition, I was afforded the opportunity to start a software company, a manufacturing company and one of the nation’s largest security companies. It was my team that attempted to build a nation-wide private civil defense network – an effort that bankrupted me and earned me the wrath and vilification of those that would prefer the public to remain unprepared. Their attacks are legion; and their ongoing psychological campaign can be directed against anyone with the foresight to prepare.

The internal and external threats to Western Civilization are quite real. Think – Death, Famine, War, and Conquest – basically, the four horsemen of the apocalypse. While awareness of the collapse of the financial, food, and energy markets is growing, a dangerous monoculture of thought ensures that too many remain deaf to the larger threats: the growing democide;[iii] the woke indoctrination[iv] and purge of the military;[v] the abject failure of our national intelligence apparatus;[vi] and most recently, the very real threat of nuclear war.[vii] The government appears complicit. The media silent. And the hubris of our military leadership is on display. As Jeff Nyquist has so aptly disclosed, Russia and China have apparently aligned their plans to destroy America.[viii] Russia is already at war and China is preparing[ix] – all the while we act as if our dominance will continue unabated. The American population does not understand that much of the world has been alienated by our leaders and their shopping mall regime.[x] All the while, most everyone else remains unprepared for the accumulating threats that might well spell the disintegration of society as we know it. Too dramatic? Then you probably suffer from “normalcy bias.”[xi]

Americans have been indoctrinated to believe that a nuclear war is unthinkable as it would destroy the world. Right? Even now, after repeated threats by both Russia and China to use nuclear weapons,[xii] the American public remains nonchalant. Bombarded with overt propaganda, most are dangerously misinformed on the subject. They have no concept that our enemies are prepared to use nuclear weapons and have developed a doctrine that assumes that a war of this type can be won. Americans cling to a false sense of security, believing that not only will the “button” never be pushed, but Russia and China fear our nuclear deterrent – which, unbeknownst to the public, is hopelessly obsolete and technologically, some FORTY (40) years behind the Russian and Chinese strategic weapon systems.[xiii]

Our nuclear arsenal was built in the era of the 8-track tape, while theirs is digital. Our missiles fly on a predictable trajectory that allows them to be tracked and destroyed. Theirs fly in lower orbits, and can be maneuvered at speeds approaching 25,000 MPH – making them virtually impossible to defend against.[xiv] They have large civil defense systems designed to protect their populations;[xv] we have none. Despite trillion-dollar defense expenditures, our silo-based nuclear assets, and much of the Navy, could be destroyed without our ever firing a shot. Too dramatic?

Just imagine the panic that would ensue if a U.S. Navy carrier group sailed into the South China Sea and never came back. Or imagine if our 450 underground missile silos were destroyed before launch. There is a reason why portions of the Western United States are referred to as the “nuclear sponge” – and why our antiquated strategic bomber force might never get off the ground. What if Russia’s new state-of-the-art, maneuverable, hypersonic weapon systems could surprise America with a nuclear first strike? The only thing left of our nuclear triad would be the submarines. And there are only 14 boomers, of which six might be on patrol at any time. Would we use these remaining assets for a counter-strike, or would we lose our nerve and ask for peace talks? Then try to imagine the leaders of the NATO countries stumbling over one another to cut their own deals with Russia and China.

So, where does that leave you and your loved ones? I believe you have three options: (1) Remain part of the herd that conflates their wealth with security and do nothing; (2) find someone to help or (3) Flee.

Interestingly, there was a recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University that suggested 38 percent of respondents would flee the United States if the country were attacked.[xvi] While not unexpected given recent trends, the question remains: Where might someone flee to? The reality is that if the world’s policeman packs it in – for whatever reason – there are very, very few places to go. For example, more than one technology billionaire – including Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel and movie director James Cameron – have made significant investments in New Zealand, believing that it will provide sanctuary during the coming period of dislocation and geopolitical realignment. This is a prime example of smart, successful people that confuse their economic success with knowledge on matters for which they have not been trained. As Jeff Nyquist has documented, Marxist-Leninist ideology is real and threatens all free people; and much of the world has been permeated by it – including New Zealand. Don’t take my word for it, read Jeff’s books,[xvii] read his papers.[xviii] Jeff’s work is unassailable to those that have not been inebriated by America’s monoculture Kool-Aid.

Am I too dramatic? Thinking through the problem of protecting people against low-probability-high-consequence events is not easy. I believe that our “empire of debt” has caught up with us. A multi-generational economic realignment is already beginning. This economic realignment might trigger a war of unprecedented scale. There is much we don’t know, but we do know that one cannot “insure” retroactively, and one cannot “prepare” after-the-fact. The cost of preparing is a question of allocating the “time” and “treasure” to do so. Not preparing could be fatal. Somewhat ironically, there will be many who dedicate their professional lives to developing (or preserving) generational wealth, but fail to consider there might not be anyone to leave it to. In conclusion, tail risk is real and one ought to prepare for low-probability-high-consequence events. Too dramatic? Then continue to ignore the warning signs.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

Cool Breeze
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Re: Nuclear War

Post by Cool Breeze »

Why wouldn't the better option be, for the outsiders or so called adversaries, to just let us starve and continue to self destruct?

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Nuclear War

Post by Tom Mazanec »

tim, the two other superpowers may think they can destroy the USA and prevail, but imho that is like someone in a rowboat thinking they can blow up the other passenger with a hand grenade and survive...the world is too integrated, and civilization is too tall a house of cards, that the collapse would put them back in the stone age, especially considering those 6 or 14 boomers would launch all their missiles even if all our other nukes are taken out.
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Re: Nuclear War

Post by FullMoon »

Strange that these things were talked about before the reality of their existence were about to come to being. Prescient it was. Sadly the Chinese side had nobody to help prevent the calamity. Nobody wants civilization destruction. Let the children choose their own destiny.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Nuclear War

Post by Cool Breeze »

FullMoon wrote:
Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:48 pm
Strange that these things were talked about before the reality of their existence were about to come to being. Prescient it was. Sadly the Chinese side had nobody to help prevent the calamity. Nobody wants civilization destruction. Let the children choose their own destiny.
They want limited/directed warfare for distraction, greater fear, and control, though. That's the plan, Full

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