Nuclear War

Read Navigator's book, How To Prepare For The Coming Storms,
for valuable detailed information on what what's coming.
Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Nuclear War

Post by Cool Breeze »

FullMoon wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:06 pm
Guest wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:47 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:29 pm

Tim has a point and it's a valid concern backed up by math. Before calling names and cowardly hiding behind your "guest" access , provide some evidence and substantiation. I would prefer to believe that we could ramp up production quickly to meet the needs of the time. But evidence points otherwise. No amount of hope or name calling can change that. We're in dire straights and getting played quite well. I do appreciate anyone willing to stand up to the defeatist attitudes we see here, but countering numbers with name calling is a failing equation.
Nice try. Not really. I hardly think that calling someone like Tim, who is a treacherous defeatist, what he really is, is not name calling. I'm really tired of people who want to drop Ukraine and see Russia win pretending that a Putin victory is inevitable and perhaps even good for America or the West. Putin doesn't care about you. He never has and he never will.

Cut the crap.
Whether or not Tim is a defeatist is not what I was addressing. And I didn't say anything about Russia besides alluding to the fact that they were potentially tricked into attacking Ukraine. It would have been potentially a smart move and part of a larger strategy. And the fact that data shows that we're using up some critical munitions that won't be available in the Pacific for a period of time. Give yourself a name and explain for me that. I haven't heard otherwise and would like some reassurance.
That person you're interacting with is clueless. Mad at Tim for the American politicians having been bought off by China decades ago, including the current dead man president? Russia tricked into attacking Ukraine? Were they tricked into "attacking" Crimea too? Do any of you realize what kind of treachery the coup of Ukraine was, and installation of Zelenskyy? This is obvious stuff.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Nuclear War

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:49 pm
Guest wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:47 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 12:29 pm

Tim has a point and it's a valid concern backed up by math. Before calling names and cowardly hiding behind your "guest" access , provide some evidence and substantiation. I would prefer to believe that we could ramp up production quickly to meet the needs of the time. But evidence points otherwise. No amount of hope or name calling can change that. We're in dire straights and getting played quite well. I do appreciate anyone willing to stand up to the defeatist attitudes we see here, but countering numbers with name calling is a failing equation.
Nice try. Not really. I hardly think that calling someone like Tim, who is a treacherous defeatist, what he really is, is not name calling. I'm really tired of people who want to drop Ukraine and see Russia win pretending that a Putin victory is inevitable and perhaps even good for America or the West. Putin doesn't care about you. He never has and he never will.

Cut the crap.
P.S. Stop underestimating Americans. People like you were running around in 1940 too.
Lemme guess, you got the jab too. LOL, and others are "underestimating" Americans



Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

FullMoon wrote:
Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:06 pm

Whether or not Tim is a defeatist is not what I was addressing.
But you were defending him.
And I didn't say anything about Russia besides alluding to the fact that they were potentially tricked into attacking Ukraine.
Utterly ridiculous. The Russians knew what they doing. They didn't expect push back, and now their third rate army is rotting in the field and their one trick pony economy is in ruins.
It would have been potentially a smart move and part of a larger strategy.

Really? How so?
And the fact that data shows that we're using up some critical munitions that won't be available in the Pacific for a period of time.

Nothing we won't soon replace, traitor.
Give yourself a name and explain for me that. I haven't heard otherwise and would like some reassurance.
You mean a descriptive name like "Full Moon"?

Posts: 832
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:55 pm

Re: Nuclear War

Post by FullMoon »

This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling. Making CB appear reasonable is a feat indeed.

Another guest

Re: Nuclear War

Post by Another guest »

FullMoon wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:21 pm
This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling. Making CB appear reasonable is a feat indeed.
Someone calls people out for telling half truths or outright lying and they are trolls? I can clearly see how active the pro-Russia party is here. Spreading all kinds of Pro Russian agitprop is the real trolling, not rejecting it.

Posts: 832
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:55 pm

Re: Nuclear War

Post by FullMoon »

Another guest wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:04 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:21 pm
This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling. Making CB appear reasonable is a feat indeed.
Someone calls people out for telling half truths or outright lying and they are trolls? I can clearly see how active the pro-Russia party is here. Spreading all kinds of Pro Russian agitprop is the real trolling, not rejecting it.
Absolute rubbish. Trashy trash BS. Nobody has said anything about Russia. Nothing whatsoever.
American patriots care about protecting their family and homeland. That's The primary consideration.
Traitors are those who collaborate with the plans of the enemy and condone them. If you can't consider the ramifications of your actions, you might be an enemy collaborator.
Probably just a state sponsored troll you are. Trying to condemn American patriots by calling them traitors IS clearly the mark of a Russian/Chinese psyop campaign. FU trash 🖕

Another guest

Re: Nuclear War

Post by Another guest »

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:52 am
Another guest wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:04 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:21 pm
This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling. Making CB appear reasonable is a feat indeed.
Someone calls people out for telling half truths or outright lying and they are trolls? I can clearly see how active the pro-Russia party is here. Spreading all kinds of Pro Russian agitprop is the real trolling, not rejecting it.
Absolute rubbish. Trashy trash BS. Nobody has said anything about Russia. Nothing whatsoever.
American patriots care about protecting their family and homeland. That's The primary consideration.
Traitors are those who collaborate with the plans of the enemy and condone them. If you can't consider the ramifications of your actions, you might be an enemy collaborator.
Probably just a state sponsored troll you are. Trying to condemn American patriots by calling them traitors IS clearly the mark of a Russian/Chinese psyop campaign. FU trash 🖕
I hit a nerve.


Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

FullMoon wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:21 pm
This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling.
Absolute rubbish. Trashy trash BS. Nobody has said anything about Russia. Nothing whatsoever.
American patriots care about protecting their family and homeland. That's The primary consideration.
Traitors are those who collaborate with the plans of the enemy and condone them. If you can't consider the ramifications of your actions, you might be an enemy collaborator.
Probably just a state sponsored troll you are. Trying to condemn American patriots by calling them traitors IS clearly the mark of a Russian/Chinese psyop campaign. FU trash 🖕
Ahem. The kettle calls the pot black.

This is absolutely the most hypocritical and vulgar post I have ever read online. "Another Guest" is not a Russian/Chinese troll. Go through his (or her) posts and show me some Russian or Chinese propaganda. I see posters like like Tim and Cool Breeze fear mongering about the vaccine as a bio weapon by the Chinese or secret groups led by Jews. This is corny stuff.

Quickly, let me add that I have been jabbed three times and suffered no side effects. I don't know anyone who died form Covid nor anyone who died from the vaccine. None of my friends or co-workers have died in the last three years. Amazing? Not really. If this is a bio-weapon, it should be recalled and the CCP should demand a refund.

FM, Putin and the Russians were not tricked into invading Ukraine. The intelligence regarding this has been posted online by intelligence agencies. Was Bucha also a "psyop campaign"? No, invading Ukraine made no sense at all, unless you are a Russian nationalist with dreams of empire. Full Moon, tell us how "Russia was tricked into attacking Ukraine?" I can't wait to hear this one.

Your last post was strangely visceral. WHY? Why do you go so far out of the way to defend Russia's illegal and criminal invasion of Ukraine? Are you Russian or Chinese?


Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

>Edward Snowden reveals that the government has the capacity to spy on it's citizens.

>Refuses to elaborate further.

>Escapes to a country where the government spying on it's citizens is common practice and people are jailed for criticizing the state.

>Never says a bad word about said Russian state.

>continues to criticize the US government.

I think Full Moon and Tim are Russian trolls. Sowing panic behind the lines. Too bad their attempts have failed. No extra vodka and mash for them tonight.

Slava Ukraini!

Posts: 11
Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:19 am

Re: Nuclear War

Post by Cassandra »

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:52 am
Another guest wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:04 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:21 pm
This thread is getting hijacked by foolish troll with no intention of doing anything besides ridiculing and name calling. Making CB appear reasonable is a feat indeed.
Someone calls people out for telling half truths or outright lying and they are trolls? I can clearly see how active the pro-Russia party is here. Spreading all kinds of Pro Russian agitprop is the real trolling, not rejecting it.
Absolute rubbish. Trashy trash BS. Nobody has said anything about Russia. Nothing whatsoever.
American patriots care about protecting their family and homeland. That's The primary consideration.
Traitors are those who collaborate with the plans of the enemy and condone them. If you can't consider the ramifications of your actions, you might be an enemy collaborator.
Probably just a state sponsored troll you are. Trying to condemn American patriots by calling them traitors IS clearly the mark of a Russian/Chinese psyop campaign. FU trash 🖕
You are the troll, Full Moon. It's obvious. A little mild criticism of the enemy mixed in with a lot pro-Russian trash.

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