Is geographic location by far the most important?

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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by John »

That was not me --- at least not that I remember.

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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by tim »

Three days later, a B-29 carrying the world's third (and, at that moment, last) atomic bomb took off to drop it on Kokura. Kokura was covered by haze, so the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki instead. Forty thousand people were reported killed or missing. "I realize the tragic significance of the atomic bomb, President Truman announced that day. "No one can foresee what another war would mean to our own cities and to our own people. What we are doing to Japan now-even with the new atomic bomb- is only a small fraction of what would happen to the world in a third world war.
General Douglas MacArthur expressed "profound concern, both for our future security and the survival of civilization." Scientific advances in weaponry, he said, had "now reached a point which revises the traditional concept of war.... We have had our last chance. If we do not now devise some greater and more equitable system [for preserving peace] Armageddon will be at our door"
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

Cool Breeze
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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by Cool Breeze »

This idea was part of that graphic comic novel made movie "Watchmen" where the Blue Professor takes the heat so that the rest of the world will blame him for nuclear war and live peacefully - a common enemy. As John knows, sadly, it's just a matter of time before the generational memory wears off so even that isn't a long term solution.

The real question is if the globalists have any control over China. They can't influence Russia, which is why Russia is hated typically for no reason, or the easy scapegoat by fake media. If they have real influence over China, John could be wrong about war this decade, since the WEF plan is shaping up with all of these fake disease narratives, propaganda, and fear mongering to set up a technocrat control schema.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by Bob Butler »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:54 pm
They can't influence Russia, which is why Russia is hated typically for no reason, or the easy scapegoat by fake media.
Other than assassinating the political opposition, meddling in foreign elections, shooting down an airliner and invading their neighbors, I would definitely blame the media. :roll:
Last edited by Bob Butler on Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by Bob Butler »

FullMoon wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:06 am
Bob has shown how illogical he is indeed. Seems it's jealousy and inability to rectify his worldview with the conditions we all experience as reality.
It certainly isn't jealousy. I sincerely believe that my perception of the world is the right one.

I do find the red habit of yelling 'hoax' and 'fake news' reflects an ability to reject reality when it contradicts their worldview. Many are quite content to ignore the science, ignore the problems, take their news from biased sources and make up conspiracy theories. While neither faction is pristine, I don't think you are in a position to claim to take possession of reality.

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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by FullMoon »

Bob is sincere and that's his strength.
Blanket generalizations with a self righteous contempt of anyone who challenges his perception of our shared world is on full display.
SJW arguing a demonstrably false narrative must us unjustified criticism, blanket generalizations and display a righteous emotional anger in their bully put.
Granted Bob is skilled at veiling these attributes, at times he just can't help himself. Because anyone reading this forum must be "red" and a science denier. Especially those of us who are trained scientists with open minds trying to understand what we see going on. And we see people like Bob and probably family members and neighbors, unfortunately and unwittingly embodying the very nasty criticisms which they themselves use against anyone with a different worldview.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by Bob Butler »

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:30 pm
Bob is sincere and that's his strength.
Blanket generalizations with a self righteous contempt of anyone who challenges his perception of our shared world is on full display.
SJW arguing a demonstrably false narrative must us unjustified criticism, blanket generalizations and display a righteous emotional anger in their bully put.
Granted Bob is skilled at veiling these attributes, at times he just can't help himself. Because anyone reading this forum must be "red" and a science denier. Especially those of us who are trained scientists with open minds trying to understand what we see going on. And we see people like Bob and probably family members and neighbors, unfortunately and unwittingly embodying the very nasty criticisms which they themselves use against anyone with a different worldview.
I might be somewhat guilty of allocating many stereotyped red attributes to all reds. I should be perhaps a little more explicit in saying people with a certain world view and values will sometimes not have all of the attributes stereotyped to them.

I would certainly like to see a few members of the forum who are broadly red but still honor the science in areas like taking the virus seriously or global warming. But I see the stereotype being more true than not. The political ideology of not solving problems, keeping the taxes low and the government small seems to over ride the science.

People with different worldviews will clash. I doubt much can be done about that. The book The Righteous Mind has as its last chapters how people with different instinctive perceptions of morality can interact without as much clashing. I guess I have to keep on reading.

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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by FullMoon »

That very nice of you. If you could please be a bit more civil throughout this forum, I would consider your viewpoint as valuable. I think bother sides have their strengths and weaknesses, and yes, you can point out how your viewpoint might be a superior alternative. You might help me understand a vastly complex issue from a different perspective. In fact, I long considered John a bit more conservative than I usually preferred. But his research and analysis was captivating and I feel
that I've learned much. It wasn't until Trump that I started to see the Left from a different perspective. Especially so when race and gender became an acceptable stereotype for myself as a political tool that I started to feel vulnerable. Honestly, I consider John's perspective and opinions usually the closest to truth than anything else I can find. Personal faults have I and everyone else I know, including John. But his research and work on GD is admirable and much appreciated.

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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by John »

Wow! Faint praise! I'm so fortunate.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Is geographic location by far the most important?

Post by Bob Butler »

FullMoon wrote:
Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:55 pm
That very nice of you. If you could please be a bit more civil throughout this forum, I would consider your viewpoint as valuable. I think bother sides have their strengths and weaknesses, and yes, you can point out how your viewpoint might be a superior alternative. You might help me understand a vastly complex issue from a different perspective. In fact, I long considered John a bit more conservative than I usually preferred. But his research and analysis was captivating and I feel that I've learned much. It wasn't until Trump that I started to see the Left from a different perspective. Especially so when race and gender became an acceptable stereotype for myself as a political tool that I started to feel vulnerable. Honestly, I consider John's perspective and opinions usually the closest to truth than anything else I can find. Personal faults have I and everyone else I know, including John. But his research and work on GD is admirable and much appreciated.
John is quite good when he sticks to areas of the world that are still doing tribal thinking, that are still doing Industrial Age behavior in that war is considered cost effective. If you are dealing with areas of the world where nukes, proxy wars and insurgent wars have influenced how people act, or if you are looking to understand motivations, well... Take a look at alternate sources.

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