Nuclear War

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:55 am
Guest wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:45 am
🇺🇲🇮🇱🇵🇸 CNN reports that Israel has not confirmed to the US any cases of Hamas beheadings of children.
It was a lie spread by the Israeli government.


Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

US official resigns over Biden’s ‘destructive, unjust’ arms to Israel
Josh Paul condemns administration’s ‘intellectual bankruptcy’ in providing weapons and for its support of ‘status quo of occupation’

“But I believe to the core of my soul that the response Israel is taking, and with it the American support both for that response and for the status quo of the occupation, will only lead to more and deeper suffering for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people,” he wrote.

“This administration’s response – and much of Congress’s as well – is an impulsive reaction built on confirmation bias, political convenience, intellectual bankruptcy, and bureaucratic inertia.”

On Wednesday, the New York Times reported that Joe Biden plans to ask Congress to approve $10bn in “mostly military assistance” for Israel.

Paul described the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs as “the US government entity most responsible for the transfer and provision of arms to partners and allies”.

In his 11 years at the bureau, Paul said, he had “made more moral compromises than I can recall”.

“I knew [the role] was not without its moral complexity and moral compromises, and I made myself a promise that I would stay for as long as I felt the harm I might do could be outweighed by the good I could do,” he wrote.

“I am leaving today because I believe that in our current course with regards to the continued – indeed, expanded and expedited – provision of lethal arms to Israel, I have reached the end of that bargain.” ... ons-israel


Re: Nuclear War

Post by guest »

WATCH: Shapiro Enraged By Tucker Carlson’s Israel Take | SYSTEM UPDATE

Looks like WW3 is unavoidable :(


Re: Nuclear War

Post by guest »

Colombian President says we should defend Palestine for the same reasons we defend Ukraine


Re: Nuclear War

Post by Guest »

This is the guy who's supposed to prevent another world war?

Breaking: Biden trips again on short stairs in Philadelphia.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Nuclear War

Post by Cool Breeze »

guest wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:39 am
Colombian President says we should defend Palestine for the same reasons we defend Ukraine
Yes, slush funds everywhere. Politicians get paid! Yay!


Re: Nuclear War

Post by guest »

At least he didn't fall out of a window.
BEIJING (AP) — Former Premier Li Keqiang, China’s top economic official for a decade, died Friday of a heart attack. He was 68.

Li was China’s No. 2 leader from 2013-23 and an advocate for private business but was left with little authority after President Xi Jinping made himself the most powerful Chinese leader in decades and tightened control over the economy and society.

CCTV said Li had been resting in Shanghai recently and had a heart attack on Thursday. He died at 12:10 a.m. Friday.

Li, an English-speaking economist, was considered a contender to succeed then-Communist Party leader Hu Jintao in 2013 but was passed over in favor of Xi. Reversing the Hu era’s consensus-oriented leadership, Xi centralized powers in his own hands, leaving Li and others on the party’s ruling seven-member Standing Committee with little influence.

As the top economic official, Li promised to improve conditions for entrepreneurs who generate jobs and wealth. But the ruling party under Xi increased the dominance of state industry and tightened control over tech and other industries. Foreign companies said they felt unwelcome after Xi and other leaders called for economic self-reliance, expanded an anti-spying law and raided offices of consulting firms.

Li was dropped from the Standing Committee at a party congress in October 2022 and left office in March 2023, despite being two years below the informal retirement age of 70.

The same day, Xi awarded himself a third five-year term as party leader, discarding a tradition under which his predecessors stepped down after 10 years. Xi filled the top party ranks with loyalists, ending the era of consensus leadership and possibly making himself leader for life. The No. 2 slot was filled by Li Qiang, the party secretary for Shanghai, who lacked Li Keqiang’s national-level experience and later told reporters that his job was to do whatever Xi decided.

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim » ... -brooklyn/
Why do I keep mentioning nuclear weapons in evaluating the current situation? Because Russia cannot successfully invade Europe or battle the United States without using nuclear weapons. Furthermore, if we look at China’s preparations for war against the United States, and China’s alliance with Russia, there is every reason to think that Moscow and Beijing are contemplating a nuclear world war. Some readers will shake their heads, saying that nuclear war is too dangerous, that the environmental effects would entail man’s extinction; but this is untrue. Studies on the effects of nuclear weapons do not show that such weapons threaten us with extinction. To the contrary, strategic nuclear weapons can be air-burst to minimize short-term fallout. As for long-term fallout, the threat is less than the fallout we have already experienced from above-ground (i.e., “dirty”) atom bomb tests. Furthermore, no Military strategist would use nuclear weapons in a way that would cause unnecessary destruction. As Soviet Colonel M. Shirakov wrote in 1966, “The objective [of war] is not to turn large economic and industrial regions into a heap of ruins.”[x] Studies, going back to Herman Kahn’s On Thermonuclear War, have continued to show that long-term fallout as well as short-term fallout, are survivable. Peter Vincent Pry’s Nuclear Wars: Exchanges and Outcomes has a chapter on societal survival in which he debunks nuclear winter as well as the death-by-radiation scenario depicted in the movie On the Beach.[xi]

Readers might ask, then: If nuclear war is doable, when does the war begin? The answer is simple. World War III begins when the leaders in Russia and China are ready for nuclear strikes, and when, at the same time, they believe that the West is unready. In this context “ready” means “ready and able to win a nuclear and biological war.” By “unready” is meant “unready to defend effectively.” In strict military terms it does not matter if five or six billion people die from the use of mass destruction weapons, or if ten million square miles are contaminated or turned to desert by the effects of short-term fallout. In that event, which would be a worst-case scenario, there would still be 47 million square miles of living space for the remaining two or three billion people. The loss of land and people is inconsequential from the standpoint of those seeking global dominion. If this is the path Russia and China must follow to rule the world, then the leaders of Russia and China will follow it. These people do not care if humanity is reduced to subsistence farming. The conquerors will live in comfort and safety while the vanquished will be forced into slavery. Such is the calculus of Beijing and Moscow. As we see from the ongoing destruction of Ukraine, it is perfectly normal for Russia’s rulers to kill civilians and reduce cities to rubble. Russian missiles hit Ukrainian civilians every day. An entire country, regarded by Moscow as Russian territory, is being systematically reduced to rubble without the use of nuclear ammunition – and the Kremlin does not hesitate to kill and kill again. In this matter, Soviet Colonel Shirakov was naïve. As noted in previous essays, totalitarianism has always been destructionist.

Therefore, in the future, if the West ever suffers military incapacity, Moscow and Beijing will take full advantage. In December 1999, China’s Defense Minister Chi Haotian said that war against the United States “is inevitable.” Why, indeed, would anything of the kind be “inevitable”? Vladimir Lenin wrote, “The replacement of the bourgeois state by the proletarian state is impossible without a violent revolution.”[xii] Violence is the whole point. Take the violence out of communism and the leaders of the movement would begin to feel bored by the whole thing.

In this context Kevin Rudd, writing in the pages of Foreign Affairs, described Chinese President Xi Jinping as a “Leninist.”[xiii] When I asked the famous Chinese dissident Harry Wu to describe China’s Leninist leaders, he gave a one-word reply. He said they were “killers.” As if to prove Mr. Wu’s sage description, China’s defense minister, General Chi Haotian, told a room full of high Party cadres that China’s key objective was the extermination 100 to 200 million Americans. He said America and China were already at war. “The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the initiative in this war,” said Chi.[xiv] How is the initiative to be controlled? Once full-scale war begins, the initiative is maintained by nuclear strikes. Soviet military texts, which Chinese generals have studied, describe the context of world war as follows: “The military strategy of imperialist states is intended to preserve and to extend [the life of] the capitalist system, which has outlived itself, to preserve the rotten system of colonialism, and to combat the most advanced and most progressive system of human society, the socialist system.”[xv]
Although the socialist bloc has disguised itself since 1991, with Moscow pretending to be a normal country under nationalist leadership, the socialist bloc has continued to function and to expand. While America and its NATO allies let their nuclear forces decline into obsolescence, Russia and China have been building new classes of nuclear and missile weapons. A recent test failure of an old Minuteman ICBM, in the United States, underscores how badly America has fallen behind even as Russia claims successful tests of new missile systems.[xxii] The strategic situation of today, therefore, may be characterized as one of a deluded West, acting as though America is still an invincible superpower, confronting a heavily armed East. Because of this overestimation of Western strength, the West has boldly assisted Ukraine. It is slightly humorous to see that Moscow is dumbfounded at the West’s naïve attitude toward Russia’s nuclear forces. But Moscow has long cultivated this naivete in Western leaders.
The situation in Eastern Europe and the Pacific is more precarious than the West’s running dog leaders assume. According to Sokolovskii’s strategists, writing in 1962, “One of the important tenets in Soviet military doctrine is that a world war … will inevitably assume the character of a nuclear war with missiles, i.e., a war in which the nuclear weapons will be the chief instrument of destruction, and missiles the basic vehicle for their delivery to target.”[xxiii]

Few Western leaders or experts believe in the inevitability of a nuclear world war; for nobody in the West is preparing. Nobody. Meanwhile, both Russia and China have built massive civil defense and underground facilities. Russia and China have had civil defense drills even as they continue to strengthen their respective ballistic missile defense systems. For those who are reading the tea leaves, Russia and China have been preparing for a future nuclear war. Why go to such expense, year after year, if you are not going to fight such a war? Why waste all that money and effort if war is not inevitable?

The proof of the two countries’ ultimate intentions is found in their joint economic policy. China and Russia have recently announced an economic agreement whereby China’s food and energy needs will be met by Russia.[xxiv] This is clearly a pre-war measure and not a bluff. China’s biggest problem is feeding itself during a war with America. And now Russia has solved that problem. All that remains is for Russia to defeat Ukraine so that the two powers can turn and confront America. According to Sokolovskii’s strategists, “The logic of war is such that if American aggressive circles initiate a war [blah, blah, blah], it will be transferred immediately to the territory of the United States of America. All weapons – intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and other strategic weapons – will be used….”[xxv]

Russia and China intend to fight World War III on American soil. Not in Europe. Not in Asia. No. The war will be fought on the territory of the United States. Officials from both countries have spoken about this for many decades.

Sokolovskii’s text says that nuclear rockets will be used to “defeat the enemy’s armed forces in the theaters of military operation and [to facilitate] the seizure of his administrative political centers and other vital regions….” America’s administrative centers are here, in the United States. To accomplish this, nuclear strikes will be directed against troops, ships, ballistic missiles, and air force concentrations. Nuclear strikes will also be used for “the annihilation and devastation of targets deep within … [America] in order to break up the organization” of the country.”[xxvi]

All of this is to occur simultaneously with an invasion of North America. How do I know? In testimony before Congress in 1955, a Czech military defector, Col. Jan Bukar, presented Soviet operational war maps of the United States, showing areas where battles would occur. Two of Bukar’s Soviet instructors, Gen. Banin and Lt. Col. Studensky told their classes that U.S. territory would become the battleground in a future war between socialism and capitalism. A diplomat named Sverdlov told Bukar that Alaska would be directly annexed and was considered part of the USSR. “Alaska belongs to the Soviet Union,” said Sverdlov, “and the day will come that we shall infiltrate Alaska, and that Alaska shall again belong to us.”[xxvii]
According to GRU defector, Col. Stanislav Lunev, Moscow’s plans to invade North America and annex Alaska were never revoked. In fact, these plans were renewed in full under Boris Yeltsin in 1992. The largest change to the strategy of invasion, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, was that China would be responsible for invading the lower 48 states while Russia would invade Alaska and Canada.
Red China’s military and economic objective has always been to defeat the United States – the heartland of capitalism. Since Mao’s time, this objective has not changed. As researcher Nevin Gussack noted, “the Chinese continue to strongly consider the option to utilize their nuclear arsenal against American targets. Their state-owned media continue to boast of such intentions and China’s capability to launch an aggressive attack.”[xxxi] The Chinese media has said the U.S. Midwest will not be the main target of Chinese nuclear attack; rather, the primary targets will be “key cities on the West Coast of the United States, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego…. The 12 JL-2 nuclear warheads carried by one single type 094 SSBN can kill and wound 5 million to 12 million Americans…. If we launch our DF31A ICBMs over the North Pole, we can easily destroy a whole list of metropolises on the East Coast and the New England region….”[xxxii] Ironically, this gives new meaning to the disparaging phrase “fly-over country,” as applied to the Midwest and Bible Belt.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim »

Already California is colonized by China. The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is a Chinese stooge. There is no other way to describe him, politically. State employee retirement funds have been invested in China, making the entire state bureaucracy beholden to Beijing’s financial blackmail. Both Los Angeles and San Fransisco are heavily infiltrated by Chinese agents. Chinese and California businessmen have joined together in a collaboration that is strategically calculated to maximize Chinese strategic military advantages. At the same time, the Russian mafia in Sacramento is under GRU control, and has bribed officials in targeted government agencies.[xxxiv] The picture is similar in many other states, though California is probably the worst case. Here we can see, in vague outline, the true purpose of China’s infiltration of the United States. The first Chinese beachhead is in California. In fact, the beachhead is already well-supplied and supported. This is why, last year, the CCP ordered the mobilization of nearly a thousand merchant ships for an impending war against America, including over 60 roll-on-roll-off ships capable of carrying 16,000 military vehicles. This is more vehicles than Hitler had for invading Russia in 1941. Such a massing of ships is not for invading an island, like Taiwan, which could more easily be surrendered through blockade. Such an assemblage of ships indicates a continental-scale invasion.[xxxv]

China continues to move personnel and weapons into Mexico. According to American journalist Scott Gulbransen, China has been building arms caches in Mexico for twenty years, smuggling those caches into the United States for a future invasion.[xxxvi] The classified 1997 “Sidewinder Report” which was leaked to American journalists was about a massive Chinese communist plot to subvert Canada for use as a “highway” into America’s flank. The report was a joint study by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. The report came too late, of course. China had already gotten its hooks into the Canadian economic and political system. Canada, like Mexico, is an invasion path.

People without imagination, who style themselves military experts, will tell you that China could never get troop ships past the U.S. Navy. In military affairs one should never make such pronouncements, especially when the Chinese have been moving people and enterprises into Mexico, Canada, and the United States for decades, during peacetime. How many Chinese living in North America have military training? How many have access to weapons? The invasion has been underway for many years.

Colonel Stanislav Lunev, a Russian defector from the GRU has said that Russia and China’s invasion plans for North America are built on the model of Germany’s 1940 invasion of Norway. The German invasion of Norway was conducted over open sea lanes, while the British fleet was off Norway’s coast laying mines. Norway was at peace with Germany at the time of the invasion, and German merchantmen simply offloaded troops into Norwegian ports. The British Navy sank a few German merchantmen, but most got through. Our strategic geniuses should ask themselves how many Chinese ships arrive at West Coast ports every day? How many troops and items of heavy equipment could be offloaded in a single night? – A night of violence and surprise. How many could be offloaded in Mexican ports operated by the Chinese? – ports like Ensenada, a hub for China’s Hajin Shipping Company. “The port of Ensenada is ready to receive container ships of greater capacity,” noted the government of Mexico in a 2015 news announcement.”[xxxvii] And then there is the Mexican highway leading to the United States from Ensenada, built with Chinese money. Was it charity for China to build such a highway in Mexico? No, it was strategy.

Given the success of communist infiltration of the governments of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, what do we suppose the chances of a successful invasion are? Should we be smug, like so many military analysts? The argument is simple: China and Russia intend to make war on us at some point in the future. Of course, they will try to make us surrender without a fight; but, as we have seen in the Ukraine War, Americans do not see themselves directly threatened. They believe themselves to be safe and would never agree to surrender before being bombed. And who would be in the mood to surrender after being bombed? People who are starving, suffering, and have lost their way of life, have only one thing left: And it is not the shame of surrendering.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Nuclear War

Post by tim » ... ith-putin/
JRN: My first question is about the May 2022 57-minute recording of the civil-military mobilization meeting in Guangdong: What happened to the Chinese mobilization? Is the CCP still moving toward war?

LUDE: The answer to this question is, no doubt, yes, they are still pushing for war against the Western countries. The second thing is, I have a concern about the interpretation of this military-civil meeting in Guangdong. We need to understand the hidden message behind that meeting; because in the Chinese political system, when they talk about something, they use terms which have hidden meanings. These terms are not fully understood, especially when they talk about strategic success. Strategic success is often talked about in the CCP in terms of a conflict with the U.S.

JRN: How does the CCP define strategic success? Is it in accordance with Mao Zedong thought?

LUDE: Xi Jinping has a new version of Mao’s ideology. He calls it “community with shared future of all mankind.” Xi’s current political theory is composed of many things, including the “thousand years of Chinese tradition” and the Soviet Union’s communist system and, also, he introduced a very modern Wall Street elitism. So, they pull all this together to make a mixture. It cannot be understood simply as communism. It is an evolved version of communism.

JRN: We hear that China’s economy is in trouble. It seems to be getting worse. Is Xi Jinping going to fix these problems or will there be an economic collapse?

LUDE: Currently, Xi’s economy has two parts: Foreign trade and domestic demand. Since foreign trade is down, domestic demand is in trouble. So, the solution for Xi is to move human resources to build up the military complex to get benefits from the Russian war in Ukraine and other global hotspots. The critical point is that when there is a sudden decoupling of China from the United States, Xi has to put everything into the military industrial complex to replace the previous economic pattern. At the same time, when Xi’s economy falls into the military pattern this will push Xi toward war – toward a global conflict.

JRN: Is China sending military equipment to Russia now?

LUDE: One hundred percent, yes. China is supplying Russia with weapons in the Ukraine War. They are supplying a host of things, especially ammunition. China is supplying Russia with chemicals needed for Russia’s munitions factories. They not only provide chemicals directly, but precursors. Secondly, they are sending ultra-high precision machine tools, so that Russia can assemble various weapons.

JRN: If China’s economy is slipping and it is inevitable that Xi Jinping will use his military to start a war, what kind of war will that be?

LUDE: First, we have to understand that currently we cannot use the definition of war as derived from World War I or World War II. We have to understand that World War III will have a hybrid form. Xi’s idea is different than Russia’s, where we see kinetic warfare. Xi’s hybrid warfare targets the United States in an attempt to divide the country politically. They are using psychological warfare, and they will try to target your elections. According to Xi’s hybrid war concept, China is already at war with the United States. We see this in terms of your political divisions and also COVID-19. The pandemic actually caused more damage than a traditional kinetic war.

JRN: We have a lot of Chinese men of military age crossing the U.S. southern border. Many of these may be trying to escape Xi’s government. Could some of these men be agents of the CCP or special commandos or terrorists? What do you think is happening?

LUDE: Remember the Easter Offensive in the Vietnam War. They used the Ho Chi Minh Trail to enter South Vietnam through Cambodia. Xi has his own Ho Chi Minh Trail running into America through Mexico. This invasion can be combined with cyber warfare and attacks on American infrastructure. At the same time, a lot of people are going to be mobilized into the streets to disrupt the cities, social system, and the economy. All these things will happen at the same time. The purpose is to disrupt the internal ruling system of America so that the U.S. cannot deal with foreign threats. As you can imagine, this disruption attack might do something to make people sick. So, they are going to put several different measures together. These measures will bring about strategic victory by pushing the U.S. into anarchy. The government will then lose control over society. Then they can target the dollar system. That is what’s important.

JRN: And is this disruption attack going to happen before the November 2024 election?

LUDE: We have to understand, in terms of game theory, they are waiting for an opportunity. So it’s hard to say whether the attack will happen before the election or after. There has to be a very good opportunity, and we should keep in mind that they have been preparing for a long time. According to a source I have in the CCP, Xi Jinping is closely watching the 2024 election. If there is an opening, if they see there is a good opportunity, and if they have prepared sufficiently, they will not hesitate to initiate a combined attack from inside America.

JRN: Is the Chinese diaspora aware of what is coming? Are they afraid of what Xi is going to do? Is there a threat to freedom-loving Chinese people living in the U.S.?

LUDE: Risk to Chinese people living in the United States definitely exists. A freedom-loving Chinese person, like myself, is considered a traitor by the CCP government in Beijing. I am called a traitor to China. If the CCP attacks America from the inside, people like me will be in serious danger.

JRN: Is there any sign that the Chinese people are getting tired of Communist Party rule? Are there signs of strain in China?

LUDE: Yes. I believe that 60 or maybe 70 percent of Chinese people are unhappy and have many complaints. They are tired of this whole system; however, the problem is that the battlefield on which the communists plan to fight is the United States itself. In other words, the U.S. is in a defensive position – and this is not right. How can the Chinese people get free of the CCP if the political battle is in the United States? As long as your strategy is purely defensive, the communists will find a weakness, an opening, and they will cause you trouble rather than suffering trouble themselves. So you have to change your position. You cannot be defensive all the time. You have to push the battlefield to your enemy’s side. You have to infiltrate and push this conflict to the China side. A more offensive strategy should have been adopted a long time ago.

JRN: Many Western analysts are afraid China will blockade or invade Taiwan. Is this a realistic fear?

LUDE: This is a definition question. If you consider that an economic blockade may be carried out subtly, through non-military means; for example, if the CCP can control what is imported to Taiwan, or what can be exported from Taiwan, then the blockade has already started as a form of pressure on Taiwan’s economy. The pressure on Taiwan advances a little bit at a time. What the U.S. must do is integrate itself with the military and intelligence system of Taiwan. If this integration does not happen, when the U.S. system is disrupted then Taiwan will be at great risk. So, we cannot say, “They did not do that, or they will do that.” It is more complicated and has to do with the America’s ability to interfere with the CCP’s plans.

JRN: How can we best interfere with CCP’s plans? How do we stop the communists?

LUDE: The best way is to attain military and intelligence control of the situation. Look at how things are being controlled or influenced. Look at the security situation, the police and intelligence situation. The CCP is good at controlling new territory by getting control of the military systems and police systems. In Taiwan, the police and military systems have weaknesses and openings. The reason China does not fully control Taiwan is that they do not exercise control over the police and military. But they are infiltrating those organizations. One danger is when the U.S. sends advanced weapons to Taiwan. If the Taiwan military has been infiltrated by CCP agents, these agents can inform China of America’s advanced techniques in warfare. First things first, you have to take hold of the intelligence problem.

JRN: So, you believe the Chinese communists are winning the intelligence war against America?

LUDE: First, because the U.S. has no serious intention to infiltrate the communist intelligence system, they failed to acquire agents inside the CCP that can tell them what is going on. At the same time, the Chinese communists are well informed about American intentions and capabilities. When Beijing and Washington were building up their diplomatic ties [50 years ago], the CCP never lost the hope that they would defeat the United States. They have always worked for the defeat of the United States – all the time. Even when they worked with the U.S. to defeat the Soviet Union, they were nonetheless determined to learn everything they could about U.S. intelligence and the U.S. military. When the U.S. began to trust China fully, China kept its intentions and methods secret from the United States. They used obscure Chinese dialects to transmit coded information, so that the American side could never figure out what CCP officials and operatives were saying to each other in private. They were able to completely fool the U.S. by preventing any true knowledge from leaking out to the American side.

JRN: We have a missile war out of Yemen in the Red Sea, we have Iran close to making nuclear weapons, and we have North Korea denouncing peaceful unification with South Korea. Are these political positions – taken by governments in Yemen, Iran and North Korea – connected with China’s larger strategy?

LUDE: Yes, of course, these countries are all related to the CCP. Let’s talk about North Korea first. It should be obvious that North Korea is not an independent country. It is much more integrated with the CCP government than Western researchers believe. North Korea is a CCP-controlled country. My sources in China say that there are a hundred CCP officials assigned to the North Korean government, and when Kim Jong Un gives a speech, these gather with the North Korean Ambassador. China uses North Korea as a cheap labor manufacturer. They also use North Korea to do what they officially want to avoid acknowledging as their own doing. Turning to Yemen and the Houthi rebels: Yemen was a socialist country organized by the Soviet Union, but after the Soviet Union collapsed China began using Yemen as a base to interfere in the Middle East. Regarding Iran: the U.S. has had sanctions on Iran for such a long time we have to ask why those sanctions have failed. How is Iran getting the money and technology to prosper? They cannot get global financial help. How did they build their nuclear industry? The answer is that China has been helping Iran. Hamas also gets external help, and this help is also from China.

JRN: So, these countries – Yemen, Iran, North Korea – are working with China. In the event China’s internal attack disrupts the United States, these countries will go on the attack against Israel, the Gulf States, South Korea, etc.?

LUDE: One hundred percent. They are working together and if America is disrupted they can, for example, close off strategic waterways. If a disruption of the U.S. happens, they want to control the Suez Canal. Iran will control the Strait of Hormuz. Then there is the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Since they target the Western global system, they are also aiming at critical waterways and chokepoints.

JRN: And what happens if Russia wins the war in Ukraine?

LUDE: Currently, the Russians will not finish the Ukraine War in a short time. The CCP wants to support Russia with weapons because this facilitates China’s transition from producing consumer goods to producing military goods. So, the CCP depends on the Ukraine War to maintain their economic system and, eventually, if the Russians take over Ukraine, China will take control of key economic assets in Ukraine to pay for this war. This model is being established, and this model is very familiar to Russia. So, they are going to aim at the next war, and they are going to continue this process [of expanding and expropriating resources]. You have to understand, all these military operations have to be paid for with something. The side that Russia defeats is going to pay for that war. Naturally, they are targeting the U.S. in the same way, so that the U.S. will finance its own defeat.

JRN: How does that work?

LUDE: If the CCP defeats the U.S. through various measures, the U.S. will pay. This is China’s predatory pattern of bleeding its victims economically. If Russia defeats Ukraine, China will get to rebuild Ukraine as an example of the One Belt, One Road initiative. Then they will attack the dollar and create a new economic system.

JRN: About biological warfare, there has been news about the CCP working on a more lethal version of the Corona virus, and then there was a Chinese lab discovered in California with dangerous microorganisms stored on American soil. Is the CCP planning a biological attack on America?

LUDE: Absolutely. My thought is there are many strains of the pathogen already prepared. The CCP needs to find a really good opportunity to initiate such an attack. A biological attack cannot succeed just by itself. It has to be part of a larger strategy. We need to think deeper about this. In the California lab that was uncovered, where do you think they got the most dangerous pathogens from? These dangerous pathogens can only come from a government system. If you are a private corporate owner, you are very unlikely to get those pathogens – especially in China because they are so completely controlled. To come up with such pathogens you have to be supported directly by the military or the government. A second question would be, how are those pathogens getting to the U.S.? They are smuggled from China. And then we must ask how many similar labs exist on American soil. There must be others. This is a war preparation by the CCP on American soil. Think about it. Imagine how these pathogens can be used if a disruption of the U.S. is attempted by China. We have to understand that after this last pandemic, the CCP got a lot of experience. They optimized their model for the next pandemic. They are better prepared to disrupt your economic system. Next time, they definitely can do it better. Having the right opportunity is the key. I believe they can initiate another pandemic, for sure.

JRN: Is there anything further you would like to add, anything I missed?

LUDE: America should not be on the defense all the time. Why? If the battle takes place in the United States there will be damage to the United States. The U.S. will then bear the cost. Why did the U.S. have success in World War II? Because the battlefield was not in the United States. It was in the Pacific, in Europe. America then had the space to produce many weapons. We need to bring the conflict to the CCP’s doorstep.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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