... y-im-here/COLLAPSE
I Have a Confession to Make
Why I started Collapse 2050
I Have a Confession to Make
Dear readers,
I have a confession to make.
My name is not Sarah Connor. I'm sure you knew that.
I use a pseudonym because my personal views conflict with my professional obligations. Plus, I get a lot of hate mail.
I chose "Sarah Connor" because, like the character in the Terminator movie, I feel like a Cassandra. We see something coming that few take seriously.
I started on September 23, 2023. For years, I saw the threads of civilization pulled knowing humanity would eventually fall apart. This newsletter became my outlet, as nowhere else could I share my thoughts.
Most people don't want to know how fucked we are. They don't want to learn that they've wasted their lives and introduced children to an inescapable shithole. They'd prefer the Disneyfication of life, where every tale has a happy ending.
I'm here to tell the truth, not give false hope. Indeed, false optimism has worsened our predicament as it gave humanity 'permission' to kick the can down the road. What little opportunity remains requires a 2000 volt shock if the masses are to force those in power to take action.
Of course, not everyone is blind to this. There's a growing cohort that is listening to the science, watching the geopolitics and are aware of history. Within this group, we have differing opinions on how, what and when but we all agree that humanity is driving full-speed towards a cliff. Collapse2050 speaks to this group.