14-Dec-18 World View -- Cuba eases economic restrictions, continuing on path from Socialism to free markets

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Cynic Hero 86

Re: 14-Dec-18 World View -- Cuba eases economic restrictions, continuing on path from Socialism to free markets

Post by Cynic Hero 86 »

John wrote:
CH86 wrote:Cuba will go free market and will fully do so especially once Raul Castro dies. Regarding John's delusional beliefs that the "1990s political economic system" is popular with the american people, that is nonsense. Face it Americans are not rallying around being a globalist police force and globalist boy scouts. Same with Europeans, they are rallying against the EU becoming a United States of Europe, not for it. One form of the competing forces of Left-wing Authoritiarianism, Right-wing Authoritarianism, or Far-Right/nationalist authoritarianism, One of these force WILL ultimately triumph because thats what a 4T is all about. World Peace, Anti-genocide interventionism would not be the 4T social Model as practically no one supports that option.
As usual, you've written total gibberish, starting with the fact that
Cuba is in a 3T, not a 4T.
Oh come on John, Anyone with basic reading comprehension skills would immediately realize that only the first sentence was about cuba and the rest of the paragraph was about the 4T in the US and Europe.

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Re: 14-Dec-18 World View -- Cuba eases economic restrictions, continuing on path from Socialism to free markets

Post by John »

Cynic Hero 86 wrote: > Oh come on John, Anyone with basic reading comprehension skills
> would immediately realize that only the first sentence was about
> cuba and the rest of the paragraph was about the 4T in the US and
> Europe.
Well, I must have very poor reading skills, because the rest of the
paragraph looks like gibberish to me as well, starting with your
delusional claim about my beliefs.

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Re: 14-Dec-18 World View -- Cuba eases economic restrictions, continuing on path from Socialism to free markets

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

CH86 wrote:... One form of the competing forces of Left-wing Authoritiarianism, Right-wing Authoritarianism, or Far-Right/nationalist authoritarianism, One of these force WILL ultimately triumph because thats what a 4T is all about. ...
Your implication is that some form of authoritarianism will "win". Problem is that authoritarianism is by nature a temporary expedient that doesn't "win" but only "facilitates".

Some form or other of authoritarianism is CURRENTLY on the upswing nearly everywhere. The reason being obvious, which is that it's more efficient and easier to persuade people to "accept" due to high levels of anxiety in the population.

Authoritarianism (which in my opinion can be "done right/correctly" but is VERY difficult to do) won't last (very long) past the "emergency period" of the Crisis Period, except in small isolated pockets. The reason being that a well functioning economy is required after the "big boom", and authoritarian rule and "well functioning economy" are mutually exclusive.

And, as far as I'm concerned, "left wing" and "right wing" are silly trivial distinctions between those who profess a "one-party-state", where "one-party-state" is a better description of "totalitarianism".

I'm for the judicious use of authoritarianism for limited amounts of time, but I believe any use of totalitarianism is an evil, per se.

I'm for nationalism, but "nationalism" should be better defined as "culture-ism" as opposed to "country-ism", and the "size" of countries should be "adjusted" to more properly only "include" their interior (and exterior if not overly disruptive) "nations/cultures".

..but,.. nobody asks for or takes my advice, as I'm "obnoxious and disliked". :) (..which I relish, actually, as I'm a lazy "software" oriented goofball for whom "laziness" is a virtue.)


Ethno tourist

Re: 14-Dec-18 World View -- Cuba eases economic restrictions, continuing on path from Socialism to free markets

Post by Ethno tourist »

I'm for the judicious use of authoritarianism for limited amounts of time, but I believe any use of totalitarianism is an evil, per se.

I'm for nationalism, but "nationalism" should be better defined as "culture-ism" as opposed to "country-ism", and the "size" of countries should be "adjusted" to more properly only "include" their interior (and exterior if not overly disruptive) "nations/cultures".
And this is where most countries are headed today. I think ethno-states will return: albeit much smaller than before. France will break up. Paris will be abandoned to the Africans and the Republics of, let's say, Normandy and the The Vendée will appear. These states will be ethnically white and French. Marseilles will finally implode completely and be the Detroit of the Mediterranean. Germany will break up into East and West, with Eastern Germany being white and German. Eastern Germans are not the guilt ridden liberals of the West. They are fed up and ready to bolt.

These break ups will be lead by a variety of leaders, some military and others civilian demagogues. All will use dictatorial powers to expedite their agendas. Afterwords, Western ethno states will revert to democracies.

The sad remnants will be filled with starving Negroes, Pakistanis, and Arabs. They will war on each other constantly and live without electricity, running water, or any public services. It will be just like their homelands. They will serve as a justification for dictators and breakaway states. Without welfare, the vast majority of these people will die, and diseases will ravage them. White liberals will be banished to these areas. It will be a punishment worse than any death penalty.

Have a nice day.

Cynic Hero 86

Re: 14-Dec-18 World View -- Cuba eases economic restrictions, continuing on path from Socialism to free markets

Post by Cynic Hero 86 »

Regarding Foreign Immigration, I'm under the impression is that Europe problem is with letting in so many Arab radical Muslims. Regarding Germany the Syrians and Turks are the main problem.

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Re: 14-Dec-18 World View -- Cuba eases economic restrictions, continuing on path from Socialism to free markets

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Ethno tourist wrote:
I'm for the judicious use of authoritarianism for limited amounts of time, but I believe any use of totalitarianism is an evil, per se.

I'm for nationalism, but "nationalism" should be better defined as "culture-ism" as opposed to "country-ism", and the "size" of countries should be "adjusted" to more properly only "include" their interior (and exterior if not overly disruptive) "nations/cultures".
And this is where most countries are headed today. I think ethno-states will return: albeit much smaller than before. France will break up. Paris will be abandoned to the Africans and the Republics of, let's say, Normandy and the The Vendée will appear. These states will be ethnically white and French. Marseilles will finally implode completely and be the Detroit of the Mediterranean. Germany will break up into East and West, with Eastern Germany being white and German. Eastern Germans are not the guilt ridden liberals of the West. They are fed up and ready to bolt.

These break ups will be lead by a variety of leaders, some military and others civilian demagogues. All will use dictatorial powers to expedite their agendas. Afterwords, Western ethno states will revert to democracies.

The sad remnants will be filled with starving Negroes, Pakistanis, and Arabs. They will war on each other constantly and live without electricity, running water, or any public services. It will be just like their homelands. They will serve as a justification for dictators and breakaway states. Without welfare, the vast majority of these people will die, and diseases will ravage them. White liberals will be banished to these areas. It will be a punishment worse than any death penalty.

Have a nice day.
Okey-dokey then...! <cough, chuckle, cough!>

Agreed, pretty much,.. although, I can't see the "unrepentant non-europeans" retaining control of ANY "settlements" on the sub-continent (europe), as they don't (or won't) have the "wherewithal" to hold anything from their "enemies".

I also don't think that "pure ethnic states" will happen, per se, or even be desirable.

A very tiny number of "physically different" people (families) will be allowed to exist, as they are "interesting" to the surrounding culture,.. BUT, they will have to be "more native than the natives" (culturally) to be allowed to "evolve" (within the next 3-ish generations) into the "red headed great-grandchildren of our common great-grand parents" and be accepted fully.

Any "minority" that can't handle that "burden" humbly will be expulsed.

But this scenario won't happen before another full turn of "the wheel", which means before 2023+88=2111, or so. ('Though possibly as early as 2021+58=2079.)

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