Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 28-Apr-2019 Developing a political narrative for dates
mps92 wrote: > Update on the state of the youth:

> A small number of attractive girls are right-wing, and a small
> number of unattractive girls are right-wing.

> I would certainly like to say that there is a positive correlation
> between attractiveness and being more right-wing, but there are so
> few girls that aren't socialist that there isn't enough of a
> sample size. In my two years at uni I've met a grand total of two
> girls that I would consider right of centre, one of which I knew
> from high school. So the situation is quite bad.

> I'm at a public university, which probably amplifies the
> problem. If I had gone to a private Christian university or a
> trade school I know there would be more conservatives. Or perhaps
> if I was in business or engineering, I would meet slightly more
> conservative girls.

> Of course, not all girls are politically engaged. But of the ones
> that are, basically all of them are socialist where I am. (I'm a
> Pre-Med.)

> So I CANNOT confirm that attractiveness correlates whatsoever with
> political position. They're all socialists and the same
> opinions. However, the attractive girls are PASSIVE socialists
> that won't attack you. The unattractive girls are ACTIVIST
> socialists, perhaps unhappy with their lot in life.
What you need to do is become a politician. Develop a "safe" list of
political positions that coincide with liberal positions. There must
be some. For example, if she asks if you like Trump, then pick some
Trump action that you don't like (there must be one or two) and just
say, "I don't like the way he did X."

As a politician, you never answer the question you're asked. You
develop a set of talking points, and whenever you're asked a tough
question, instead of answering that question, you immediately swing
into your talking points.

You have to develop an entire narrative and practice it in front of a
mirror, so you can give it spontaneously without even thinking. Your
narrative should include some stuff about how as a future doctor
you're going to help children and should include the subject that
women find most erotic, that you're going to make money.

Remember that you're talking to someone who believes that everything
should be free and that climate change will end the world in 11 years,
so she's extremely gullible and will believe anything you say.
Promise the voters what they want to hear, promise the women what they
want to hear, and then worry later about whether the promises can be
fulfilled. Just, whatever you do, don't get her pregnant.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

mps92 wrote:Update on the state of the youth:

A small number of attractive girls are right-wing, and a small number of unattractive girls are right-wing.

I would certainly like to say that there is a positive correlation between attractiveness and being more right-wing, but there are so few girls that aren't socialist that there isn't enough of a sample size. In my two years at uni I've met a grand total of two girls that I would consider right of centre, one of which I knew from high school. So the situation is quite bad.

I'm at a public university, which probably amplifies the problem. If I had gone to a private Christian university or a trade school I know there would be more conservatives. Or perhaps if I was in business or engineering, I would meet slightly more conservative girls.

Of course, not all girls are politically engaged. But of the ones that are, basically all of them are socialist where I am. (I'm a Pre-Med.)

So I CANNOT confirm that attractiveness correlates whatsoever with political position. They're all socialists and the same opinions. However, the attractive girls are PASSIVE socialists that won't attack you. The unattractive girls are ACTIVIST socialists, perhaps unhappy with their lot in life.
John has some good advice.

I will just give a hypothetical example of how to handle this.

GIRL: I went to the Anti-Trump demonstrations in 2017 and me and my Mom even got the Pussy hats to wear.

YOU: Why did you go?

GIRL: Because it was the right thing to do.

YOU: You know, you seem to be very aware and I have a question for you. Do you think things are going to collapse under Trump?

GIRL: Definitely. He is ruining everything. Nothing is being done about CO2 emissions and Global Warming.

YOU: Right, think about this. If things collapse fast under Trump, and I think you are right, then the economy will stop working, and that will stop Global Warming, right?

GIRL: I never thought about that.

YOU: I mean, under Hillary things would have gone on as usual and the economy would be humming a lot longer and the CO2 would keep getting pumped into the air, but maybe a little less. But if we get a completely collapse because of Trump that will actually stop all the CO2 and stop Global Warming and humanity might actually be saved.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

Higgenbotham wrote: > John has some good advice.

> I will just give a hypothetical example of how to handle this.

> GIRL: I went to the Anti-Trump demonstrations in 2017 and me and
> my Mom even got the Pussy hats to wear.

> YOU: Why did you go?

> GIRL: Because it was the right thing to do.

> YOU: You know, you seem to be very aware and I have a question for
> you. Do you think things are going to collapse under Trump?

> GIRL: Definitely. He is ruining everything. Nothing is being done
> about CO2 emissions and Global Warming.

> YOU: Right, think about this. If things collapse fast under Trump,
> and I think you are right, then the economy will stop working, and
> that will stop Global Warming, right?

> GIRL: I never thought about that.

> YOU: I mean, under Hillary things would have gone on as usual and
> the economy would be humming a lot longer and the CO2 would keep
> getting pumped into the air, but maybe a little less. But if we
> get a completely collapse because of Trump that will actually stop
> all the CO2 and stop Global Warming and humanity might actually be
> saved.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

In keeping with what John said and my example above, here is another way to take control of the dialog.

In the other thread, I showed how I am composting my kitchen waste using red wiggler earthworms.

So here is another potential conversation.

GIRL: I really hate how Trump is not doing anything to stop environmental destruction and Global Warming.

YOU: Yeah, that really bothers me. One of the biggest sources of waste and CO2 is biodegradable kitchen waste. (Recite statistics) It's easy to compost it at home with red wiggler earthworms. (Pull out cell phone and show picture of composting bin and explain what it is) Everyone should be doing that.

GIRL: Wow, how do you do that? Doesn't it smell?

YOU: No, it doesn't smell at all and it makes a great medium for planting anything in your house or apartment. I use it to grow tomatoes in containers (or whatever).

GIRL: Wow, that is sooo cool. What do you think about Trump?

YOU: I try not to think about Trump. I spend my time thinking about what I can actually do to help the environment.

I realize a pre-med student will not likely have time to do this, but this is just one example of how to steer the conversation toward how you are reducing your footprint while the SJWs just talk the talk but don't really walk the walk.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

Ok ok I appreciate this :lol: :lol:

It's important to understand that I'm looking for a GF, not promiscuity. But I appreciate your concern, and I'll use those for sure :lol:

An intelligent right-wing girl is already hard to find, and the problem is compounded by the fact that I'm not Christian, and Christians don't date non-Christians.

However, as long as I become a doctor, I'll get the girl I'm looking for, even if she's rare.

And, maybe the generational crisis war will happen by then. If it does, it'll turn Gen Z conservative.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

mps92 wrote:Ok ok I appreciate this :lol: :lol:

It's important to understand that I'm looking for a GF, not promiscuity. But I appreciate your concern, and I'll use those for sure :lol:

An intelligent right-wing girl is already hard to find, and the problem is compounded by the fact that I'm not Christian, and Christians don't date non-Christians.

However, as long as I become a doctor, I'll get the girl I'm looking for, even if she's rare.

And, maybe the generational crisis war will happen by then. If it does, it'll turn Gen Z conservative.
My comments are really for anybody.

About 20 years ago, I had a friend at the gym who was a doctor. Whenever he mentioned something about his profession, women would start moving in his direction like a school of fish. He and I would exchange glances and smile as we saw this happening. Within a short time, he was engaged to another doctor. Very smart move on his part, in my opinion. She was not as attractive as those in the school of fish. Again, very smart move on his part, in my opinion.

Your youth will make all of this discussion moot once the crisis hits.

My advice would be to concentrate on your studies and make sure you can become a doctor. Then look for a woman after the crisis hits or you are in medical school or residency.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

I've done the earthworm kitchen waste composting routine with 2 of my openly Trump hating female coworkers and it's funny to watch them squirm and talk about how they tried it once but all the worms died, etc., as I cite the following while showing them photos of my compost.
EPA estimates that more food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in our everyday trash, constituting 22 percent of discarded municipal solid waste.
"Target rich" is the phrase I would use to describe how to deal with these folks. Many targets to choose from. Of course, one of them had to scream "How are the worms?" when she greeted me each morning, further making an ass of herself.

Also, getting back to John's topic of political and other types of narratives for dates or at work, when the inevitable Monday morning question of what did you do on the weekend came up, I replied as often as I could that I cleaned and separated recyclables and went to the recycling center. This is quite an acceptable response for both liberals and conservatives and I've never found myself in trouble giving that reply. If pressed further (perhaps as to why I don't put it all in curbside), I always had many avenues to expand on, such as these were materials curbside doesn't take, which further increases your credibility as you demonstrate extensive knowledge about the topic of recycling which the questioner is not aware of.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

I'm quite happy, overjoyed really, that I don't have to worry about this "finding romance" stuff.

I do still have to concern myself with "generating romance", of course, but maintenance is relatively easy in comparison.

..stay romantic, guys and girls! :) Aloha (love) is good for you.

Actually, really "living aloha" pulls romance toward you to the point where it can become bothersome. Tune it down enough to catch some waves occasionally, yeah?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

I think you guys are enjoying this way too much. :lol:

As a Pre-Med, I don't have much time to search for girls. My schedule is slightly lighter next semester, so we'll see. If I do get a GF, I'll be sure to run her by you guys to make sure she's okay, politically. :lol:

I suppose you all should be thankful you're not Gen Z. Unfortunately, many girls today are self-centered and entitled. They study science or the humanities, then wander off directionless into grad school, becoming useless both economically and domestically. They're promiscuous until 30, then they need to find a husband fast before their eggs rot and their face wrinkles. Again, I'm not Christian, but Christianity's decline has caused moral values to decline in the US.

Additionally, I watched an interesting video a couple weeks ago featuring Richard LaRuina, Europe's top dating coach. He believes the best solution is to go overseas to Eastern Europe, where the girls tend to be more beautiful and have more traditional values. This is how he advises many successful Western European men.

Or, perhaps I was just born in the wrong generation... all you guys are old, right?

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 28-Apr-2019 Girlfriend advice
mps92 wrote: > I think you guys are enjoying this way too much. :lol:

> As a Pre-Med, I don't have much time to search for girls. My
> schedule is slightly lighter next semester, so we'll see. If I do
> get a GF, I'll be sure to run her by you guys to make sure she's
> okay, politically. :lol:
Forget the politics. Just post her picture. We'll tell you what to
do with her.

Actually, Higgy's advice is very good. You ought to follow it.
mps92 wrote: > I suppose you all should be thankful you're not Gen
> Z. Unfortunately, many girls today are self-centered and
> entitled. They study science or the humanities, then wander off
> directionless into grad school, becoming useless both economically
> and domestically. They're promiscuous until 30, then they need to
> find a husband fast before their eggs rot and their face
> wrinkles. Again, I'm not Christian, but Christianity's decline has
> caused moral values to decline in the US.

> Additionally, I watched an interesting video a couple weeks ago
> featuring Richard LaRuina, Europe's top dating coach. He believes
> the best solution is to go overseas to Eastern Europe, where the
> girls tend to be more beautiful and have more traditional
> values. This is how he advises many successful Western European
> men.

> Or, perhaps I was just born in the wrong generation... all you
> guys are old, right?
Anyone over age 30 is old to kids your age.

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