Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 12-May-2019 South Africa - killing white farmers

That's a great analysis. Thank you.

See also the following:

** 24-Aug-18 World View -- South Africa politics roiled by Trump tweet on killing white farmers

** ... tm#e180824

mps92 wrote: > Anyone here from South Africa? Get out if you can!
Where are they going to go? Zimbabwe?
I've "heard" (from somewhere I can't remember) that Russia is interested in taking them in to populate the Taiga and various and sundry unpopulated/underpopulated areas of "Russia" proper.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

FishbellykanakaDude wrote:
John wrote:** 12-May-2019 South Africa - killing white farmers

That's a great analysis. Thank you.

See also the following:

** 24-Aug-18 World View -- South Africa politics roiled by Trump tweet on killing white farmers

** ... tm#e180824

mps92 wrote: > Anyone here from South Africa? Get out if you can!
Where are they going to go? Zimbabwe?
I've "heard" (from somewhere I can't remember) that Russia is interested in taking them in to populate the Taiga and various and sundry unpopulated/underpopulated areas of "Russia" proper.
But Russia wants them to pay a small fortune for the farm land. Not so generous after all. And what happens to immigrant communities that prosper in Russia? Google 'Germans in Russia' and you will found out...

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Even closer still to war with Iran: ... -our-range
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 13-May-2019 AEI: How boomers screwed millenials for their own comfort

From an e-mail invitation:
> Description

> Millennials complain that the job market has never fully worked
> for them, that they are crushed by student debt, and that paying
> for their parents’ old-age entitlement benefits will bankrupt
> them. But are these complaints justified? Joseph C. Sternberg
> weighs in this debate in his new book on millennials in the
> post-2008 economy — and finds that baby boomers have mortgaged
> their children’s future to pay for their own economic comforts.

> Please join AEI for a discussion with Mr. Sternberg and an expert
> panel on his new book, “The Theft of a Decade: How the Baby
> Boomers Stole the Millennials’ Economic Future” (Public Affairs,
> 2019).

> Continental breakfast will be served.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mps92 »

John wrote: > Millennials complain that the job market has never fully worked
> for them, that they are crushed by student debt, and that paying
> for their parents’ old-age entitlement benefits will bankrupt
> them. But are these complaints justified? Joseph C. Sternberg
> weighs in this debate in his new book on millennials in the
> post-2008 economy — and finds that baby boomers have mortgaged
> their children’s future to pay for their own economic comforts.
The baby boomers deserve part of the blame. But the millennials are also to blame for their own lack of success.

The baby boomers convinced an entire generation to go to university, even though it shouldn't be for everyone. As a result, the millennials got useless bachelors degrees, or sometimes useless PhDs. They became overqualified for the only jobs that were available to them.

I see this all the time at university (though I'm technically Gen Z, not millennial). People wandering around aimlessly in the arts, the humanities, or even the sciences with nothing to show after 4 years. They squander their free time partying, drinking alcohol, and smoking weed. Instead of going to university to be something, they go to university to NOT be something. Then at the end of it all, they have tens of thousands of dollars of debt.

Millennials and Gen Zers are intelligent and hard-working, but also naive and entitled. I don't buy the idea that baby boomers are the main reason for the millennials' woes.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 13-May-2019 World View: China's trade retaliation shows a change in attitude

  • Cartoon from China's Global Times
China's media are reflecting an increasingly belligerent response
to the US-China trade negotiations, which is more often being
called a "trade war." The strategy change is from deception
and subterfuge to belligerence, threats and confrontation.

China announced a 5-25% tariff on 5,100 American products.
According to Global Times:
"The measured but firm response from Chinese officials
highlighted China's defiance toward maximum pressure from US
officials amid a fresh escalation in the trade war, while also
seeking to avoid a full-fledged trade war with the US, analysts
said. ...

"Since the US has resumed the trade war, we should hit back hard…
to show the Americans that they will not gain anything from their
tough approach," He Weiwen, a former senior Chinese trade
official, told the Global Times. "But we should also not close the
door to talks.""
The threatened tariffs will hurt small pockets of Americans,
but will have little effect on the economy as a whole.

  • Market Watch chart showing how much US-China trade is at stake (Guardian)
This represents a fairly standard Chinese transition from deception
and subterfuge to confrontation, threats and belligerence:
  • In 2015, Xi Jinping lied to Barack Obama on the White House
    lawn, saying that China would never militarize the South China Sea.
    A year later, China was openly militarizing the South China Sea
    and threatening military action against transgressors.
  • In 2017, China denied the existence of concentration camps and
    crematoria for Uighurs and Kazakhs in East Turkistan (Xinjiang
    province). A year later, China was not denying that millions of
    people were being locked up in the concentration camps, but called
    them "reeducation centers." It's clear today that China is conducting
    genocide and ethnic cleansing of Uighurs and Kazakhs -- and also
    taking increasingly violent actions against Buddhists and Christians.
  • Similarly, in 2018 North Korea's Kim Jong-un launched a "charm
    offensive," and promised to denuclearize in meetings with Trump.
    Earlier this year, Kim refused to take any steps to denuclearize,
    apparently believing that Trump would be forced to agree, which is
    what Clinton, Bush and Obama would have done. Kim was apparently
    shocked when Trump walked out of the meeting in Hanoi, and is now
    conducting short-range missile tests.
  • Throughout out 2018 and early 2019, China negotiated a trade
    agreement with the US, making written commitments to write
    verification procedures into law, but then at the last moment reneged
    on the commitments, apparently believing that Trump would be
    politically forced to accept the amended agreement. Xi Jinping was
    apparently shocked when Trump rejected the amendments, and imposed new
    tariffs. China is now imposing new tariffs in retaliation.
China and North Korea are very contemptuous of the West, believing us
to be barbarians that they can easily manipulate and threaten. That
attitude worked with Clinton, Bush and Obama, but is being confronted
by Trump.

America has no choice but to confront China's deception and
subterfuge, because not doing so would be "appeasement" in the sense that
Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler. Appeasement is the road to war.

Indeed, Trump is receiving support from Chuck Shumer and the
Democrats, as well as from the international community. There is an
increasing acceptance of the fact that China has been getting away
with lying, fraud and dishonesty for decades, and someone has to stand
up to them.

But confrontation is also the road to war. As I've said many times,
war is 100% certain, no matter what Trump does, but I'm not going to
criticize Trump for steps he takes to try to prevent a world war, even
if preventing a world war is impossible.

What we're seeing is a standard tit-for-tat pattern that leads to a
world war. China will not pull back, because it's bent on a war of
revenge against Japan and a war of annexation against Taiwan, and
Trump is not going to pull back because doing so would be appeasement,
and would do no good anyway.

  • Worried traders on Wall Street on Monday (Guardian)
There was a sharp selloff on Wall Street on Monday. In one
sense it was a great overreaction to China's tariff announcement.

However, as I've been writing for a long time, the stock market is in
a huge bubble, and there's no way to predict what event will trigger
the inevitable panic that will lead to a full-scale crash.

Similarly, there's no way to predict what event will trigger
a military clash that will lead to a full-scale world war.

---- Sources:

-- China hits back at US tariffs
(Global Times, China, 13-May-2019)

-- Beijing retaliates to America’s new tariffs with fresh taxes on US
food, machinery and consumer goods, despite president Trump warning
them not to ... iness-live
(Guardian, London, 13-May-2019)

-- Trump Says He'll Meet China's Xi Amid Deepening Rift Over Trade ... ust-eroded
(Bloomberg, 13-May-2019)

-- Global markets fall as China hits back at US with new import
tariffs ... nald-trump
(Guardian, London, 13-May-2019)

-- China / Social credit system to restore morality
(Global Times, China, 13-May-2019)

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Iran being blamed for tanker attacks, war imminent: ... iddle-east
Armed drones attack Saudi pumping stations: ... index.html
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Mark Haefele from UBS wealth management has advised clients to brace for a fall of up to 15 per cent on Wall Street.

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