Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 23-Jul-2019 Inflation
shoshin wrote: > Notes on the Budget Deal...

> The Repubs can inflate to the hearts' content, expanding the debt
> to infinity...and beyond!

> the deal expires in 2012, JUST IN CASE A DEMOCRAT WINS THE
> PRESIDENCY, so we can go back to holding the debt limit hostage to
> a Republican Senate (which will last forever 9gerry
> mandering))..
There's no inflation. The CPI increased 0.1% in June, with the same
increase in May.

Also, the deal expires at the same time even if a Democrat loses the


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Millenial83 »

shoshin wrote:Notes on the Budget Deal...

The Repubs can inflate to the hearts' content, expanding the debt to infinity...and beyond!

the deal expires in 2012, JUST IN CASE A DEMOCRAT WINS THE PRESIDENCY, so we can go back to holding the debt limit hostage to a Republican Senate (which will last forever 9gerry mandering))..
Right the state lines that elect Senators are gerrymandered, you sound very intelligent.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by shoshin »

John wrote: "There's no inflation. The CPI increased 0.1% in June, with the same
increase in May.

Also, the deal expires at the same time even if a Democrat loses the

I meant "inflate" the debt. And I seriously doubt that real inflation is 0.1%

And if a Republican is elected in 2021, the deal will magically be re-instituted.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by shoshin »

Mr Millennnial wrote: "Right the state lines that elect Senators are gerrymandered, you sound very intelligent."

Tax legislation and budgets (which would be the remedies for runaway debt and spending) come from the House where gerry-mandering is an issue.

But thanks for the compliment to this aging boomer!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 23-Jul-2019 World View: Frustrated Syria, Russia step up Idlib bombing

In an all too familiar pattern, Syrian and Russian bombers have been
targeting marketplaces, hospitals and schools in Syria's Idlib
province, threatening and killing as many women and children as
possible. Idlib was supposed to be a ceasefire "de-escalation zone,"
but that was never more than a cover to give Syria's psychopathic
monster president the necessary time for Syria and Russia prepare to
finish the full-scale genocide and ethnic cleansing of al-Assad's
Sunni Arab opponents, including civilians.

The only thing that's missing so far is the use of chemical weapons --
chlorine gas and Sarin gas -- which al-Assad used with impunity in
Aleppo, Ghouta, Daraa, and other de-escalation zones. I wouldn't be
surprise to see chemical weapons used soon.

There's a big difference between Idlib versus Aleppo, Ghouta, Daraa,
and previous de-escalation zones: Civilians in the early zones were
permitted to flee to Idlib, but "there's no Idlib for Idlib," meaning
that there's no way place to flee.

Al-Assad has repeatedly said that he will take full control of Idlib,
and eliminate the entire population of over 3 million people, all of
whom he says are "terrorists," to be killed like cockroaches. Since
there's no Idlib for the "terrorists" to escape to from Idlib,
al-Assad probably thought that he could simply exterminate them in a
few months at his leisure.

However, the fact that the Idlib population is trapped has apparently
created another reality. Since they can't escape, they're standing
and fighting, and news reports indicate that for the last few weeks,
Syria's army has not gained any ground. Al-Assad and the Russians are
now responding by increasing the bombing on markets, hospitals and
schools, but so far it hasn't worked.

There's another dynamic here. Turkey already hosts 3.5 million
Syrians that have escaped from al-Assad's violence, and doesn't want
to have to host another million or two from Idlib.

Therefore, some reports indicate that Turkey is supplying arms to the
anti-Assad rebels, helping them to hold back the Syrian army. That's
why I say that the desperate psychopath al-Assad will almost certainly
turn to chemical weapons before long.

According to reports, Turkey is taking some other steps as well.

Turkey has taken advantage of the chaos to take control of a buffer
zone in Syria, along the border with Syria.

Also, there are reports that Turkey is deporting hundreds of Syrians
who entered illegally or are believed to have engaged in criminal

The broader picture is that I remain continually astonished that there
are three Holocausts going on today in three different countries
today, all targeting Sunni Muslims -- China's genocide and ethnic
cleansing of Uighurs and Kazakhs, Myanmar's (Burma's) genocide and
ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas, and Syria's (Bashar al-Assad's)
genocide and ethnic cleansing of his Arab Sunni enemies. After
hearing "Never Again!" over and over again for decades, referring to
the Nazi genocide targeting Jews, it continues to astonish me that
there are three Holocausts going on today, and nobody cares.

---- Sources:

-- Russia and Syria step up airstrikes against civilians in Idlib ... s-in-idlib
(Guardian, London, 22-Jul-2019)

-- 'Boundless criminality': Idlib market bombing toll rises to 38 ... 58010.html
(Al-Jazeera, 23-Jul-2019)

-- Russian jets strike Idlib market, killing 50 civilians in northwest
Syria ... n-nw-syria
(Al-Sabah, Ankara, 23-Jul-2019)

-- As Idlib burns, Turkey focuses on another corner of Syria ... burns.html
(Al-Monitor, 23-Jul-2019)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by market_marinade »

Keep in mind the U.S. isn't the only nation borrowing $ with no intention of paying it back. Everyone is doing it, and the fact that some are still discussing ways to "chip away" at debt levels is hysterical. Some have these "serious" discussions and still decide to buy up their own stock market with that money! (*cough* Japan *cough* Europe). At least the U.S. is spending it on something more tangible.

Anyways, the one thing the U.S. has going for it is the strength of the dollar. It's at levels we haven't seen in a long time.

Major commodities like crude oil and gold are priced in $USD on the market. So if countries want to purchase these commodities from other nations (doesn't have to be the U.S.), they'll have to first convert their currency to $USD. The rise of the $USD makes countries have to convert MORE or their Euros/Pesos into dollars to purchase that barrel of oil.

Given the global economic slowdown we're seeing, the strength of the dollar only aggravates the problem since it makes these types of goods more expensive to the foreigner, which means less money in the consumer's pocket, which means less spending.

The U.S. is a huge beneficiary of a strong dollar in that it purchases goods from other countries at a STEAL. But finds trouble selling its products overseas as its prices appear way more expensive to the foreigner.

It's why Trump wants a lower/weaker dollar, since it'll stimulate Global demand therefore the Global economy, acting as another one of his 'levers' to prop up markets and confidence leading up to re-election.

However, the global recession catalysts are REAL. It's these 'levers' have this rally holding on for dear life.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 23-Jul-2019 Cantos vs Mainlanders
Guest wrote: > We call them mainlanders.
So, just to be clear, the Cantos speak Cantonese, and the mainlanders
speak Mandarin?
My guess is that that particular "Guest" is "somehow highly influenced" by Australian or New Zealand English.'s a typical nickname forming style.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

mr nobody wrote:
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: I'm gonna have to disagree with you, there, Nobes (your new nickname!).

Deserving blacks and latinos would be a larger part of the "successful population" if so-called affirmative action had never happened.

This is because deserving "minorities" would have started their own companies, and hired the cream of the "minority crop", which would have eventually made it much less competitive for "whites only" companies to hire only "whites".

It wasn't so-called "affirmative action" that made hiring "minorities" acceptable. In fact it placed a taint on being a "minority" in the marketplace.

It was competent people doing their jobs that "demystified" the unknown quality.
i agree to an extent. but racism/discrimination against [one] group of people was replaced by racism against [an]other group of people.
There are always racists on both sides of any "race" issue. Their "noisiness" as racists tends to be modulated by how "easy" it is to BE noisy, of course.

But racists gotta be racists, don't they?
... most blacks don't even know which party enacted Jim Crow laws and they vote Democratic, oh the irony.
Older blacks know about the old dems from the Jim Crow era. Young PEOPLE don't know that Africa isn't a country.

Many blacks, of any age, vote democrat out of habit, as they don't realize how (or that) they've been kept on the plantation.
but you can't deny that the "playing field" in more ways than on[e] is highly distorted, especially against white men.
No REAL playing field, as opposed to a sporting event field, is EVER "flat".

We get to deal with whatever it is that's THERE, and not with what we WANT to be there.

Surf is not fair, buckeroo! It's SURF, and that's the challenge,.. deal with the wave you get and take, or wait for another set,.. so try to get better at balancing "things to learn from grabbin' many waves" with "don't waste too much time taking crappy waves".
Nobes (your new nickname!)
..I like Nobes,.. which could have been spelled "Nobez", except that that could easily be mispronounced "No Bez".. which is probably undesirable,.. so let's just stick with "Nobes".. as in, more than one Nobe.

..what's a Nobe? And why is it capitalized?
Last edited by FishbellykanakaDude on Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:25 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:... But basically I've decided it's not worth the trouble. If we're going
to a world war with China, and we are, then what difference does it
make whether the public debt is $22 trillion or $23 trillion? Either
figure might as well be infinity.
...So we might as well lean back and enjoy the Biblical proverb, "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die."
NOW you're gettin' it!!

If I believed in "past lives", which I don't, I absolutely KNOW that I was one of those unfortunate goofballs who were rounded up as "Gladiator Practice Dummies" but who, nonetheless, had a pleasant sleep the night before the "big event" and strolled out into the arena laughing and singing and pretending to be the Imperial Minister of Silly Walks.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:** 23-Jul-2019 Cantos vs Mainlanders
Guest wrote: > We call them mainlanders.
So, just to be clear, the Cantos speak Cantonese, and the mainlanders
speak Mandarin?
Mainlanders speak Mandarin, but they are made up of all kinds of people like Manchus, Koreans, Mongolians, Tibetans, Hakkas, etc.Ethnic minorities have their own languages and dialects. Saying someone is 'Chinese' is like saying someone is 'European'. Han Chinese dominate, but even they are divided too. Shanghai has it's own dialect, and the Shanghaise have fought back against attempts by Beijing to destroy their language and culture.

China will break up, but it will not be a clean North/South break like you envision. The 1920s was not a clean break either. Regionalism is stronger now that it was 25 years ago. As communism has weakened, regionalism has strengthened. Life was much better for the common Chinese in the 1980s. Now most people are hungry and unhappy. Even most of the Han Chinese are angry. I don't know if the Beijing mafia will be able to redirect the anger of the poor against Canto Hong Kongers. Poor Chinese are not stupid.

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