Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:... Al-Assad is apparently going to succeed with genocide and ethnic
cleansing of his Arab Sunni political opponents, just as Myanmar is
succeeding in genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Rohingyas, and
China is succeeding in genocide and ethnic cleans of Uighurs and

That's how the world works these days. ...
And that's how the CH/Milly crowd works as well. ('Though there are FAR fewer militant "IDists" than the wacky ones think.)

..not much of a surprise. We all have our roles to play in the world, and "the way stuff works" always produces what it needs to "get the job done".

I think it's probably the "relish" that those with the "dirty jobs" take in their upcoming employment that is a bit annoying.

But then, insanity has to be "progressively amped up" to make it "exciting and virtuous", doesn't it?

"Turn it up to ELEVEN, baby,.. it's more like DRUGS that way,.. and we GOTTA have our DRUGS, my brohams...!!"

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by market_marinade »

Interesting chart showing all current U.S. inhabitants (citizens & non-citizens) of all ages broken down by race.

How to read it: for all U.S. inhabitants that are 1 years old, about 65% of them are white alone ... er-by-age/

you can also look at sex, fertility, employment, citizenship, and more. pretty nifty tool!


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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 27-Jul-2019 World View: Hong Kong protests continue

  • Protesters on Saturday preparing for teargas
It's Saturday, and there was (and is ongoing) another large
anti-Beijing demonstration in Hong Kong. The protests have been going
on for seven weeks.

The protesters' strategy has changed. In 2014 umbrella protests, the
protesters were static, staying in one place for weeks. The 2019
protests have been different in that they've been taking place in
different part of the city and suburbs every week.

The protests have been peaceful, but the protesters have been
provoking Beijing by disobeying police orders and by displaying
British flags, British colonial flags, and American flags.

Beijing media has become much more belligerent in the last week,
calling the protests "violent" and "riots," and accusing foreigners,
including the US, of instigating the protests. This could be a sign
that the Chinese military is about to intervene, as they did in the
1989 Tiananmen Square (Beijing) massacre of thousands of young college

However, some analysts have pointed out that there is an important
difference between Hong Kong today and Tiananmen Square massacre. In
1989, the milltary could perform the massacre, force all the students
to go home, force the international media to go home, and then just
continue as before, pretending that nothing had even happened.

But a similar intervention in Hong Kong today would have a very
different outcome. Hong Kong in China is supposed to be governed by a
"one country, two systems" agreement, and a Tiananmen Square style
military intervention in Hong Kong would mean the final end to the one
country, two systems arrangement. Furthermore, Hong Kong is a central
pathway from Beijing "middle kingdom" to the barbarians in the outer
world, and international news coverage is well established, and so
there's no chance of pretending that nothing happened.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) really couldn't care less what the
international community thinks of them. After all, they're committing
genocide and ethnic cleansing of Uighurs and Kazakhs, they've
violently beating, torturing, and punishing Christians, Buddhists and
Muslims for the crime of worshipping a different God other than Xi
Jinping, and they're freely destroying churches, temples and mosques
at will.

But those atrocities are all, like the Tiananmen Square massacre, all
contained within China, and Chinese officials can make ridiculous
claims that the atrocities aren't happening. But atrocities in Hong
Kong would have video on international media. Even more important,
Hong Kong's use by the CCP's United Front Work Department (UFWD) to
control China's citizens abroad would be contained. In Taiwan, where
the CCP has been promising a "one country, two systems" agreement like
Hong Kong, pro-independence would strongly reassert itself.

This could lead to war between China and Taiwan. Another path to war
would be if Britain sent warships to Hong Kong to evacuate British
citizens left over from the colonial days, and China objected.

---- Sources:

-- Special train service arranged from Long Ping station for Hong Kong
protesters ... -hong-kong
(South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, 27-Jul-2019)

-- Hong Kong / Defying police ban, HK protesters return to gang-attack
scene ... 17273.html
(Al-Jazeera, 27-Jul-2019)

-- Hong Kong police fire tear gas after protesters defy ban ... t-64602429
(AP, 27-Jul-2019)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by CH86 »

market_marinade wrote:Interesting chart showing all current U.S. inhabitants (citizens & non-citizens) of all ages broken down by race.

How to read it: for all U.S. inhabitants that are 1 years old, about 65% of them are white alone ... er-by-age/

you can also look at sex, fertility, employment, citizenship, and more. pretty nifty tool!

Actually those numbers are skewed due to how people are counted in that analysis. Hispanics, Jews, Turks, Persians and Arabs are considered white for census purposes by the government in it's the "race alone" questionnaire. However They are Non-European and not actually considered white even though the official numbers include them. The actual Numbers are about 40 to 45 percent white. Popular opinion defines "white" as being of "European descent", thus the above groups previously mentioned are usually not included.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Actually those numbers are skewed due to how people are counted in that analysis. Hispanics, Jews, Turks, Persians and Arabs are considered white for census purposes by the government in it's the "race alone" questionnaire. However They are Non-European and not actually considered white even though the official numbers include them. The actual Numbers are about 40 to 45 percent white. Popular opinion defines "white" as being of "European descent", thus the above groups previously mentioned are usually not included.
Correct! You win a new set of Samsonite luggage!

Ah, white privilege, The privilege that no one no longer wants.

America is screwed. Let it collapse. I no longer care. Americans don't care either. I hope that all of you leftist loons live long lives so that you can enjoy third world America and dog meat burritos...

Posts: 1313
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:
Actually those numbers are skewed due to how people are counted in that analysis. Hispanics, Jews, Turks, Persians and Arabs are considered white for census purposes by the government in it's the "race alone" questionnaire. However They are Non-European and not actually considered white even though the official numbers include them. The actual Numbers are about 40 to 45 percent white. Popular opinion defines "white" as being of "European descent", thus the above groups previously mentioned are usually not included.
Correct! You win a new set of Samsonite luggage!

Ah, white privilege, The privilege that no one no longer wants.

America is screwed. Let it collapse. I no longer care. Americans don't care either. I hope that all of you leftist loons live long lives so that you can enjoy third world America and dog meat burritos...
I do love a good diversity of opinions!

Non-homogeneity IS indeed a "difficulty" that needs to be addressed in any society.

..but myopic perspectives, and the "statistics" that are chosen to prop them up, combined with the active and fervent DESIRE for a worst-case scenario is a bit "disturbing", although not unexpected.

Then again, that's what times like these (pre-Genocidal Crisis War Periods) create,.. don't they?

I'm not saying anyone's wrong in their assessment, as I don't have enough info to do so, 'though I do agree that there are certainly "forces" that would "like" race wars and other IDist-vs-IDist "wars" to occur, for whatever reasons they choose to seize upon, but I've yet to see a convincing argument that the necessary "force vectors" are present to kick off any actual IDist-vs-IDist war anywhere other than those "countries" where the "IDist fault lines" have existed for (at least) many centuries and are sufficiently "pressurized" by true "existential threat" between the potential belligerents.

I'm sure you're no more interested in (really) trying to convince those who don't agree with you than I am. :)

But I'd love to see, and have you (all and any of you) keep tossing "proofs" of your positions out there,.. 'cuz they're REALLY interesting, as to how the "IDist community" understands the world around them.

..and I doubt that "dog meat burritos" will ever be particularly popular, except in tiny little regions of the US and Latin America that would rapidly be marked out as places for law-enforcement to obliterate,.. in a "humane" way, of course. <chuckle!>


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

If things keep moving at the pace they are moving in Hong Kong, I expect war in Asia by the end of the year. An invasion of Hong Kong would be suicidal for the Chinese economy, but it seems that is exactly what Beijing has in mind. It's unreal. The leadership doesn't care if it destroys the economy. They want to crow about conquering Hong Kong. The economy will collapse over night.

I think Beijing figures that Western companies will stay even if they have to wade through blood on the way to the office because the profits in China are so big. I don't think that will happen. I think most foreign companies will conclude that war is in the offing and just bail.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

JCP wrote:If things keep moving at the pace they are moving in Hong Kong, I expect war in Asia by the end of the year. An invasion of Hong Kong would be suicidal for the Chinese economy, but it seems that is exactly what Beijing has in mind. It's unreal. The leadership doesn't care if it destroys the economy. They want to crow about conquering Hong Kong. The economy will collapse over night.

I think Beijing figures that Western companies will stay even if they have to wade through blood on the way to the office because the profits in China are so big. I don't think that will happen. I think most foreign companies will conclude that war is in the offing and just bail.
The (or rather "A") strange thing is that the "pace" of events is never as it seems, except in retrospect.

The "CCP" could simply wait out the protests,.. not that I think they're gonna DO that, but there is NO real reason that they actually need to make a move at all on the protesters.

But, we'll see. <chuckle!> And yes, I do see this whole situation as uproariously hilarious. They deserve to be laughed at! The CCP, that is. The protesters are crazy brave and truly superhuman in my opinion.

Even a batshit crazyass mass murderer won't want to be humiliated in such a public fashion. They won't slit their own throat, not like this, and not now. It's just NOT the right time.

And some random piss-jockey ain't gonna butterfly-effect the massive juggernaut of the CCP into plinkin' dominoes that'll run the board on them.

Now,.. would I stay in any part of China? HELL NO...!!

..and watching China drain of their competent human resources is just TOO delightful to not keep a mesmerized eye on the train wreck that is that goofball country. I just can not look away..!!

I look forward to the CCP groveling to get back what they're about to lose.

..then they lob one into Osaka...

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Request for help

Post by John »

** 28-Jul-2019 Request for help

On July 24, I sold 15 copies of my "War between China and Japan" book
in a single day. I have no idea why, but that's the most books I've
ever sold in one day. If I could do that every day, then I could
certainly continue to survive.

As regular readers know, I have almost no skills in public relations
or publicity. On a scale of 1 to 10, my skill level as a software
engineer is 12, and my skill level as an analyst/journalist is a 12.
But my skill level in people skills is about 2, as most members of
this forum are undoubtedly well aware. The same is true for my social
media skills.

People have said many times that they wish they could help me, but
they don't have any money.

For those who would like to help me, there are a lot of things you can
do on your own. You could start a big publicity drive. You could
start talking up my books on social media. You could contact
reporters and radio and tv hosts. You could ask your college
professors to assign the books.

I can't pay you for your work, but you might gain in other ways by
developing public relations skills or making contacts.

I do have one warning: Over the years I've been repeatedly sabotaged
and attacked by Neil Howe and "Fourth Turning" acolytes. Howe is a
powerful figure in the Democratic Party, and since I have almost no
people or political skills, I've been an easy target and a sitting
duck. If you're afraid that you can't handle such attacks, then you
probably shouldn't undertake this.

I should point out that the Generational Dynamics web site and the web site have been targeted for over ten years by a
low-level "denial of service" attack launched from Chinese web sites.
If you're afraid of being targeted by China's military, then you
shouldn't undertake this project or, if you do, be careful to hide
your identify.

Nonetheless, I am asking for this help because I desperately need it.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 28-Jul-2019 World View: How long will Beijing wait before invading Hong Kong
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > The "CCP" could simply wait out the protests,.. not that I think
> they're gonna DO that, but there is NO real reason that they
> actually need to make a move at all on the protesters.
Statements like this assume that there's some sort of rationality to
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) policies. Instead, as I've repeatedly
said, since the end of WW II they've pursued the stupidest policies in
the history of any nation in the world, from the Great Leap Forward to
the Tiananmen Square massacre to the genocide and ethnic cleansing of
Uighurs and Kazhaks in East Turkistan (Xinjiang).

  • China's destruction of the Golden Lampstand evangelical
    mega-church, with a congregation of 50,000 people, in 2018
For example, last year CCP storm troopers demolished a massive
evangelical church using bulldozers and dynamite. The Jindengtai
("Golden Lampstand") mega-church, which reportedly had a congregation
of 50,000 people, was demolished.

CCP officials are so paranoid and so deranged that the destroyed the
Church in order to prevent the 50,000 worshippers from forming a coup
to overthrow the CCP.

It would make as much sense for Trump to order the destruction of
Lakewood Church in Houston, Tx, with a congregation of over 40,000,
for fear that the congregation will attack his border wall and tear it

So let's review. The CCP demolished the Golden Lampstand mega-church,
out of fear that the 50,000 people in the congregation would pose a
threat to the CCP. So how will the CCP react to more than two million
people in Hong Kong participating in anti-Beijing, pro-democracy
protests? Will they just wait for a while, and spend their time
reading Winnie the Pooh books?

According to an Indian analysis:
> "Going by a Xinhua report published on 24 July in
> Chinese, it appears that Beijing is in no mood to relent; on the
> contrary, it is ready to send forces to quell the resistance. It
> has bluntly warned both protesters and foreign forces, primarily
> the United States and Great Britain to “lay their unbearable black
> hands off Hong Kong”. As regards the protesters, the commentary
> says that “A handful of radicals in Hong Kong have perpetrated
> violence, seriously undermined Hong Kong’s social order, trampled
> on the rule of law in Hong Kong, and openly challenged the
> authority of the Central government”. ...

> According to another article titled “The causes, effects, and
> countermeasures of Hong Kong’s anti-China riots” by Hu Aiguo,
> China has failed to “comprehensively decolonize, take over the
> education and judiciary, and annul the destructive influence” left
> by the so-called democratic reforms introduced by the British
> colonial authorities in Hong Kong just before the [1997]
> handover. ...

> Hu Aiguo’s article even accuses the CIA of instigating the
> riots. Arousing nationalistic fervours, he says China’s national
> security and territorial integrity are once again facing a severe
> test, and the Chinese nation has once again reached a most
> dangerous time. He reminds China that the disintegration of the
> Soviet Union began with the Baltic states of Lithuania, Estonia
> and Latvia."
So how long do you think that the paranoid, deranged CCP officials
will wait to do something?

---- Source:

-- China mulling military option in Hong Kong ... -hong-kong
(Sunday Guardian Live, New Delhi, 27-Jul-2019)

Those interested in understanding China should read my book, "World
View: War Between China and Japan: Why America Must Be Prepared"
(Generational Theory Book Series, Book 2) Paperback: 331 pages, with
over 200 source references, $13.99

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