Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FJB »

Biden and the Democrats will do just that.

America has be one Mexico with rigged elections and hyper levels of corruption.

Welcome to Mexifornia.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

FJB wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:06 am
Biden and the Democrats will do just that.

America has be one Mexico with rigged elections and hyper levels of corruption.

Welcome to Mexifornia.
In five years, America will be Haiti.

Guest WWW IT

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest WWW IT »

Guest wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:02 am

A German foundation has decided to retract its prestigious political thinking prize from a prominent Russian-American journalist after the writer compared Gaza with a Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe.

The decision came in the wake of a contentious essay penned by Masha Gessen which the German foundation deemed “unacceptable”.

The award ceremony, originally scheduled for Friday, will not proceed as planned after withdrawal of support by the Heinrich Boll Foundation (HBS), associated with the Green Party.
Misha Gessen is the daughter of holocaust survivors and rose to prominence as a dissident Russian.

Israel has no future. None.
Israel is now accusing Misha Gessen (who I have watched give fantastic presentations) of being deeply antisemitic because of her vocal opposition to the liquidation of the population of Gaza.

A Russian Jew from a family of Holocaust survivors has been labelled an antisemite by the Israeli government; the government that almost managed to derail her award and is currently trying to get her fired from her job.

Welcome to 2023-24.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 30-Dec-2023 World View: The Bummers React
thinker wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:17 pm
> You and John are both very
> intelligent and well educated and
> have a lot of life experience, but
> like most bummers you rely on the
> main stream media to much. When I
> say mainstream media I also put
> foreign corporate media in
> this. Younger generations use other
> media more than boomers, we follow
> independent journalist and citizen
> journalist that boomers have never
> heard of because mainstream
> corporate media will never even
> acknowledge their existence.
Polls and surveys show clearly that
children like you get almost all your
news from TikTok, whose content is
controlled by the Chinese military. The
Chinese algorithms strongly favor
Chinese propaganda and block things that
contradict the Chinese point of view.
So TikTok is a Chinese indoctrination
tool targeting kids like you.

So you may be a "thinker" who "thinks"
that you're a lot smarter than us
bummers, but in fact you're a clueless
dupe and useful idiot who parrots
"thoughts" approved by the Chinese
Communist Party.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 30-Dec-2023 World View: The Democrat Party vs America
Guest wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:55 pm
The pro-Hamas factions are anti-American and
are allied with Soros and China, and
have historical roots in the Confederacy
which tried to destroy the Union in the
American Civil War.
> Roots in the Confederacy? Pray tell.

> Soros has been attacking China at
> Davos, so I have been led to
> believe,
The Democrat party was the party of the
Confederacy, and they were bitterly
anti-American (obviously, since they
launched the civil war to destroy
America). When they lost the civil war
and the slaves were freed, they've been
taking revenge ever since -- the KKK,
the Jim Crow laws, the 1921 Tulsa
massacre, and a whole raft of anti-black
discriminatory laws imposed by Democrats
in state legislatures.

The Democrat presidents, including
Woodrow Wilson, FDR and JFK, were all
racists who refused to do anything to
end this discrimination.

The 1963 March on Washington and the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 were bitterly
opposed by Robert Byrd, Joe Biden, and
other Democrats (except Lyndon Johnson),
because it meant the end of the KKK and
the free perks of raping young black
girls with impunity.

After the tumultuous events that opened
the Awakening era -- the massive civil
rights march on Washington in 1963
followed by the assassination of JFK,
Lyndon B. Johnson became president,
saying “I’m an American first. And I’m
a Democrat second.” He joined with
Republicans to pass the Civil Rights act
of 1964, and the Voting Rights act of

This struck at the heart of the Democrat
party, many of whose members were still
saying, "The South Shall Rise Again,"
and were hoping to form a new

This caused a major split in the
Democrat party, with the Southern
Democrats forming a major splinter group
with a Christian Evangelist core opposed
to feminism and Jews.

To understand the depth of the Southern
Democrat fury, read the following
document from 1989:
Harold A. Covington wrote:
by Harold A. Covington

My name is Harold Armstead Covington. I was born on
September 14th, 1953, in a textile mill town called Bur
lington, North Carolina. I am a White Aryan, I am a Chris
tian, and I am a Southerner, a citizen of a country called
the Confederate States of America. As of the time of this
writing, my country has been occupied both militarily and
economically for a period of 124 years by a foreign power,
a government based in Washington, D.C. which rules over a
polyglot, multi-racial and multi-cultural empire spanning
the continent of North America and several offshore islands
and territories, including one armed colony in the Middle
East commonly known as Israel. This empire refers to itself
as the United States of America.

... continues for 50 pages ... -Again.pdf
Today, America is once again in a new
Generational Crisis Era, where old
hatreds and bitterness come to the
surface again. Today there are many
groups that would like to see the
destruction of America, and the
Democrats are forming an alliance with
them. The Chinese delusion is that they
can use America for Lebensraum, Soros's
delusion is that he would like to turn
America into a Communist country, and
the Democrat Party delusion is that the
South will rise again and create a new

The Biden administration has adopted one
policy after another to weaken America
and destroy it from within, and make it
vulnerable to China. I am not aware of
a Biden single policy that strengthens
America. In particular, Biden's open
border policy is allowing millions of
people from all over the world,
including tens of thousands of military
age Chinese males, to enter the country.

Analyst Mark R. Levin has done an
enormous amount of research on the
history of the Democrat party, and
reported it in multiple episodes of his
show on Fox News. Read his new book,
The Democrat Party Hates America.

As for Soros and China, Soros has been
an enthusiastic cheerleader for China
for decades, but in 2019 he gave a
speech in Davos that criticized Xi
Jinping's turn toward authoritarianism.
But that doesn't stop him from hating

** 27-Jan-19 World View -- George Soros speech at Davos marks significant global shift against China
** ... tm#e190127

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 30-Dec-2023 World View: Soleimani
spottybrowncow wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:08 pm
> What we need is Soleimani on
> steroids. Take out the top 10% of
> Iran's leadership (or at least give
> it the old college try)
> simultaneously, while devastating
> their nuclear scientists and
> suspected nuclear facilities. That's
> the only thing they'll
> understand. There is no reason not
> to, we can't make them any more
> angry at us than they already are.
Thanks for reminding me about Soleimani,
the IRGC commander whom Trump killed
with a missile. After he was killed,
Iran said that there would be a huge
attack on America in revenge. Nothing
has happened in the years since then
until now when Iran did its U-turn and
blamed the Oct 7 attack on itself,
saying that it was revenge for the
killing of Soleimani. How convenient!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 30-Dec-2023 World View: Dehumanization
shoshin wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:18 pm
> John, I think I learned this from
> you: when 2 combatants commence to
> dehumanizing each other, the result
> is foreordained. It must devolve to
> complete destruction of one or the
> other. Thus, either the bodies of
> the military' and executive
> leadership of Hamas must be
> displayed in Gaza City to the full-
> throated cheers of the populace, or
> ... Israel must be destroyed. Since
> Hamas DID NOT get the support they
> expected from Iran, or any other
> Arab states, I expect the former,
> rather than the latter.
That's a very interesting way to look at it,
since it applies the ice cold logic
of Generational Dynamics to the Gaza war.

So if you're the leader of one identity
group wishing to conduct a genocidal war
against another identity group, you must
begin by dehumanizing the enemy, or you
won't have the support of your own
people. So the Hutus said that the
Tutsis were cockroaches, Putin says that
the Ukrainians are Nazis, China says
that the Uighurs are terrorists, and
Biden says that Trump supporters are

Next, if a war actually starts, it may
only be a non-crisis war. Those
dehumanization factors are the dry
underbrush that provides the fuel to
turn a non-crisis war into a
full-fledged generational crisis war.
The war then becomes an unstoppable
force, like a large ball rolling down a
hill, gathering speed until it reaches
the bottom and explodes in a crisis
climax that destroys one or both sides.

So how do we evaluate the Israel-Gaza war?

Hamas has done a great deal to dehumanize
the Israelis, through the October 7 attacks,
and through the worldwide protests against
Jews, some of them violent.

On the other hand, my reading is that
the Israelis have been careful not to
excessively dehumanize the Palestinians
or Arabs, except for the Hamas leadership.

So Hamas would love to destroy Israel (and
have said so frequently), but as you point
out, without military backing from Iran,
they don't have the capability.

Israel's objective is to destroy Hamas,
but it's currently unclear whether they
can succeed at that, especially because
of the huge international pressure
to back off for humanitarian reasons.

Israel says that the war will go on for
months. Unless Israel can satisfactorially
destroy Hamas quickly, I would expect
Israel to be forced into a ceasefire at
some point, and then Hamas will launch
a new war soon.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest WWW IT wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:12 am
Guest wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:02 am

A German foundation has decided to retract its prestigious political thinking prize from a prominent Russian-American journalist after the writer compared Gaza with a Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe.

The decision came in the wake of a contentious essay penned by Masha Gessen which the German foundation deemed “unacceptable”.

The award ceremony, originally scheduled for Friday, will not proceed as planned after withdrawal of support by the Heinrich Boll Foundation (HBS), associated with the Green Party.
Misha Gessen is the daughter of holocaust survivors and rose to prominence as a dissident Russian.

Israel has no future. None.
Israel is now accusing Misha Gessen (who I have watched give fantastic presentations) of being deeply antisemitic because of her vocal opposition to the liquidation of the population of Gaza.

A Russian Jew from a family of Holocaust survivors has been labelled an antisemite by the Israeli government; the government that almost managed to derail her award and is currently trying to get her fired from her job.

Welcome to 2023-24.
If they don't have victimhood they don't have anything. Now you understand why almost all of them support marxism.

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Bob Butler
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Imposing culture on others.

Post by Bob Butler »

Again, FDR created a clearly progressive party on most issues, but not including race. Race in the early part of the 20th Century still ran with the Democratic, southern, conservative stay the same Civil War pattern, countered by Lincoln’s Republican, northern, progressive faction. This ended with LBJ taking the Democrats progressive with regard to race as well, and Nixon instigating the Southern Strategy. At that point the parties essentially reversed themselves on race. It continues today, with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers having been racist hate groups before they became Trump Insurrectionists. It is confirmed by Republican attempts to harass and oppress various racial, sexual or religious groups.

The division is about the southern Republican conservatives thinking to impose their culture on other races, religion and sexual preferences. The Democratic progressives are expanding once again what is meant by ‘All men are created equal.’ Like I have zero opposition to evangelicals, whites or straight people living their own preferred life style, but freedom means other segments get to live their preferred lifestyle too.

I don’t hate America. I hate bigots, religious fanatics, and those who try to impose their own sexual preferences. If one of the central ideas of the USA is ‘all men are created equal’, it is those who think white supremicist, evangelical straight folk imposing their life style on others who are anti American.

A crisis occurs when progressives note and decide to remove a flaw in the culture. In the past it has included curtailing noble privilege, slavery, and fascist aggression. This time it is preventing people from forcing their own cultures on others. If the USA has a superior culture, it is because we have confronted crisis flaws at various points in our past, and pushed the values that solved the crisis. This often involves quashing old problematic values. This time around it is preventing pushing of the bigoted fanatic southern culture.
Last edited by Bob Butler on Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by thinker »

First of all, happy new year every one and may we be blessed with a great year even if we all die in a horrible war!!!
Second thing is John, I think it's not good for your health to get so upset, you think I am a retard that has retarded views cool with me , but for your own good you shouldn't get so work up.
Now as far as Tik Tok goes I have never been on the site, not even for a minute. The only time I see any content from that site is when it is posted on other social media sites and it' usually not much content and often times it's backing views that I don't agree with. I can get my info from ton of other sources.
As far as hating boomers because I am a Gen Xer, I don't hate boomers, I even agree with them on some things but I also disagree with them on others as I do with other generations. I know you have said that we hate boomers because among other things they brought no fault divorce which led to out mothers divorcing our fathers, but in my case my parents didn't divorce. My mother died of lung cancer. Had it not been for that my parents would still be married to this day. I have seen videos of a Ukrainian soldier with Down syndrome in the trenches on the front lines, does that sound to anyone like Ukraine is winning the war. I have seen other things that clearly show that Israel has lied about the "terrorist attack" by Hamas as well as what they have done to Palestinian children. Can someone explain to me how the Palestinian toddler brigade of toddler terrorists are such a threat to Israel or the IDF? I have also seen Israelis and members of the Jewish community through out the world making fun of dead Palestinian women and children and taunting the mothers of dead Palestinian children. I have caught mainstream media and all governments including the US and Israeli government lying their faces off, so guess what I am going to also look at other sources of info and I am going to continue to ask questions. For example the media and the government of the US and Israel have claimed that Hamas committed many rapes when they attached, well I have to ask myself what are the chances that the Hamas fighters decided that in the middle of a battle where there are bullets flying everywhere as well as explosives going off all over the place it was a good time and place for some sexy fun time and rapes.
About the polls and surveys, they can and are usually designed and or manipulated to bring about a pre determined outcome, they have basically become another propaganda tool.
As far as me being a child, well I am younger than you and I have never achieved the level of formal education that you have. But I have lived a very "interesting" life where I have dealt with people from all over the world and from the bottom 1% to the top 1%.

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