Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

John, can you write something about the flurry of diplomats going one-way to China. We've got Kerry and Kissinger there now after the Yellen bows. Thanks


Re: Sexual Gluttony

Post by hey »

Guest wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:50 pm

Yes, and now their are TED Talks advocating for pedophilia.

I know I am going to sound like a broken record, but as I have posted earlier, incurable STDs like Syphilis and Gonorrhea are about to ravage the planet. There are already strains of Monkey Pox which are immune to the vaccine. Any day now STDs will become untreatable again and then it is off to the races.

Several other posters have talked about how out of control sexually transmitted diseases are among the POCs in Atlanta, etc. Today it is herpes and genital warts--which are survivable, tomorrow it will be syphilis, which untreated, is not.

The new morality will be one of avoiding an early death. Homosexuals, drag queens, and transgenders will be among the first to die. A lot of innocent people will die--collateral damage--but that will be the price to pay for decades of deviant behavior. Americans have lost their backbone. Now mother nature will take care of it.

Monogamy will be the domain of the survivors.
Why syphilis is rising around the world ... l-syphilis
Doctors in Mississippi have reported congenital syphilis cases soaring by 900% over the past five years


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by hey »

Guest wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 11:24 pm
STDs are now at out of control levels among blacks, homosexual men, and Latinos. As others have commented here, drug resistance strains already exist and will soon go mainstream.

In the future, physical appearance will not be as important as being free of STDs.
From the BBC-- ... l-syphilis
The highest numbers are seen among Black American and Hispanic women.
Another study in Kern County, California – which in 2018 made up 17% of the state's congenital syphilis cases despite representing only 2.3% of the state’s population – identified the role of immigration status, medical insurance status and sexual or domestic violence in pregnant women seeking prenatal care. Half of the pregnant or post-partum women interviewed identified as being of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.
All of these posts were correct. I know people in public health in NC, and they say whatever statistics you hear from the government, triple them, and then you will have accurate numbers. :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon » ... g-for-war/

"So far, China’s future war might appear to be all talk, but preparations are well underway. Already, catastrophic deforestation is harming all humanity while the destruction of orchards and the mass killings of ducks are impoverishing tens of millions. That is not just talk."

I've seen about the deforestation and mass land reclamation for the purpose of producing more food in order to become self sufficient in food production. But this short article paints a dire picture of what's going on and why. They can't survive long with the insane policies destroying the country that's eerily similar to Mao's catastrophic attempts to manage everything from the top down while eliminating anyone who disagrees or gets in his way.

"Local officials know that it is madness to destroy so many livelihoods to produce a few truckloads of cheap cereals, but they have no way of changing Xi’s policies — especially when each official has juniors ready to denounce him in the hope of taking his place. It was this dynamic that produced the tragedy of the Great Leap Forward. Peasants were ordered to melt down their pots and pans to make steel in backyard furnaces, with the promise they would instead eat in the dining rooms of the promised new “communes”; they were also told to melt down their animal ploughs because new tractors were arriving. In a mere four years from 1958 to 1962, at least 30 million died of hunger — some to be eaten by those who survived — and hardly any usable steel was produced."

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Top Down Edicts

Post by Bob Butler »

One of Mao's more deadly edicts declared sparrows were pests, to be killed with prejudice. Thing was, sparrows ate bugs which in turn ate crops. Result, starvation.

Xi's edicts aren't as bad as Mao's, but he is giving it a run for his money.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 21-Jul-2023 World View: Ukraine war escalaion
  • Ukraine

When the Ukraine war began, I said that
it wouldn't fizzle, but would escalate
in a year or two into WW III. That
hasn't hasn't happened yet, although
it's already the worst European genocide
since the Nazi Holocaust.

Recently the war has escalated sharply.
The following news items were reported
on news channels this morning.

**** Food export blockade

The big thing is that Russia is
massively bombing Odessa and other
Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea.
Russia's objective is to prevent
shipments of corn, soybeans and wheat
from Ukraine to other countries,
especially in Africa and Asia. Ukraine
is the largest exporter of these grains
in the world. Russia says that the move
is in retaliation for Ukraine's recent
missile strike on the Kerch Strait

Readers may recall that last year, when
Russia began its invasion, it similarly
blocked all grain shipments from
Ukraine. This was a disaster for many
countries. Food prices skyrocketed,
famines were threatened, and
international refugee flows increased.
The 9+% inflation rate last year was
caused in part by surging food prices,
from which the economy hasn't yet

So the situation hecame so bad in many
countries, including some Russian
allies, that Putin agreed to permit
grain shipments from Ukraine provided
that the first destination was Turkey,
where the cargo could be inspected for

So now Putin is doing it again. We'll
have to see what effect it has on food
inflation and refugee flows. And
Ukraine will almost certainly retaliate,
possibly by targeting Russian ships in
the Black Sea with missiles.

**** Yevgeny Prigozhin and Wagner Group

Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner Group
have apparently been forgiven by
Vladimir Putin, after Prigozhin's
attempted coup last month.

The news today is that Prigozhin is in
Belarus, training his army for a new
assault on Ukraine. According to news
reports, there are also fears that
Prigozhin may be planning an assault on

**** Cluster Bombs

A cluster bomb is a weapon containing
multiple explosive sub-munitions. It's
useful for killing a group of enemy
civilians and soldiers crowded close
together on the ground.

Cluster bombs have been banned by over
100 countries due to the significant
risk they pose to civilian
populations. These munitions release
smaller bomblets that have a high
failure rate, leaving unexploded
remnants that can remain dangerous for
years and detonate unpredictably. -- BBC

Russia has been using cluster bombs
since the beginning, and Ukraine has
been begging Nato to supply them. The US
has not banned them, and a few days ago
Biden agreed to supply.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Putin accuses Poland of trying to get involved in Ukraine war
After Poland reacted to the arrival of Wagner mercenary troops to Belarus by moving some of its troops to its eastern border, Russia's President Vladimir Putin accused Warsaw of trying to seize more land in eastern Europe.

Putin claimed there were press reports about forming a Polish-Lithuanian unit that would operate in western Ukraine. He also warned that any attack on Belarus, Moscow's sole ally in Europe, would be treated as an attack on Russia.

"It is well known that they also dream of the Belarusian lands," Putin said.

Speaking ahead of a meeting of Russia's Security Council, Putin said that Russia would respond "with all means at our disposal.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by thinker »

Hi guys I have been busy but I wanted to respond to some comments about my last post. @coolbreez the rise of the far right will doom globalism as these are nationalist movements, also the drop in global population will also kill globalism. The elites probably think that AI will save globalism from the drop in population but it won't , you still need people for globalism to run successfully. Tom I can't remember what Youtube channel I saw that video on, I thought it was joeblogs on Youtube , but it wasn't. If I can remember I will let you know. A couple of things I read in the last few weeks that might be of interest. The first was an article say that in the next elections in Spain the far right is expected to gain power for the first time since Francisco Franco. The other is about Russia. Apparently the switch that Navigator talked about has been turned on. Apparently Russia is now on a war economy. Supposedly as an example they are producing more new tanks per month than NATO produces in a year. Also I think the whole coup thing was to get weapons and men into Belarus in order to open up another front for attack.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by thinker »

Also I have been reading that Chinas economy is collapsing at an accelerating pace. Looks like they will have to make their move soon. I have also been thinking about Mao and his Horrible decisions, could it be that what he was trying to do was actually lower the population of China through starvation because he saw the rising population as a threat to the stability and survival of China.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

The head of MI6 said the coup attempt was real and Putin had to make a humiliating deal to save himself.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that Putin would humiliate and degrade himself publicly just to move Wagner PMC into Belarus since Russian troops having been openly moving through it to attack Ukraine since the first day of the war. The coup attempt has badly damaged Putin's regime.

I don't think Putin will survive much longer because the war has not only decimated the Russian military and economy, but also opened an eternal well of hatred with the Ukrainians, who were considered a brother (albeit a little one) race. This war was all about Putin's ego. That is the way Progozin sees it and he has said it outloud. The recent arrest of Igor Girkin shows how desperate Putin has become.

The nationalists and oligarchs smell blood in the water. Russians have 3rd world mentalities. They have a caudillo culture. They only follow strong men. Usually this translates to comic opera type of behavior such bare chested horseback riding, martial arts, and diving for ancient artifacts. And caudillos can never look weak...

Considering how badly affected China has been by floods and typhoons, I don't see them being able to launch an attack on Taiwan until after the rainy season is over.

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