Generational Dynamics World View News

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Another guest

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Another guest »

You can easily see the sort of power-hungry social justice warrior Bob Butler really is. This sight is his only outlet as the real world his become too broken, dysfunctional, and dystopian for anyone in the real world to listen to him anymore.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Ggg »

I'm sure Bob B is active on other boards :)

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Bob Butler
Posts: 1539
Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:48 am
Location: East of the moon, west of the sun

The Saga

Post by Bob Butler »

Another guest wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:08 pm
You can easily see the sort of power-hungry social justice warrior Bob Butler really is. This sight is his only outlet as the real world his become too broken, dysfunctional, and dystopian for anyone in the real world to listen to him anymore.
Actually, I have a few other things happening. A bunch of people tried to declare my tennant dead in order to steal her inheritance. My tennant's daughter is an, umm, professional sex worker, which has introduced a drug gang, bad cops and a bad judge into the picture. This has been going on since the early Trump administration, and only lately with the arrival of a hot lawyer has it turned for the good guys. Here is theoretical and abstract. 'The Saga' is not.

On a more pleasant note, my niece recently had a baby.

DT Subscriber

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DT Subscriber »

John wrote:
Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:17 pm
[*] One thing I found particularly shocking was the role that violence
and threats of violence played a major role in impeachment hearings.
The Democrats' star witness Gordon Sondland was forced to change his
testimony. That occurred because Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl
Blumenauer and other Democrats called on anti-Trump activists to
attack Sondland's businesses. Sondland was forced to change his
testimony to support the Democrats because his businesses and family
were being threatened with violence, riots and demonstrations, after
Democrats led by Adam Schiff called on the rioters to threaten
Sondland. But even so, Sondland was forced to back down under
Republican cross-examination. So at the end, not a single witness
supported the Democrats' charges. Not a single one. I knew that
because I had watched the hearings.

[*] Readers should be aware that the Democrats are using violence
and threats of violence everywhere possible. As Darryl Cooper points
out, no judge is going to risk his life and the lives of his family
by ruling against the Democrats. That's why so many judges
just threw up their hands and dismissed the election fraud cases
on a technicality.

[*] The whole Democrat censorship regime was also a complete shock
to me. The Ukraine hearings proved that the mainstream media
would say whatever shithead Schiff told them to say. When Trump
and other Republicans were blocked from social media, it was
clear that something really evil was going on. The real tipping
point came when Amazon, with a flip of a switch, was able
to shut down, an online social media service with
millions of members, but they did. Overnight. With no serious
explanation. That's when I wrote

where I wrote, "I never never thought I'd see the Genocide Playbook
being used in America. This is the darkest time for America in my

[*] The darkness in America has only gotten worse since then. There
have been many new "shocks," but they aren't really shocks anymore
since we've gotten used to the bad news. There is increasing evidence
that the January 6 "insurrection" was staged by the Democrats. The
only person killed was an innocent Trump supporter, Ashli Babbit. Her
murder by a member of the Capitol police is being massively covered up
by the Democrats. Beyond that, the Democrats are holding dozens of
innocent protesters in jail, in solitary confinement, for months, with
no charges or trials. This is what happens in China, and it's clear
that the Democrats are increasingly emulating the Chinese Communists
in many ways.

There is no excuse for the Democrats. Everything they do is
sickening, but nothing they do is shocking or surprising any more.
They are as vicious and evil as the Nazis, the Soviets, the Chinese
Communists, and any other horrific regime you can think of.[/list]
From the Daily Telegraph:
Under Biden, America has entered its darkest chapter in history
The country has become an archipelago of chaos and horror. Even before a second Trump presidency, it is at breaking point

27 January 2024

The US has always had bits so horrifying that too close a look could leave your face permanently frozen in horror. When I was growing up in a relatively enlightened Massachusetts in the 1980s and 1990s, there was the spectre of police brutality and racism – you couldn’t miss it, from park benches in Boston where black men were hassled and taunted to the casual, unprofessional menace of the local force.

But if the police are more woke than racist in 2024, oh how the horror has grown and multiplied on other fronts. Last week a man on death row in Alabama was executed by nitrogen gas. And the death penalty, a measure no civilised state has had for decades, isn’t going anywhere. Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida’s ex-presidential hopeful, used the promise of more capital punishment to lure voters through a “tough on crime” stance, with the state of Florida in 2023 executing more people than at any time since 2019.

Opioid addiction is out of control. Abortion rights at the federal level were overturned in 2022, instantly triggering their savage removal in 21 states, most of which have implemented total bans and criminalisation of anyone seen to aid and abet terminations. Horrendous, entirely predictable stories of desperate pregnant women nearly dying thanks to the scrapping of Roe v Wade have kept coming. It’s Handmaid’s Tale stuff.

But there’s more. Much more. And it’s all worsened under the man who was meant to save America from the cartoonish parallel universe of crudeness, relentless bombast, stupidity and criminality represented by Trump and his fanboys. Under Joe Biden, despite a marked increase in civility and experience, domestic problems are worse than ever. America has become an archipelago of darkness and chaos, and it’s at breaking point.

Unless Biden goes, or morphs into someone else – which he won’t – Trump is certainly next, with civil war and the end of the Republic as we know it as possible results. After all, the would-be president has said he would try to alter the constitution so he could stay in power indefinitely.

It all could have been avoided. Had Hillary Clinton not been felled by the spread of conspiracy theory and her failure to take Trump seriously, things could have been better for America, and the world, since 2016.

Instead, they have been worse and worse, under Trump and now under the fatal figure of Biden, wisened and doddery to the degree that even those of us who want to credit him with good work over a long life of service can’t help but quail and clutch our heads.

Under Biden’s watch, America’s migration mess has turned nightmarish. The US is fundamentally a country of immigrants, and it ought to have an outward facing, open attitude towards newcomers. But that doesn’t mean it should simply let in millions who fancy a go, not all of whom are hardworking migrants desperate to do their best.

This week, thanks to a dramatic standoff between the Texas governor Greg Abbott and Biden’s government over illegal migration, a glaring neon light has been shone on the severity of the problem. Abbott, whose aggressive stance is supported by two dozen other Republican governors who have thanked him for “stepping up to protect American citizens”, has installed razor wire along a 30-mile stretch of the border (which the Supreme Court has disallowed), ordered the installation of floating barriers in the Rio Grande river (ditto), and detained thousands of “illegals” on trespassing charges (again, ditto).

He has also been bussing migrants by the thousands to liberal soft-touch cities like New York and Chicago where they have created chaos, danger and disruption by drawing on resources and populations completely unprepared for them.
Many feel that their rights as tax-paying residents are entirely superseded by those of the new arrivals.

I am reasonably pro-immigration, and think migrants from anywhere and everywhere can revitalise a country. But it matters who they are. Are they do-gooders or do-badders? Are they looking to be grateful and work hard in their new home, or to exploit and harm it? These problems are dogging Britain and they are dogging America, where the stakes could not be higher.

As former FBI top dogs Kevin Brock and Chris Swecker wrote in a recent letter to the Speaker of the House and chairs of the Committees of Intelligence and Homeland Security: “In modern history the US has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now… It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi-division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent or allegiance is completely unknown.”

Quite. But geopolitically as well as domestically, Biden has been too busy cutting off America’s nose to spite its face to have done anything much about it.

While his handling of Ukraine and Israel has been fairly sophisticated, he hastened to sweet-talk Iran into more talks about its nuclear ambitions – a fool’s errand given how the evil regime is repaying him in the Red Sea and beyond. He has sent huge aid packages to Gaza since taking office, where according to some reports it promptly went into the hands of Hamas terrorists and helped fuel the October 7 attacks.

The American nightmare is worsening by the day. So long as Biden remains in post, the world is guaranteed at least four more years of Trump, and that is a future that is as tragic as it is frightening for a country that some of us once loved.

DT Subscriber

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DT Subscriber »

I don't agree with Zoe's liberal take, but at least she is aware that America is in chaos


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I am hoping for civil war and the end of America as it now stands.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Ggg »

DT Subscriber wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:17 am
I don't agree with Zoe's liberal take, but at least she is aware that America is in chaos
Zoe is a nitwit.

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Bob Butler
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Location: East of the moon, west of the sun


Post by Bob Butler »

DT Subscriber wrote:
Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:17 am
I don't agree with Zoe's liberal take, but at least she is aware that America is in chaos
Don't agree with her take either. In anticipating a Trump victory I wouldn't call it a liberal take. I suspect most would agree on chaos.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 28-Jan-2024 World View: Today

I'm suddenly feeling pretty sick and
will probably have to g back to the
hospital, so I want to make the effort
to try to post a few thoughts.

There are lots of people I need to
thank, but here I can only name a
couple. Spotty and Navigator have
provided both financial and emotional
support, at times when I really needed
it. Navigator's book on preparing for
the coming storms was an amazing piece
of work, and anyone who would like to
try to survive the next ten years should
read it. I also want to thank Higgie
for agreeing to take over moderating the
forum if I can't.

I want to thank DT subscriber for
re-posting my previous analysis of th
Denocrats' attempted coup, which now
appears to have failed. It would also
be useful to dig up my posts on "The
Next Ten Years," and re-post them.

DT Subscriber

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DT Subscriber »

I hope you recover quickly, John.

Thank you for everything.


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