Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

John wrote:
Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:44 am
** 01-Jul-2020 World View: Black plumbers
Higgenbotham wrote:
Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:20 am
> Around 1990, a black woman called me to fix her toilet. I'm not a
> plumber but she had heard from another black person that I could
> fix her toilet on the cheap. When I got there and we got to
> talking she said, "I found a black painter no problem. It was
> hard, but I found a black electrician. But I couldn't find a
> black man anywhere in this city that could do plumbing work. If I
> had been able to, you wouldn't be here."
I guess your friend didn't live in Los Angeles.
Some friend. If she lived in Los Angeles she wouldn't have called me. But I appreciated her being honest about her racism. I guess I could have told her that I'd let her toilet leak because I don't fix toilets for blacks, but I didn't.

More generally, this is my experience as in this case: She was basically telling me what kind of racist she was. What she wanted in return, as her belief was that all whites are racists, was to know what kind of racist I was. I found that mentality to be prevalent, but of course not true in all cases. I was in many, many black people's homes during that era.

Getting back to "Central Park Karen" and her overt display of disgusting racism followed by her denial that she is a racist in any sense, gets black folks very, very uncomfortable, and rightly so. They know much better than that.

To your point about a Civil War, I don't think there's an issue that opposing sides across the whole US can catalyze around. There's too much variation in racial experience from location to location. What I'm describing above that happened in a particular (predominantly blue collar medium sized) city at a particular time may not be somebody else's experience 70 miles down the road at all.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Jeepdinger »

John wrote:
Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:46 am
** 01-Jul-2020 World View: Civil war

For years, I've been receiving questions about an approaching Second
American Civil War.

Mostly, these have been Republican vs Democrat civil war fantasies.

Lately, they have been black uprising civil war fantasies.

None of that is going to happen. It's pure fantasy.

What we are seeing is increases in left-wing violence -- urban riots,
tearing down statues, etc. As far as I can tell, these anarchists are
mostly privileged white Democrats. But there is no civil war on the

In the last few days, some posts have been edging in the direction of
racism. Please don't make me remove posts, since I REALLY hate doing

John, Agreed. The current situation is an insurgency by a force pushing a liberal, political agenda. I'm currently going through the US Government Counterinsurgency Guide (Jan 2009) and I'll include some key quotes from it. I'm not doing full references with page numbers as the guide is about 70 pages long and others can skim it as easily as I.

From Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
Definition of insurgency
2: the quality or state of being insurgent
specifically : a condition of revolt against a government that is less than an organized revolution and that is not recognized as belligerency

Key points about insurgency:
-To be successful, insurgencies require charismatic leadership, supporters, recruits, supplies, safe havens and funding (often from illicit
-They only need the active support of a few enabling individuals, but the passive acquiescence of a large proportion of the contested population will give a higher probability of success.
-Their intent is usually to protract the struggle, exhaust the government and win sufficient popular support to force capitulation or political accommodation.
– If insurgents can provoke excessive government action against a population, then death, injury, mistreatment, or dishonor can become a
powerful motivator for retributive action against the government.
-Intimidation: Insurgents intimidate individual members of the government (especially police and local government officials) to dissuade them from taking active measures against the insurgents.
-Protraction: Insurgents seek to prolong the conflict in order to exhaust opponents, erode their political will, and avoid losses.

The current situation is a not and will not become a Civil war. It is inline with a minor revolt. The rioters are not strong willed enough for this to escalate further. Sure, there are a few extremists in the group but overall these rioters seem to be college age kids who are tired of being in their parents basement and are outside "feeling the power". CHAZ was "fun" for a while, but Cops have already retaken CHAZ so that's over. Also, the worst areas are all in blue cities (safe havens) and have not spread to the countryside where anyone with a couple extra brain cells knows that people with guns won't put up with this lunacy. In St. Louis it was a liberal attorney couple who defended their house with guns. Repeat, Liberals defended their home with guns. Who would have thought. You can tell that the violent rioters and statue destroyers are already slowing down. The main push from this group seems to be going back to Covid shutdowns. The insurgency may take different forms but will most likely continue until the Nov election since the goal of an insurgency is always political accommodation/control.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

But I appreciated her being honest about her racism. I guess I could have told her that I'd let her toilet leak because I don't fix toilets for blacks, but I didn't.
You should have walked out.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

2-Jul-20 World View -- China passes Hong Kong Security Law, arrests hundreds of peaceful protesters

Ladakh: India - China - Pakistan military buildup continues

** 2-Jul-20 World View -- China passes Hong Kong Security Law, arrests hundreds of peaceful protesters
** ... tm#e200702

China passes Hong Kong Security Law, arrests hundreds of peaceful protesters
Terms of the Hong Kong National Security Law
Ladakh: India - China - Pakistan military buildup continues

Generational Dynamics, China, Hong Kong, Security Law,
Mike Pompeo, South China Sea, Xinjiang Province, Uighurs,
Ladakh, India, China, Pakistan,
Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Japan


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Xeraphim1 »

John wrote:
Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:49 pm
2-Jul-20 World View -- China passes Hong Kong Security Law, arrests hundreds of peaceful protesters

Ladakh: India - China - Pakistan military buildup continues

China passes Hong Kong Security Law, arrests hundreds of peaceful protesters
Terms of the Hong Kong National Security Law
Ladakh: India - China - Pakistan military buildup continues
I'm uncertain is China is pushing these issues either because the world is distracted with other problems or if it's a way to distract the masses. A short victorious war can push problems under the carpet for awhile. Or maybe a combination of both?

More ominous is recent stories of how China has been using various apps for years to track Uighurs all around the world. China has already shown us Animal Farm and is moving strongly into 1984. My real worry is that Brave New World in right on the horizon. We know the Chinese government exists only to sustain the position of the CCP. Having specially grown subjects who would never challenge the party would be a godsend. And if it succeeds in one place, it will spread worldwide. Western Leftists love unchallenged power while most dictatorial states would have few compunctions against it.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

China now claims that Russian city of Vladivostok falls under China and was annexed by Russia. Wonder when will they claim for Covid-19.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by guest »

Guest wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:02 am
China now claims that Russian city of Vladivostok falls under China and was annexed by Russia. Wonder when will they claim for Covid-19.
Maybe India should try and build state of the art planes like Pakistan does? Wait India doesn't know how 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 03-Jul-2020 World View: India's Modi attacks China over Ladakh

  • India's prime minister Nahendra Modi raising his fist during
    a speech to Ladakh troops on Friday

India's prime minister Nahendra Modi's speech on Friday has to be
considered another important escalation in the Ladakh confrontation
with China, at least a political escalation.

Up until now, Modi has been very careful not to criticize or blame
China for the June 15 clash between Chinese and Indian army forces in
Ladakh, on the border between the two countries, even though Chinese
soldiers killed 20 Indian soldiers using barbarous weapons, including
iron rods studded with nails.

In fact, in one earlier statement, Modi said that no Chinese soldiers
had crossed the border onto Indian soil. This statement was supposed
to ease things diplomatically, but it backfired. It infuriated the
families of the Indian soldiers who had been killed by Chinese
soldiers, fighting on Indian soil, as well as other Indian soldiers.
It was also quoted by Chinese media as proof that the clash was all
India's fault. It also outraged Modi's opposition.

So on Friday, Modi paid a surprise visit to Ladakh, and spoke to the
soldiers. He did not name China, but it was clear who he was talking
> "Your bravery and your dedication to safeguard mother
> India’s honour is not comparable. Your endurance is not inferior
> to anyone in the world. No one in the world can compete with the
> tough situations and the heights you embrace while serving mother
> India. Your courage is taller than the heights you are deployed
> in. Your resolve is stronger than the valleys you walk every day
> and your arms are as strong as the rocks that surround you. The
> strength of your will is indomitable like the mountains around
> you. I can feel it and see it today, as I am amongst you. ...

> India is increasing its strength in all three realms of water, air
> and land guided by the principle of the wellbeing of the entire
> mankind. When India is developing modern weaponry and bringing the
> latest technology for its armed forces, then the message behind is
> driven by the well being of humanity. ...

> Age of expansionism is over, now, is the age of development. The
> policy of development is the foundation of mankind and is the only
> policy relevant today. History has witnessed that the expansionist
> policy has hurt humanity the most. Expansionist policy has always
> threatened world peace. History has witnessed that such forces
> have either lost or were forced to turn back. This is what the
> world has experienced so far and it has once again made up its
> mind against the policy of expansion."

> ... SnaKO.html
To support Modi's speech, the Hindustan Times published a list
of 21 border disputes that China is currently involved in. It
seems that China is claiming sovereignty over some or all of
the land of every country in the region:
> "China's 21 border disputes

> Xi Jinping’s China has territorial disputes with 20 more
> countries, not just India over Ladakh

> President Donald Trump on Thursday [1]waded right in the middle of
> India’s dispute with China, asserting that Beijing’s aggressive
> stance in Ladakh fits with the larger pattern of Chinese
> aggression in other parts of the world. President Trump’s office
> did not elaborate on China’s aggression elsewhere but is seen as a
> clear reference to Beijing’s efforts to enlarge its position on
> border disputes. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had recently
> called it China’s “rogue attitude” as he announced the movement of
> US supercarriers in the Indo Pacific region to counter China’s
> aggressive posture.

> According to Beijing watchers, China has traditionally suffered
> from xenophobia against foreigners. The Middle Kingdom’s fears
> were exacerbated in the past two centuries as a result of which
> China believes that it is the only civilizational power in the
> world and the rest are either tributary states or barbarians.

> China has had territorial disputes with 21 neighbours including
> India over its claims on land and sea. Here is a complete list of
> its disputes.

> Brunei

> China claims the southern part of the Spratly Islands
> chain. Brunei, on the other hand, claims part of South China Sea
> nearest to it as part of its continental shelf and Exclusive
> Economic Zone

> Philippines

> China and Philippines disagree over parts of the South China Sea
> including the Spratly Islands. Philippines took the dispute to the
> International Court of Justice where they won the case but the
> Chinese side did not abide by the order of the ICJ. Tensions have
> continued between the two countries despite economic incentives
> offered by China.

> Indonesia

> China’s nine-dash line overlaps the Natuna Sea/Exclusive Economic
> Zone of Indonesia leading to disputes. China claims fishing rights
> in waters near the islands. Indonesia government argues that
> China’s claims are not recognised under the 1982 United Nations
> Convention on the Law of the Sea. Indonesia irked China in July
> 2017 when it renamed parts of the South China Sea as North Natuna
> Sea to underscore its claim.

> Malaysia

> China’s dispute with Malaysia also revolves around parts of the
> South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands. Its claims
> cover only islands included in its Exclusive Economic Zone of 200
> miles as defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the
> Sea. Malaysia has a military presence on three such islands that
> it considers to be part of the continental shelf.

> Singapore

> Singapore is not a claimant state in the South China Sea disputes
> but is closely aligned to the United States and allows the
> presence of US naval forces in Singaporean waters. It does not
> want to antagonise China by openly taking sides though it does
> advocate freedom of navigation and resolution of all disputes in
> line with the UN Convention of Law of the Seas.

> Laos

> China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent of
> China’s Yuan Dynasty during 1271-1368

> Cambodia

> China has, on occasions, claimed part of the country on historical
> precedent (China’s Ming dynasty 1368-1644)

> Thailand

> Thailand opposes China’s dredging on the Mekong River since 2001
> for large ships to carry goods from its landlocked Yunnan province
> to ports in Thailand, Laos and remaining southeast Asia. China has
> also built hydropower dams on the main stream of the Mekong River,
> altering the natural flood-drought cycle, affecting ecosystems as
> well as economies of countries on the lower Mekong River.

> The Thai Cabinet scrapped a Chinese-led dredging project in
> February 2020 to blast rapids on the Mekong river. This had
> already led to fall in water levels and fers that it would lead to
> drought and affect 6 million people in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
> Cambodia and Vietnam

> Japan

> Japan’s dispute with China centers around South China Sea,
> particularly Senkaku Islands, Ryukyu Islands and the overlapping
> Air Defence Identification Zone and Exclusive Economic Zone in the
> East China Sea

> Vietnam

> Vietnam, which fought a bloody war with China in 1979 when Beijing
> tried to teach its former ally a lesson, has stood its ground on
> its territorial claims over parts of the South China Sea, and the
> Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands and the Spratly Islands. Last
> month, a Chinese ship rammed a Vietnamese fishing boat operating
> in the Paracel Islands that was seen as an effort by Beijing to
> flex muscles to enforce a unilateral fishing ban in parts of the
> South China Sea against vessels from another nation.

> India

> China occupies 38,000 sq km Indian territory in the Aksai Chin
> region apart from staking claim on Arunachal Pradesh and
> Ladakh. It was this expansionist policy that led to the ongoing
> standoff between the Indian Army and the Chinese PLA that
> escalated into a violent scrap in Ladakh’s Galwan valley. Another
> 5,163 sq km of Shaksgam valley was illegally ceded by Pakistan to
> China in 1963. Hence, the total Indian territory occupied by China
> is over 43 ,000 sq km.

> Nepal

> Nepal and China have pending border issues over three boundary
> pillars in Dolakha and two in the vicinity of Mt Everest. There
> have, however, been reports that China has illegally occupied
> strategic land at 12 places across Nepal. China has also claimed
> part of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese war in 1788-1792,
> claiming that some parts of Nepal are part of Tibet and therefore,
> part of China.

> Taiwan

> China claims all of Taiwan but particular disputes are
> Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands Scarborough Shoal, part of
> South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. The Paracel Islands, also
> called Xisha Islands in zvietnamese, is a group of islands in the
> South China Sea whose sovereignty is disputed.

> North Korea

> The two countries have a continuing dispute over Mount Paektu and
> Yalu and Tuman rivers. China has also claimed Baekhu Mountain and
> Jiandao. Beijing has, on occasions, claimed all of North Korea on
> historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368)

> South Korea

> South Korea and China have an overlapping Air Defence
> Identification Zone and a continuing Exclusive Economic Zone
> dispute over Leodo (Socotra Rock) in the East China Sea. China has
> also, on occasions, claimed entire South Korea on historical
> grounds (Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368)

> Mongolia

> China and Mongolia have settled their boundary dispute but China
> has claimed all of Mongolia on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty
> 1271-1368).

> Bhutan

> Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip, Gompa, Dho, Dungmar,
> Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar,
> Tarchen and Zuthulphuk. Bhutan has lost a substantial chunk of
> area under dispute including the Kula Kangri peak to slow
> encroachments by China. Beijing claims Kula Kangri and
> mountainous areas to the west of this peak in addition to the
> western Haa district of Bhutan.

> Tajikistan

> The two sides have a bilateral dispute dating back to 1884 when a
> border demarcation agreement between the Qing Dynasty and Tsarist
> Russia left large segments of the frontier in the
> sparsely-populated eastern Pamirs without a clear definition.

> The Chinese claims are based on historical precedent (Qing Dynasty
> 1644-1912).

> In 1991, Tajikistan inherited from the Soviet Union three disputed
> border segments constituting about 28,000 sq km which China and
> the Soviet Union had been unable to resolve.

> In 1999, Tajikistan and China signed a border demarcation
> agreement defining the border in two of the three segments. Under
> this deal, Tajikistan ceded about 200 sw km lands to China. In
> 2002, Tajikistan agreed to cede 1,122 sq km or about four percent
> of the territory that Beijing had claimed. China has, in all,
> settled for 3.5 per cent of the claimed territory.

> Kazakhstan

> China has laid claim to a territory in Kazakhstan stretching from
> Semirechie to Lake Balkhash covering 34,000 sq km. In May 2020, a
> Chinese website ‘’ published an article claiming that
> Kazakhstan is located on territories that historically belong to
> China.

> China has settled for 22 per cent of its claim over Kazakh
> territory. Despite a border demarcation treaty with China in 1994
> and claim by Kazakh state media that the Kazakhstan government had
> succeeded in retaining 56.9 percent of the disputed territory,
> critics had opined that the remaining 43.1 per cent of the land
> also belonged to Kazakhstan for which a new deal should be signed.

> Kyrgyzstan

> China lays claim to the whole of Kyrgyz territory. In May 2020,
> Chinese website published an article on such a claim
> and argued that under the Han Dynasty, the entire Kyrgyz territory
> was part of the Chinese mainland before the Russian empire
> captured it.

> Chia has settled for 32 percent of its claim over Kyrgyz
> territory. Under the 1999 agreement, Kyrgyzstan handed over 1,250
> sq km to China.

> Russia

> Despite signing bilateral agreements in 1991 and 1994 to delimit
> the estern and wester section of the Russia-China border, a few
> sectors remain unresolved. There are 160,000 sq km still
> unilaterally claimed by China despite signing several agreements.

> In October 2004, the 4,300 sq border was finally demarcated in its
> entirety, thus resolving a 300-year-old territorial dispute.

> In 2005, the Russian Parliament ratified the agreement in 2008, a
> part of the Abagaitu Islet, the entire Tarabarov Bolshoi Ussuriysk
> Island and some adjacent river islets were handed over to China."

> ... q5NAN.html

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

5-Jul-20 World View -- Gleeful China wins big Hong Kong victory at UN Human Rights Council

India's list of China's border disagreements

** 5-Jul-20 World View -- Gleeful China wins big Hong Kong victory at UN Human Rights Council
** ... tm#e200705

Gleeful China wins big Hong Kong victory at UN Human Rights Council
Rogue's gallery of international criminals support China
Most Western countries condemn China's human rights record
India's list of China's border disagreements

Generational Dynamics, China, Hong Kong,
UN Human Rights Council, UNHCR, UNHRC,
United Kingdom, Uighurs, Xinjiang, Tibet,
Wuhan Coronavirus, India, Ladakh

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Is America Heading For Civil War? Of Course It Is... ... urse-it-is
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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