Generational Dynamics World View News

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Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

It's nice to hear Mr. Xenakis is back and healthy.

I like the outline.

Is the world going to go corporate first? Consolidate it all? Or will the solution be in the works for the mark? Perhaps someone who can stop the war? It's either that or another generation til the transhumanist movement takes real hold on people ...

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 04-Aug-2020 World View: Massive explosion in Beirut Lebanon [Updated]

Several hours ago (early evening Lebanon time) there were massive
explosions in the seaport area of the capital city Lebanon, in a
crowded residential area. Dozens of people were killed, and thousands
injured. Broken glass was flying all over the city.

  • Smoke rises after an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon August 4,
    2020, in this picture obtained from a social media video.(Reuters

According to officials, the explosion was of "explosive materials"
that had been stored at the seaport for years. However, there is no
word yet on whether the explosion was an industrial accident or an

According to one report, the explosive materials were fertilizer and
ammonium nitrate. There are many questions about why ammonium nitrate
was stored for years at the seaport.

There was a massive car bombing explosion in Beirut in May 2005,
assassinating the extremely popular former prime minister Rafiq

** 2-May-2005 World View -- Massive Beirut explosion killing Rafiq Hariri puts Lebanon into state of shock
** ... tm#e050216

Hariri was the leader of the Sunni faction in Lebanon, and it was
believed that a Shia group, Hezbollah or Syria's Bashar al-Assad,
under the orders of the Shia puppetmasters in Iran, was responsible
for the responsible for that bombing. Those accusations infuriated
Iran and Hezbollah and they threatened revenge if they were blamed.
However, an international commission has been investigating, and
they're scheduled to release their findings in three days from now on
Friday. It was already widely feared that the commission report would
lead to violence, and that has led to speculation that today's bombing
was anticipatory violence, since the report is expected to blame

The country Lebanon is on the verge of collapse. Nearly 50% of the
population are living in poverty, and that was before the Wuhan
Coronavirus crisis began, which is making things much worse.

The country is in free fall. The currency has collapsed. The
unemployment rate is over 30%. Life savings in banks are now worth
nothing. The health care system was overwhelmed before today. A
tainted fuel oil scandal revealed enormous corruption -- bribes,
forged documents, and falsified tests. There's little electricity.
There's little garbage pickup.

It's now being assumed that storing fertilizer and ammonium nitrate at
the seaport was just another example of corruption. That will be
investigated. Will this be the trigger for total collapse of Lebanon?
We'll wait and see.

** 17-Jul-20 World View -- Lebanon: A country in free fall
** ... tm#e200717

[Updated: 14:57 ET]

*** Update 18:30 ET -- Trump: Explosion was an attack

At a press conference, president Trump said that the generals
he's spoken to feel that the Beirut explosion was an attack,
not a manufacturing event. It seems to be an attack, a bomb of some kind.

---- Sources:

-- ‘Like an earthquake’: Huge explosion rips through Beirut captured on video ... eAnNI.html
(AFP, 4-Aug-2020)

-- Huge explosion rocks Lebanon's capital Beirut: Live updates ... 20414.html
(Al-Jazeera, 4-Aug-2020)


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

If this country is stupid enough to vote for Joe Biden…We deserve to go up in flames.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

With the different stories coming out of Lebanon regarding the port explosion, wouldn't that red coloration of the smoke give an idea as to the composition of the explosive? Is anyone familiar enough with demolitions and pyrotechnics to guess?

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 05-Aug-2020 World View: Ammonium Nitrate

  • What's left of Beirut's seaport

Guest wrote:
Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:54 pm
> With the different stories coming out of Lebanon regarding the
> port explosion, wouldn't that red coloration of the smoke give an
> idea as to the composition of the explosive? Is anyone familiar
> enough with demolitions and pyrotechnics to guess?
The explosive material was 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer,
that had been confiscated in 2013, and left sitting in a storage
warehouse, adjacent to a fireworks factory, in the midst of a densely
packed residential area. 300,000 people lost their homes, hundreds
were killed, and thousands were wounded. 85% of the country's grain
storage was destroyed. Several hospitals were destroyed. The
explosion was far larger than anyone had ever seen, and property was
damaged and windows broken all across the city, and for miles around.

For all the good it will do them, the people are furious at the
incompetence of the politicians, especially Hezbollah, which controls
the seaport, for leaving 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer
sitting around for almost ten years.

The politicians are all posturing. The president has had all the port
workers arrested (LOL!), and he's announced that there will be a
"transparent" investigation to find out what happened (LOL!).

Meanwhile, the last "transparent" investigation, of the 2005 Hariri
car bombing, took 15 years to be completed, and its results are
scheduled to be announced on Friday, August 7. It's expected that
Hezbollah will be blamed.

-- Beirut explosion: Port officials under house arrest as rescue
(BBC, 5-Aug-2020)


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Oh, it gets worse. The food supplies of the UAE and Iraq have also been targeted. Explosion at the Ajman fruit and vegetable market; 20+ food storage warehouses in Najaf set ablaze.

The Middle East is burning. ... 2020-08-05 ... af-photos/


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:38 am
Oh, it gets worse. The food supplies of the UAE and Iraq have also been targeted. Explosion at the Ajman fruit and vegetable market; 20+ food storage warehouses in Najaf set ablaze.

The Middle East is burning. ... 2020-08-05 ... af-photos/
Interesting timing.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 06-Aug-2020 World View: Three fires
Guest wrote:
Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:38 am
> Oh, it gets worse. The food supplies of the UAE and Iraq have also
> been targeted. Explosion at the Ajman fruit and vegetable market;
> 20+ food storage warehouses in Najaf set ablaze.

> The Middle East is burning.

> ... 2020-08-05

> ... af-photos/

I can't find any news report that links these two stories to
each other or to Beirut. The fact that three fires are occurring
in three different countries at the same time could easily be
just a coincidence, even if one of the fires has been set.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 06-Aug-2020 World View: Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer
David Horn wrote: > Just as a benchmark for how serious this is, the Oklahoma City
> bomb built by Timothy McVeigh used 1 ton of the same
> fertilizer.
Thank you for pointing that out. It's absolutely staggering that this
amount of fertilizer was left sitting there for years, with no proper
precautions, in a packed residential area in a densely populated city.

By the way, the estimate is of 2,750 tonnes = 2,750 metric tons = over
3,000 US tons.

The blast was heard as far away as Cyprus.

There is a growing fury in Beirut that the politicians who have been
destroying Lebanon's economy for years by lining their own pockets
have allowed this to happen. Apparently a lot of people knew about
the stored fertilizer, and a lot of people complained about it during
the last six years, but nothing was done. It was just allowed to sit
there, without proper precautions taken. Meanwhile the corrupt élite
politicians just continued growing fat and happy, allowing the
economic collapse to worsen month after month, allowing garbage to
pile up around the city, taking kickbacks for approving defective fuel
oil so there's been no electricity, and still going on tv and spouting
the usual unbearable self-serving crap that comes from all politicians
who are incapable of accomplishing anything but the enrichment of
themselves and their cronies.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Hezbollah, Hamas, the PLO, and the leadership of the Arab world are the true oppressors of the Palestinians.

There is a fantastic book written by the son of one of the founders of Hamas called "Son of Hamas". This was later made into the documentary "The Green Prince".

You can also look for videos about the author, Mosab Hassan Yousef, on youtube. They are pretty good too.

He had the inside look at these organizations and explains how they operate. He also did his best to try and prevent as much of their evil doing as possible.

Lebanon fell apart when the number of Muslims significantly surpassed the number of Christians and the bi-religious agreements the two sides had for governing the country were abrogated. It has been a hell hole since then, getting worse as corrupt and criminal organizations like Hezbollah, have acquired more and more power.

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