Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

9-Aug-20 World View -- Beirut Lebanon police clash with furious protesters following Tuesday's catastrophic explosion

Why was 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertilizer in Beirut's seaport for years?

** 9-Aug-20 World View -- Beirut Lebanon police clash with furious protesters following Tuesday's catastrophic explosion
** ... tm#e200809

Beirut Lebanon police clash with furious protesters following Tuesday's catastrophic explosion
Why was 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertilizer in Beirut's seaport for years?
Theory of Government in Lebanon - Generational Dynamics
Seeking a political solution in Lebanon
The future of Lebanon

Generational Dynamics, Lebanon, Beirut, ammonium nitrate, fertilizer,
Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma City bombing, Iran, Hezbollah,
France, Emmanuel Macron, MV Rhosus, Martyrs' Square,
Dynastic confessional system of government,
Hassan Diab, Michel Aoun, Nabhi Berri, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah,
International Monetary Fund, IMF

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 09-Aug-2020 World View: Hitler vs checks and balances
Bob Butler 54 wrote: > Acknowledged, but if you want to be taken more seriously than your
> average comic strip, you might not want to treat everything as a
> joke.
OK, I'll talk to my doctor about getting a frontal lobotomy, so that
when politicians start spewing piles of unbearable self-serving
crap then instead of being outraged I'll be placated like you and so
many others, and just smile and nod pleasantly.
Bob Butler 54 wrote: > Those examples don't seem encouraging. I guess what you are
> saying is that awakenings are followed by unravellings. After the
> protests demanding reform stop, you get an unravelling period that
> leads to a government of selfishness. Eventually you get a Hitler
> or a Trump out of it. I'm not sure this is what Lebanon
> needs.
No, my point is that Trump isn't a Hitler and never could be a Hitler,
for many reasons, including the fact that the US constitution contains
checks and balances that Hitler never had to cope with.

A better example for comparison is Barack Obama. He was a crazed
maniac with plans to try to bring peace to the world through
his unopposed policies.

In June 2008, he said, "I am absolutely certain that generations from
now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was
the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to
the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to
slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a
war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best
hope on Earth."

At the time he said this, I thought it was just the usual crazy
nonsense crap coming from politicians, but I was shocked later that
Obama actually believed it. In the 2008 campaign, Obama said that he
was going to heal the world as soon as he took office. He would be
guided by facts, not like President Bush, who had been guided by
ideology and ignored facts. He would cure global warming, close
Guantánamo island prison, become friendly with Iran and North Korea,
bring a two-state solution to Palestinians and Israelis, beat the
Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, impose strict gun control
policies, reflate the real estate and stock market bubbles and, of
course, provide universal health care.

Obama and his supporters actually believed this crap. Obama had the
same contempt for Bush that Hitler had for Paul von Hindenburg. Obama
would impose all his policies through force around the world, just as
Hitler had tried to do.

Fortunately, Obama was stopped by the checks and balances in the US
constitution. The Republicans and even many Democrats opposed his

Fortunately for all of us, catastrophe was averted by the US
constitution and its checks and balances. Every single one of Obama's
crazy policies -- from Guantánamo all the way through to universal
health care -- was a failure.

And that's a good thing. If Obama had had the same power as Xi Jinping,
then we would have been at war with North Korea, at war in the Mideast,
in a larger war in Afghanistan, and the American economy would have
been as thoroughly destroyed as Mao Zedong accomplished with China's
economy through the Great Leap Forward.

So the Democrats under Obama suffered one disastrous failure after another,
and then suffered another failure -- the failure to use the phony
Russia accusations to stop Trump. After the elections, Democrats
continued to try to overthrow America's democracy with the phony
Mueller investigation and the phony Ukraine impeachment.

After those humiliating failures, Democrats are moving on. They want
to send out 180 million ballot papers and let people vote through the
mail, so that they can use fraud to prevent Trump's reelection. And
they've put forward a candidate who is barely capable of speaking an
entire coherent sentence, with the obvious intention of having him die
or resign quickly and have his far-left vice president take office.
This kind of thing would be a dream come true for Hitler's supporters.
I don't know how the Democrats' criminal activity will pan out, but
I'm pretty sure that the US Constitution's checks and balances will
stop the worst of it, as they have in the past.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 09-Aug-2020 World View: The CNN Bubble
David Horn wrote: > There's humor here. The Obama administration never suffered a
> serious (as opposed to nonsensical) scandal. How many has Trump
> had?
I know the reason you believe that is because you're in the CNN
bubble, where news is very carefully filtered. I've told you and Bob
Butler before that you have no clue what's going on in the world, and
you have no clue what's going on in the Trump administration, so the
fantasy you've written here is not surprising.

The Trump scandals have been all hoaxes, as was proven by the
Mueller report and Unkraine impeachment disasters, which were extremely
humiliating for the Democrats.

On the other hand, evidence is finally tumbling out about all the
illegal activities that the Obama administration used to try to
overturn the election. All of that news is being carefully hidden on
cnn and msnbc, so that people like you won't know what's going on.

I won't attempt to educate you, except to suggest that you watch
Hannity for an hour every day. It will be good for you.

Sen. Lindsey Graham is uncovering plenty of evidence incriminating
Obama administration officials. Comey is particularly likely to spend
time in jail, and is being covered up by the mainstream media, so you
would be clueless about it. Here's an article from Fox News
describing it:

Network evening newscasts skip Sally Yates admitting James Comey went
'rogue' with Flynn interview (6-Aug-2020) ... ey-hearing

P.S.: Another thing that you're completely clueless about is the
massive violence by Antifa.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

You're right, Obama didn't have any scandals. You know, unless you include having the IRS sabotage his political opponents, Fast and Furious, spying on reporters, Benghazi, Solyandra, giving Iran 150 billion dollars, giving up five Taliban leaders for a deserter, the VA, and that's just what i can think of off the top of my head. The difference is, nobody in the media gave a damn. Helps having them in your pocket. As for Trump, they had made up their minds to impeach him before he'd even assumed office.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Navigator wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:26 pm
Simple pointer - Get a water filtration system for camping. Something like the "lifestraw" or, better yet, a gravity fed system.

The ChiComs poisoning the water supply could be a major problem in the US and UK. There is little that can be done to defend these crucial targets. And the municipal water treatment plants are really only meant to take human waste out.
Sadly but chinese are really evil, angry people deep in their souls. They simply do evil because it’s their nature. Similar with russians who recently tried to overthrow a president in Belarus.

London calling

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by London calling »

Guest wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:04 am
Navigator wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:26 pm
Simple pointer - Get a water filtration system for camping. Something like the "lifestraw" or, better yet, a gravity fed system.

The ChiComs poisoning the water supply could be a major problem in the US and UK. There is little that can be done to defend these crucial targets. And the municipal water treatment plants are really only meant to take human waste out.
Sadly but chinese are really evil, angry people deep in their souls. They simply do evil because it’s their nature. Similar with russians who recently tried to overthrow a president in Belarus.
The funny part is if Xi took a knee and did the ole, I'm so sorry, all of us over here are all so soowey, sooowey, soowey, good chance they'd get their global hegemon thing before too long. "Oh the virus came from there but look they're sorry, everyone quick buy Chinese products, they say they're green now too!" Instead they are tripling down on asshole and seem oblivious to the fact that the rest of the world blames them for 3/4 million dead and counting and economic devastation. Perhaps the CCP is just psychotic.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:04 am
Navigator wrote:
Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:26 pm
Simple pointer - Get a water filtration system for camping. Something like the "lifestraw" or, better yet, a gravity fed system.

The ChiComs poisoning the water supply could be a major problem in the US and UK. There is little that can be done to defend these crucial targets. And the municipal water treatment plants are really only meant to take human waste out.
Sadly but chinese are really evil, angry people deep in their souls. They simply do evil because it’s their nature. Similar with russians who recently tried to overthrow a president in Belarus.
The entire globe knows the virus came from China, even China. I'm hoping they don't play the "We soooo soly" card. I like them being honestly aggressive so that everyone knows exactly where they're coming from. While it would be nice if they did actually want to get along and play reasonably fair, what are the odds of that? Maybe if the they were given the Czechoslovakia, they'd settle down. It's always worked before.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

We need to formally and officially recognize the complete independence of Taiwan.

Taiwan has never been ruled by the Chinese:

Before 1695 Taiwan was independent.

1695-1895 under the Manchu empire.

1895-1945 under the Japanese empire.

Independent again since 1952 (1945-1952 it was still de jure part of Japan)


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

There's a couple of things about the Beirut blast you won't find in the MSM, but are easy enough to locate through alternative sources.

1) Infrared videos recording last week's blast clearly show it was the result of a missile strike. Whether it was a tactical nuke (very low yield) or something else like a thermobaric warhead has yet to be determined, but Trump's press conference last Friday mentioning that we "have not seen an event like this in a long time" is quite telling.

2) The explosion has exposed "a labyrinth of subterranean chambers". Back in ancient times when Beirut was known as Phoenicia, they were among the earliest peoples to engage in human trafficking, and it does not surprise me that this tunnel network, which is flooding due to the blast, was continuing to be used for this evil purpose.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 10-Aug-2020 World View: Missile strike
Guest wrote:
Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:30 am
> There's a couple of things about the Beirut blast you won't find
> in the MSM, but are easy enough to locate through alternative
> sources.

> 1) Infrared videos recording last week's blast clearly show it was
> the result of a missile strike. Whether it was a tactical nuke
> (very low yield) or something else like a thermobaric warhead has
> yet to be determined, but Trump's press conference last Friday
> mentioning that we "have not seen an event like this in a long
> time" is quite telling.

> 2) The explosion has exposed "a labyrinth of subterranean
> chambers". Back in ancient times when Beirut was known as
> Phoenicia, they were among the earliest peoples to engage in human
> trafficking, and it does not surprise me that this tunnel network,
> which is flooding due to the blast, was continuing to be used for
> this evil purpose.
This is all wild unsupported speculation.

Could you provide links to a couple of those easy-enough-to-locate
"alternative sources"?

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