Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 02-Sep-2020 World View: NYC Mayor de Blasio: Help me tax the wealthy

If you watch the news, you can see that every day, New York City
becomes more dangerous and more disgusting than it was the day before.
When Rudy Giuliani was mayor, he turned the city into the safest and
cleanest in its history. The current mayor has completely reversed
Giuliani's accomplishment.

Here's what NY city mayor Bill de Blasio said a couple of days ago in
an interview, addressing the people of his city:
> "You really want to change things in this city? Then
> everyone better change a lot of the way we live more
> foundationally. If you just talk about it and feel
> self-satisfied, God bless you. That is not actually going to
> change things. What changes things is redistribution of
> wealth. Tax the wealthy at a much higher level. And I just feel
> like this is a lot of cocktail party comfort going on rather than
> people honestly dealing with this issue. Help me tax the wealthy,
> help me redistribute wealth, help me build affordable housing in
> white communities if you want desegregation."

This man is certifiably crazy, and I really mean that. He's like a
man who gets pleasure in beating the crap out of his own wife. The
more destructive he is, the more satisfied he is. This isn't an
"ideology." This is a severe mental illness.

De Blasio reminds of the destruction of Venezuela by Hugo Chávez and
Nicolás Maduro. Venezuela is one of the wealthiest countries in the
world because of its oil reserves, but Maduro has destroyed his
country in the same way and for the same reason that a man might beat
the crap out of his wife.

Another example is Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe was an extremely wealthy
country in the 1990s, and grew so much food that it was called "the
breadbasket of southern Africa." Then Robert Mugabe started
destroying Zimbabwe in the same way and with the same mental illness
that Maduro destroyed Venezuela and de Blasio is destroying NY City.
Today, thanks to Mugabe and his mental illness, the people living in
the former breadbasket of southern Africa are facing starvation.

The same thing is happening in Portland. The city is being trashed
every day by violent mobs of antifa-blm fascist thugs, and the mayor
and government are actively supporting the trashing by stating that
none of the antifa-blm fascists will be prosecuted for any crimes they

Encouraging and supporting fascist mobs who destroy your own city is
not some political ideology. It's a sign of severe mental illness,
whether by Ted Wheeler (Portland), Jenny Durkan (Seattle), Lori
Lightfoot (Chicago), Muriel Bowser (Washington D.C.), Bill De Blasio
(NY City). These people get some sort of erotic pleasure out of
feeling all-powerful and superior to the rest of us, and using their
power to bring about the destruction of their own cities, just like
men who feel power and get erotic pleasure out of beating the crap out
of their wives or raping their daughters and supporting each other.
These are sick, mentally ill people, and there's no telling how much
destruction they'll bring about before they're through.

These are all Democrats, and there's a historical analogy from a
century ago, when Democrats got erotic pleasure out of seeing the
thugs from their own KKK organization go out and lynch, torture, rape
and kill blacks. A century ago, the Democrats got erotic pleasure out
of seeing their fascist KKK thugs lynch, torture, rape and kill
blacks, and today, the Democrats get erotic pleasure out of seeing
their fascist antifa-blm thugs beat, trash and destroy the hated 63
million Tea Partiers and Trump supporters. What's old is new again.

Guest Observer

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest Observer »

Antifa is the New KKK.

Antifa - Black Hoodies, Uses Fire to Intimidate and Destroy, Cancels Opposition, and Hides Behind Lies of Purpose

KKK - White Hoodies, Uses Fire to Intimidate and Destroy, Cancels Opposition, and Hides Behind Lies of Purpose


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Xeraphim1 »

Guest Observer wrote:
Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:13 pm
Antifa is the New KKK.

Antifa - Black Hoodies, Uses Fire to Intimidate and Destroy, Cancels Opposition, and Hides Behind Lies of Purpose

KKK - White Hoodies, Uses Fire to Intimidate and Destroy, Cancels Opposition, and Hides Behind Lies of Purpose
Antifa is the modern version of Hitler's SA. Of course we know what happened to them after Hitler took power but apparently they don't.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Great post Navigator. I think you are very accurate in your assessment regarding Civil War, coming problems, and the election.

Trump wins, but it sets off many issues he will have to deal with, which can also be a good thing if he finally laws down the law. Both to the hoodlums and the deep state and corrupt pols.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

John, you said,
This man is certifiably crazy, and I really mean that. He's like a
man who gets pleasure in beating the crap out of his own wife. The
more destructive he is, the more satisfied he is. This isn't an
"ideology." This is a severe mental illness.
You should know from the Orthodox faith that what they suffer from is spiritual delusion and sickness of the highest magnitude. You need only see Mr. de Blasio (Warren Wilhelm Jr - his real name) family and his children to see just how sick his internal life is even ... and how that shows on the outside of his destructive and chaotic fascinations (demonic).

He is not crazy. That absolves him. It is not the material that is his problem. It is the path he chose and the rejection of God that makes him and anything around him go even crazier.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by utahbob »

It looks like an indicator of an attack by the PLA would be an emptying of the 3GD and that would take 14 days. Here is a good video to watch or skip to 11:00 minute mark: ... e=emb_logo

This is finally coming out. Remember when everybody made the Soviets into 10 foot tall monsters: ... e=emb_logo

Check out who China is starting F with and the counter? Picking a fight with its "friend"? ... e=emb_logo

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 03-Sep-2020 World View: Mental illness

John, you said,
> This man is certifiably crazy, and I really mean
> that. He's like a man who gets pleasure in beating the crap out of
> his own wife. The more destructive he is, the more satisfied he
> is. This isn't an "ideology." This is a severe mental
> illness.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:04 pm
> You should know from the Orthodox faith that what they suffer from
> is spiritual delusion and sickness of the highest magnitude. You
> need only see Mr. de Blasio (Warren Wilhelm Jr - his real name)
> family and his children to see just how sick his internal life is
> even ... and how that shows on the outside of his destructive and
> chaotic fascinations (demonic).

> He is not crazy. That absolves him. It is not the material that is
> his problem. It is the path he chose and the rejection of God that
> makes him and anything around him go even crazier.
The point I'm trying to make is that this has nothing to do with
ideology or religion.

Religion is about whether you go to church on Sunday. Ideology is
about whether you support a 22 or 28 percent tax rate. So when you
blame something on a man's ideology or religion, you're absolving him.
Everyone's entitled to their own ideology, so you can't blame him for
his ideology. Same with religion. Or, if the person's religion is
some "enemy" religion, whether Christianity or Islam, then you can
blame the actual religion, rather then the person. So the man is
absolved either way.

There is no ideology or religion that supports a man beating up his
wife, or lynching a black, or destroying a city, or destroying a
country, or committing genocide (unless you're at war). So these
crimes have nothing to do with either ideology or religion.

Every day I see the worst of human behavior. I don't write about it
every day, but I see it every day. A politician destroying a city,
country or population, or torturing someone for saying the wrong
thing, or killing someone for no reason, and then defending it with
the usual crap that comes out of the mouths of politicians. I've
developed very strong negative feelings about the mental sickness of
humans, to the extent that I sometimes question my own sanity. This
is in the DNA, and is irrespective of religion or ideology.

I do not agree that mental illness absolves someone of a crime. It's
true that "insanity" is a defense for some crimes, but that just means
that he's locked up in a mental institution instead of prison.

So when the Nazis kill the Jews or when Maduro destroys Venezuela or
when Lori Lightfoot destroys Chicao or Ted Wheeler destroys Portland,
I'm not willing to attach a religion or ideology in any way, because
every religion and ideology is the same. To me, it's a mental


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I'll just cut to the chase. NYC is finished. Cuomo and DeBlasio killed it. No amount of federal money will save it. The slaves forced to work and live there are now free and will not return. Game over. It will become another Detroit. Plow it under.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

This man is certifiably crazy, and I really mean that. He's like a
man who gets pleasure in beating the crap out of his own wife. The
more destructive he is, the more satisfied he is. This isn't an
"ideology." This is a severe mental illness.

De Blasio reminds of the destruction of Venezuela by Hugo Chávez and
Nicolás Maduro. Venezuela is one of the wealthiest countries in the
world because of its oil reserves, but Maduro has destroyed his
country in the same way and for the same reason that a man might beat
the crap out of his wife.
How about this line of thinking.

If we eliminate 60-70% of the population why do we even need a subway, f'em. Just remember only well-Bred Lives Matter .

What the top of the pyramid has in store for when they put the hammer down will make the politicians look like a spastic kid with a broken ant farm. Think Greek Tragedy type stuff. Wait until they unleash the real virus...


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by NY1 »

NYC's and NY State's Governments just with a single act DESTROYED the livelihoods of many businesses! No problem here! Think so? Let's hope the COURTS will right this wrong... here in NY and all the other states that rushed to "protect" a few by "punishing" the most!

This will end-up as probably one of the most horrific events of World History!

The Payback for this is gonna be massive... and hopefully the END of Democratic control (abuse) of the cities and states they control!

The liberal rodents infested our Educational System, our Courts, Our Legislature... along with Big Cities, Many States... if you don't address rodents early-on you're in for a HUGE "fix-it" Bill once you awaken and realize that you've been asleep at the wheel. CONSERVATIVES: I'm speaking to you here!

This is perhaps our last chance to reverse this before it's too late... so take this seriously, grow a set and STAND-UP to this INSANITY NOW!

But Sadly, the COURTS are a key to this and Conservatives have neglected this... until TRUMP!

If you fail to recognize the GIFT that TRUMP has given the Right to reverse this insanity with his court appointments then you deserve a horrid fate!

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