2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

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Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:I'm not calling for censorship, Salt Bae. I'm calling you a hypocrite. Big difference. You snowflakes always try to take the argument in a bizarre direction. And you take way too much time to say so very little. I'll ignore your posts for now on. I'm new here. I guess I have to learn what all the other guests already know: that you are an obnoxious weirdo.
I would definitely agree you should stay out of conversations you have no business, or interest, being involved in. Totally with you on that. :)


..and yes,.. I do sprinkle salt that way. Very effective! Only works on big flat things though.


Re: 2-Dec-18 World View -- Donald Trump and Xi Jinping agree to a 90 day moratorium in trade war

Post by Guest »

What's interesting in all this talk is how prescient MacArthur was over 60 years ago. When the Chinese sent a million soldiers across the Yalu to defend the North Korean army that was about to be annihilated, MacArthur drew up an attack plan to neutralize China, It consisted of something like a dozen atomic strikes on as many Chinese cities, basically solving China's population problem in the course of a morning. Truman declined to order implementation of the plan. Too bad.

But as it turned out, MacArthur was correct in his estimations supporting the attack plan. He noted that if the US did not act at that point, then they probably would have to dust it off and implement it at a later time because of his understanding of the mentality of the Chinese communist leadership.

Today there are some like this talking head in the article who think that confrontation is the best alternative to China protecting its interests. And they even suggest taking war-like actions to achieve their objectives. And they very well could push the issue so far that thew US would have to initiate an attack plan similar to what MacArthur envisioned as the best solution 60 something years ago.

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