Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

I would like to give my impression of the first 25% of Navigator's book, which I have just read. The first part of the book, as illustrated in his outline, details what's coming, and why. In a word, it's alarming. However, it's presented with enough explanation and historical precedent that it comes across not as alarmist and panicking, but believable and sobering. What is portrayed will come as no surprise to those who, like me, have frequented this website for years, but the level of detail and explanation is very welcome. The book also makes it clear that Navigator's assessment of the world situation dovetails nicely with John's theories, but the book goes into significantly more detail, putting some serious "meat on the bones."

The already-published portion just touches on preparation at the end, and thus, I have to say it, "leaves the reader wanting more." I would like to encourage everyone who cares enough to be on this blog to contribute whatever they can so Navigator can feel like he's not writing for nothing, and so we can help John, who has given immeasurably to help us over the years.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Letter from Robert in UK – “Let me explain.” ... e-explain/
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Sun Sep 20, 2020 9:02 am
I believe Roman Catholicism is the Truth, but being made up of fallen humans it is as prone to genocide as anyone else.
Tom, you point out what I'm trying to get John to understand, but I fear without being inquisitive (John is too set and formed by western secularism/materialism, so he can't differentiate these from christianity, for example) I can't help an orthodox brother here. Grouping people is what leftists do, and I know John isn't, so I'm not sure why he falls for that lazy way of thinking - when it comes to an idea/identity such as religion. For example, race is real and groups of people truly do have different characteristics, proclivities and aptitudes. They share other characteristics as humans but are still remarkably different as groups. These are materialist/scientific realities, though, and can be talked about as such. When you get to religion, grouping people only matters insomuch as the group is following its ideas and teachings. Simply put, and this shouldn't have to be said (except for that western leftist thought now confuses and permeates, even John), but let's say for example, because a Christian sins, it doesn't mean he's the same "as any other guy" or that Jesus Christ isn't real or the Son of God. It's ridiculous. But that's what is happening when John talks about "Christians killing christians" or "Muslims killing christians" or "Confucians killing group X". Those MIGHT BE TRUE but they are case by case and have to do with the situation at hand AND if religion X says IT IS OK TO DO SO. I hate to keep killing this topic but it's unfathomable how people aren't open minded to consider it so I have to mention again: A human can do something or say something NOT IN ACCORD with belief or religion X and thus that person in himself is not acting in accord with the religion, so it is utter foolishness to say that a "Christian did X" as if was justified by that religion. Sometimes it might be, I'm just saying it has to be discerned AND you have to know the actual religion in question, all of which have various teachings (some do and some do not justify violent acts, etc).


Ok, moving on, and thank you John for your response to my last post, you said,
Let's take another example. In 2005 I started predicting war with China. I was ridiculed for that prediction, as I was for the stock
market prediction, but the trend line is clear. Today one can look back and see a trend line of increasing belligerence, hostility,
nationalism, and xenophobia. The Generational Dynamics prediction is that all these trends will continue to increase unsustainably, and
that you can apply "If something can't go on forever, then it won't," and conclude that there will be a war at some time in the future.
This was a great prediction because it was so misunderstood and unevaluated by many, or underevaluated/dismissed. It was therefore VERY useful.

The economics one aren't because most people in the last 10-15 years at least have realized the joke of sovereign debt the world is in. To say it will come to an end is not helpful at all, especially when some measures taken (QE) have inflated the markets to all time highs, and if you were a Peter Schiff, you got the first part right (luck, even though he like you is fundamentally correct about things) but don't actually understand the nuts and bolts that would have allowed you to make 5-10x more on investments in the S&P or Dow in the next period of QE/inflation of assets. So being THAT early is being WRONG, in that scenario. It is important.

Now, I think we are late stage as well and I think you see bankruptcies in business and in states and pensions next year big time after Trump wins and no bailouts from the FEDs happen. Then we might get a wild fire. I am in commodities and btc for the long term because of this so its' not like I disagree with you on balance. It just takes way longer and a lot of times it shows you that generic prescriptions aren't helpful.

I'll keep an eye out for Navigator's and your thoughts, so I'm glad you like my pushback a little. At the very least you should welcome it to make you be thoughtful and critical of things and work out new ideas and predictions. Best,

Cool B


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:37 pm
So the Supreme Court is going to be looking at all this, and my
expectation is that each justice will be guided not by whether he's a
Democrat or Republic, or whether he's liberal or conservative, but by
what the best way will be to end the chaos, select a winner, restore
Constitutional order, and preserve the Union. This principle could
favor either side. In this sense, the Dred Scott decision remains
relevant today.
I found your Dred Scott post very interesting and informative. Good points.


Cool Breeze

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Sorry, I didn't sign in I guess. I still liked the post. I do have a question though about any decision favoring the anti-Trump side. By all accounts, especially since he is the incumbent, I don't think you can argue that preserving the union would be to take an incumbent president down by law, unprecedented mail in ballots, or other chicanery. Thinking that aiding in the removal of Mr. Trump is far more bombastic than any opposite view.

At this point, we may require a takeover, at the very least. The insurrection act needs to be utilized and most Democrats and their supporters thrown in jail for supporting illegal activities, riots, anti-American ideals, sedition, and anarchy.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 25-Sep-2020 World View: Lazy thinking
Guest wrote:
Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:17 pm
> John is too set and formed by western secularism/materialism ...

> I'm not sure why he falls for that lazy way of thinking ...

> except for that western leftist thought now confuses and
> permeates, even John
Blah, blah, blah, blah. You're completely full of crap.
Guest wrote:
Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:17 pm
> A human can do something or say something NOT IN ACCORD with
> belief or religion X and thus that person in himself is not acting
> in accord with the religion, so it is utter foolishness to say
> that a "Christian did X" as if was justified by that
> religion.
I may have a lazy way of thinking, but at least I know how to read
which, apparently, you don't. I never said anything about being
"justified by that religion." You simply made that up. Apparently
you're confused by western leftist thought.

When the Hutus killed the Tutsis, it was Christians killing Christians.
I didn't say it was justified by Christianity -- in fact it obviously
wasn't. But it still happened, and it was Christians killing

Similarly, in the Nazi Holocaust, it was Christians killing Jews. I
never said (except in your troubled fantasy imagination) that it was
justified by religion. It wasn't, but it happened.

If Muslims kill Christians and it's not justified by religion, that's
no different than Christians killing Jews, when not justified by
religion. As I showed in my list of examples, there's no evidence
that any religion is different from any other -- in terms of what they
ACTUALLY DO, as opposed to what they justify. Words are cheap.
Actions matter. And you can't use pious words to excuse evil actions,
though everyone tries to do so.

And Generational Dynamics analyses are based on what people actually
do, not pious words or what their politicians say.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Why does critical analysis bother you so much John? I'm not against you. I just find that the grouping of people into religious categories when NOT justified by their religion (mostly in Islam it is, and is encourage, so it is useful) is not helpful to understanding life, religion or people. We know that "groups" have a tendency to be tribal or violent depending on their status, situation, or defensive nature. That's all that needs to be said UNLESS it is actually a religion promoting it. That's all I'm saying.

Why do you keep insisting that there are no differences in religion - in fact you have said there are, so your analysis is conflicting even. Islamic and Christian societies are remarkably different, and always have been, based on what they do and the religion they have (both). Actions do matter, that's why people when they have been able to, have moved to advanced christian societies (mainly European). And that's more evidence that religions aren't the same. You wouldn't move to islamic societies precisely because religions ARE different.

Also, it's not helpful to tell someone that he is full of crap (in general) and especially not if you don't point out why. Also saying things like
I may have a lazy way of thinking, but at least I know how to read which, apparently, you don't.
is unbecoming of an 80 year old man who is learned, for the same reasons. Especially when the person talking to him is educated and knowledgeable, and not against him.

I agree that what people does matters most. Of course what people say matters too, just ultimately less since as you state talk is generally cheap. But it can be helpful and valuable. Moving on, there are few countries that are expressly christian anymore in the world, when it comes down to it (they are all secular democracies) ... and that's another reason why we have increasing problems.

John, what did you think of the burning platform post to Austrian Peter?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Right now I have some time off from my regular job. So I am available to do a lot of writing. But only for another week or so.

I would love to continue on the book. The next sections are about what to do regarding finances, and how to prepare for your and your family's security.

I think these would be of the utmost interest to those that frequent this blog.

But I am not going to write more until the support is there. $1500 additional campaign funding is needed to continue the progress. I believe I have shown, through the feedback of those who have gotten the first quarter of the manuscript, that I know how to write, make compelling arguments, and present viable and thoughtful content.

$20 right now will ensure that you receive the book when it is done. $30 would ensure you get the manuscript at the 3/4 point. $50 ensures you get it when it is half done, which is the next milestone.

Remember too, that half of the funds raised go to John, who has provided us with so much news and information over the years. $50 is easily what I would pay for a family night at the movies. The information I can provide you will be of MUCH MORE worth than a couple of hours entertainment.

There should not be any issues with donating from countries outside of the USA. Let me know if there are, I have a work around.

The funding campaign is at:

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Is there any way I can send you the money directly, Navigator? I don't trust gofundme I'm sad to say ... if you can private message me perhaps I can find a way to get it to you. Thanks.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

I think you all should see a really good post by an investor from NZ named Chris Macintosh ... really solid analysis here of what's going on in the coming, dramatically changing world. ... en-agenda/

John, I wonder how you see the recurring elements of marxism historically?

Have you ever heard of bio-Leninism?

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