Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:58 pm
Is there any way I can send you the money directly, Navigator? I don't trust gofundme I'm sad to say ... if you can private message me perhaps I can find a way to get it to you. Thanks.
Send me a private message with your email address. Let me know how much you want to donate. I will send you a paypal invoice from my company SPW LLC.

You can message me here, or send an email to:

Anyone can who does not trust GoFundMe can use this method to send money from anywhere in the world.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

27-Sep-20 World View -- Lebanon's new prime minister resigns in failure, throwing country into further chaos

President Trump harshly attacks China and World Health Org at UN

** 27-Sep-20 World View -- Lebanon's new prime minister resigns in failure, throwing country into further chaos
** ... tm#e200927

Lebanon's new prime minister resigns in failure, throwing country into further chaos
President Trump harshly attacks China and World Health Org at UN

Generational Dynamics, Lebanon, Beirut, Mustapha Adib,
ammonium nitrate, fertilizer,
Iran, Hassan Rouhani, Hezbollah, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah,
France, Emmanuel Macron,
United Nations, China, World Health Organization, WHO

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 27-Sep-2020 World View: Religious societies
Cool Breeze wrote:
Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:15 pm
> Why does critical analysis bother you so much John? I'm not
> against you. I just find that the grouping of people into
> religious categories when NOT justified by their religion (mostly
> in Islam it is, and is encourage, so it is useful) is not helpful
> to understanding life, religion or people. We know that "groups"
> have a tendency to be tribal or violent depending on their status,
> situation, or defensive nature. That's all that needs to be said
> UNLESS it is actually a religion promoting it. That's all I'm
> saying.

> Why do you keep insisting that there are no differences in
> religion - in fact you have said there are, so your analysis is
> conflicting even. Islamic and Christian societies are remarkably
> different, and always have been, based on what they do and the
> religion they have (both). Actions do matter, that's why people
> when they have been able to, have moved to advanced christian
> societies (mainly European). And that's more evidence that
> religions aren't the same. You wouldn't move to islamic societies
> precisely because religions ARE different.
So first you say that "grouping of people into religious categories
... is not helpful to understanding life, religion or people." I
assume that you must be adopting some ideologic globalist or leftist
view of all people being the same. And yet, in real life, people form
identity groups based on religion, ethnicity, race, skin color, etc.,
and they fight wars over those identity groups. Maybe grouping people
isn't helpful to you, but it is helpful to me and to almost everyone
else in the world.

And then in your next paragraph, you go on to say that grouping
Christian and Muslim communities is helpful. In other words, you
adopt the globalist/leftist point of view when it's convenient for
you, and then you turn around and adopt an extremely harsh grouping of
religious societies when that's convenient for you. I'd like to make
the suggestion that you try some "lazy thinking," because that would
be better than your current situation, when you aren't doing any
thinking whatsoever.

And by the way, you have absolutely no clue about anything in Islam.
I suggest you spend the $7 on my book on Iran and Islam, and read it,
so that you won't be talking from total ignorance.

And the reason that I said that you're full of crap is because you're
full of crap.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Fri Sep 25, 2020 1:15 pm
> is unbecoming of an 80 year old man who is learned, for the same
> reasons. Especially when the person talking to him is educated and
> knowledgeable, and not against him.
Lol! Didn't your parents tell you to respect your elders, because
they almost always know more than you do? I suggest that you be more
respectful, and stop using phrases like "set and formed by western
secularism/materialism" and "lazy way of thinking" and "confuses and
permeates, even John." I love people like you who think that your
moronic attacks on other people make you morally superior, when you're
really totally full of crap.

P.S.: I'm not 80.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by ChewyBakka »

Mr. X: I still love visiting your forum, to gain better insight, when the world makes no sense. Love your reply .... You rock!!!

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

28-Sep-20 World View -- Armenia warns of 'full-scale war' with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh

Possible intervention by Turkey and Russia

** 28-Sep-20 World View -- Armenia warns of 'full-scale war' with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh
** ... tm#e200928

Armenia warns of 'full-scale war' with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh
Possible intervention by Turkey and Russia

Generational Dynamics, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh,
Turkey, Russia, Iran, France, Artsakh

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Jeepdinger »


I just wanted to give you a few thoughts on the first 25% of the manuscript released by Navigator. First, thank you to Navigator for doing this. I am more than happy to support people when they provide something of value, and I believe this to be of value. I really enjoy the process of being involved up front and seeing the finished product develop and evolve. I encourage all of you to contribute, as you are able, to help this along. Funds go to support Navigator as he writes the manuscript, and also to support John who has spent years providing this forum with insight and analysis. A good cause.

The manuscript (or text) describes potential events that are most likely to happen if we move into a major conflict/war/disaster/apocalypse. There is also a timeline of how these events might occur. I agree that there is much more than just a potential war for which we must prepare. Actually, more than 5 different events are discussed. The text outlines, at a high level, the major events of which we should be aware or expect. The timeline section describes how these events will most likely occur, either individually or in combination, as some will be connected.

As an engineer, one of the first things I learned is that first you must define the problem before you can ever start to deal with or solve the problem. The events described are not the kind where you can treat the symptom. Instead they are the kind where the root cause must be dealt with before society can move forward. Understanding the events, and what causes them, will be incredibly important to surviving.

Once the potential events are understood, you can move on to what effects those events will have on us. The effects are how those events directly impact our lives. These are what we will have to deal with in order to survive. These are the things for which we must prepare.

Like any journey of a 1000 miles, you start by taking the first step. But, if you know you have that journey in your future you might want to pack a bag with various supplies and make sure you are wearing a good set of shoes. Preparation. You may also want a map and a plan. This text is laying out the preparations and guidance to help you on an upcoming 1000 mile journey. A journey to survive the upcoming events that this forum has been predicting for some time.

The manuscript is only 25% complete, but I can already tell it will be incredibly helpful. Whether the information is completely new, somewhat familiar, or you're already in your bunker this will be useful to review and think over. We can all hope that the things described in this manuscript don't occur, but we would be negligent to be aware of the situation and not prepare. Navigator's experience shows through in the way he is putting all the information together and linking the different events and situations discussed. I have not read anything that covers the broad range of events and effects he is discussing. I've come across all of them individually, at least conceptually, as I do not have the same experiences as Navigator.

I hope you find this helpful, and that I haven't revealed too much. I strongly encourage you to support John and Navigator and help move things along.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

In this case, a new war would not be anticipated until at least 2052.
Are you giving up on the Singularity, John?
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 29-Sep-2020 World View: Anticipation
> In this case, a new war would not be anticipated until at least
> 2052.
Tom Mazanec wrote:
Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:12 pm
> Are you giving up on the Singularity, John?
Nobody who follows computer and AI technology could possibly "give up"
on the Singularity.

The phrase "would not be anticipated" are ambiguous weasel words
chosen to avoid having to discuss a complicated subject not relevant
to this article.

Also, when the Singularity occurs, and computers are smarter than
humans, that doesn't mean that human wars will stop overnight. To the
contrary, they may go on for decades.

Jack Edwards
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Jack Edwards »

Regarding the book Navigator is working on "How to Prepare for coming storms". I was able to review the completed portion today. It is very well written, engaging, has many interesting details and yet is concise. The case he makes for the coming calamities is compelling. The advice to prepare is straight forward and helpful.

I encourage folks to donate so work can proceed on the rest of the book. The money gets split with John who provides such great analysis on so many things. I'm glad I donated to the campaign and hope you'll donate what you can to move the work along.

The funding campaign is at:


Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:12 pm
In this case, a new war would not be anticipated until at least 2052.
Are you giving up on the Singularity, John?
Things are making more sense to me now, Tom. Thanks for the question. John doesn't like my critique and his believing in "the singularity" then denying that he is a scientific materialist tells me all that I need to know. I still am confused why he thinks I'm an enemy and calls me names though. One should understand legit, intelligent criticism and respond to it in order to grow. That's why I'm here; also to be convinced if reason and logic use facts to come to conclusions. But I see a lot of religious thinking around here, ironically.

John, you are much older than me. On a few things it is of course possible you may be wiser. I find you have many insights, but you are stubborn. Tell me, why should I trust a man's generalizations about religion when he isn't even interested enough to know the tenets of his own (supposed) inherited faith, eastern orthodox christianity? You don't know that but you presume I don't know anything about Islam? That's both laughable and incredible (in the literal sense of the word).

If you believe that technology will "figure things out" and it can't be stopped, Moore's Law, etc you are part of the secular scientific materialist crowd. This is a spinoff of the faith or belief system called progressivism. Some of the Singularity/Futurist guys I often interact with are simultaneously very high IQ but lack humility about what they don't know about what being human is, or what wisdom is, and why it matters. Kartik Gada over at the Futurist is another great example. You all share these traits, and it's quite intriguing to me. I'd recommend people looking at these guys because they have major insights but don't realize they follow their own religion and it is a false one. It's funny also when futurists keep saying X will happen and ... it never does. Or is nowhere near where there prediction was, or the quality of it.

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