Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 20-Dec-2020 World View: Europeans desperately try to block spread of new virus variant

  • Street art by artist Rebel Bear, on wall on Bath Street in
UK media are speculating that the new harsh shutdowns will extend well
past Christmas until the new vaccines have been deployed, which means
that many people will be confined to their homes until March or April.
It's believed that the new vaccines will still be effective with the
new variant.

Listening to the various UK politicians talk about how the new variant
is "out of control," it's pretty clear that they're desperate and have
no idea what to do. The same is true in the US in the incoming Joe
Biden administration, where they have no absolutely clue what to say
or do except to rant that it's all Trump's fault.

See the following:

** 22-Mar-20 World View -- Today's Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic vs 1918 Spanish Flu
** ... tm#e200322

The Netherlands, Belgium and Italy are placing severe restrictions on
air travel to and from the UK. Germany may consider the same.
However, the new variant may already be spreading in those and other

Need we remind you? The Brexit disaster is closing in, and the UK
will officially leave the EU in ten days.

There has been a major outbreak in Sydney, Australia, where it is
currently summer.

---- Sources

-- COVID-19: New mutation in every part of UK except Northern Ireland,
expert says ... n-12161566
(Sky News, 20-Dec-2020)

-- Dutch ban UK flights, fearing the new coronavirus variant ... b34be356b4
(AP, 20-Dec-2020)

---- Related article:

** 22-Mar-20 World View -- Today's Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic vs 1918 Spanish Flu
** ... tm#e200322


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Enough »

Infections don't equal deaths. But bankrupt businesses destroy lives. The lockdowns are catastrophic. The average person has been denied a decent future. It's over.


Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Book Now Ready - It's Done!

Post by Navigator »

Guest wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:32 am
Navigator wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:07 am
The book How to Prepare for the Coming Storms is now complete.

I will start to send out the copies to those who have already contributed tomorrow.

Others will need to contribute to get their own copies.

Donations can be made at:
When will it be available on Amazon?
It will NEVER be available on Amazon. Amazon would take almost all of the revenue and give only a small fraction to the creator in return. It will only be available through a donation on the gofundme site (see above) until John has received $4k. Then I might put it on my website for sale through Paypal. That's it.

BTW, I have a different book for sale on Amazon. It is a $30 book. I get $6 for every sale.

Posts: 914
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 2:15 pm

Re: Book Now Ready - It's Done!

Post by Navigator »

Guest wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:36 am
Guest wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:32 am
Navigator wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:07 am
The book How to Prepare for the Coming Storms is now complete.

I will start to send out the copies to those who have already contributed tomorrow.

Others will need to contribute to get their own copies.

Donations can be made at:
When will it be available on Amazon?
What is the book about?
The book is about the following:
What the future will bring, why these things will happen, and what the effects will be.
How to prepare for the future financially
How to prepare for the future physically (as in what supplies / equipment you will need and why)
How to prepare for the future as an individual (what you need to learn, how you need to prepare yourself mentally and fitness wise)
How to prepare for the future as family/group (no one will survive on their own, you will need to group together - the why and how)

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 20-Dec-2020 World View: The Five Laws of Revolution

Moncef Marzouki, former Tunisian president, was interviewed
on al-Jazeera on Sunday, on the tenth anniversary of the Tunisian
revolution that led to the so-called "Arab Spring" throughout the
Mideast. He said that the Tunisian Revolution was "ordinary," because
it followed his "Five laws of revolution":

Five laws of revolution:
1 - every revolution has a high human cost.
2 - every revolution is followed by a counter revolution
3 - revolutions don't profit the people behind the revolution.
Other people profit.
4 - revolution is like a cat with offspring -- dictatorship breaks out,
good guys who were fighting together now are enemies.
5 - Most important law: It takes a very long time to achieve
the revolution's objectives.

He said that the Tunisian revolution contained three paradoxes:
1st paradox - they started out peaceful, but they led to terrible
civil wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen
2nd paradox - they were secular revolutions, but they gave power
to the Islamists.
3rd paradox - they were local revolutions, but became the
backgrounds [proxy wars] for foreign powers.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

John wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:48 pm
** 20-Dec-2020 World View: The Five Laws of Revolution
America appears to be in a revolution of sorts. But Why?

What grave oppression do her people face, other than artificial grievances that are amplified by media organs?
Americans have never had it easier. POC and women here have never had it easier at any time and place in history. The Govt. solution for *everything* is to crank up the printing press and throw money at it. That includes the massive $Billions funneled to special programs for POC, women, and the poor. This is a placative action. Why?

If masses of people drive great changes, what problem are they trying to solve today? The trend of the masses seems to be toward one that prefers total Govt control and suppression of any unapproved dissent.

What is this obsession the media has with Russia? Why and to what end do they push for confrontation? How does this comport with GD prediction of the US allying with Russia?

You can say that the masses are influenced by an agenda-driven media and making changes based on that. But you also have to factor that overall and on the average, the masses of people center on reality; they come to the "right" conclusion and overall "correct" evaluation of what's going on in the world.

So I don't think you can have it both ways: You can't say the masses are in a daze and blindly follow evil leaders like Hitler/Pol Pot/Stalin/Mao to murder millions and cause catastrophe, but on the other hand, people choose their leaders who will carry out their wishes. So that means the people chose their own doom. And yet I think this is true.


It is so simple as to be dismissed for its banality: When the population of reproductive aged males (16-55) far exceed that of females(16-35), humans trend toward culling the herd of excess males.
So everything you see happening in the world can be explained by that simple hypothesis. That is the trend toward World War, desire to import masses of different ethnicities that can only lead to conflict, where the strongest win. In this case females of any race and creed win; their genes will carry on and include the ones of the winners every time. Even the financial ruin we're headed for supports this. Placing more and more females into positions of power also supports this, as desperate males do everything they can to placate and appease women in order to gain access. Every decision we're trending toward supports this, besides all the anecdotal evidence of Japanese Hikikomori and "Herbivores", 20M+ excess Chinese males looking for foreign brides, plus the MGTOW and PUA cultures and many Westerners looking for foreign brides, while Western women hold out for the prime Alpha, simultaneously making themselves as undesirable as possible. (Note that is not the case with Russian & Japanese women whose societies were bereft of males, post WWII. The US did not have this issue) The superabundance of desperate Western males happy to connect with grotesque females supports this. No such desperation exists in Russia or Japan.

This hypothesis also supports GD: Periodically, humans need to cull the herd of weak, excess males.

So as we all know already, the future is going to be a blood bath and killing field until the imbalance is resolved. Men will take the brunt of it.

Posts: 1083
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:33 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by tim »

Burner Prime wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:58 pm
John wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:48 pm
** 20-Dec-2020 World View: The Five Laws of Revolution
This hypothesis also supports GD: Periodically, humans need to cull the herd of weak, excess males.

So as we all know already, the future is going to be a blood bath and killing field until the imbalance is resolved. Men will take the brunt of it.
War does not cull off the "weak" males.

Who does a country send to war? The strong and fit males.

The criminals, the mentally ill, the physically unfit, the genetically unfit, etc. do not get shipped off to war.

War is dysgenic and kills off the best of humanity.

War and the Breed: The Relation of War to the Downfall of Nations, 1915
The lesson this book hopes to teach was stated by Charles Darwin in 1871, in characteristically terse fashion. In the Descent of Man he says:
"In every country in which a standing army is kept up, the fairest young men are taken to the conscription camp or are enlisted. They are thus exposed to early death during war or are often tempted into vice, and are prevented from marrying during the prime of life. On the other hand, the shorter and feebler men with poor Constitutions are left at home and consequently have a much better chance of marrying and propagating their kind."

It is apparent that armies demand men above the average in physical efficiency. It is plain that the most energetic and intelligent among these make the best soldiers. It is recognized that those who fight best suffer the most in action, while the demands of battle and camp cut off men in the prime of life from normal parenthood. This leaves the weaker elements of one kind or another to be the fathers of the coming generations. By the law of heredity, like the seed is the harvest, and the future of the race repeats the qualities of those war does not use. This thesis is logically without flaw, but to demonstrates its actual validity through the results of the experiments of nations is a task of the most complex character. For a nation does not miss that which it has not had, and all considerations of value of strains of inheritance are mixed inextricably with results of education, organization, commerce, industrialism, opportunity and emigration, influences which may seem to transform a nation in a manner quite independent of the real capacity of its people. However, to show that the thesis is true in fact as well as sound in theory, is the purpose of this book.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

This is brilliant and a must see. Covers nearly everything discussed in this forum including concepts John talks about:

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

tim wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:02 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:58 pm
John wrote:
Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:48 pm
** 20-Dec-2020 World View: The Five Laws of Revolution
This hypothesis also supports GD: Periodically, humans need to cull the herd of weak, excess males.

So as we all know already, the future is going to be a blood bath and killing field until the imbalance is resolved. Men will take the brunt of it.
War does not cull off the "weak" males.

Who does a country send to war? The strong and fit males.

The criminals, the mentally ill, the physically unfit, the genetically unfit, etc. do not get shipped off to war.

War is dysgenic and kills off the best of humanity.
This is certainly not true to the point of idiocy: Since losing the best of humanity for the past 5000 years, we now exist in the space age, with 6ft+ humans, and are close to the singularity. You realize how stupid that sounds?

If it were true, humans wouldn't exist due to 5000-10,000 years of 'dysgenic' practice. Or we'd be in some primitive stone age. Also if it were true, what would explain why humans have engaged in war since the beginning of time? For fun? So we can eliminate ourselves? Are we predisposed to dysgenic practices that result in a weakened species? Absurd. Why?

It's not true because there's no sense to it.

War is a means though not necessary. If one side refuses to engage in war, the chance they're eliminated is 100%, as is happening in Europe right now. Otherwise it goes to the victors in any case. Not dysgenic though.

Throughout most of history the losers, including the unfit would have been slaughtered or sold into slavery and unable to reproduce. The women would have been raped and sold into slavery passing on the genes of the victors. This happened on every continent, in every age, in every culture. Only recently, since the last World War have the weak and decrepit been able to pass on their genes in Idiocracy fashion. If you use Rome as an example you are citing a local phenomenon not the general trend of humanity. And even there the stronger invaders from North and the Mideast passed on their genes to the current inhabitants. And later, stronger Christian invaders pushed out the Muslims. Guess what? They did it with wars.

Because you know it's dysgenic and stuff...

If humans display dysgenic behavior (they certainly do) it's to precipitate some kind of crisis, which will result in a cull. There is no natural predator that would act as a culling mechanism so we do it ourselves through invasions and wars.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

A new strain of the COMMON COLD.

The horror!

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