Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Guest wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 10:27 am
It means you talk in circles because you are not a man of action. You are a talker.
Next you're going to start telling people that you are an anarcho-capitalist...
I’m definitely closer to an anarcho-capitalist than to a liberal or a conservative.

But perhaps the best way to describe me is an anarcho-centrist.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and he has overcome the world, having risen and created a path for all men to eternal life.

Cycles will come, madness will reign, but we know who has won the ultimate victory and He will be there as judge when all the nations are gathered, rendering to each man according to his works.

Until then, we will be tried and tested, so we must endure. Without hope, we are lost, remember God and remember this!

Posts: 944
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 11:09 am
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and he has overcome the world, having risen and created a path for all men to eternal life.

Cycles will come, madness will reign, but we know who has won the ultimate victory and He will be there as judge when all the nations are gathered, rendering to each man according to his works.

Until then, we will be tried and tested, so we must endure. Without hope, we are lost, remember God and remember this!

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 02-May-2021 World View: Democrats' rape, violence and enslavement culture.
spottybrowncow wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 7:47 am
> The issue is, how long should you go on following a set of rules
> that the other side ignores? I'm not sure I have the answer, but
> that's the real question.
DaKardii wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 10:16 am
> I'm an absolutist when it comes to belief in rule of law. I'm
> opposed to selective enforcement in all cases, be it when
> it benefits the left or when it benefits the right.

> That's why I've come to despise both the left and the right. BOTH
> of them believe in selective enforcement, and that the solution to
> selective enforcement that doesn't benefit them is MORE selective
> enforcement.
I don't know what "selective enforcement" you're referring to on the
right, but there's massive criminality on the left that's being
supported and encouraged by the Democrats, the mainstream media and
big tech that's not being enforced at all.

The Democrats use phony charges of rape all the time, but they approve
of and support rape by white Democrats like Bill Clinton.

Rape is a big part of the Democrat party culture. The KKK actively
raped black girls for decades. Joe Biden himself may have raped some
black girls when he was young. If not, then he was certainly aware
that others, like Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd, who were doing do.

Maxine Waters, who is totally unhinged, must have been deeply
traumatized by something, and she was quite likely raped by a White
Democrat as a girl. If not, then probably her girlfriends were raped.
At the least, she would have known many black girls who had been raped
by White Democrats in previous years.

Today, the Democrats are supporting as much rape as possible on the
southern border. The Democrats see massive rape as an opportunity to
raise a new generation of Democrat voters. As much rape as possible
is Democrat party policy.

So when you claim to be an "absolutist" about the rule of law, you
might start with the support of rape among Democrats.

There's a reason why Democrats don't care about the enslavement, rape
and torture of Uighurs in China. That's because they're still furious
that they lost the Civil War and that the Republicans freed the
slaves, and the Democrats would like to refight the civil war and
re-enslave the blacks. The Democrats are envious of the CCP because
the CCP are being successful at enslavement, and they'd like to do the
same. For example, the CCP's so-called "re-education centers" for
indoctrination are being replicated in America by using the
super-powerful and wealthy Teachers Unions to enforce the
indoctrination of "critical race theory" in the schools which is an
extremely evil development. The Democrats learned this from the CCP.

The Democrats are doing everything possible to encourage violence
among blacks. There is massive street violence among blacks that
Democrats never even mention. However, the Democrats adopt every
possible policy to destroy the black family, with the result that
young black males see that they have no chance of a normal family
life, and they turn to violence. This is an intended consequence by
the Democrats, who want as many blacks to kill each other as possible.

- The Democrats are doing everything possible to defund the police, so
that more blacks will kill each other.

- The Democrats in California are letting tens of thousands of violent
criminals, mostly black, out of jail, in order to increase the murder
of blacks in California.

- The Democrats want to end "cash bail," so that violent criminals,
mostly black, will be freed from jail immediatey upon arrest, if an
arrest occurs at all, and they'll be free to kill other blacks.

- The Democrats are purposely enabling and supporting the Mexican
cartels to bring massive amounts of meth and fentynal into the
country, expecting it to reach black neighborhoods, where the black
family will be further destroyed and there will be more violence of
blacks killing blacks.

- The Democrats are encouraging as much violence as possible by
antifa-blm fascists to burn down cities, particularly targeting
blacks, so that more blacks will be impoverished, and there will be
more violence between blacks, which is what the Democrats want.

White Democrats regularly beat, tortured, lynched and raped blacks
when Joe Biden was a boy. He may or may not have taken part in such
activities himself, but he was certainly aware of them by other White
Democrats, such as by his idolized mentor, Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

In 1977, Joe Biden was opposed to desegrating schools. He wanted
blacks in black schools and whites in white schools. He was opposed
to school busing and said: "Unless we do something about this, my
children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial
jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode
at some point. We have got to make some move on this."

So the massive slaughter of blacks in the streets today is the active
policy of the Democrats. It keeps the blacks in their place -- i.e.,
in their own black neighborhoods, where they won't bother the children
of White Democrats. And if all goes well, the White Democrats will
achieve their erotic dream, try to re-fight the civil war and
re-enslave the blacks and free rape of black girls, and they're
watching the CCP do it to the Uighurs for instruction.

So I don't know who Fuentes is either, but I gather you're criticizing
him for saying something you didn't like, but you're saying nothing
about the massive rape and violence and enslavement culture of the
Democrat party. So that's the reason that others are criticizing you
and people like you. You claim to be "absolutist" about law
enforcement, but never about the Democrats' massive rape and violence
and enslavement culture. For your own credibility, you should start

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

A Blessed Pascha to you John!

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

Happy Easter -- to Cool, DaKardii, and all.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

John wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 11:12 am
I don't know what "selective enforcement" you're referring to on the
right, but there's massive criminality on the left that's being
supported and encouraged by the Democrats, the mainstream media and
big tech that's not being enforced at all.

The Democrats use phony charges of rape all the time, but they approve
of and support rape by white Democrats like Bill Clinton.

Rape is a big part of the Democrat party culture. The KKK actively
raped black girls for decades. Joe Biden himself may have raped some
black girls when he was young. If not, then he was certainly aware
that others, like Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd, who were doing do.

Maxime Waters, who is totally unhinged, must have been deeply
traumatized by something, and she was quite likely raped by a White
Democrat as a girl. If not, then probably her girlfriends were raped.
At the least, she would have known many black girls who had been raped
by White Democrats in previous years.

Today, the Democrats are supporting as much rape as possible on the
southern border. The Democrats see massive rape as an opportunity to
raise a new generation of Democrat voters. As much rape as possible
is Democrat party policy.

So when you claim to be an "absolutist" about the rule of law, you
might start with the support of rape among Democrats.

There's a reason why Democrats don't care about the enslavement, rape
and torture of Uighurs in China. That's because they're still furious
that they lost the Civil War and that the Republicans freed the
slaves, and the Democrats would like to refight the civil war and
re-enslave the blacks. The Democrats are envious of the CCP because
the CCP are being successful at enslavement, and they'd like to do the
same. For example, the CCP's so-called "re-education centers" for
indoctrination are being replicated in America by enforcing the
indoctrination of "critical race theory" in the schools which is an
extremely evil development. The Democrats learned this from the CCP.

The Democrats are doing everything possible to encourage violence
among blacks. There is massive street violence among blacks that
Democrats never even mention. However, the Democrats adopt every
possible policy to destroy the black family, with the result that
young black males see that they have no chance of a normal family
life, and they turn to violence. This is an intended consequence by
the Democrats, who want as many blacks to kill each other as possible.

- The Democrats are doing everything possible to defund the police, so
that more blacks will kill each other.

- The Democrats in California are letting tens of thousands of violent
criminals, mostly black, out of jail, in order to increase the murder
of blacks in California.

- The Democrats want to end "cash bail," so that violent criminals,
mostly black, will be freed from jail immediatey upon arrest, if an
arrest occurs at all, and they'll be free to kill other blacks.

- The Democrats are purposely enabling and supporting the Mexican
cartels to bring massive amounts of meth and fentynal into the
country, expecting it to reach black neighborhoods, where the black
family will be further destroyed and there will be more violence of
blacks killing blacks.

- The Democrats are encouraging as much violence as possible by
antifa-blm fascists to burn down cities, particularly targeting
blacks, so that more blacks will be impoverished, and there will be
more violence between blacks, which is what the Democrats want.

White Democrats regularly beat, tortured, lynched and raped blacks
when Joe Biden was a boy. He may or may not have taken part in such
activities himself, but he was certainly aware of them by other White
Democrats, such as by his idolized mentor, Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

In 1977, Joe Biden was opposed to desegrating schools. He wanted
blacks in black schools and whites in white schools. He was opposed
to school busing and said: "Unless we do something about this, my
children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial
jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode
at some point. We have got to make some move on this."

So the massive slaughter of blacks in the streets today is the active
policy of the Democrats. It keeps the blacks in their place -- i.e.,
in their own black neighborhoods, where they won't bother the children
of White Democrats. And if all goes well, the White Democrats will
achieve their erotic dream, try to re-fight the civil war and
re-enslave the blacks, and they're watching the CCP do it to the
Uighurs for instruction.

So I don't know who Fuentes is either, but I gather you're criticizing
him for saying something you didn't like, but you're saying nothing
about the massive rape and violence and enslavement culture of the
Democrat party. So that's the reason that others are criticizing you
and people like you. You claim to be "absolutist" about law
enforcement, but never about the Democrats' massive rape and violence
and enslavement culture. For your own credibility, you should start
I’ve run out of things to say about the DNC, other than it reached lowest common denominator level a long time ago.

But what the GOP has been doing lately has angered me on a much more personal level. I came from a GOP family. I grew up believing in the promises of the Tea Party. I even voted for Trump the first time around, in what was the first election I could vote in.

And what did I get?

Ideological dishonesty, across the board. And on top of that, criminality that equaled and in some cases even surpassed what we saw under Obama, and what we’re seeing now under Biden.

The GOP lost in 2020, and deservedly so. And now that it’s out of power, all it has to offer is a bipolar message of “wait till 2024, and we’ll make things all better,” and “America is lost, let’s get ready for Civil War, law and order is not worth preserving anymore.” It’s now descended to the same level that the DNC was at four years ago.

Today, I have far more contempt for the GOP than I do the DNC. Both parties are equally contemptible, but it was the GOP who personally betrayed me after lying to me my whole life.

Meanwhile, the posters I’ve been arguing with aren’t upset with me because I’ve been attacking the GOP more than the DNC. My attack on Fuentes could’ve been the first time I ever criticized someone on the right, and their responses still would’ve been the same. Because they’re just as brainwashed with tribal logic as most Americans seem to be these days. The GOP is to them what the DNC is to most people in the big cities.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 02-May-2021 World View: Betrayal
DaKardii wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 11:58 am
> But what the GOP has been doing lately has angered me on a much
> more personal level. I came from a GOP family. I grew up believing
> in the promises of the Tea Party. I even voted for Trump the first
> time around, in what was the first election I could vote in.

> And what did I get?

> Ideological dishonesty, across the board. And on top of that,
> criminality that equaled and in some cases even surpassed what we
> saw under Obama, and what we’re seeing now under Biden.
There's something else going on here. What criminality are you
referring to? How were you personally betrayed?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:33 pm
So will Turkey fight against the US alongside China? Anything is
possible, but I don't think so.
The Chinese bank on the West not resisting, or being willing to fight. Can you imagine Biden giving the order? I can't.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

And the world will be silent whilst China destroys Taiwan and, after that ...

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