Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 03-May-2021 World View: Lawless streets
Guest wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 9:32 am
> At this point, hyperinflation or deflation is not one of my
> concerns. The complete breakdown of American society is.

> The streets are lawless. My downtown has been burned down and
> every store except for nail salons and liquor stores (which had
> been looted previously) are closed for good. There are no
> jobs. There is no main street left. People won't even drive
> through downtown after dark. How is this living?

> A friend of mine laid off all of his drivers and now only uses
> phone app delivery services because his drivers were beaten beaten
> and robbed in bad neighborhoods. He wanted to limit deliveries but
> was told my by a "community activist" that doing so would be
> "blantantly racist". So he had to lay off the drivers. Social
> distancing won't allow for dining, so he is dependent on
> deliveries. Business had been good before the permanent BLM riots
> and looting sprees started and never stopped. He is facing ruin
> and he has invested everything in the business.

> Only fast food places are open now, and normal people can't go
> there because they could be carjacked at the drive thru and beaten
> and robbed in the parking lot. The feral youth even attack
> children. So fast food is off limits (which is probably a good
> thing).

> The supermarket parking lots are filled with lowlifes, so women
> can't shop there, even in the daytime. This is the reality in a
> small city.

> Is this how Americans have to live from now on? And if we
> complain, we are "racist" and lose our jobs?
I assume that you're talking about one of cities that have been in the
news -- Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. -- is that so?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

There is a growing disconnect between what goes on in the ersatz media/entertainment world and what real people in the districts (Newcastle, Manchester, Cardiff....) think and how they conduct their lives. Guess what - not everyone is obsessed with race or LBGT, transgender issues, veganism or similar - or even cares much. That is not to say people are not fair, its just there are other things to do like getting on with life and living. A more adult world does exist and not the playground problems of the media and certain perpetually outraged groups. I think that some of the media and certain groups actually think that the person in the street feels ashamed and is desperate to watch awful woke dramas. Why does most TV advertising feature a mixed race couple? Are the advertising executives wagging their finger at us, implying we are somehow racist because we have made a bad “life choice” in marrying someone from the same racial group? Go to hell - his is an insult to our intelligence. Our society is becoming ever more childish. The concept of growing up and true adulthood- self-discipline and maturity (how our parents and grandparents used to act) is becoming lost. What is the point obsessing about made up problems, without resolution, that exist for their own sake.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 11:03 am
** 03-May-2021 World View: Lawless streets
Guest wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 9:32 am
> At this point, hyperinflation or deflation is not one of my
> concerns. The complete breakdown of American society is.

> The streets are lawless. My downtown has been burned down and
> every store except for nail salons and liquor stores (which had
> been looted previously) are closed for good. There are no
> jobs. There is no main street left. People won't even drive
> through downtown after dark. How is this living?

> A friend of mine laid off all of his drivers and now only uses
> phone app delivery services because his drivers were beaten beaten
> and robbed in bad neighborhoods. He wanted to limit deliveries but
> was told my by a "community activist" that doing so would be
> "blantantly racist". So he had to lay off the drivers. Social
> distancing won't allow for dining, so he is dependent on
> deliveries. Business had been good before the permanent BLM riots
> and looting sprees started and never stopped. He is facing ruin
> and he has invested everything in the business.

> Only fast food places are open now, and normal people can't go
> there because they could be carjacked at the drive thru and beaten
> and robbed in the parking lot. The feral youth even attack
> children. So fast food is off limits (which is probably a good
> thing).

> The supermarket parking lots are filled with lowlifes, so women
> can't shop there, even in the daytime. This is the reality in a
> small city.

> Is this how Americans have to live from now on? And if we
> complain, we are "racist" and lose our jobs?
I assume that you're talking about one of cities that have been in the
news -- Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. -- is that so?
No. Much smaller.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

John wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 12:15 pm
There's something else going on here. What criminality are you
referring to? How were you personally betrayed?
I'll answer those questions in reverse order.


Before Trump came along, I was a committed follower of the Tea Party movement. I believed in most of its ideals, aside from a few social issues. Deep down inside, I've always been a libertarian. But at the time, I saw the Tea Party as the best vehicle to bring libertarian ideals to power.

When Trump came along, I began to question the Tea Party's commitment to libertarian ideals. Trump made it clear that he did not care for small government or fiscal responsibility. And while he was right to attack our interventionist foreign policy, he often did it for the wrong reasons. Up until October of 2016, I was a NeverTrumper. I was planning to vote for either Gary Johnson or Darrell Castle. Then, I buckled under peer pressure and made a last-minute decision to vote for Trump.

When Trump won, I hoped that the Tea Party faction of the GOP would be able to steer Trump towards more libertarian ideals, and also start pushing the issues he was correct on for the right reasons. After all, Trump was inexperienced as a politician. He was a rookie. He was going to need help from more experienced players to get things done.

For the first few months of Trump's presidency, things seemed to be going okay. Then, the Obamacare debacle happened. The "RINOs" who suddenly became pro-Obamacare (like McCain) made themselves look absolutely horrendous, but Trump didn't make himself look good either. He unfairly attacked the Freedom Caucus for opposing his "Trumpcare/Ryancare" proposal, and then just gave up on trying to fix our healthcare system at all when it was all over. After that, the Tea Party seemingly gave up on pushing its original ideals. It became all about Trump. It, along with the rest of the GOP, devolved into a personality cult that was incapable of saying anything other than "Trump good, Democrats bad, OWN THE LIBS!" Meanwhile, Trump, with no faction of the GOP pushing him in any direction, began doing things on impulse. This often blew up in his face, especially when it came to his staff appointments (I'll get to that in greater detail in my follow-up post on criminality). And the "RINOS" in Congress? They took advantage of the situation to pass whatever statist garbage they wanted. Programs were not being cut, and the deficit skyrocketed to levels that made Obama look conservative by comparison. They also created new programs that continued the descent into police state tyranny that Bush started and Obama continued. And they did this knowing that knowing that Trump would sign it "just because," and the Tea Party would not loudly oppose it out of fear of being labeled "NeverTrump." And so-called conservative media rarely if ever called them out for any of this.

I was disgusted by the whole spectacle. I wanted to go back to the days where the GOP actually pushed a real message. "Democrats bad" alone is not a message. It's an outburst. I voiced my concerns about all this frequently and loudly on the Breitbart forums, a place that I thought would be well suited for discussing ideas with Trump's base. I demanded that certain staffers be fired, and I demanded that certain high-profile Trump supporters in Congress be primaried. Not because of their support for the President, but because they were betraying their voters on nearly every issue behind the scenes. And how was I treated in response? I was trashed, and severely so. I was even doxxed at one point. Why? Because I dared to speak out against people who publicly supported Trump. It wasn't enough that I refrained from speaking out against Trump himself. An attack on a public supporter is an attack on Trump, no matter the reason for the attack.

By November 2020, I was fed up with all this. I could not in good conscience vote for Trump again, because I could not in good conscience legitimize what had happened. I felt betrayed by a movement that I had virtually idolized as my hero for so many years. And treachery does not deserve reward. I ended up voting for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. I also left the GOP, and am now an independent. And right now, I'm planning to support a proposed "unity ticket" of Justin Amash and Tulsi Gabbard for 2024.
Last edited by DaKardii on Mon May 03, 2021 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

I will be posting Part 2 of the previous post later.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

DaKardii wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 2:06 pm
John wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 12:15 pm
There's something else going on here. What criminality are you
referring to? How were you personally betrayed?
I'll answer those questions in reverse order.


Before Trump came along, I was a committed follower of the Tea Party movement. I believed in most of its ideals, aside from a few social issues. Deep down inside, I've always been a libertarian. But at the time, I saw the Tea Party as the best vehicle to bring libertarian ideals to power.

When Trump came along, I began to question the Tea Party's commitment to libertarian ideals. Trump made it clear that he did not care for small government or fiscal responsibility. And while he was right to attack our interventionist foreign policy, he often did it for the wrong reasons. Up until October of 2016, I was a NeverTrumper. I was planning to vote for either Gary Johnson or Darrell Castle. Then, I buckled under peer pressure and made a last-minute decision to vote for Trump.

When Trump won, I hoped that the Tea Party faction of the GOP would be able to steer Trump towards more libertarian ideals, and also start pushing the issues he was correct on for the right reasons. After all, Trump was inexperienced as a politician. He was a rookie. He was going to need help from more experienced players to get things done.

For the first few months of Trump's presidency, things seemed to be going okay. Then, the Obamacare debacle happened. The "RINOs" who suddenly became pro-Obamacare (like McCain) made themselves look absolutely horrendous, but Trump didn't make himself look good either. He unfairly attacked the Freedom Caucus for opposing his "Trumpcare/Ryancare" proposal, and then just gave up on trying to fix our healthcare system at all when it was all over. After that, the Tea Party seemingly gave up on pushing its original ideals. It became all about Trump. It, along with the rest of the GOP, devolved into a personality cult that was incapable of saying anything other than "Trump good, Democrats bad, OWN THE LIBS!" Meanwhile, Trump, with no faction of the GOP pushing him in any direction, began doing things on impulse. This often blew up in his face, especially when it came to his staff appointments (I'll get to that in greater detail in my follow-up post on criminality). And the "RINOS" in Congress? They took advantage of the situation to pass whatever statist garbage they wanted. Programs were not being cut, and the deficit skyrocketed to levels that made Obama look conservative by comparison. They also created new programs that continued the descent into police state tyranny that Bush started and Obama continued. And they did this knowing that knowing that Trump would sign it "just because," and the Tea Party would not loudly oppose it out of fear of being labeled "NeverTrump." And so-called conservative media rarely if ever called them out for any of this.

I was disgusted by the whole spectacle. I wanted to go back to the days where the GOP actually pushed a real message. "Democrats bad" alone is not a message. It's an outburst. I voiced my concerns about all this frequently and loudly on the Breitbart forums, a place that I thought would be well suited for discussing ideas with Trump's base. I demanded that certain staffers be fired, and I demanded that certain high-profile Trump supporters in Congress be primaried. Not because of their support for the President, but because they were betraying their voters on nearly every issue behind the scenes. And how was I treated in response? I was trashed, and severely so. I was even doxxed at one point. Why? Because I dared to speak out against people who publicly supported Trump. It wasn't enough that I refrained from speaking out against Trump himself. An attack on a public supporter is an attack on Trump, no matter the reason for the attack.

By November 2020, I was fed up with all this. I could not in good conscience vote for Trump again, because I could not in good conscience legitimize what had happened. I felt betrayed by a movement that I had virtually idolized as my hero for so many years. And treachery does not deserve reward. I ended up voting for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate. I also left the GOP, and am now an independent. And right now, I'm planning to support a proposed "unity ticket" of Justin Amash and Tulsi Gabbard for 2024.
Is this how The Silence of the Lambs began?

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Don't worry, the downward decline of all the parties has been obvious for decades now, just as the decline of America has been obvious. Amash and Gabbard? I'm laughing out loud at that. A big change is coming in the way of financial crisis and/or war (as John and many others have predicted) OR the possibility of enslavement through the technocracy, medical, legal, and social aspects. If I had to guess, I'd go with some version of financial blowup, world war ensuing, and the world government being set up with a selected leader who seemingly can "fix it all". It's hard to say just how long that progression will take.

DaKardii, America and western lands have been co-opted for a long time now; when they (like the EU) abandoned Christianity, their souls gave way to the materialist and realms of the demonic.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Guest wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 8:07 pm
Is this how The Silence of the Lambs began?
Wow. Just wow.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 11:16 pm
Amash and Gabbard? I'm laughing out loud at that. A big change is coming in the way of financial crisis and/or war (as John and many others have predicted) OR the possibility of enslavement through the technocracy, medical, legal, and social aspects. If I had to guess, I'd go with some version of financial blowup, world war ensuing, and the world government being set up with a selected leader who seemingly can "fix it all". It's hard to say just how long that progression will take.
Amash and Gabbard are probably our best bets when it comes to addressing the ROOT CAUSES of nearly everything you're bemoaning, Cool Breeze.

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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »


Most of the REAL criminality that we saw come out of the Trump administration was the result of his neocon staffers. I'm talking about people like Barr, Bolton, Esper, Grenell, Haspel, and Pompeo.

Barr and Grenell did everything they could to protect the Saudi regime in the aftermath of the release of the "28 pages;" invoking "classified information within classified information" to prevent the families of 9/11 victims from even gaining access to critical documents they needed for civil lawsuits against the Saudi regime.

Barr also helped construct the framework for "red flag" laws that would inevitably be used to take guns away from people the government doesn't like.

Grenell helped orchestrate Julian Assange's eviction from the Ecuadorian embassy, and his subsequent arrest.

Bolton repeatedly engaged in unnecessary warmongering against anybody and everybody deemed a threat to the neocon agenda, while also making illegal deals with foreign governments (particularly Israel, Panama, and possibly the UK) designed to sabotage Trump's plans for peace talks with Iran.

Esper, Haspel, and Pompeo did everything they could to make sure the administration was as opaque as possible when it came to the circumstances behind the strike on Qasem Soleimani. Which makes me very suspicious that the official story behind the strike was at least partially fabricated. Meanwhile, the Iraqi Prime Minister suggested that the New Year's Eve attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad was a false flag. Is that why Esper, Haspel, and Pompeo behaved the way they did?

Pompeo was Bolton's partner in crime while both were serving in the administration together. After Bolton's firing, Pompeo became even more brazen in his warmongering, almost as if he felt he needed to make up for Bolton's absence. He would frequently make completely baseless accusations about countries like China, Russia, and Iran. "China created COVID-19!" "Russia is behind the latest massive cyberattack!" "Iran supports al-Qaeda!" I know the third of those claims is a lie, and I wouldn't be surprised if the first and second were as well. And for what? To breed anger within the hearts of the American people, so they would unconditionally support a potential war that would be both unnecessary and immoral.

The people mentioned above did these things in the name of protecting special interests, particularly the military-industrial complex and the petrodollar scheme. They NEVER worked for American interests. And thus, they continued a trend that began with the Bush I administration and dramatically accelerated after 9/11. A trend that is and always has been criminal.

While I was soul-searching in the aftermath of the GOP's post-2016 descent into nihilism, I learned about these things. And like the GOP's nihilistic behavior, this too disgusted me on a visceral level.

Will Biden continue this trend? So far he has shown some independence from it. But then again so did Obama and Trump in their early days. So I am far from optimistic about it. And if/when Biden goes full neocon, I'll be just as raving mad about him as I was about Trump.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

You spend too much time watching Alex Jones...

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