Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

So, I recently (by accident, no less) discovered a video from 2017, showing then-Congressman Dana Rohrabacher essentially praising ISIS for its attack on the Iranian parliament (which left 17 people dead), and even implying that (1) America was backing ISIS against Iran; and (2) Backing ISIS against Iran is in America's national interests.

If this doesn't demonstrate how much moral rot there is in Washington, even on the supposed "anti-establishment" side, nothing will. ... good-thing

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

John, you left out something about Biden in your last post that makes the situation even more disgusting.

Biden didn't commemorate D-Day yesterday. At all. He didn't make any statements about it, not even on social media.

This is especially alarming, given that Biden was alive when D-Day happened and is arguably old enough to be considered a member of the Silent Generation, rather than a Boomer. One would think someone his age would know better than to ignore the anniversary of D-Day. But apparently he doesn't. And that makes the situation that much scarier.

If the "Silents" in this administration are able to stoop this low, one can only imagine how low the Boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials in this administration are able to go. On a side note, Kamala Harris, a Gen-Xer, did commemorate D-Day yesterday. This is a sign that she's one of the lesser reprobates among the Gen-Xers in this administration.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

DaKardii wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:35 pm
John, you left out something about Biden in your last post that makes the situation even more disgusting.

Biden didn't commemorate D-Day yesterday. At all. He didn't make any statements about it, not even on social media.

This is especially alarming, given that Biden was alive when D-Day happened and is arguably old enough to be considered a member of the Silent Generation, rather than a Boomer. One would think someone his age would know better than to ignore the anniversary of D-Day. But apparently he doesn't. And that makes the situation that much scarier.

If the "Silents" in this administration are able to stoop this low, one can only imagine how low the Boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials in this administration are able to go. On a side note, Kamala Harris, a Gen-Xer, did commemorate D-Day yesterday. This is a sign that she's one of the lesser reprobates among the Gen-Xers in this administration.
V.P. Rosana Rosanna Dana told people to "Enjoy the weekend!" (giggle) without even mentioning it was Memorial Day. These people spit on our glorious dead.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Guest wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:54 pm
V.P. Rosana Rosanna Dana told people to "Enjoy the weekend!" (giggle) without even mentioning it was Memorial Day. These people spit on our glorious dead.
Harris still acknowledged Memorial Day on the actual day. So she objectively made more effort re: Memorial Day than Biden did re: D-Day.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 07-Jun-2021 World View: Kristallnacht and White Supremacy
pbrower2a wrote: > I compared the Greenwood riot to Kristallnacht with few
> reservations.
Actually, the Tulsa massacre and Kristallnacht had nothing in common
except that they were both senseless organic ethnic violence.

As I'll explain in more detail at a later date, the 1921 Tulsa
massacre is explained by the "58 Year Rule" of Generational Dynamics.
It says that when an event is so catastrophic that it affects the
entire population, then 58 years later there's a generational panic
out of fear that the catastrophe will recur.

So the Tulsa massacre was a panicked reaction 58 years after Lincoln's
Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. This will require further
explanation at a later date.

The 1963 March on Washington and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were
bitterly opposed by Robert Byrd, Joe Biden, and other Democrats
(except Lyndon Johnson), because it meant the end of the KKK and the
free perks of raping young black girls with impunity. Today, the
Democrats do the same thing another way -- destroy black families
through welfare by throwing fathers out, making the mothers available
to Democrats for rape with impunity. Rape is a big part of the
Democrat culture. That's why Biden and other Democrats supported
Hillary, probably the most rape-supportive candidate in history. And
the KKK violence has been replaced by mass slaughter of young blacks
on the streets of Chicago and other cities run by Democrats. For
Democrats, the KKK is still here in a different form.

To Democrats, the Civil Rights Act was like losing the Civil War all
over again. All the hopes and dreams that "The South Shall Rise
Again!!" ended. It was an event that was just as catastrophic to
Democrats as the "War of Northern Aggression" had been.

Today, it's 58 years later, and it's the Tulsa Massacre all over
again, with Biden and the Democrats supporting antifa-blm fascists and
inciting violence against the 75 million people who voted for Trump,
by calling them White Supremacists and comparing them to terrorists
like al-Qaeda, when Biden is the worst White Supremacist of them all,
and may yet become the worst terrorist of all.

By the way, you have a lot of balls to tell me who I can and can't
criticize, after you've spent five years excreting endless,
meaningless garbage attacking Trump and Trump supporters, which
continues with your latest post.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

It's been pointed out on this forum before, but the closest modern-day equivalent to the kristallnacht is the black lives matter riots in democrat-controlled cities, wherein state-sanctioned destruction and violence was visited upon innocent individuals and businesses, with huge economic and physical consequences. The scale of destruction and lawlessness absolutely dwarfed the capital incident. I'm a huge "Arnold" fan, but I wondered if he was getting senile when he compared the January 6 capital incident to the kristallnacht. "Terminator" remains the greatest movie of all time, but I wish he (and many others) would stick to what they're good at, and not feel compelled to comment on things they know nothing about.

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Bob Butler
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Generational Dynamics as racist propaganda

Post by Bob Butler »

John wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:42 pm
** 07-Jun-2021 World View: Kristallnacht and White Supremacy
pbrower2a wrote: I compared the Greenwood riot to Kristallnacht with few reservations.
Actually, the Tulsa massacre and Kristallnacht had nothing in common except that they were both senseless organic ethnic violence.
What confuses your presentation is jumping between times. In Lincoln’s time, the Republicans pushed the Industrial Revolution and abolition. The Democrats pushed slavery and agricultural landowning power. That reversed over the years. LBJ pushed anti poverty and black rights. Nixon responded with the southern strategy. That is why I prefer calling the two sides of the racist question the rural, southern racist faction and the urban progressive faction. The two parties switched between the two time periods. Thus, the KKK was with the Democrats back when, and the Republicans now. The abolitionists were with the Republicans then, while Black Lives Matter is with the Democrats now.

Thus you get the Tulsa Massacre favoring the racist oppressors, and the Black Lives Matter protests primarily favoring the oppressed victims. Confusing the two shows a lack of understanding.

The original events discussed, Tulsa and Kristallnacht, were both acts by racist oppressors against oppressed minorities. Both targeted minority communities. Very different racists against different minority groups, but sharing tribal thinking. The oppressors fought to maintain the privileged place of the white subculture or aryan supermen, made up vile myths about the jews / blacks, and acted with violence and oppression with the government looking the other way. If you comprehend and recognize the ugly logic of dominant cultures oppressing those that are different, this was not senseless organic ethnic violence. It was racists practicing tribal thinking. Claiming the two racist events had nothing in common shows the absurd bias in how you present history to achieve your preferred point of view. You are making Generational Dynamics more propaganda than truth.

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A false equivalency

Post by Bob Butler »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:31 pm
It's been pointed out on this forum before, but the closest modern-day equivalent to the kristallnacht is the black lives matter riots in democrat-controlled cities, wherein state-sanctioned destruction and violence was visited upon innocent individuals and businesses, with huge economic and physical consequences. The scale of destruction and lawlessness absolutely dwarfed the capital incident. I'm a huge "Arnold" fan, but I wondered if he was getting senile when he compared the January 6 capital incident to the kristallnacht. "Terminator" remains the greatest movie of all time, but I wish he (and many others) would stick to what they're good at, and not feel compelled to comment on things they know nothing about.
Kristallnacht was an act of oppression by the dominant racial group against minorities with the government standing by. Black Lives Matter was a protest against government oppression and murdering of blacks. The two events were quite opposite of one another. They marked times when opposite sides were on the offensive, Kristallnacht the oppressors, the BLM protests the oppressed..

I could easily support the idea that the BLM protests would be better without the looting, but that was not the purpose of BLM. There were many groups involved. Focusing on the side show rather than the main event just guarantees those who care about the main event won’t take you seriously, that they will see you as favoring the racists.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:31 pm
but I wish he (and many others) would stick to what they're good at, and not feel compelled to comment on things they know nothing about.
That's why I don't interact with Bobby B anymore. He's delusional. BLM is a lying, marxist organization. Every single one of their complaints or grievances is outright false, or at best, misplaced. None of their martyrs were decent people, in fact, they were all criminals. The best part about it for BB is that Democrat cities run the mayhem, participate in it, or better yet (for his foolish positions, which he'll never address) do not involve themselves at all while the black lives that apparently matter kill one another to the tune of nearly all the murders in said cities. The man, like BLM, is a joke. Luckily, we're not that stupid to listen to him about anything.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

I wish you well, John. Hang in there.

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