Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 15-Jul-2021 World View: Cuba and South Africa
thinker wrote:
Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:31 am
> As the only Cuban on this forum that I know of I would like to put
> somethings out there and see what you guys think.

> I do not know if the Cuban government will use Venezuelans. From
> what I have gathered from members of my family and Venezuelan
> friends that the Venezuelan government uses Cuban secret police
> for their own security all the way up to Maduro. They do not trust
> enough of their own people for this work and they are supposedly
> in even worse shape than Cuba if you can believe that. I think a
> better candidate and what I worry about is that it will be
> China. China has already collaborated with the Cuban government on
> other things and this would give them a very strong foothold on a
> country that is less than 100 miles from the U.S..
This wouldn't surprise me in the least. The Chinese Communists have
been using their "magic weapon" -- the infiltration of Chinese people
in every country in every possible way, in its "United Front" program.
So they'll send prostitutes to Eric Swalwell and other Democrats, or
will send thugs to help Maduro, and possibly to Cuba. This is part of
the CCP's delusional vision of the future where the Chinese Communists
run the world, all the nations of the world live under Chinese
governance in peace and harmony.
Guest wrote:
Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:55 am
> Yes, I have lived in Latin America, and yes, the Cubans provide
> Venezuela's eite with security and are bones and muscle of the
> police state there. Yes, China will be called in. BUT, Latin
> America is not an easy place. I think even the Chinese will be
> overwhelmed. The Soviets offered some free stuff in exchange for a
> loss of personal freedom. China only offers slavery.
The cornerstone of China's delusional world view is the Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI), which gives China a foothold in hundreds of
countries. However, the CCP intention is that by using debt trap
diplomacy to build a railway or a port they think that they've won the
hearts and minds of the people in that country, which is obviously
completely delusional.

My feeling has been that China's BRI program is overextended, and
that many of the loans are not being repaid. This would give China
the option of foreclosing on the loan, but this would defeat their
long-term delusional goal of getting everyone to agree to letting
China rule the world.

So when you say that the Chinese could be overwhelmed in Latin
America, I think that's quite possible. The Latin American countries
reflexibly blame every problem on the United States, but it wouldn't
take much for them to start blaming their problems on China.
thinker wrote:
Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:31 am
> On South Africa, I went on safari to South Africa during the Obama
> administration and met with lots of people. The white South
> Africans told me that there was a civil war coming between the
> black tribes. The white South Africans were planning on staying
> out of it but they were arming themselves more than usual. I do
> not know if they will be able to stay out of it but I did see
> videos of a group of people called the cape colored who are the
> descendants of former Indian slaves brought to South Africa during
> colonial times. They were organizing themselves with white South
> Africans into armed militias to protect themselves.
It's interesting that the white South Africans have seen this tribal
conflict coming.

The mainstream media these days are always full of lies, and in
South Africa these days the mainstream media pretend that tribal
differences don't exist. That's why my article emphasizes tribal
conflicts from the first line, and that's why the article references
27 different sources plus 9 related articles. I access this
many sources to make sure that I have my facts right.

I'm sorry that I didn't go even further and get into the issue of
attacks on Indians:

> One of the leaders of the Indian community in South Africa said,
> "The Indian people are being targeted in all areas of Kwazulu
> Natal and Johannesburg. There are 1.3 million in South Africa,
> although all are not in danger presently, but it's heading that
> way. We have been crying out to the South African government to
> send the South African Defence force to assist. They are not
> coming through. Our Indian brothers and sisters together with
> South African police forces cannot cope, they being outnumbered."
> ... 2021-07-15
As a separate issue, Aeden has tracked down a story about how the left
in South Africa is following the lead of the American Democrat party
by provoking an artificial crisis in order, in South Africa, to
perpetrate a coup:
> "Under investigation: Twelve masterminds planned and
> executed insurrection on social media, then lost control after
> looting spree

> South Africa suffered an insurrection attempt this week with two
> provinces, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, disabled and national fuel
> and food supply lines disrupted. It is the first such campaign
> organised and orchestrated on social media and shows the potency
> of the medium. Just over 38 million South Africans are now on the
> internet and 25 million of us are on social media.

> More than 70 people have died, at least 1,354 people have been
> arrested and 12 ringleaders are being investigated for a political
> campaign that has spiralled out of the control of its
> firestarters."
This is the same technique the Democrats used in the January 6
"insurrection" hoax -- create a crisis, lie about the crisis, and then
"never let a crisis go to waste," in this case by creating a
Stalinist Fascist regime that includes censorship of all political

In the past few months I've become aware of the brilliance of the US
Constitution and its ability to withstand these kinds of crises, and I
expect that to happen again, especially as audits in Arizona, Georgia
and other states are proving that the Democrats rigged the 2020

However, we have a sort of comparison here. The far-left in America
and South Africa are using the same tactics to get dictatorial control
of their respective governments. We can watch the two situations in
parallel, to see which of the two dictator attempts are successful.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Most of the world is just a collection of dumpster fires. And now we have invited these people to inhabit our countries. Where are civilized people supposed to go now? Mars?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Obvious »

It's bizarre, but no so much so when you consider the spirit of this age is lies, that having done all the experiments for human "tribes" we see what the results are. I have no problem with people choosing sovereignty, just deal with what your shithole will be as a result, and don't blame others. You don't want Europeans running the place? Ok, you will suffer from more corruption and have less prosperity. There are countless examples of this around the world. The honest Africans all know this. The biggest single lie in the world of "equality" (which of course doesn't exist) is that individuals are capable of the same things and groups are. Both have been proven over and over to not be true. All you have to do is walk outside or live a few years and you see it. Do you all think there is mental (emotional) block on this because most people are average or below average, when it comes down to it, so they have to rely on silly ideas and collectivism, even when it renders a much less prosperous environment for them? Unreal how stupid the world is, and I guess, will continue to be.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Obvious wrote:
Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:49 am
Unreal how stupid the world is, and I guess, will continue to be.
Until it finally collapses into a new dark age and dies.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Nancy and Paul Pelosi Making Millions in Stock Trades in Companies She Actively Regulates
The Speaker, already one of the richest members in Congress, has become far richer through investment maneuvers in Big Tech, as she privately chats with their CEOs.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is the sixth-richest member of Congress, according to the most recent financial disclosure statements filed in 2019. As the California Democrat has risen through party ranks and obtained more and more political power, her personal wealth has risen right along with it. Pelosi “has seen her wealth increase to nearly $115 million from $41 million in 2004,” reports the transparency non-profit group Open Secrets. Even by the standards of wealth that define that legislative body — "more than half of those in Congress are millionaires” — the wealth and lifestyle of the long-time liberal politician and most powerful lawmaker in Washington are lavish.

And ever since ascending to the top spot in the House, Pelosi and her husband, Paul, keep getting richer and richer. Much of their added wealth is due to extremely lucrative and "lucky” decisions about when to buy and sell stocks and options in the very industries and companies over which Pelosi, as House Speaker, exercises enormous and direct influence.

The sector in which the Pelosis most frequently buy and sell stocks is, by far, the Silicon Valley tech industry. Close to 75% of the Pelosis’ stock trading over the last two years has been in Big Tech: more than $33 million worth of trading. That has happened as major legislation is pending before the House, controlled by the Committees Pelosi oversees, which could radically reshape the industry and laws that govern the very companies in which she and her husband most aggressively trade.
From Glenn Greenwald

I subscribe to his substack account, whatever it's called, so I can link to it.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Sun Jul 11, 2021 9:07 pm
What's your take on the unwinding of the current fiat monetary system, DaK?
My take? "Good riddance." :)

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

More evidence of possible US involvement in the assassination of the Haitian president ... ar-AAMbYph


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

DaKardii wrote:
Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:23 pm
More evidence of possible US involvement in the assassination of the Haitian president ... ar-AAMbYph
Hey, Mr. X-Files, we train soldiers all over the world. This means nothing.

P.S. Haitians have been butchering their leaders since the beginning. This is not new.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Mon Jul 05, 2021 8:25 pm

Like it or not, Taiwan is squarely a card-carrying member of the first western world, and unfortunately happens to be about 100 miles from a colossal evil regime. Hong Kong was also a member of the west, but it had been agreed that at some point (yes, the rules were "bent") it would revert to Chinese control. There is no such agreement on Taiwan. China says it must return, but the Taiwanese sure as hell don't think so. I personally don't see how China could not realize this and therefore never risk invading Taiwan, but, as John so eloquently points out, the CCP is run by a bunch of maniacal dumb-asses (maybe I paraphrased a bit).
Xi is behaving in such an arrogant and non Confucian way that it's almost as if he was hard pressed to provide some results. There is a sense of emergency, and we all know demography is not going in favor of China's world domination agenda. So there's that.

This guy is panicking.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

The CCP will not go down easy. Nukes are most certainly going to be used and it will start with the CCP stupidly launching nukes after discovering its conventional military, crap airforce suffer humiliating losses.

Take this advice. Geiger counter and iodine tablets will be a must. Store food and water to last several months.

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