3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

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3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

Post by John »

3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge as health workers are murdered

More left wing violence, this time over gun control

** 3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge as health workers are murdered
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 03#e130103

German press criticizes the 'fiscal cliff' bill as 'tiresome farce'
Pakistan has measles surge as health workers are murdered
West Bank Palestinians riot over electricity bills
More left wing violence, this time over gun control

Generational Dynamics, Germany, fiscal cliff,
Pakistan, measles, Support With Working Solution,
World Health Organization, WHO,
West Bank, Palestinians, Donald Kaul, gun control,
Andrew Sullivan

Seeker of Truth

Re: 3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

Post by Seeker of Truth »

Lets quote all left leaning radicals then quote right leaning radicals. Rush or Hannity or how about David Duke. It is painfully obvious that there are morons on both sides of politics. An intelligent individual should be able to filter the trash from both sides.

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Re: 3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

Post by John »

Seeker of Truth wrote:Lets quote all left leaning radicals then quote right leaning radicals. Rush or Hannity or how about David Duke. It is painfully obvious that there are morons on both sides of politics. An intelligent individual should be able to filter the trash from both sides.
If someone on the right ever threatened violence, it would be major
news for weeks.

If the mainstream press (or any press) ever condemned left wing
violence or threats of violence, then I would stop mentioning it.

As things stand, I may be the only person in the world who
systematically condemns left-wing violence and threats of violence,
and that fact explains why I feel that it's my obligation to continue
doing so.

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Re: 3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

Post by mannfm11 »

The Iowa editor merely strenthened the reason why we need all the guns we can get. The US has pretty much suspended habius corpus, so what is next?

Seeker if truth

Re: 3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

Post by Seeker if truth »

Please wake up and take your binders off and see both sides instead of a bias. All one needs to do is google - republicans threaten violence and you see tea party in Mississippi as an example. A state known for racism. There are many pages of republican threats.

Marshall Kane
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Re: 3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

Post by Marshall Kane »

Seeker if truth,
Please wake up and take your binders off and see both sides instead of a bias. All one needs to do is google - republicans threaten violence and you see tea party in Mississippi as an example. A state known for racism. There are many pages of republican threats.
Many pages? I googled the phrase "Republicans Threaten Violence" going back 1 year:

- With the phrase in quotes all of the hits came from the same leftwing blog, which had "Republicans Threaten Violence" as a tag, along with "Republicans Hate Women" and "Republicans Love War."

- Without quotes most of the hits had to do with people (anarchists, black panthers, unions, etc.) threatening violence against Republicans. The others were about a tea party newsletter, some local county GOP chapter and some bloggers ranting about armed rebellion.

So, yes, there are obviously some nuts on the right (I don't think anyone here denies that); however, there is a big difference between some crazy bloggers and elected representatives, union leaders and published newspaper columnists advocating for violence. Also, there are numerous examples of actual violence committed by union thugs and occupy protesters. If you can find similar examples from the right please enlighten us.

- I searched your phrase beyond the past year and saw more leftwing threats, coupled with Republican and Tea Party leaders unequivocally denouncing violent rhetoric from their own side.

For example, here's John Boehner responding to heated rightwing rhetoric in 2010:

"I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill, and that Washington Democrats just aren't listening. But, as I've said, violence and threats are unacceptable. That's not the American way. We need to take that anger and channel it into positive change. Call your Congressman, go out and register people to vote, go volunteer on a political campaign, make your voice heard - but let's do it the right way."

Can you imagine Obama, Reid, Pelosi or any other Democrat leader making a similar statement with regard to, say, the violence from unions?

Republicans even denounced unsubstantiated rumors of violent or racist rhetoric, such as the thoroughly debunked lie that tea party activists hurled racist insults at black lawmakers before the Obamacare vote. Again, Democrats won't even address actual violence by their fellow travelers, while Republicans leap to defend themselves from rumors. Why? Because Republicans know that if a redneck farts in the wrong direction the media will somehow spin it against them, just as Democrats know they are fully protected.

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Re: 3-Jan-13 World View -- Pakistan has measles surge

Post by Trevor »

Well, when you know that you're not going to suffer any consequences for what you say, you don't have a whole lot of incentive to keep your mouth shut.

The far right is no better than the far left, but the difference is that they have little political power, where the far left does, along with countless supporters who refuse to criticize. That's actually what scares me the most about the whole thing. A free press is essentially to a free society and more and more, it doesn't look like we have that anymore.

I'm just wondering what it's going to take to get people to come to their senses. I would expect actually killing or attempting to kill a right-wing commenter might do it; we haven't seen anything of the sort right now, but with calls and actual acts of violence, I find it quite plausible. Another possibility is left-wing violence sparking a response from the right.

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