14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

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14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by John »

14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden

Generational Dynamics and prolactin

** 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e150214

Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden
What's the value of a human life?
Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Generational Dynamics, Germany, Dresden, Normandy, Japan,
Sri Lanka, Tamil Tigers, Boko Haram, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Taliban,
Myanmar, Burma, Kristallnacht, Central African Republic,
BBC World Service, Why Factor, prolactin, David Huron, Ohio State

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by vincecate »

John wrote:And it's not always Muslims who are the perpetrators. In "5-Apr-13 World View -- Meiktila, Burma, violence has echoes of Kristallnacht", I wrote about the wild, frenzied attack by Buddhists on Muslims that killed dozens and reduced an entire established community of 12,000 Muslims, including homes, shops and mosques, to ashes and rubble.
Muslims almost always start the cycle of violence. If Buddhists or Christians are attacking Muslims it is in retaliation or self defence. It is the initiation of violence that is evil. Defending your self or society is not evil. Calling people fighting back "perpetrators" is not exactly accurate.

The core problem is that the Koran teaches that killing Infidels that do not convert or submit to a Jizya tax is propper and good. They really believe they are supposed to take control of the whole planet. The West thinks that if you are going to trap 40,000 innocent people on a mountain and kill them then you are evil and deserve to die. Too many Muslims seem to feel that raping a girl is justified if she was not properly covered. Clearly the West does not agree. If there is a high enough percentage of Muslims in an area they start enforcing Sharia law on non-Muslims in that area with violence or threats of violence. If the Infidels are unarmed they can drive them out (maybe even if they are armed). This has lead to 1400 years of Muslims attacking non-Muslims and many millions killed (on both sides).


They have gone from 1 man to about 1/4th of the world population in 1,400 years. They are still growing as a percentage of the world population. They are stuck with some ethics from 1,400 years ago. These ethics are not compatible with modern Western values. John, I really don't think you or Obama recognize the severity of the problem. It is a really big problem. There will be millions more killed before the problem is solved.


Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by Guest »

vincecate wrote:
John wrote:And it's not always Muslims who are the perpetrators. In "5-Apr-13 World View -- Meiktila, Burma, violence has echoes of Kristallnacht", I wrote about the wild, frenzied attack by Buddhists on Muslims that killed dozens and reduced an entire established community of 12,000 Muslims, including homes, shops and mosques, to ashes and rubble.
Muslims almost always start the cycle of violence.( Insert vomiting smiling face here) If Buddhists or Christians are attacking Muslims it is in retaliation or self defence. It is the initiation of violence that is evil. Defending your self or society is not evil. Calling people fighting back "perpetrators" is not exactly accurate.

The core problem is that the Koran teaches that killing Infidels that do not convert or submit to a Jizya tax is propper and good. They really believe they are supposed to take control of the whole planet. The West thinks that if you are going to trap 40,000 innocent people on a mountain and kill them then you are evil and deserve to die. Too many Muslims seem to feel that raping a girl is justified if she was not properly covered. Clearly the West does not agree. If there is a high enough percentage of Muslims in an area they start enforcing Sharia law on non-Muslims in that area with violence or threats of violence. If the Infidels are unarmed they can drive them out (maybe even if they are armed. This has lead to 1400 years of Muslims attacking non-Muslims and many millions killed (on both sides).


They have gone from 1 man to about 1/4th of the world population in 1,400 years. They are still growing as a percentage of the world population. They are stuck with some ethics from 1,400 years ago. These ethics are not compatible with modern Western values. John, I really don't think you or Obama recognize the severity of the problem. It is a really big problem. There will be millions more killed before the problem is solved.(You wouldl cheer that on, won't you?)
In Bosnia and Chechnya, it was "Christians" who were doing the raping and killing. There were even rape camps set up for Muslim women and girls. It's people like you that make things like this possible. War criminals always rationalize away their crimes as necessary.

Muslims have ruled Christians and Jews along side Muslims and these populations were not all forced to convert or be eliminated. It was the Catholic Spanish that expelled Muslims and Jews from Spain. The inquistion was founded to flush out Jews and Muslims hiding in the general Christian population. There have been abuses on all sides. What you write on this board is revolting and dishonest. Steve Emerson said things of this nature for almost 20 years until his comments caught up with him on FOX News. One day your comments will catch up with you, vincecate.

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by gerald »

Islam definition. A religion, founded by Muhammad, whose members worship the one God of Jews and Christians (God is called Allah in Arabic) and follow the teachings of the Koran. Islam means “submission to the will of God”; adherents of Islam are called Muslims

https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=c ... %20meaning

question --- how does one submit to the will of God ( a human definition ) if existence at all levels simply "is" and what ever we do "is" part of existence?
All organized religions are mind traps used for the benefit of the few to have power over others.

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by gerald »

John -- from your post -- "At that time, the survivors will vow never to let anything like that ever happen again, and will take all the steps they can think of to keep that vow." ---- Sounds like it came from the First Tablet of Sitchin's "Lost Book of Enki" regarding the nuclear war on the planet Nibiru

Same old same old?


Regarding you comments on music you might find it interesting that there has been a shift in tones regarding Western music, supposedly to alter emotional reactions. In other words, as an example, an A sharp today is not what an A sharp was about 100 hundred years ago. a little background ---
https://books.google.com/books?id=Sl3fC ... ic&f=false

-- though not exactly want I want to bring up, since I came across this concept 30 some years ago. -- This shift in tone was done to change human emotions and interaction ( the occult deals with this and it is a huge and interesting topic, those in the occult DO have influence, for example ---"We’ve written here before about some of Aleister Crowley’s activities during World War II. In our post, “V for Victory,” we explained how Crowley’s idea to use the “v-sign” as a magical foil to the Nazis’ swastika was picked up by Churchill." http://ac2012.com/2012/08/05/aleister-c ... ally-true/ --- Aleister Crowley author of such books as "The Law of One" --- do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. http://www.lawofone.info/ )

Why a tone shift? Maybe an awareness of this --"The Earth has reached the end of a very long cycle. The frequency of the planet and within our bodies is rising from the recent solar flare activity and photon energy. The Harmonic frequency of the planet known in the scientific community as the Schuman Cavity Resonance rises periodically. The last time this occurred was 13,000 years ago and it is now occurring a gain. The current rise in frequency began in 1986 of our calendar and this represents a very significant and important time both for this planet and all lives that live upon it. "
http://www.quantumsoulalignment.com/sol ... y_on_earth
Change in frequency around 13,000 years ago? --- Beginning of the geologic Holocene about 11,700 years ago, ----"we are led to the conclusion that the Atlantean cataclysm took place between 11,000 and 12,000 years ago" http://www.atlan.org/articles/corroborating_evidence/

We see and understand almost nothing of "reality"

Last edited by gerald on Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by vincecate »

Guest wrote:You wouldl cheer that on, won't you[/i][/b]?)
I said there were millions killed on both sides and before the problem is solved millions more will be killed. I said it is a big problem. You would have to be an idiot to think I would chear that on.
Guest wrote: In Bosnia and Chechnya, it was "Christians" who were doing the raping and killing.
Muslims had initiated all kinds of violence. The final trigger for the war in Bosnia was:

On 1 March 1992, a Serb wedding in downtown Sarajevo was attacked. Nikola Gardović, the groom's father, was the only person killed.[20] The attackers were reportedly Muslims, and it is alleged that they were provoked when the wedding guests brandished Serbian flags as the wedding procession moved through the area of old bazaar Baščaršija.

Guest wrote: Muslims have ruled Christians and Jews along side Muslims and these populations were not all forced to convert or be eliminated.
I said the Koran teaches there are 3 options for Infidels. There were people in some Muslim ruled places for each of the 3:
1) Pay Jizya tax
2) Convert
3) Be killed
Guest wrote: It was the Catholic Spanish that expelled Muslims and Jews from Spain. The inquistion was founded to flush out Jews and Muslims hiding in the general Christian population.
After fighting the Muslims for hundreds of years in Spain, and seeing that they were having kids faster than the Christians, they decided to make them leave. This is not nearly as evil as the 3 choices Muslims gave them.
Guest wrote: One day your comments will catch up with you, vincecate.
Sounds like a threat. I bet you are a Muslim, right?


Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by Guest »

You obviously have no idea what happened in Bosnia. The war in Bosnia had nothing to do with an attack on a Serbian wedding. Zero. Is that why the Serbs were committing mass rape and mass murder in Croatia the year before the war in Bosnia even started? You reveal your ignorance and studpidity more and more with every post you write. The virtually unarmed Bosnian Muslims are responsible for their own mass rape and drestruction at the hands of the heavily armed Serbs? Really? That you believe that shows how insane you are.

Seek help.

I find your posts distrubing and foolish. It's empty headed people like you that are dangerous. Not because you do anything at all. People like you rarely do. You just turn a blind eye to evil. Yes, evil. What the Serbs did to the Bosnians is evil. What the Russians did to the Chechens is evil. And vincecate approves of it and makes excuses for it. That is evil.

When speaking of Serbian actions in Bosnia, Ronald Reagan said, "Evil still stalks the Earth." Margaret Thatcher agreed and urged action to stop it at the beginning. If Ronald Reagan and Mrs. Thatcher had been in office in 1991 when the Serbs started up the rape and genocide machine, they would have bombed Serbia into submission. The genocide and mass rape would have been stopped by Reagan and Thatcher. That is what is called fighting evil.

Evil is evil. Animals like vincecate simply hide behind propaganda to hide their evil natures. Not only is vincecate evil, he is also pathetic.

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by Trevor »

Honestly, I wish I could say you were wrong, that this was nothing more than a conspiracy that had absolutely no basis in reality. However, while not having a perfect track record, this web site has been far more accurate than anything else I've found and is usually the place I go when I want real news, not the crap that pundits give out on the media. Part of me still hopes that this is wrong, but I don't think so.

I'm remembering when I took history classes and they discussed about what happened in the 1930s and one of the big questions that many had, including myself, was how we could have been so blind about what was about to happen, what Germany and Japan were planning to do in spite of overwhelming evidence. I didn't understand it then. However, I think I've gotten wiser since then, because I understand it now.

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Re: 14-Feb-15 World View -- Germany commemorates the firebombing of Dresden / Generational Dynamics and prolactin

Post by vincecate »

Guest wrote: I find your posts distrubing and foolish. It's empty headed people like you that are dangerous. Not because you do anything at all. People like you rarely do. You just turn a blind eye to evil. Yes, evil. What the Serbs did to the Bosnians is evil. What the Russians did to the Chechens is evil. And vincecate approves of it and makes excuses for it. That is evil.
Initiating violence is evil. Islam's will get violent for a book, a cartoon, a flag, etc. In Islam there are all sorts of things that justify violence. At some point people recognize the evil and fight back.

Look at it this way. These days you don't see much in the way of Christians fighting Christians, or Budists iighting Christians, or Hindu fighting Athiests, or Jews fighting Budists, etc. But Mustims fighting with any of these, or other Muslism, happens plenty. As John and others point out, mostly Muslims kill each other. In any case, the key ingredient for the majority of the fighting seems to be having some Muslims on at least one side of the fight. If you look at the Koran it is not at all surprising.

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