7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senkaku

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7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senkaku

Post by John »

7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration

China sails warships near Japan's Senkaku Islands

** 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e170207

China sails warships near Japan's Senkaku Islands
Tensions rise between China and Trump administration

Generational Dynamics, Japan, Senkaku Islands, China,
U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security,
Jim Mattis, Rex Tillerson, Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen,
Liaoning, Shandong-1, USS Ronald Reagan, USS Gerald Ford

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Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by solomani »

"People frequently point out to me that China would not attack the United States because the US has a superior military. From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, that makes sense for most wars, but not for generational crisis wars. When America's South attacked Fort Sumter, launching the American Civil War, it was predictable that the North would win because it was three times as big, but the South attacked anyway. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, it was predictable that America would win because it was five times as big, but Japan attacked anyway."

This is Wiggish history - basically using hindsight to say historical actors knew about X or Y. Please show me some historical documentation showing what you assert.

Japan had no other option in WW2 apart from surrender. The Souyhrrn owned Fort Sumter had a Northern garrison stationed in it. The South had every right to eject them since they had legally seceded from the Union.

In both cases they had very good initial gains. And in both cases they felt they had s good chance of winning. And there strategy is was solid.

No one goes to the war to lose.

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Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by Weiseth »

mr Xenakis, seems like you are correct again about Bannon;
Bannon predicted: "We're going to war in the South China Sea in five to 10 years. There's no doubt about that." Against China, a nuclear power. Bannon has also claimed that another war will also flare up, this one in the Middle East.
http://www.spiegel.de/international/wor ... 33313.html

Spiegel has really gone full retard aka full leftist these last months With regards to Trump, but at least we get something out of it from time to time.

As for the comment above, the South was arrogant in their own superior swordmanship, horsemanship, outdoor skills and believed the North to be weak and lacking real resolve most being a bunch of whiny urban christian abolishionists who has never camped outdoor longer than a few days. Same With Japan, they thought one strike at Pearl Harbor would cause the liberal Metropolitan Americans to surrender and withdraw further into Fortress America. Same With Iraqis and Saddam btw, they thought all the Americans were pussy liberals from the big cities, basically that every American was Andy Warhol spin off, what they don't realize is that behind the liberal politician and media are millions upon millions of redneck both black and white who are harder and grittier than any Islamist (most from the South btw).

And isn't that China's mistake today? They see the protests against Trump, scores of liberal pussymen protesting agains their own president, and the chinese make the wrong conclusion that the liberals represent most of America.

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Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by psCargile »

Sendaku: who's paying the property tax to whom?


Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by Guest »

"On the US side, most people believe that President Trump means business in a way that President Obama never did, "

Hardly, he's a buffoon who has already shot himself in the foot repeatedly since taking office. The inept never mean business. Yes he is lawless, and dangerous--that is different from meaning business.

In the US most people think he is an illegitimate president and that he is dangerously unbalanced and perhaps mad. My own opinion is that it is likely that a situation will arise where the military will not follow his orders, especially if it means war with China. You should know that, always talking about how it is the people who decide the real wars. In any case we should pray they will mutiny, because he is quite likely to cause the prompt deaths of 200,000,000 Americans otherwise (and it wont be the people deciding that one---just Trump and the officer with the football---completely invalidating Generational Dynamics as a predictive tool).

And of course he is depraved and evil. Witness his unholy rush to fulfill his campaign promise to murder the family members of suspected terrorists. Now everyone of his supporters has the blood of an innocent little girl on their hands.


Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:"On the US side, most people believe that President Trump means business in a way that President Obama never did, "

Hardly, he's a buffoon who has already shot himself in the foot repeatedly since taking office. The inept never mean business. Yes he is lawless, and dangerous--that is different from meaning business.

In the US most people think he is an illegitimate president and that he is dangerously unbalanced and perhaps mad. My own opinion is that it is likely that a situation will arise where the military will not follow his orders, especially if it means war with China. You should know that, always talking about how it is the people who decide the real wars. In any case we should pray they will mutiny, because he is quite likely to cause the prompt deaths of 200,000,000 Americans otherwise (and it wont be the people deciding that one---just Trump and the officer with the football---completely invalidating Generational Dynamics as a predictive tool).

And of course he is depraved and evil. Witness his unholy rush to fulfill his campaign promise to murder the family members of suspected terrorists. Now everyone of his supporters has the blood of an innocent little girl on their hands.
You are an idiot.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by John »

Weiseth wrote: > mr Xenakis, seems like you are correct again about Bannon;
>> Bannon predicted: "We're going to war in the South China Sea in
>> five to 10 years. There's no doubt about that." Against China, a
>> nuclear power. Bannon has also claimed that another war will
>> also flare up, this one in the Middle East.
> http://www.spiegel.de/international/wor ... 33313.html

> Spiegel has really gone full retard aka full leftist these last
> months With regards to Trump, but at least we get something out of
> it from time to time.

Spiegel reporters are hysterical to the point of being unhinged.

Here's their cover picture that even many of Trump's opponents
are condemning:


It turns out that this cover is plagiarism, with the idea having been
used on the cover of the NY Daily News on December 9. 2015:

Weiseth wrote: > As for the comment above, the South was arrogant in their own
> superior swordmanship, horsemanship, outdoor skills and believed
> the North to be weak and lacking real resolve most being a bunch
> of whiny urban christian abolishionists who has never camped
> outdoor longer than a few days. Same With Japan, they thought one
> strike at Pearl Harbor would cause the liberal Metropolitan
> Americans to surrender and withdraw further into Fortress
> America. Same With Iraqis and Saddam btw, they thought all the
> Americans were pussy liberals from the big cities, basically that
> every American was Andy Warhol spin off, what they don't realize
> is that behind the liberal politician and media are millions upon
> millions of redneck both black and white who are harder and
> grittier than any Islamist (most from the South btw).

> And isn't that China's mistake today? They see the protests
> against Trump, scores of liberal pussymen protesting agains their
> own president, and the chinese make the wrong conclusion that the
> liberals represent most of America.
That's a very well written summary of the situation, and it's
exactly right.

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Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by John »

psCargile wrote: > Senkaku: who's paying the property tax to whom?
They're barren rocks. Nobody lives there.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by John »

solomani wrote: > "People frequently point out to me that China would not attack the
> United States because the US has a superior military. From the
> point of view of Generational Dynamics, that makes sense for most
> wars, but not for generational crisis wars. When America's South
> attacked Fort Sumter, launching the American Civil War, it was
> predictable that the North would win because it was three times as
> big, but the South attacked anyway. When Japan attacked Pearl
> Harbor, it was predictable that America would win because it was
> five times as big, but Japan attacked anyway."

> This is Wiggish history - basically using hindsight to say
> historical actors knew about X or Y. Please show me some
> historical documentation showing what you assert.

> Japan had no other option in WW2 apart from surrender. The
> Souyhrrn owned Fort Sumter had a Northern garrison stationed in
> it. The South had every right to eject them since they had
> legally seceded from the Union.

> In both cases they had very good initial gains. And in both cases
> they felt they had s good chance of winning. And there strategy
> is was solid.

> No one goes to the war to lose.
I wasn't saying that historical actors knew what was going to happen.
I'm saying that historical actors were ignoring the obvious.

This is true today -- ignoring the stock market bubble, ignoring
the trend towards world war, etc.

An important part of the generational theory paradigm is that people
ignore things that are obvious -- and become actively hostile to
people who predict the obvious things. Thus, you have the biblical
Jeremiah thrown into a well for predicting the fall of Jerusalem, you
have the mythical Cassandra assaulted and raped for predicting the
soldiers in the Trojan Horse, and you have Churchill mocked and
ridiculed for predicting the rise of Nazi Germany.

I'm fortunate so far that I haven't been the target of any physical
violence, but I sure have infuriated a lot of people. Ignoring the
obvious is an important part of the generational cycle, and why
unbelievable disaster occur at regular intervals.


Re: 7-Feb-17 World View -- Tensions rise between China and Trump administration / China sails warships near Japan's Senk

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:... In the US most people think he is an illegitimate president and that he is dangerously unbalanced and perhaps mad. My own opinion is that it is likely that a situation will arise where the military will not follow his orders, especially if it means war with China. You should know that, always talking about how it is the people who decide the real wars. In any case we should pray they will mutiny, because he is quite likely to cause the prompt deaths of 200,000,000 Americans otherwise (and it wont be the people deciding that one---just Trump and the officer with the football---completely invalidating Generational Dynamics as a predictive tool).

And of course he is depraved and evil. Witness his unholy rush to fulfill his campaign promise to murder the family members of suspected terrorists. Now everyone of his supporters has the blood of an innocent little girl on their hands.
The ultimate goal of the Anti-Trump folks is one party rule (Democrat) in the US.

Only a dedicated tiny minority of the US population truly considers Trump illegitimate. There are MANY people who will SAY that, but they don't actually believe it, anymore than all Anti-Obama folks really believed Obama was illegitimate due to "Birtherism".

The reason I bring up the "One Party State" idea is that those dedicated to that proposition see a "magnificent opportunity" in whipping up the "hysterical passions" of anyone who is "against sexism/racism/mysogyny/etc" to "ENABLE" the one party state by making "the opposition" utterly unthinkable to vote for.

That 99% of people would claim to be against those things is irrelevant, of course.

The hope is to make things so chaotic that any political choice other than "The Non-Evil People" is absurd.

Would the one party state of Democrat-Fascism delay the inevitable world war? Probably. But the "Enslaved West" would have to eventually send their soldier-slaves to battle the Chinese-Et-Al soldier-slaves for ultimate domination, and a Western slave is not as effective as a Western non-slave.

(( See "Liberal Fascism" ))


..no, I don't work for Jonah. :)

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