24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by Tom Mazanec »

John wrote:** 17-Jul-2019 Nutjob
Tom Mazanec wrote: > Hell yes, jullien1. I did everything I could think of to try to
> talk him out of it, and even went so far as to contact his local
> police. He conned them into thinking he was alright. He then
> posted a remark on this forum cursing me (literally) and vowing
> even more to do away with himself. I came this close to
> showing that remark to his police, but my cousin and guardian (I
> am an aspie), who is a former cop, talked me out of it. I give up.

> I am a Roman Catholic and believe that a cold blooded suicide is a
> one way ticket to Hell. I would miss this forum a lot if he did
> away with himself, but I would fear even more for his
> soul.
You're a total nutjob. You're the one who should be locked up.
Then there are about a billion people who should be locked up, if believing suicide is an unrepentable Mortal Sin makes you a crazy nutjob.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

I shall continue my wishful, or sensible (we shall see), assumption, which I suppose may make an "ASS out of U and MPTION", that John is just being a "drama queen" (as it were, not inferring anything!) for effect to make a point as regards age discrimination in the tech field.

That said, not having John around would indeed be a bummer, and would be a terrible waste of all that experience wrapped up inextricably (love that word) in the organic soup and connective tissue that is our beloved hero.

..just sayin'!

So,.. don't get radical ol' buddy. Just go play in the surf more, and maybe, ya' never know, an untoward rip tide or rogue wave will do the hard work, relieving you of various "responsibilities and obligations" that might be held against you by.... well,.. Whomever.

In any case, Aloha nui loa y'old kahuna!

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Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by John »

** 18-Jul-2019 Waterfall
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > I shall continue my wishful, or sensible (we shall see),
> assumption, which I suppose may make an "ASS out of U and MPTION",
> that John is just being a "drama queen" (as it were, not inferring
> anything!) for effect to make a point as regards age
> discrimination in the tech field.
I never write fake news.

If you're on a raft that's floating rapidly downstream toward a
waterfall, and you can't get off the raft, then one way or another
you're going to go over the waterfall, even if you don't want to.

You can try to save yourself by paddling backwards, but that just
slightly delays the final outcome. You're still going to go over the
waterfall, even if you don't want to.

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Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:** 18-Jul-2019 Waterfall
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > I shall continue my wishful, or sensible (we shall see),
> assumption, which I suppose may make an "ASS out of U and MPTION",
> that John is just being a "drama queen" (as it were, not inferring
> anything!) for effect to make a point as regards age
> discrimination in the tech field.
I never write fake news.

If you're on a raft that's floating rapidly downstream toward a
waterfall, and you can't get off the raft, then one way or another
you're going to go over the waterfall, even if you don't want to.

You can try to save yourself by paddling backwards, but that just
slightly delays the final outcome. You're still going to go over the
waterfall, even if you don't want to.
I can both take you entirely at your word that you're gonna do what you're gonna do as you say you're gonna do it AND believe that you're having us off. :)

That "mental juggling" is my super-power! <chuckle!>

..I'm not gonna collapse the possibilities (Heisenbergianly) by prematurely deciding which possibility is "correct". It's more fun to let the situation ride, and act surprised when what's gonna happen happens.

..and I can also believe that you're stretching those swimmin' muscles and hyperventilating to up you're pulseox for the inevitable athletic competition of "you vs Whatever" in the nearish future.

Then again, it's ALWAYS "us vs Whatever", isn't it?

..so what's the difference?

None,.. and therefore I'll choose to be happy in the knowledge that whichever way the cookie crumbles it doesn't make a damned bit of difference to me, as I refuse to have my happiness influenced by such trivialities as one person's not-yet-decisions as to the particular time of their inevitable "departure".

..'though I STILL don't much like wasted potential, even though I've been EXCEEDINGLY wasteful of stuff during my time on the planet (and possibly longer) so how can I be overly judgmental about other's wastefulness?

Therefore,.. watchin' the show and enjoying it is what I'll do. :)

And aloha to all, and to all a good night. <chuckle!> Mahaloz, me fellows, fo da yummy yummy ahi poke and poitin uisce beatha!

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by John »

** 18-Jul-2019 The Old, Old Silver Clock
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > I can both take you entirely at your word that you're gonna do
> what you're gonna do as you say you're gonna do it AND believe
> that you're having us off. :)
I'm not "having you off," but there's always the possibility,
with the same likelihood as a lightning strike, that something
will change.

I received a call this afternoon from a social worker who was referred
to me. She ended up suggesting that I look at some place like a
senior center, where they might have listings of jobs particularly for
seniors. We'll see.
Jacques Brel wrote: > The old folks never die
> They just put down their heads and go to sleep one day
> They hold each other's hand like children in the dark
> But one will get lost anyway
> And the other will remain just sitting in that room
> Which makes no sound
> It doesn't matter now, the song has died away
> And echoes all around
> You'll see them when they walk through the sun-filled park
> Where children run and play
> It hurts too much to smile, it hurts too much but life goes on
> For still another day
> As they try to escape the old silver clock
> When day is through
> It tick-tocks oh so slow, it says "Yes," it says, "No"
> It says, "I'll wait for you"
> The old, old silver clock that's hanging on the wall
> That waits for us all.

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Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by mps92 »

John did you ever contact the folks at Breitbart? All you'd have to do is publish an article a day (like you basically do here), and they wouldn't have to pay you an exorbitant amount of money - but certainly enough to stave off fate.

Your articles do pretty well on Breitbart despite being hard to find (not typically posted on the front page for very long, if at all). The feedback from the comments is typically very positive. That's actually where I originally found you, since I always looked for your articles.

The people on Breitbart completely understand the magnitude of the Chinese conflict and the threat that China poses. It would surprise me if Breitbart wasn't at all interested in hiring you.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by John »

** 18-Jul-2019 Breitbart
mps92 wrote: > John did you ever contact the folks at Breitbart? All you'd have
> to do is publish an article a day (like you basically do here),
> and they wouldn't have to pay you an exorbitant amount of money -
> but certainly enough to stave off fate.

> Your articles do pretty well on Breitbart despite being hard to
> find (not typically posted on the front page for very long, if at
> all). The feedback from the comments is typically very
> positive. That's actually where I originally found you, since I
> always looked for your articles.

> The people on Breitbart completely understand the magnitude of the
> Chinese conflict and the threat that China poses. It would
> surprise me if Breitbart wasn't at all interested in hiring
> you.
Don't make me laugh.

I posted over 3,000 articles on Breitbart since 2010. When I started,
they had almost no international coverage and knew absolutely nothing
about what was going on in the world.

I ended up training Frances Martel and the others doing the
international coverage.

And yet Martel always made it clear to me that she would never pay me
a penny.

But then last month when I wanted to run the article announcing my
book, Martel wrote to me that I would have to do an "ad buy" before
they'd run that article.

That was insulting and humiliating enough, but there's more. Last
year, when I posted the article announcing my Iran book, I estimate
that it resulted in 10-20 additional sales, so it was worth about $50
to me, give or take. I would have expected the same result from the
announcement of my China book.

I don't know how much this "ad buy" would have cost -- probably
hundreds or thousands of dollars -- but it's pretty clear to me that
running an ad on Breitbart is almost completely worthless. In fact,
if you look at the ads that they do run, they're almost all garbage.

So I wrote thousands of articles for Martel, she got ad revenue from
the ads that ran alongside my articles, I educated her and her staff
about international events, and she refused to pay me a penny. And
then she insulted me further by demanding that I pay for a completely
worthless "ad buy," after all I'd done for her, over a period of many
years. Why am I not surprised?

When Obama was president, she was happy to have me around because my
analyses often contradicted Obama's policies. Now she's saying "screw
you" because, among other reasons, my analyses don't always agree with
"official" Breitbart ideology in the Trump administration.

So no, I don't think I'm going to have anything more to do with

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Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:... I'm not "having you off," but there's always the possibility, with the same likelihood as a lightning strike, that something will change. ...
I'm not saying you are, I'm just saying I (more often than not) choose to believe you're sorta kinda kidding with me (us).

..and a big ol' honkin' steel pole on top of a mountain during an electrical storm might be worth looking into..! :)

Now,.. am I kidding? I.. C O U L D.. be...

Sardonic humor is THE BEST humor! (Good God, I'm evil...! <chuckle!>)

If ya' can't laugh at the berobed scythemaester, you can't laugh at anything. Am I right, or am I right!?

Most aloha at'cha, dude. <shaka nui!>


Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by JCP »

Don't make me laugh.

I posted over 3,000 articles on Breitbart since 2010. When I started,
they had almost no international coverage and knew absolutely nothing
about what was going on in the world.

I ended up training Frances Martel and the others doing the
international coverage.

And yet Martel always made it clear to me that she would never pay me
a penny.

But then last month when I wanted to run the article announcing my
book, Martel wrote to me that I would have to do an "ad buy" before
they'd run that article.

That was insulting and humiliating enough, but there's more. Last
year, when I posted the article announcing my Iran book, I estimate
that it resulted in 10-20 additional sales, so it was worth about $50
to me, give or take. I would have expected the same result from the
announcement of my China book.

I don't know how much this "ad buy" would have cost -- probably
hundreds or thousands of dollars -- but it's pretty clear to me that
running an ad on Breitbart is almost completely worthless. In fact,
if you look at the ads that they do run, they're almost all garbage.

So I wrote thousands of articles for Martel, she got ad revenue from
the ads that ran alongside my articles, I educated her and her staff
about international events, and she refused to pay me a penny. And
then she insulted me further by demanding that I pay for a completely
worthless "ad buy," after all I'd done for her, over a period of many
years. Why am I not surprised?

When Obama was president, she was happy to have me around because my
analyses often contradicted Obama's policies. Now she's saying "screw
you" because, among other reasons, my analyses don't always agree with
"official" Breitbart ideology in the Trump administration.

So no, I don't think I'm going to have anything more to do with
What a bitch. I'm glad you wrote this. Martel deserves to be publicly shamed along with the rest of Breitbart. It's shameless parasites like Martel that have turned America into a toilet. No wonder this country is going down the drain. Talent starves and thieves thrive.

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Tom Mazanec
Posts: 4181
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Re: 24-Dec-18 World View -- Generational Dynamics analysis of the troop withdrawal from Syria

Post by Tom Mazanec »

John wrote:** 18-Jul-2019 Waterfall
FishbellykanakaDude wrote: > I shall continue my wishful, or sensible (we shall see),
> assumption, which I suppose may make an "ASS out of U and MPTION",
> that John is just being a "drama queen" (as it were, not inferring
> anything!) for effect to make a point as regards age
> discrimination in the tech field.
I never write fake news.

If you're on a raft that's floating rapidly downstream toward a
waterfall, and you can't get off the raft, then one way or another
you're going to go over the waterfall, even if you don't want to.

You can try to save yourself by paddling backwards, but that just
slightly delays the final outcome. You're still going to go over the
waterfall, even if you don't want to.
In regards to dying, that is what 99.9999% of the human race does. Everyone dies eventually, but almost everyone tries to hold it off for as many hours as possible.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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