15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal

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15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal

Post by John »

15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal: Armed clash with U.S.

Iran's leaders try to refight the 1979 Great Islamic Revolution

** 15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal: Armed clash with U.S.
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... b#e111015b

** 15-Oct-11 World View -- The U.S. will send troops to central African nations
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 15#e111015

Left-wing protests continue to grow on Wall Street and in Europe

Iran's assassination plot goal: Armed clash with U.S.
Re-fighting the Great Islamic Revolution

### World View - The U.S. will send troops to central African nations
The U.S. will send troops to central African nations
LRA head Joseph Kony seeks theocratic state based on Ten Commandments
Left-wing protests continue to grow on Wall Street and in Europe
All forms of public transport in Athens paralyzed by strikes
Debate over 'Leftist Terrorism' erupts in Germany
Wall Street protests spread to London
Distrust of Egypt's interim military government grows

Generational Dynamics, Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
Great Islamic Revolution

Generational Dynamics, Uganda, South Sudan, Central African Republic,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, African Union,
Josephy Kony, Lord's Resistance Army, Occupy Wall Street,
Athens, Greece, Berlin, Germany, Red Army Faction,
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, SCAF, Egypt

Reality Check
Posts: 1441
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:07 pm

Re: 15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal

Post by Reality Check »

United States has, for years, failed to respond to repeated acts of war by Iran against the people of the United States.

The bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon, the bombing of the U.S. Air Force Barracks ( Khobar Towers ) in Saudi Arabia, Acts of War against United States Forces in Iraq, the killing of the elected Prime Minister of Lebanon, a close ally of the United States, have all been planned and executed by Iran.

Today, Iran's paramilitary arm is over extended around the world. At the same time this paramilitary organization is at the heart of the hated state security apparatus in Iran that is beating, killing and sending to prison any political voice that dares speak in Iran.

It is way past time for the United States Special Forces and the United States Intelligence services to conduct a worldwide, limited, "HOT WAR", against these paramilitary groups who have been conducting a "Secret" hot war against the United States for decades.

Better yet give Iran an "opportunity" they can not resists to start a conflict in some place like Bahrain, and then use that as an excuse to send all 22 Stealth Bombers against the Leaders and Infrastructure of the Revolutionary Guard and the Kuds Force in Iran.

The Iranian people would cheer such a move.

Reality Check
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Re: 15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal

Post by Reality Check »

The risk to the United States of asymmetric warfare has been used repeatedly as a justification for not punishing Iran for acts of war against the United States.

It has reached the point where Iran believes they can do what ever they want without serious repercussions.

This analysis totally ignores the risk to Iran and it's global supporters of asymmetric warfare against Iran.

Iran and China in particular are acutely vulnerable to the damages that would be caused by the U.S. waging asymmetric warfare against Iran.

Iran is dependent on trade by Sea for it's economic well being and to maintain it's economy. Iran supports it's proxies abroad by ocean going ship.

China is dependent on oil delivered by ship from Iran to keep their economy going.

Iran's sea ports, oil fields and limited refining capacity are all on or very near their limited coast line.

Iran's coast line is on bodies of water over which the United States exercises military supremacy.

In just a few days of Naval and Air Attack the United States could degrade the Sea Ports and Oil Industry infrastructure of Iran to the point China's flow of oil from Iran would be stopped for months. The Iranian Navy and Iranian Air Force would be destroyed in hours if deployed against the United States and the Iranian Navy would be destroyed within days if it tried to hide in port.

The United States would only have to make clear that such action would occur immediately if China or Iran escalated ( either diplomatically or militarily ) a limited war the U.S. was conducting against Iran's military, paramilitary, intelligence services, political staffs, ships and aircraft around the world.

Iran would be faced with two choices which would both be devastating to the ruling elite. Sit there and take it and look weak and vulnerable to their political enemies. Escalate and watch their instruments of power and repression against their own people be systematically destroyed and their economy be crippled for months or years.

Iran ( and China ) has much more to fear from asymmetrical warfare between the United States and Iran than does the United States.

Reality Check
Posts: 1441
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:07 pm

Re: 15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal

Post by Reality Check »

One of the advantages of a weak world wide economy is the surplus of oil and other industrial commodities in the world.

If the United States was initiating a limited war against Iran at a time of the United States' choosing, then world wide oil supplies for months in the future could be contracted for by the United States and re-sold to our friends during the conflict.

China for instance could be guaranteed a supply of oil at a reasonable prices during the limited war if they remained neutral diplomatically or sided with the United States.

The mere fact that the United States had planned so well in advance would give China and others pause before taking rash diplomatic, economic or military moves.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 15-Oct-11 News -- Iran's assassination plot goal

Post by John »

Reality Check wrote: > The risk to the United States of asymmetric warfare has been used
> repeatedly as a justification for not punishing Iran for acts of
> war against the United States.

> It has reached the point where Iran believes they can do what ever
> they want without serious repercussions.

> This analysis totally ignores the risk to Iran and it's global
> supporters of asymmetric warfare against Iran.

> Iran and China in particular are acutely vulnerable to the damages
> that would be caused by the U.S. waging asymmetric warfare against
> Iran.

> Iran is dependent on trade by Sea for it's economic well being and
> to maintain it's economy. Iran supports it's proxies abroad by
> ocean going ship."
You make some good points. I think that what it all shows is how
enormously Iran's Supreme Leader has completely lost touch with
reality. Of course, he's not the only politician in the world to
have done so.


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