Geopolitical topics

Topics related to current and historical events occurring in various countries and regions
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Re: Geopolitical topics

Post by Matt1989 »

jwfid wrote: Maybe someone can correct me, but wasn't the Spanish Civil War fought over a political ideology?
I'm not sure if I'm on board with the thesis that Civil War Crises cannot be fought mainly over political lines, without much regard for race, culture, or class. I think such an occurrence would be unlikely, but I've encountered stranger things in my studies. With the advent of 4th generation warfare, I think it's a possibility in this Crisis.

Anyway, the Spanish Civil War comes awfully close... but there are distinct class, religious, and cultural elements. I'm not really sure which was the driving factor. Some combination, certainly.

Also, one of my favorite Clash songs -- Spanish Bombs.

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Re: Geopolitical topics

Post by gerald »

For those who would like a "different " perspective on current events ( some political and economic ) you might like to listen to this one hour discussion, recorded in Spain, July of this year. About half way through, there are comments about the coming economic events and at the end, comments about an event that will make 9/11 seem small in comparison. Please note, this link is to a topic that is generally off of peoples radar, and most will simply dismiss it. The second link provides some supporting information, but from a different perspective. Most likely, if you don't want your perception of your world questioned. DO NOT go to these links ( listen to futuretalk 5) and ... ad-doc.htm

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Re: Geopolitical topics

Post by gerald »

At the risk of sounding cold and indifferent I will post the following, but the question is real.
Haiti, that was a small earthquake and a small disaster, what do you think would happen if
San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Taipei, Manila, etc. all built on the "ring of fire" were hit by the following earthquake?
How can you build for this? The 1964 earthquake Alaska 9.2 on the Rictor scale, Haiti was 7.2 ( the Rictor scale is logarithmic) ... re=related

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