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Post by gerald »

Photo ID required to attend NAACP protest of N.C. voter ID law


By Doug Powers • February 9, 2014 12:47 PM

Here’s the latest from the “do as we say not as we do” bureau by way of theDaily Caller and Sister Toldjah:
North Carolinians marching to protest voter-ID laws must present a valid photo ID to participate in an NAACP-hosted protest against voter-ID laws in Raleigh on Saturday.
The central claim among the protesters is that the voter-ID laws disenfranchise certain segments of the voting population, particularly minority voters and poor voters.
According to official NAACP flyers passed out at the rally, protesters must carry the precise kind of ID that they would be expected to present at the voting booth.

At a 2012 event, the NAACP required two pieces of ID from media in order to attend a speech by Eric Holder to hear him talk in part about how voter-ID laws are unfair.

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