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Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:46 pm
by Matt1989
JimZ wrote: Man, I don't know what you are smoking, but if "The One" wins tomorrow you are in for a very rude awakening. If you think Obama is going to drop taxes then I think you also should expect to see the Pope getting drunk at a local bar. Obama is a Marxists. Marxists DON'T lower taxes - in fact he thinks it's "selfish" for people to NOT want to pay taxes. I do agree energy and environmental business will play a role in this crisis - because they will be in crisis. Obama is on record with his willingness to banckrupt the coal industry.
Have you analyzed his psyche? Do you have information that we don't? Because the evidence indicates that he's your typical welfare capitalist progressive.

In actuality, Marxists are against the extant state because they see it as a tool for perpetuating exploitation (government protects the bourgeois etc.), and want to overthrow it -- not reform it. Obama picks up the mantle of the "heroic" view of the state.
(snip right-wing hysteria)
And of course Obama in his spare time will: (1) part the Red Sea, (2) usher in peace on Earth, goodwill towards man...yada yada yada.
Yeah, yeah we get it. The whole 'messiah' thing has been beaten to death. Once a humorous depiction, it's now just annoying.

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:42 pm
by mark
Quote: "Do not allow yourself to be corrupted when you're out among the English"

[The character Rebekah speaking to the character Ishmael, in the movie "Kingpin"]

Both Obama and McCain are allegedly related to England's King Alfred the Great

Link: ... nd_in_Hand

Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:57 pm
by tobyguy
"But President Obama would be likely to over-react to dangerous situations, simply because he'll be unable to resist pressure from his own partisans".

You use a lot of gross generalizations I must say.

I'm having difficulty with this one. If you substitue "Obama" with "Bush", it sounds more accurate (from what we know at least rather than what you believe will be likely).

Sometimes personality says a lot more about someone than the Generation they were born in (at least in this example).


Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:01 pm
by tobyguy
"Have you analyzed his psyche? Do you have information that we don't? Because the evidence indicates that he's your typical welfare capitalist progressive."

What do you call the 700 billion bailout? Corporate Welfare Capitalist Progressive? Supported by the majority of both parties (and almost the entire corporate leadership)....


Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:16 pm
by John
tobyguy wrote:"I'm having difficulty with this one. If you substitue "Obama" with "Bush", it sounds more accurate (from what we know at least rather than what you believe will be likely).
If you're referring to the Iraq ground invasion, it was hardly a rash decision or an over-reaction.
It was debated vigorously for a full year in the United Nations and the Congress. In
the end, the Congress overwhelmingly approved it, as did most Americans. In fact, chances
are that you approved of it, until things started going badly.


Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:14 pm
by tobyguy
John wrote:
tobyguy wrote:"I'm having difficulty with this one. If you substitue "Obama" with "Bush", it sounds more accurate (from what we know at least rather than what you believe will be likely).
If you're referring to the Iraq ground invasion, it was hardly a rash decision or an over-reaction.
It was debated vigorously for a full year in the United Nations and the Congress. In
the end, the Congress overwhelmingly approved it, as did most Americans. In fact, chances
are that you approved of it, until things started going badly.

Over-reacting to something is not time dependant. You can over react to something at a later date. One does not necessarily have anything to do with the other (though I would agree they often do go hand in hand - but again, one is not a requirement for the other).

You can make a great case that the ground invasion was an over-reaction. Trying to allign it with 9/11 and claiming weapons of mass destruction were present. Neither of which were proven to true. In addition, one could easily argue that they tried to build the case to go to war without any solid justification to do so and that process in itself was over-reacting.

Sure, you can call it outright deceipt. But I personally do not believe that. People who often over react fail to understand the actual issue(s) and lash out at others.

It will be interesting to see if we see this "rash" and "over-reacting" traits in Obama. From what I see on TV, he does not appear to be someone with those traits. I believe one could make a good arguement that personality and ideology trumps most other factors in determing "rash" or "over-reacting" type behaviours.


WebLong - what to expect from an Obama Presidency

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:05 pm
by jgreenhall
I'm taken by the fact that John's weblog today is significantly bereft of the archetypes from S&H. The biggest difference between McCain and Obama is that McCain is Silent generation and Obama is GenerationX. If Generational theory holds any water, then we should be able to draw conclusions from the characteristics of their respective generations. GenX is not defined by rejection of Boomer values. Instead it is defined by an unconscious cynicism towards existing institutions (most manifest in youth) and a sometimes ruthless pragmatism (winning dirty), particularly when it comes to shaping a world for their children that is more wholesome than the one they grew up in.

While Obama might very likely have the same cynicism as GenX in general - he does a good job of hiding it. But everyone who has spent any time with him characterizes him as a pragmatist. What we should expect from an Obama presidency is what we should expect from any Nomad who has made the choice to move from private to public interests:

As pragmatic Nomads replace Prophets in midlife during a Crisis, they apply toughness and resolution to defend society while safeguarding the interests of the young. This is what to expect from an Obama presidency.

Re: WebLong - what to expect from an Obama Presidency

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:17 pm
by John
jgreenhall wrote: > While Obama might very likely have the same cynicism as GenX in
> general - he does a good job of hiding it.
From January, 2007:

** Barack Obama to Boomers: Drop dead!
** ... 23#e070123


Re: WebLong - what to expect from an Obama Presidency

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:28 pm
by tobyguy
John wrote:
jgreenhall wrote: > While Obama might very likely have the same cynicism as GenX in
> general - he does a good job of hiding it.
From January, 2007:

** Barack Obama to Boomers: Drop dead!
** ... 23#e070123

I'm uncertain how being "pragmatic" has anything to do with "over reacting" and "rash".

Then again, I guess I'm just being "pragmatic" being a "GenX'er" myself....


Re: Presidential Election

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:39 am
by Matt1989
I, for one, am glad this thing is over.