22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

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22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by John »

22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

China's claims to the South China Sea are amazingly vacuous

** 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e180922

China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea
China's claims to the South China Sea are amazingly vacuous

Generational Dynamics, China, South China Sea,
Britain, HMS Albion, Paracel Islands,
Liu Xiaoming, Philippines, Deng Xiaoping, Xi Jinping,
Philip Davidson, Chiang Kai-shek, Australia, Japan,
United Nations Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague,
Scarborough Shoal, India, Indian Ocean,
Cham sea, Luzon sea, Clove sea, South sea,
East sea, West Philippine sea, Malay seas,
Malay-Polynesian, Madascar, Taiwan,
Uighurs, Tibetans, Nazis, Lebensraum,
British Geological Survey


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

The UK doesn't have any real military strength left. It's a paper tiger. It''s ground forces number roughly 78,000. How many of those are infantrymen? Not many. A few thousand at best. The air force and navy have been cut down to almost nothing. The Army, Navy and RAF all struggle to meet day-to-day commitments to protect the UK. How are they going to project significant power overseas?

The Royal Navy consists of only 12 surface ships and a hand full of submarines that spend more time being repaired that at sea.

In February 2017, 21 of the RAF’s 67 Tornado GR4 bombers and 43 of its 135 Typhoon fighters were in bits. In the 2010 Defence Review, plans to expand the Typhoon force beyond five squadrons were put on hold. The Harrier jump-jet force was disbanded. The seven-squadron Tornado bomber force was scheduled to be cut to just two units. The result is that there are just not enough aircraft, given that a significant proportion of jets are out of circulation for servicing at any one time.

How will NATO fight China? How will NATO fight Russia? Oh, yes. America will fight the war for this ungrateful jack offs (again). NATO members would rather spend their money on migrants while letting their own populations starve and become homeless. Why defend a group of people that have zero interest in survival?

Yankee go home. I support that.


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

China has serious problems that will only get worse. Here are five:

25% of foreign companies have left China even before the tariffs. They are not the place to do business anymore. Pakistan and India are the go to countries at the moment for a number of reasons.

China is no longer a cheap place to do business. Manufacturing can be done elsewhere much cheaper. You can move a manufacturing floor to another warehouse in another country and have it set up in 2 to 3 months.

China is full of rampant corruption at every level of business.

China is an environmental disaster. They have no water. They have contaminated most their groundwater with sewage and environmental toxins.

Manufacturing is changing dramatically with automation, as our customer needs. China has a jobs problem. Just Adidas (the sports wear maker) pulling out of Asia cost 1 million jobs. https://www.economist.com/business/2017 ... to-germany

China is deep in debt, far worse then the USA or Europe (3 times worse), and it's debt is fused into it's finance and industry and hard to control and deal with. The USA and Europe's debt is governmental and far more easy to control and deal with.

I own a company that manufactures livestock equipment. I know the business of manufacturing and know what it takes to survive. China is not the future; morally, economically, or in anyway.

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by John »

Guest wrote: > China has serious problems that will only get worse. Here are
> five:

> 25% of foreign companies have left China even before the tariffs.
> They are not the place to do business anymore. Pakistan and India
> are the go to countries at the moment for a number of reasons.

> China is no longer a cheap place to do business. Manufacturing
> can be done elsewhere much cheaper. You can move a manufacturing
> floor to another warehouse in another country and have it set up
> in 2 to 3 months.

> China is full of rampant corruption at every level of business.

> China is an environmental disaster. They have no water. They
> have contaminated most their groundwater with sewage and
> environmental toxins.

> Manufacturing is changing dramatically with automation, as our
> customer needs. China has a jobs problem. Just Adidas (the sports
> wear maker) pulling out of Asia cost 1 million jobs.
> https://www.economist.com/business/2017 ... to-germany

> China is deep in debt, far worse then the USA or Europe (3 times
> worse), and it's debt is fused into it's finance and industry and
> hard to control and deal with. The USA and Europe's debt is
> governmental and far more easy to control and deal with.

> I own a company that manufactures livestock equipment. I know the
> business of manufacturing and know what it takes to survive.
> China is not the future; morally, economically, or in
> anyway.
There's an interesting nexus between this and something from the CMEC
proposal that I quoted in yesterday's article on Burma. The proposal
claims that the CMEC would allow a direct flow of Chinese goods into
the southern and western regions of Myanmar and that Chinese
industries could transfer into Myanmar in order to abate the rising
labor cost and overcapacity of China’s industries. It said that
Myanmar would become a major trade hub for Chinese goods, between
China, Southeast Asia and South Asia.

The phrase "in order to abate the rising labor cost and overcapacity
of China’s industries" would be consistent with what you're saying,
and would also explain a major motivation for China's entire Belt and
Road Initiative.


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

What does outsourcing labor mean for Chinese workers? Nothing good. How about more civil unrest in mainland China?

I need to know

Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by I need to know »

China is on a straight path to economic collapse. Chinese leaders desperately need an enemy real or imagined to pin the blame on when social strife goes parabolic, which it will. If Xi can say "we were doing great until Trump and his damn trade wars screwed everything up", then he will be in a much better position to ride out the chaos. Better than having no one to blame but himself.


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

China is walking on its own ****. Pretty soon they will understand how much it hurts and how stupid it is. They are indeed between the proverbial rock and a hard place.Their economy cannot function without the USA, whereas, the opposite is not true. Wait and see. Trump sounds like he is brash and thoughtless. Nothing could be further from the truth.

For the first time, China is negotiating with a USA that is thinking three steps ahead of them.


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by MAGA »

The chinks have been stealing ours for decades--there hasn't been a policy except to ignore it.

Trump is the opposite of a globalist, he's a populist/nationalist looking out for USA interests. He doesn't give a rats *** about what Hollywood thinks--but still wants to protect their IP too.

And War??? Are you kidding me? GTFOH! Sure, bring those un-tested micro dicks up against the most effective killing machine known to man. Not gonna happen. China has no alternative and they should a thought of their exit plan before deciding to kick sand in our face. They have a pair of 3s against Trump's royal flush.

Time for all the real globalists that have shared in the plunder from raping American industry to find another line of work.



Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

MAGA wrote:The chinks have been stealing ours for decades--there hasn't been a policy except to ignore it.

Trump is the opposite of a globalist, he's a populist/nationalist looking out for USA interests. He doesn't give a rats *** about what Hollywood thinks--but still wants to protect their IP too.

And War??? Are you kidding me? GTFOH! Sure, bring those un-tested micro dicks up against the most effective killing machine known to man. Not gonna happen. China has no alternative and they should a thought of their exit plan before deciding to kick sand in our face. They have a pair of 3s against Trump's royal flush.

Time for all the real globalists that have shared in the plunder from raping American industry to find another line of work.

Michael Lewis doesn't share your views. He said in an interview in the UK's Guardian this morning:
Trump’s people, Lewis makes clear, are largely inept and animated by greed, anti-government ideology and a “commitment to scientific ignorance”. Trump himself is, in Lewis’s view, “the single worst business manager that’s ever occupied the office. He’s obsessed only with himself, he doesn’t manage anything.”
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/ ... ng-america

John liked his other work, so is this guy off the reservation or what?


Re: 22-Sep-18 World View -- China threatens multiple Western nations militarily over South China Sea

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:China has serious problems that will only get worse. Here are five:

25% of foreign companies have left China even before the tariffs. They are not the place to do business anymore. Pakistan and India are the go to countries at the moment for a number of reasons.

China is no longer a cheap place to do business. Manufacturing can be done elsewhere much cheaper. You can move a manufacturing floor to another warehouse in another country and have it set up in 2 to 3 months.

China is full of rampant corruption at every level of business.

China is an environmental disaster. They have no water. They have contaminated most their groundwater with sewage and environmental toxins.

Manufacturing is changing dramatically with automation, as our customer needs. China has a jobs problem. Just Adidas (the sports wear maker) pulling out of Asia cost 1 million jobs. https://www.economist.com/business/2017 ... to-germany

China is deep in debt, far worse then the USA or Europe (3 times worse), and it's debt is fused into it's finance and industry and hard to control and deal with. The USA and Europe's debt is governmental and far more easy to control and deal with.

I own a company that manufactures livestock equipment. I know the business of manufacturing and know what it takes to survive. China is not the future; morally, economically, or in anyway.
My brother-in-law (Taiwanese) has moved all of his factories to Vietnam. He couldn't stand the rampant corruption (he called it "gangsterism") of Chinese government officials who always asked for money and prostitutes (yes, girls) on a weekly, sometimes daily basis in China.

Yes, China is in a death spiral. The American press seems to be the only ones in the world that are unaware of it.

War is on the way because the Chinese government has no idea what to do except attack other countries. They are not clever. They are gangsters.

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