Generational Dynamics World View News

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Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

tim wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:53 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 9:53 am
Xeraphim1 wrote:
Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:00 pm
I disagree that a future conflict will have any real similarity to WWI. That war was essentially the same as wars of the previous fifty years except for the scale. A war with China, the only real war looming, would be a fast-paced kinetic war that would need to be decided quickly. It wouldn't even bear much similarity to the last Gulf War. It will also be a war where you fight with what you got since it won't last long enough to replace losses.
While older generations sometimes have wisdom, mostly they are worse at predicting things, in all categories. Xeraphim I believe exposes this. A war may be coming, but its quality will be unlike what Navigator is generally predicting.

What's more, there is a probability that a truly meaningful war won't happen, and instead a conflict will lead to a one world government scenario, since governments are so keen on enslaving their populations, this much is obvious (if there is no revolt).
Older generations have wisdom for the times they lived in. Somebody who lived through the Great Depression and World War II would have wisdom for the near future. A baby boomer that was a hippy in the 60's will be completely blindsided by the coming crisis. This is the basic problem with humanity, that wisdom does not transcend a person's own experiences.

I remember eating dinner in a restaurant with some friends of the family. An older woman did not finish her meal and was putting leftover meat from the dinner plate into her purse. I asked her why she was doing this and she said she remembered what it was like not knowing the next time she would be able to eat meat. She was in her 80's at the time and this seemed crazy to everybody younger who did not suffer through the Great Depression.
Thank you for making my point. Let me correct you a little bit, though, they have practicality for the times they are in, not necessarily wisdom. If you aren't a truth seeker, speak the truth and think critically, you will perish according to the wave of your generation, such as the hippies you point out - who believe in nothing and yes they will be blindsided. Or they won't, but it will be lucky. Yet in the next world they will be, which is sad.

Wisdom is an eternal and it is a gift from God, and anyone can have it if they actively apply themselves and are honest, truth seeking individuals. These are very rare from generation to generation, and rarer now, especially because for so many reasons christianity has been stamped out of the culture. Even the skeptics benefited from having the backbone if they had weird interpretations of it, to boot.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 6:00 pm
Cool Breeze, do you think there will be a revolt or will the Bad Guys take over completely?
I tend to think that the depopulation attempts again happening (as I have suggested before) with control tactics and increasing tech show that the revolt will likely happen for some time, but the elites are early in this scary but ultimately feeble attempt. Their religion of tech (AI headlines it) is not even close to being ready. Transhumanism I speculate is the final goal to distort humanity, and to elevate the ego to support the man of abomination, not shortly after which he will be destroyed by the true God man, Jesus Christ. And history will be fulfilled, the Alpha and the Omega will be revealed in His Glory judging the living and the dead.

The greatest part about knowing the one true God is that you know what He is doing, and that He wins. Until then, we repent and suffer because the student is not greater than his master.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by tim »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:01 pm
tim wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 3:53 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Jun 30, 2021 9:53 am

While older generations sometimes have wisdom, mostly they are worse at predicting things, in all categories. Xeraphim I believe exposes this. A war may be coming, but its quality will be unlike what Navigator is generally predicting.

What's more, there is a probability that a truly meaningful war won't happen, and instead a conflict will lead to a one world government scenario, since governments are so keen on enslaving their populations, this much is obvious (if there is no revolt).
Older generations have wisdom for the times they lived in. Somebody who lived through the Great Depression and World War II would have wisdom for the near future. A baby boomer that was a hippy in the 60's will be completely blindsided by the coming crisis. This is the basic problem with humanity, that wisdom does not transcend a person's own experiences.

I remember eating dinner in a restaurant with some friends of the family. An older woman did not finish her meal and was putting leftover meat from the dinner plate into her purse. I asked her why she was doing this and she said she remembered what it was like not knowing the next time she would be able to eat meat. She was in her 80's at the time and this seemed crazy to everybody younger who did not suffer through the Great Depression.
Thank you for making my point. Let me correct you a little bit, though, they have practicality for the times they are in, not necessarily wisdom. If you aren't a truth seeker, speak the truth and think critically, you will perish according to the wave of your generation, such as the hippies you point out - who believe in nothing and yes they will be blindsided. Or they won't, but it will be lucky. Yet in the next world they will be, which is sad.

Wisdom is an eternal and it is a gift from God, and anyone can have it if they actively apply themselves and are honest, truth seeking individuals. These are very rare from generation to generation, and rarer now, especially because for so many reasons christianity has been stamped out of the culture. Even the skeptics benefited from having the backbone if they had weird interpretations of it, to boot.
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. Proverbs 27:12
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 01-Jul-2021 World View: Intelligence in armed forces

Navigator and Xeraphim1 --

I've been following your discussion and would like to connect the dots
to an unrelated news story.

The news story is that Fox's Tucker Carlson has confirmed through a
whistleblower that his private communications are being illegally
monitored by the NSA, as he's been reporting on his tv show. Since
the Democrat Party has proven itself repeatedly to be a criminal
organization, and Democrats are super-pissed-off that Fox News and
Tucker Carlson so far are escaping the Stalist Fascist censorship
regime that the Democrats have put in place, the NSA and the Democrats
have no credibility with me in claiming innocence.

I won't go into the details here, but you can read them in this news
story: ... -everyone/

Note the super-sleazy non-denial denial that the NSA tweeted out.

So when I say that I want to connect the dots between this news story
and your discussion of the military, I particularly want to quote one
paragraph from the above referenced news story:
> "Many people in/around the intelligence apparatus have
> noted and confirmed to me that most of the modern human resources,
> within the working analytical part of the intelligence apparatus,
> are immature, solitary and emotionally stunted individuals.
> Accepting things as they directly appear, this subtle snark is
> actual confirmation."
This corresponds to my observation that most young people today are
idiots, even college graduates. AOC is the poster child, and her
followers are even stupider than she is. SAT scores have been falling
for decades, and many young people today are baffled by a simple
fourth grade math problem.

If someone is so stupid that he's baffled by a fourth grade math
problem, then he has no ability to govern, or to make political
decisions, or to make journalistic decisions. If you can't do fourth
grade math, then you can't do simple logical reasoning. That's why
they claim that math is racist -- because they're too stupid to
understand even simple baby math.

I actually became aware of this in 1974, when someone on tv claimed
that the government was 25% bigger that it had been a few years
earlier. Walter Cronkite responded that the government went from 19%
of the GDP to 24%, so it was only 6% bigger, not 25%. This is a good
example of how someone who doesn't understand fourth grade percentages
is too stupid to read the news, but unfortunately stupidity was the
norm for some people even then. Today, that level of stupidity is the
norm for all young people.

So this relates to the level of intelligence in today's armed forces.
If you're talking about IQ, then yes, the people are undoubtely

But if they've graduated from college majoring in "international
relations," and got out of college as stupid as AOC, then IQ has
little value.

Being a successful soldier requires a great deal of knowledge and
skill, and requires many years of intense study and education. But if
all they know is women's studies and sociology, then they're idiots.

So when Navigator claims that the today's young soldiers aren't very
intelligent, I'm inclined to agree with him. Even if they are
intelligent in terms of iq, they're still extremely stupid in not
being able to make even simple logical deductions, let along how to
respond to a battlefield situation or how to operate a high-tech

But it's even worse than that. Soldiers who join the armed forces
should spend every waking hour developing the skills necessary to
fight a war. But now we're learning that after learning nothing in
college, they're going to spend their time in the army being lectured
about white privilege. So it appears that the soldiers in the armed
forces are going to be as stupid as AOC.

I believe that this was the point that Navigator was making.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

If people have been getting stupider for decades, John, then how do you explain the Flynn Effect?
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

On a much happier note - the Supreme Court just upheld Arizona's ban on ballet harvesting and out of precinct voting, and struck down California's law requiring non-profits to disclose the identities of their donors. The democrats are apoplectic, and there are already calls to abolish the filibuster and pack the court. Curiously, these stories lead Fox news, but barely merit a mention on CNN and MSNBC.

If we are lucky, history may give Trump and McConnell credit for saving the republic through their persistence in getting honest Supreme Court judges appointed, despite an onslaught of democrat lies and threats.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

And I have to add, if the democrats did abolish the filibuster and pack the court, this would be the de facto removal of the linchpin of the democratic republic. I predict we would immediately see red states declaring that they will not follow federal law, and daring Biden to send the military to stop them. I think the democrats know this, which is why I don't think they'll go that far.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:57 pm
And I have to add, if the democrats did abolish the filibuster and pack the court, this would be the de facto removal of the linchpin of the democratic republic. I predict we would immediately see red states declaring that they will not follow federal law, and daring Biden to send the military to stop them. I think the democrats know this, which is why I don't think they'll go that far.
The problem is that there are still far too many decisions where the "conservative" judge flip flop and rule having nothing to do with the law: recent example, Kavanaugh's CDC anti eviction policy is ok, because "it was going away in 3 weeks anyway."


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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

I said aircraft carriers were vulnerable, not obsolete. The two current strains of thoughts are either: "Carriers are all but invincible" or "They're as useless as the battleship." I don't subscribe to either one, since they're still useful, but more vulnerable than some believe. How vulnerable they are will be discovered the hard way.

If Navigator's words are true, that means I know more than most soldiers about past wars, and I'm an amateur. it's an interest of mine, so i wouldn't expect ordinary people to know all this, but I would expect those for whom this is their profession to have more knowledge than me. I won't pretend to know everything about that wars, but I do know a fair amount, including the First World War.

Right now, neither China nor the United States have enough of a stockpile for a weapons conflict. It would last no more than a few months and current production could not keep up with demand. Our military has no experience fighting a war where air and naval supremacy is not guaranteed. Vietnam was the last time we faced any serious opposition to our Air Force, with thousands of anti-aircraft guns and hundreds of surface-to-air missile launchers, chiefly the SA-2. In Iraq and Afghanistan, mechanical failure has been a bigger issue than enemy opposition, though some planes have been destroyed on the ground.

Fortunately, China is going to have the same issue. While they have the capability to take Taiwan, the losses in men and equipment would be massive, which takes time to replace.

Our military in terms of population is half the size it was 30 years ago, during the First Gulf War. We're extended all over the world, so while we might be stronger, China can concentrate all their strength in the South and East China Sea while we would both have to redeploy and train more troops. Since 2006, wargames have the United States lose the initial clash with China, not even taking into account how many of our satellites would be destroyed.

It would take both sides at least a year, probably more, to produce enough to keep up with demand. Mistakes early on in WWII cost us a few thousand lives, with improvements made after the Kasserine Pass. For the Soviet Union, millions died before they learned how to adapt.

And we've invested basically nothing in civil defense. The Soviet Union put much more effort into shelter their population than we did, considering a nuclear war to be winnable. Mutually assured destruction was never their policy, while we consider the effort pointless, with the belief of: "You can't survive a nuclear war; don't bother trying." Hopefully, this will change in an actual war. Even if the Chinese have 3,000 warheads capable of reaching us, though, it still wouldn't be enough to destroy our warmaking capability, nor wipe out all our warheads. During the Cold War, we had 12,000 targets, many of which had multiple warheads aimed at them.

Prior to Pearl Harbor, we badly underestimated Japanese capabilities. Many conspiracy theories come from people struggling to believe we could really have been that complacent and unprepared. While it was well-executed, Japanese success came from a good luck of luck. So much could have gone wrong for them, right up to December 7th. We even ignored radar stations showing incoming Japanese aircraft, assuming them to be friendly B-17s. (They showed up in the middle of the air raid) If and when it happens, I won't be at all surprised if we see China pull off something similar.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

When it comes to Tucker Carlson, I've never been a big fan, but it is indeed disturbing that they're going so far to shut him down. Several Democrats have requested the major media companies shut down Fox News and similar "misinformation" networks. 1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.

Thanks to a pro law-and-order candidate running for Mayor in New York City, they're going ballistic. Why aren't they talking more about climate change? What about mandatory bike lanes all over the city? Crime has almost doubled in two years, yet that's what they're worried about. I'm going to take a guess and say none of them live in a neighborhood with real danger, where defunding the police would actually hurt them.

For fifteen years, the Democrats have been welded to the idea that changing demographics will give them a permanent majority, that they will never have to care what the rubes in Flyover Country think ever again. Obama won big in 2008, but two years later, their supermajority broke. They want to make sure it doesn't happen in 2022. It likely won't, because for all the talk of proving fraud, I don't see it happening. Questioning the result is the equivalent of treason.

More specifically, it's young people who are wealthy, or at least well off, screaming about climate change and critical race theory. Why not? Defending the police will hurt the poor, not them. Carbon taxes and similar measures will again hurt the poor, not them. Those who scream loudest about white privilege are wealthy, white progressives. AOCs generally written off as a joke, but in 2015, most felt the same way about Trump. He became President and if not for Covid, he would have been a two-term president.

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