
Topics related to theology.
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Bob Butler
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Experimental Religion?

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:04 am
Without God, Jesus, and an afterlife in Heaven, this life would be pointless.
A diversion. I’ll get back to our recent discussion eventually, but first the question that bothered me greatly in establishing my relationship with God. I was an engineering student and member of the Christian Fellowship. The question was when God over rode the consistent and regular rules of physics. I tried many traditional religions seeking the answer: Catholicism, Born Again, Neo Pagan and Taoism were among them. None provided a clear answer, although there were plenty of incidents where suspension of physics in either past myth or present day life was suggested.

Eventually, I tried parapsychology, the scientific study of mind over matter. I dug into the various experiments for a while, especially the decline effect, that new discoveries and revelations produced larger probability shifts than confirmations of such observations. Eventually I developed my own theory.

Hang on tight. Be prepared to suspend disbelief briefly.

Parapsychology experiments sometimes generated emotion. Emotion often causes an increased metabolism. A human with an increased metabolism generates more of the many worlds alternate realities suggested by one branch of quantum physics. Simply, if something can be observed in more of the many worlds, the probability of observing it is increased.

This hit another factor. Some psi experiments showed reverse time causality. The cause of a probability shift came well after the shift occurred. For example, some experiments involved ‘predicting’ targets which were generated long in the past. This was supposed to not be able to happen, but it did. This was supposed to be a control, but the experimenters were shocked.

In quantum physics, the basic equations are unsolvable. The only way to get anywhere is to simplify the equations. Under my understanding, this is because to know the probability of something, you have to factor in all the possible futures that might occur. This is not doable for any vaguely realistic system. Yet, that’s what ‘scientists’ do, simplify the equations to disregard any influence from the future. Current physics is based on the past causing the future, a one way arrow of time. Experimentally…. Wrong!

Poof. The probabilities of physics can be effected by something very much like mind over matter. All you have to do is get excited about something and it becomes more probable, even if that something is past. One is slightly more likely to observe the more emotional future.

A religious question that ultimately lead to a changing of one’s understanding of physics?

This led to additional discoveries of an entirely different nature. So called scientists will not take parapsychology experiments seriously. Rejected. Ignored. True scientists do not take medieval superstitions seriously. Second, parapsychology investigators believe in mind over matter. If your theory does not involve mind over matter, does not feature medieval superstition, it will be rejected, ignored. Generalizing, if one believes adamantly in one’s preconceived perception of the way the world works, anything that conflicts with one’s worldview is ignored, rejected. This principle of fixating on one’s worldview is not limited to physics or religion.

Back to the present day. Do you think I will take traditional religions or the ideas spun out of them seriously? I found my answers walking a non traditional path. It may help to understand that path to understand my feelings towards medieval superstitions.

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Re: Abortion

Post by Higgenbotham »

Bob, I think I already see where you are heading with this. Maybe you can chew on this for awhile.
Heartland theorist finding God

by Louis Finley Tue, July 25th 2017, 7:58 PM CDT

NEAR MERCER, Mo. — Chris Langan is the smartest man in America, and he lives in the Heartland. In his home outside Mercer, Missouri, he has said he has proven the existence of God.

Smarter than both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, Langan has an IQ of 200.

His philosophical theory is called the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU). Metaphysics is the basis of Langan’s 56 page disquisition.

“It includes physics and the natural sciences, but it also goes to a level above. A level on which you can talk about the entirety of science,” Langan said.

Langan said he is dedicated to the idea that his theory should be pursued by mankind.

“Every religion that has truth in it, that has logical integrity can be interpreted in this overall framework, and this of course can bring all religions into one,” Langan said.

Though he has a higher IQ than both Einstein and Hawking, he said he is not as well respected throughout the intelligence community.

“I’m pretty much an autodidact. I teach myself everything by necessity,” Langan said.

Lagan doesn’t have a college degree, but this did not stop him from pursuing knowledge.

“I wanted to major in math and philosophy,” Langan said.

He attempted to pursue a degree twice, but intellectual capital did not translate into the financial capital to pay for an education.

“I had no choice at that point. I had to drop out,” Langan said.

Langan has lived a blue-collar life, finding mostly labor-intensive jobs. He’s worked as a bouncer in nightclubs throughout New York City for 25 years, a fit for his stocky frame, but he only made as much as $100 a night.

“If you don’t have a college degree, it’s not like you’re going to be anything that pays well,” Langan said.

He often found it difficult finding a day job without an education.

His intellect was noticed when Langan found his way onto television shows like ABC's 20/20 Downtown and NBC's 1 Versus 100. He was also featured in Esquire Magazine and the best-selling book, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, highlighting his prodigious IQ.

Langan used his new-found media presence to create the Mega Foundation with his wife, who is a neuropsychologist. The foundation is a non-profit geared towards networking for the highly intelligent to share ideas outside of academia.

“This I decided would be a kind of intelligence society. Not an ordinary IQ society, but one with more variety in its way of identifying intelligence,” Langan said.

The foundation aids in developing theories like Langan’s CTMU.

“The very best minds from the very best universities wouldn’t be able to put a dent in me or my theory,” Langan said.

Langan noted that since moving to Northern-Missouri 13-years ago, his life has become quieter. Something he said he welcomed.

“Nobody knows anything about my IQ because I don’t tell them,” Langan said.
https://ktvo.com/news/local/heartland-t ... -existence
Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe

Langan has developed an idea he calls the "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe" (CTMU) which he maintains "explains the connection between mind and reality, therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase". He calls his proposal "a true 'Theory of Everything', a cross between John Archibald Wheeler's 'Participatory Universe' and Stephen Hawking's 'Imaginary Time' theory of cosmology" additionally contending that with CTMU he "can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics." Even so, Langan does not belong to any religious denomination, explaining that he "can't afford to let logical approach to theology be prejudiced by religious dogma".
Bob Butler wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:31 am
They could call themselves pro soul, but then they would have to prove souls exist, that they can be scientifically detected, that they are not blindly following a superstition as old or older than medieval times.
Chris Langan has claimed to prove souls exist. I believe his CTMU paper is online and he has a CTMU forum.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.


Re: Abortion

Post by Guest »

I tried many traditional religions seeking the answer: Catholicism, Born Again, Neo Pagan and Taoism were among them. None provided a clear answer, although there were plenty of incidents where suspension of physics in either past myth or present day life was suggested.
It doesn't sound like your ever took religion seriously. It sounds like you were looking for a religion that approved of your lifestyle. The mainstream religions require discipline and self-control, restraint. You don't seem to have any. Most of the people I have encountered that are "looking for answers" are, to be honest, sexual deviants. I have met people who say, 'I'm a pagan.' Yeah, OK, whatever. And then I avoid these people for the rest of my life.

I would prefer someone who is not religious to someone with all kinds of hang ups that turn to worshiping pagan gods and the New Age to "find themselves". I've come across radical feminists who claim to be witches. New Age guys with long hair and crystals with rings on every finger looking to hook up with women younger than their estranged grandchildren. It's creepy. The long hair, the pig tail, the goatee, talking in circles about how spiritual they are, it's cringy. I have also met gays who became Buddhists because they say its OK in that religion. I have lived in Asia, and these countries are not really gay friendly. Gays are viewed as part of society's underbelly. But, if it makes these people happy, whatever. I honestly wonder if these people really believe in anything, or do they just do it because they think it makes them look cool?

All of the New Age people that I have encountered are also vegans who smoke pot and drink Coronas. They are stereotypes. Tattoos, that's also a biggie with these people now. 'I'm going to have to add some more ink!"

Bob, you are a stereotypical liberal Boomer. You're fighting "racism", which, to you, means, blaming white people for everything. I used to find people like you amusing, now I just find all of you tedious and pathetic.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Abortion

Post by Bob Butler »


Lanan claimed George W Bush staged the 9-11 attacks to prevent the public from learning about CTMU and the white genocide conspiracy theory. According to Wiki, “The white genocide conspiracy theory has continuously recurred among the far-right in a variety of forms, all centered around a core theme of white populations being replaced, removed, or simply killed.” Wiki links it to a lot of the racist plots, including the Nazi.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_gen ... acy_theory

So, yes, he is impressed with himself, but his theories are questionable at best.


I took my religion seriously, but pursued it from a different angle. Many people accept that an all loving and forgiving God will torture people endlessly for breaking his rules. For me, this was instant disqualification, a belief in an inconsistency.

I took my question seriously enough to become immersed in parapsychology. I do not smoke pot of drink Coronas. I do not much fight racism. As Thoreau suggested, people must not cure every ill in the world, but they must not be part of any. Thus, racism is not in general my fight, though I will dip an oar in from time to time.

So, I expect you and most to ignore and reject my theory. You will not verify the physics or the parapsychology. It conflicts with your world view so you will come up with any excuse, no matter how absurd, to ignore it. God forbid you learn something.


Re: Abortion

Post by Guest »

Bob, you are a stereotypical liberal Boomer. You're fighting "racism", which, to you, means, blaming white people for everything. I used to find people like you amusing, now I just find all of you tedious and pathetic.
I find then dangerous.

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Re: Abortion

Post by Higgenbotham »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:58 am

Lanan claimed George W Bush staged the 9-11 attacks to prevent the public from learning about CTMU and the white genocide conspiracy theory. According to Wiki, “The white genocide conspiracy theory has continuously recurred among the far-right in a variety of forms, all centered around a core theme of white populations being replaced, removed, or simply killed.” Wiki links it to a lot of the racist plots, including the Nazi.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_gen ... acy_theory

So, yes, he is impressed with himself, but his theories are questionable at best.
Bobby Fischer had similar far right leanings. If you are a chess aficionado and want to improve your chess ability does that mean you do not study the games of arguably the greatest chess player of all time?

The topic is Chris Langan's CTMU theory. I would not barf up tangential, irrelevant objections just because the man with the highest IQ in America proved the existence of souls and you are unable to counter the theory.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Abortion

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:36 am
Bob, you are a stereotypical liberal Boomer. You're fighting "racism", which, to you, means, blaming white people for everything. I used to find people like you amusing, now I just find all of you tedious and pathetic.
I find then dangerous.
US culture at one point was blatantly bigoted. We would enslave blacks, take native lands, forbid immigration of asian women and deny Irish jobs. We got better, but there are still remnants of prejudice and white supremacy. Not all white people are at blame, certainly not for ‘everything’.

But more and more over the centuries, the phrase ‘all men are created equal’ has come to have more meaning. At this point, the folks that think themselves superior are in a clear minority. The changes will be all the greater for that. Of course if you are part of the privilege clique, you would find the shifting majority dangerous.

Pardon if I’m not part of the privileged clique.

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Bob Butler
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Whako Theories

Post by Bob Butler »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:06 am
The topic is Chris Langan's CTMU theory. I would not barf up tangential, irrelevant objections just because the man with the highest IQ in America proved the existence of souls and you are unable to counter the theory.
Right after you commit intelligently on mine.

Posts: 7536
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Re: Whako Theories

Post by Higgenbotham »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:41 am
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:06 am
The topic is Chris Langan's CTMU theory. I would not barf up tangential, irrelevant objections just because the man with the highest IQ in America proved the existence of souls and you are unable to counter the theory.
Right after you commit intelligently on mine.
You're obviously having trouble processing basic information. Once again, I will go through this step by step, very slowly.

When you want to learn about something, you go to the best sources in the world, political views aside.

I gave the example of chess. At one time, if you wanted to learn about chess, you went to Bobby Fischer. He was the best in the world. His politics do not matter. It does not matter what he thinks of Jews. The subject is chess.

If you want to learn about theories of the universe that involve physics (the topic of your recent post), you go to Chris Langan. He is the smartest person in the US, IQ wise. His politics do not matter. It does not matter what he thinks of Jews. The subject is theories of the universe that involve physics.

You are free to come to somebody like me and ask me to commit, or comment, but it's not all that productive to do so if you are trying to delve into the topic of theories of the universe that involve physics. I'm not interested in that and I told you why. So let me tell you why again. Humans have limitations due to the fact that we are all, well, human. In my opinion, we do not have a comprehensive understanding of the universe, and never will. As humans we need to accept that. As I've said, I don't think humans are capable of making absolute moral determinations either as individuals or as a group, yet for many things for which we are incapable, we find ourselves in situations where we must have a view. Because we are human, we must understand our place in the universe and keep that very, very simple. My version of that is it is not the place of humans to tamper with the design of the universe through technology, including abortion. That's something I do not do. I am not telling others not to do that. In our house, we do not do that.
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:54 pm
I don't think humans are capable of making absolute moral determinations either as individuals or as a group, yet for many things for which we are incapable, we find ourselves in situations where we must have a view. Having said that, I personally believe every human consists of a body and a spirit, and when a person willfully engages in sexual activity, that person has a duty both to a higher power and to the spirit that will enter any resulting baby to keep it alive. Reason being, I believe a spirit may have been destined or assigned to enter a specific body at a specific time for reasons that I as a human can't possibly understand and it's not for me to defeat the intended purpose or plan by aborting my baby.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.


Re: Abortion

Post by Guest »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:38 am
Guest wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:36 am
Bob, you are a stereotypical liberal Boomer. You're fighting "racism", which, to you, means, blaming white people for everything. I used to find people like you amusing, now I just find all of you tedious and pathetic.
I find then dangerous.
US culture at one point was blatantly bigoted. We would enslave blacks, take native lands, forbid immigration of asian women and deny Irish jobs. We got better, but there are still remnants of prejudice and white supremacy. Not all white people are at blame, certainly not for ‘everything’.

But more and more over the centuries, the phrase ‘all men are created equal’ has come to have more meaning. At this point, the folks that think themselves superior are in a clear minority. The changes will be all the greater for that. Of course if you are part of the privilege clique, you would find the shifting majority dangerous.

Pardon if I’m not part of the privileged clique.
Oh, but you are, privileged white male...

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