Music and Generations

The interplay of politics and the media with music and culture
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Re: Music and Generations

Post by at99sy »

Has anyone looked at how literature has reflected society's tensions prior to a crisis event?

My high school students are very good at making current literary connections to many of the events we study related to world history.
Much of what is in the "YA" or Young Adult reading lists are post apocalyptic and dystopian society stories. I have read several of them to see what they were reading and much of it is very well done and thought out. Some of it is frighteningly similar to scenarios discussed on these boards here at GD central.

Some of those that come to mind are
Unwind-About a post civil war America fought between pro lifers and pro choicers. Compromise was achieved when they agreed to stop abortions but allowed for post birth abortions between the ages of 13-18 if your kid was a major A-hole or trouble maker. Catch was you have to reuse all the body parts. So kids were "unwound" into various parts to be used in transplants. And it had to be done while they were conscious so it wouldn't be murder. Story is centered around a couple of kids who are running from being unwound and an underground movement to help escapees. (Underground Railroad)

Divergent-Major war, caste society, each caste different skills and values, youths must prove themselves and choose their caste. Rebellions....

Hunger Games of course. Maze Runner, Crossed and 1984 is making a comeback from what I see in the kids hands this year.

I also see a common ground in what types of music kids listen to and the type of student. The lowest achievers are listening to Disturbed, ICP, Cottonmouth Kings and Avenged Sevenfold while the mid level and high achievers are listening to mostly current pop. of course there are always a few crossovers. Beatles? not so much in my high school. Most of my freshman have never even heard of Peter Gabriel who I took my wife to see a couple of weeks ago in Boston. 6th row center stage. Great show! So this would be in line with hunterG's observation of "it seems like no one is paying attention to 'older' kinds of music." I concur.


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