23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

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23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by John »

23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

A report on Obamacare and the Obamacare web sites

** 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e150823

Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history
Introduction to the Healthcare.gov debacle
The Massachusetts Health Connector web site
Other Obamacare exchanges
Obamacare's Medicaid and 'Nixon-Obama Price Controls'
About the Author

Generational Dynamics, Obamacare, Healthcare.gov,
CGI Corp., University of Massachusetts Medical School, UMass,
Josh Archambault at the Pioneer Institute, Massachusetts Health Connector,
Veterans Administration, Britain, National Health Service, NHS,
Medicaid, Medicare insurance fund, Obamacare exchanges,
Obamacare risk corridors, Obamacare co-ops, Obamacare web sites,
Covered California, Vermont Health Connector Obamacare exchange,
Cover Oregon Obamacare exchange,
Nevada Health Link Obamacare exchange,
Maryland Health Connection Obamacare exchange,
Deloitte Consulting, Connecticut, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Washington State,
Nixon price controls, InformationWeek magazine, CFO magazine


Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by Uber »

This is an astonishing story. How often does this occur with government spending? It is something akin to the great wind farm scandal.

It beggars belief that any internet/software project could cost even $10M to develop. Strewth, it's just writing code. I recently worked as a project lead on a pre-feas for a multi billion dollar greenfields coal mine project. The consulting fees would have maxed out at a few million dollars, to analyse data, conduct site visits, and produce designs, financials, statutory controls, and planning for an enormously complex industrial project. The engineers, scientists and project managers could all meet together in a single room.

I guess it's different when the money exists in the real economy as opposed to that of the robber barons of government.


Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by Evan »


How long do you reckon it will be before funding curtails some of the Obamacare operations and it the issue begins to be noticeable at a public level?


Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by LastPlainsman »

Dear John(very small lol there),
Since no one else is writing about this doesn't it say that the only practical solution is that you do?
You have pretty loyal built in audience, with all that you have done you hopefully have contacts, also. There may be only one book written about this debacle, but it might also be simply the first. The first in a great many.
You are right in that no one else seems to be really covering this, and nature abores a vacuum. There is the off chance that with all of the distractions that the MSM engages in to support and defend their cherished legions that this could be the needed light on all that has occurred not only within the radical left of the Dem's, but the consultant class's apathy, and my guess is some sizable profit, of the GOP. One of the sayings I had about mortgage lending when the money was fast and loose was that when it is raining money, everyone's hand is going to come out.
You should really think about being the one to put this to paper in the form of book. If nothing else, it will shine the light on a little bit of what will eventually be a pretty significant piece of history. If not for this age, think of the ages to come. There is a posterity to consider. One that maybe we all weren't complete and total idiots.

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Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by John »

I wrote a book in 2003, and I've only sold a couple of hundred copies
in 12 years. People are not interested in a book from me.

If you represent a publisher that's willing to guarantee publication,
or if you can provide one, then let's talk.

Also, nobody cares about the Obamacare issue anymore. Nobody cares
about criminality and corruption in Washington or on Wall Street.

Nothing that I wrote about in these articles is of interest to the
general public. The only things that the general public are
interested in are Hillary Clinton's servers and Donald Trump's hair.


Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by MarvyGuy »

Dearest Cassandra,

They will only remember Hector, Achilles, Odysseus, Paris and Helen and that Troy fell. For many years they will not remember where it is located as Chronos erases all traces until they are lost, and the memories of our age fade into legends. Ilium will live on but only in fables of it's greatness. The real people who fought and died, the real reasons for the war, will be replaced by tales of a great beauty, and the fickleness of Zeus and his children.

Cassandra, they will not listen to you because they do not want to hear. It is too painful to bear. It ending too tragic to behold, since they know, deep down that many of them will not survive what is coming. Priam that great King is dead and is replaced by lesser men. The barbarians are running through the streets, even now, setting fire to great beauty built over hundreds of years. Gone in one night. Mighty Ilios is fallen and we shall not see her likes again. It shall be only for the bards and poets to sing about while we watch it burn around us.

But do not despair worthy Cassandra. There will come others who will create anew. We will not see it, and it may take many centuries, but life will continue. The beauty that was Troy many never come again, but we are in good company as the wonders of Babylon, Carthage, Tyre, Alexandria and even mighty Rome are lost but in whispers and songs.

Quo Vadis

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Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by John »

Nobody ever listened to Cassandra. After her predictions came true,
she was assaulted and raped. Then she became the slave and mistress
of the Greek king Agamemnon. She warned Agamemnon that if they return
to Greece then his wife, Clytemnestra, will kill them both. Agamemnon
did not believe her and they returned to Greece, where Clytemnestra
killed them both.


Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by SP9 »

There are only a few trusted contractors to do the government's bidding. Once you get on the list, it doesn't matter how incompetent you are.

http://www.alipac.us/f19/obamacare-web- ... 092-print/

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Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by John »

Thanks for posting that link. It contains a link to a Washington Post
article on CGI which contains the following paragraphs:
Lydia DePillis, WaPost, 10/16/2013 wrote: > What exactly went wrong?

> That is a matter of some disagreement. And the answer isn't
> necessarily that CGI is wholly responsible.

> Some people think that the system was underfunded: Donald Berwick,
> who administered the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
> Services in 2010 and 2011, says the site failed because they
> didn't have enough money to build it from the start. Others point
> fingers at the Department of Health and Human Services, which took
> years to issue final specifications, preventing CGI from really
> getting started until this spring.
This is about the stupidest thing imaginable. In the case of the Mass
web site, CGI received almost $200 million to do a $10 million web
site project.

And here we have this complete moron, Donald Berwick, saying that
there wasn't enough money. How stupid do these people have to be?

And I don't know who Lydia DePillis is, but presumably she's a naive
young girl who believes anything a man tells her.

These people are crooks. All they can think of is spending more
money. That's why such a stench of corruption fills Washington.

So let's make it clear what happened, based on the reports and
whistleblower statements in my articles:
  • CGI hired hundreds of programmers to do a 10 person project.
  • Many of the programmers were incompetent.
  • CGI could not even produce specifications, and all the code they
    wrote turned out to be garbage.
  • CGI took money for tasks they hadn't done and had no intention of
  • CGI cheated on technical tests, and lied about it to government
  • The overseeing contractor, University of Massachusetts Medical
    School, collaborated with CGI in committing fraud.
You'd have to live in Washington DC to be stupid enough and crooked
enough and corrupt enough to believe that $200 million isn't enough
money for a $10 million project.


Re: 23-Aug-15 World View -- Fraud and subversion in Healthcare.gov - the greatest IT disaster in history

Post by Kathy »

This all... ALL..comes down to greed, politics, (are they the same)? and lack of honesty. How do they sleep at night? They will someday, I hope, reap the whirlwind.

Your experience with the FAA reminded me of a story my dad told me that I will never forget, an incident that involves public safety vs greed/project completion, money, politics...who knows?

My father was the owner/operator of an industrial x-ray business in the state of Maine while I was growing up in the 60's and 70's. Your writings remind me much of him, a man of integrity whom I looked up to as an example to follow.

He inspected a large, new parking garage in downtown Portland, ME, and FAILED EVERY SINGLE WELD. He outright TOLD the city that the building would eventually fail and COLLAPSE because of the incompetence of the welded beams. The city decided they did not want to take his results seriously, and HIRED SOMEONE ELSE, another inspector, who was obviously either incompetent or was bribed, and who PASSED the project inspection. I believe this incident was in the 70's. So far, the building (which is CONNECTED to an historic hotel) is still standing, but you could not PAY me to park there.
I am so saddened by what you've experienced, John. Please know that there are still some of us honest folks out here, though like you, I've become more and more jaded and discouraged with this present generation.

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