Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 17-Jan-2020 World View: The seventh deadly sin
John wrote: > 17-Jan-20 World View -- US and China sign Phase I of the US-China trade deal
> ** 17-Jan-20 World View -- US and China sign Phase I of the US-China trade deal
> ** ... tm#e200117
Burner Prime wrote: > I wonder if the the last "deadly sin" Fentanyl is China attempting
> revenge for the Opium Wars that humiliated them so long
> ago.
That's absolutely correct.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 17-Jan-2020 World View: Gen-Xers and the financial crisis
Tom Mazanec wrote: > I don’t think Xers thought “I’ll screw the Old Man.” I think Xers
> thought “I’ll make as much money as I can anyway I can.”
Guest wrote: > This. Plus it was Boomers in charge of the companies selling these
> products. X-ers wouldn't have been higher than middle
> management. Contrary to John, I don't buy the argument that that
> executives didn't understand that the derivatives they were
> selling were effectively worthless. These are/were very smart guys
> with decades in the financial field. There wouldn't have been
> snowed by some 35-year-old dude.
It was the Gen-Xers who got masters degrees in "Financial Engineering"
in the 1990s who purposely created tens of trillions of dollars of
fraudulent subprime mortgage backed synthetic securities, and sold
them in order to swindle the Boomers in their fathers' generation.

The Boomer managers were not directly responsible for creating the
fraudulent securities because they had absolutely no clue what the
"Financial Engineers" were doing.

However, the Boomer managers are still criminally liable, because the
result of the fraud was obvious: The Gen-Xers would take a million
dollars of B-rated securities, use financial engineering to slice and
dice them, and end up with a million dollars of AAA-rated securities.
The Boomer managers had no clue how the slicing and dicing worked, but
the magic alchemy of change B ratings to AAA ratings was perfectly
obvious to them, and so they're equally criminally culpable. I would
have been perfectly happy and delighted to see BOTH the Gen-X crooks
and the Boomer crooks go to jail. I still think they should all go to
jail. Unfortunately, Obama decided to take a fraction of their
illegal gains rather than prosecuting them.

I wrote about all this in 2010:

** Financial Crisis Inquiry hearings provide 'smoking gun' evidence of widespread criminal fraud
** ... 100414.htm

If you're interested in how the financial engineering worked, I described
it in 2008:

** A primer on financial engineering and structured finance
** ... 080123.htm

As for motives, it's well-known that Gen-Xers hate the Boomers, their
parents' generation. Just ask a Boomer.

Also, check out my articles on the movie "The Big Short":

** 26-Dec-15 World View -- 'The Big Short' - an infuriating movie about the financial crisis
** ... tm#e151226

** 27-Dec-15 World View -- Reader comments on 'The Big Short' and the financial crisis
** ... tm#e151227

The first of these two articles explains in detail how the Gen-Xers
were guilty of purposely committing massive criminal fraud in order
to screw their divorced fathers, and how the Boomer managers knew
what was going on and joined willingly in the massive criminal fraud.

They were all a bunch of frigging crooks, along with Obama, and not a
single damn one of them has gone to jail -- or even gone to trial.
It's sickening and disgusting. But what do I know? I'm just a

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Tom Mazanec wrote:I don’t think Xers thought “I’ll screw the Old Man.” I think Xers thought “I’ll make as much money as I can anyway I can.”
Those are identical thoughts, for the "Daddy Issues" financier.

"Money" becomes a substitute "Father" when one's LACK of money causes "life instabilities".

Mammon - ממון

  • ".. It has been suggested that the Aramaic word māmōn was a loanword from Mishnaic Hebrew ממון (mamôn) meaning money,[7][8][9] wealth,[10] or possessions;[11] although it may also have meant "that in which one trusts".

Not woke

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Not woke »

And when America collapses into another Mexico/ Zimbabwe, then what? The 'woke' will know what it truly is to be marginalized. It won't be safe to walk the streets, go to the store, or even sleep in your own bed. They'll wake up and be living in a third world country rife with crime, corruption, rolling black outs, and little food.

Get woke, go broke--and die horribly.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 18-Jan-2020 World View: China's military and Huawei
Web Site Reader wrote: > In China, everybody I met, including university professors who
> taught how to research and engineer missiles components, down to
> the students on the campuses, all knew that Huawei was a company
> run by the PLA. I find Huawei's comments about separation
> comical. Huawei is playing on how separate Boeing is from the
> Pentagon in American thinking. What is worse, Americans and
> Europeans are buying it. Fools!
I've been writing about undetectable backdoors in Huawei's routers
since 2012. These backdoors give China's military remote access to
and control of the routers, which means that China's military can
control large parts of the internet in many countries, at a time of
their choosing.

** 14-Oct-12 World View -- Huawei scandal exposes potential 'Cyberwar Pearl Harbor' from China
** ... tm#e121014

** 30-Jun-19 World View -- MIT criticizes 'toxic atmosphere' targeting Chinese students
** ... tm#e190630

** 27-Jan-19 World View -- George Soros speech at Davos marks significant global shift against China
** ... tm#e190127

It's so easy technically to install these backdoors, that it's
depressing how easily the Chinese have been getting away with it. And
if there was ever any real doubt, there was no possible doubt left
after China blantantly passed its National Intelligence Law in 2017,
which essentially required Huawei to install these backdoors. Even
so, in online comments and in the Generational Dynamics forum I've
gotten all kinds of flak from people telling me that the whole idea is
fantastical. It's amazing how much the Chinese get away with. In
this case, China's military subsidizes the Huawei devices, so that
they're far cheaper than devices manufactured in America or elsewhere.

I remember in 2012, the president of Huawei America said that he's
been assured by top management that there were no backdoors in Huawei
products. That's really laughable. Even if he's telling the truth,
how would he even know?

And the most laughable thing was last year sending out Huawei founder
and CEO Ren Zhengfei on a worldwide press tour to assure everyone that
there that there were no backdoors, and that he wouldn't ever allow
backdoors to be installed, and he would personally go to jail, rather
than allow China's military to install backdoors. Are you kidding me?
This was a former PLA commander. And, once again, if China's military
had infiltrated Huawei and was requiring some development group to
install backdoors, how would Ren Zhengfei even know?

This last example shows particularly how contemptuous the Chinese are
of Americans to think we would believe these idiotic claims by Ren
Zhengfei, and also shows how stupid Westerners are for proving that
the Chinese are right.
Web Site Reader wrote: > Second, every credit card in China, including what few Visa and
> MasterCards that exist, all have a six-digit pin that must be used
> for *every *transaction. My wife can use her Chinese MasterCard
> in the States, but nobody from America can use American credit
> cards in China.

> I tried to get my Visa cards and MasterCards attached with a PIN
> here in America. The American companies will only give you a
> four-number PIN for cash withdrawals; they will never put
> six-digit pins on American cards. Foolish, I think. I'd rather
> have the security and confidence of using a PIN on every
> transaction than to have to pay a minimum 16% interest rate on
> card debt (which I have none). American companies would rather
> stick those who pay their debt with higher fees rather than
> inconvenience them with greater security.

> In other words, American companies will still have to change their
> ways to enter the Chinese market.
Interesting comparison about the PINs.

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Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »


..and NO, this is NOT Carpe's work,.. other than a single frame of that video he produced where Trump is Emperor in the year 30,000AD (Anno Donaldei).

...and I would have done a better job of cutting out the background of the portraits, but my laziness got ahold of me and shook me like a threadbare dimestore Pippi Longstockings doll,.. which apparently was quite exhausting as I was left with no motivation to be "professional" at all.
Last edited by FishbellykanakaDude on Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Not woke wrote:... into another Mexico/Zimbabwe ...
ANOTHER one...!!!?

..ya' mean there'd be TWO of 'em...!!?


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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

19-Jan-20 World View -- Violence surges in street protests in Lebanon as economy collapses

Multi-sectarian rioters protest 'confessional' government

** 19-Jan-20 World View -- Violence surges in street protests in Lebanon as economy collapses
** ... tm#e200119

Violence surges in street protests in Lebanon as economy collapses
Multi-sectarian rioters protest 'confessional' government
Rioters protest Iran's influence

Generational Dynamics, Lebanon, confessional government system,
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah,
Saad al-Hariri, Nabhi Berri, Michel Aoun, Russia

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:...
Web Site Reader wrote: > Second, every credit card in China, including what few Visa and
> MasterCards that exist, all have a six-digit pin that must be used
> for *every *transaction. My wife can use her Chinese MasterCard
> in the States, but nobody from America can use American credit
> cards in China.

> I tried to get my Visa cards and MasterCards attached with a PIN
> here in America. ... I'd rather
> have the security and confidence of using a PIN on every
> transaction than to have to pay a minimum 16% interest rate on
> card debt (which I have none).

> American companies would rather
> stick those who pay their debt with higher fees rather than
> inconvenience them with greater security.
Interesting comparison about the PINs.
A 2-orders-of-magnitude (100 times larger) increase in PIN combinatorics is a VERY tiny increase in security of a "PIN Based" security system.

The Chinese use more symbols (numbers) on their credit cards only because "China > Elsewhom and 6 > 4 therefor China uses 6".

WELL,.. that, and Asians ARE ubiquitously "math geniuses", and us western savages can't remember more than 4.4382174 numbers with any reliability. (Well known facts..!!)'s entirely megalomaniacal egoism ("racial superiority"). (..and asian geniocity [real word?])

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 20-Jan-2020 World View: Confessional government
John J. Xenakis wrote: > The confessional form of government has worked fairly well in both
> Iraq and Lebanon, because it's prevented the kind of massive
> violence that's been occurring in Iran and Syria.
Warren Dew wrote: > I wouldn't say this: sectarian issues were responsible for the
> rise of the Islamic State, which was nothing if not violent. Iraq
> just happened to be able to con the US into taking care of that
> issue for them.
It would be hard to justify blaming the rise of ISIS in Iraq on the
confessional form of government, since ISIS rose first in Syria which
is non-confessional.

This has nothing to do with ISIS. The violence I was talking about is
what you saw under Saddam in Iraq, and today in Iran, Syria, Egypt --
and, in fact, in any country where there is a generational crisis
ethnic or racial or religious civil war, and one side wins and takes
control of the government, and then uses violence and democide to
control the losing ethnic, racial or religious group.

That's what Lebanon wanted to avoid, and what Iraq wanted to avoid
after Saddam. The confessional form of government has accomplished
what was intended, in that there's no ethnic group running the
government and using violence and democide to control the other group,
but it's led to its own unique set of problems, particularly
corruption on a massive scale, since there are no checks and balances.

Ironically, the violence and democide in Iraq today does not come from
Saddam or from any Sunni or Shia Iraqi leader. It comes from Iran,
which is trying to control or even annex Iraq. Iran would like to
form a new Persian empire by annexing or controlling Yemen, Iraq,
Syria and Lebanon -- the Shia Crescent -- but is facing numerous
problems in each country, especially with growing riots in Iraq and

---- Related:

** 3-Nov-19 World View -- Confessional governments in Lebanon and Iraq
** ... tm#e191103

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