Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:47 pm
** 08-Jan-2021 World View: Biden vs Trump supporters

I just watched Biden's press conference. I couldn't believe my ears.
This so-called unifier has massive vitriolic hatred for Trump and
Trump supporters oozing out of his pores. He's obsessed with this
hatred. And this has nothing to do with Trump, because he has always
called Tea Partiers "teabaggers" and "terrorists."

The Democrats are desperate to totally destroy Trump once and for
all, but Trump supporters interviewed on CNN and MSNBC say that
Trump is the only politician that speaks to them. There are 75
million of those people. Even if the Democrats bury Trump
in the ground, those 75 million Trump supporters will not forget
Biden's vitriolic hatred.

Biden appears to be purposely inciting violence, probably because he
believes that he will benefit politically from violence. Expect more
violence between Trump supporters and antifa-blm. It's going to be
bloody. (But to answer the next question: No, it won't be a civil
Biden compared Senator Hawley to Joseph Goebbels.

Senator Hawley's statement in response:
"President-elect Biden has just compared me and another Republican Senator to Nazis. You read that correctly. Think about that for a moment. Let it sink in. Because I raised questions in the format prescribed by the laws of the United States about the way elections were conducted in the state of Pennsylvania, just as Democrats did about other states in 2001, 2005, and 2017, he is calling me a Nazi. This is undignified, immature, and intemperate behavior from the President-elect. It is utterly shameful. He should act like a dignified adult and retract these sick comments. And every Democrat member of congress should be asked to disavow these disgusting comments."

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Wolf359 »

I am a daily reader of this site but I made an account today just to add my 2 cents about Bitcoin. I have a 17 year old son. He is a smart kid, does really well in school and knows a bit about what goes on in the world because I talk to him about it. But like any kid his age he mostly likes sleeping, video games and hanging out with his friends. When I told him I had bought some bitcoin he said "That's smart, Bitcoin is the future". I know he is just one kid but how many others in his generation think like him? To them, physical money is an annoyance. They view money as nothing more than a number on their phone or computer. They exchange money with each other using cash apps like Venmo. Bitcoin and other Cryptos just might be the logical next step as far as my son's generation is concerned.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

Several flame war posts moved to S&H thread.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Biden compared Senator Hawley to Joseph Goebbels.
Had someone compared a member of the Obama admin to a Nazi, I wonder what the media's reaction would have been?

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Sat Jan 09, 2021 11:26 am
Biden compared Senator Hawley to Joseph Goebbels.
Had someone compared a member of the Obama admin to a Nazi, I wonder what the media's reaction would have been?
I think there was a tradition to compare blues to the communists, reds to the fascists. This was common for internet partisans, less so for main line press or presidents elect. On the other hand, insurrections had not then just been advocated. You might look for comparisons with Lenin or Stalin rather than Hitler or Goebbels.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

This graphic, which I made, summarizes why I believe bitcoin is part of the "all one market" bubble and is not acting as a currency, doesn't have the properties of a currency, etc. Like other assets, it's acting as an alternative to the dollar, but when things get scary, bitcoin doesn't act as a safe haven, but rather goes down with other assets. For bitcoin to act like a real currency, it would need to be an alternative to stocks, etc. People would sell stocks and hold bitcoin as cash and so on, and the value of bitcoin would go down as stocks go up and vice versa.

I'll make a disclaimer on this too. I'm talking my own book. 100% of my worth is in US dollars right now. I mentioned silver as maybe being OK but I don't own any. I believe this is a massive bubble, the biggest in centuries and there will be deflation.

I would also guess that there's enough vocal resistance to bitcoin on this board to say that the bubble in bitcoin has further to run.

While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 09-Jan-2021 World View: Not short?
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:52 pm
> This graphic, which I made, summarizes why I believe bitcoin is
> part of the "all one market" bubble and is not acting as a
> currency, doesn't have the properties of a currency, etc. Like
> other assets, it's acting as an alternative to the dollar, but
> when things get scary, bitcoin doesn't act as a safe haven, but
> rather goes down with other assets. For bitcoin to act like a real
> currency, it would need to be an alternative to stocks, etc.
> People would sell stocks and hold bitcoin as cash and so on, and
> the value of bitcoin would go down as stocks go up and vice versa.

> I'll make a disclaimer on this too. I'm talking my own book.
> 100% of my worth is in US dollars right now. I mentioned silver
> as maybe being OK but I don't own any. I believe this is a massive
> bubble, the biggest in centuries and there will be deflation.

> I would also guess that there's enough vocal resistance to bitcoin
> on this board to say that the bubble in bitcoin has further to
> run.

> Image
So you're not going short any more? Aren't you afraid of missing a
big opportunity when the market crashes?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Higgenbotham »

John wrote:
Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:10 pm
** 09-Jan-2021 World View: Not short?
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sat Jan 09, 2021 1:52 pm
> This graphic, which I made, summarizes why I believe bitcoin is
> part of the "all one market" bubble and is not acting as a
> currency, doesn't have the properties of a currency, etc. Like
> other assets, it's acting as an alternative to the dollar, but
> when things get scary, bitcoin doesn't act as a safe haven, but
> rather goes down with other assets. For bitcoin to act like a real
> currency, it would need to be an alternative to stocks, etc.
> People would sell stocks and hold bitcoin as cash and so on, and
> the value of bitcoin would go down as stocks go up and vice versa.

> I'll make a disclaimer on this too. I'm talking my own book.
> 100% of my worth is in US dollars right now. I mentioned silver
> as maybe being OK but I don't own any. I believe this is a massive
> bubble, the biggest in centuries and there will be deflation.

> I would also guess that there's enough vocal resistance to bitcoin
> on this board to say that the bubble in bitcoin has further to
> run.

> Image
So you're not going short any more? Aren't you afraid of missing a
big opportunity when the market crashes?
It could all crash at once, but normally certain markets lead on the way down (bitcoin, the Russell 2000, and oil are 3 markets that have led since 2018). With 2 of those markets making new all time highs yesterday (and oil since the 2020 low), the broad stock market is unlikely to crash just yet. I haven't been short for a few months, but have been building my accounts back up by smashing the bots and plan to go short later. I will be posting my next 30 days of bot smashing results in the financial thread on January 16.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 09-Jan-2021 World View: Democrats move to total censorship

On Friday, Twitter permanently closed Donald Trump's personal
"@realDonaldTrump" twitter account. Twitter took this action because
of these two Trump tweets:
“The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for
VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or
treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the
Inauguration on January 20th.”
According to Twitter, these two tweets are encouraging violence at the
January 20th inauguration: "The second Tweet may also serve as
encouragement to those potentially considering violent acts that the
Inauguration would be a “safe” target, as he will not be attending."

Therefore Trump's entire twitter account has to be shut down. At the
same time, as Trump supporters have been pointing out, murderers and
criminals from antifa-blm, Iran, China, etc., are free to post
anything they want, and incite any violence they want, particularly
against Trump or Trump supporters.

So now we know that a few Nazi snowflake children in Silicon Valley
are more powerful than any institutions in Washington.

The Chinese Communists got away with annexing the South China Sea,
enslaving millions of Uighurs, violently clamping down on Hong Kong
despite their own international commitments, and purposely infecting
hundreds of countries with Wunhan Coronavirus while protecting
themselves -- all with total impunity. The Chinese are gloating that
they can get away with anything, and they are escalating their

The Democrats have gotten away with phony and illegal anti-Trump
investigations and impeachments, encouraging antifa-blm fascists to
riot and burn down small businesses, using pandemic lockdowns to shut
down millions of small businesses, censoring any news that criticizes
Biden or exposes Hunter Biden's criminality, and flooding the country
with millions unsolicited ballots and using the the resulting chaos to
rig the election with voting fraud and steal the election from Trump
-- all with total impunity. The Democrats are gloating that they can
get away with anything, and they are escalating their threats.

The threats are not just against Trump, but against the 75 million
Trump supporters.

The Democrats rigged the election to elect Joe Biden, a man with
a vitriolic hatred of 75 million Tea Partiers and Trump supporters,
who regularly referred to Tea Partiers during the Obama administration
as "terrorists" and "teabaggers," the latter being an epithet worse
than the n-word.

During the last year, antifa-blm fascists, encouraged by Democrats,
tore down statues and burned down not only businesses, but also police
stations, courthouses, and even St John's Episcopal Church, near the
White House. These are clearly terrorist acts, but the Democrats not
only didn't condemn them, but encouraged them and censored them in the
media. Biden's vitriolic comments towards Trump supporters at his
press conference on Friday not only expressed his personal hatred of
Tea Partiers and Trump supporters, but also incited further violence.

Obama's Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta criticized the Capitol
Police for being completely unprepared, even though "everyone knew
that there would be people ... creating havoc":
"What the hell was law enforcement on Capitol Hill
thinking by not having secured the Capitol today? ...

Everybody knew that there would be a disturbance. Everybody knew
that there would be people who were interested in doing nothing
else but creating havoc in the Capitol. And very frankly, it was
the responsibility of law enforcement and the Capitol Hill police
to secure the Capitol, and I'm not sure what happened that allowed
this event."
There's reason to believe that the Democrats purposely provoked the
attack on the Capitol building by leaving the building unsecured. It
was known for weeks, from numerous internet postings, that various
pro-Trump groups were planning some sort of attack on the Capitol, and
yet DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Police Chief Robert J. Contee
and the U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund all used only a minimal
police presence to protect the Capitol. Even without the internet
postings, this was clearly an attempt to provoke an attack, since
hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters were expected. (I once
dated a girl with a dog named Bowser. Lol!)

This is a standard playbook by any leaders wishing to commit genocide
or ethnic cleansing. Commit abuse and violence towards the target
group, and do so with complete impunity, and the provoke some kind of
violent reaction, then use that to start a process leading to genocide
and ethnic cleansing.

Antifa-blm fascists have been committing terrorist acts directed at
Trump supporters for a year, with the encouragement of the Democrats,
and with no impunity or consequences. Those were perfectly OK for the
Democrats. Now that Trump supporters have committed one terrorist
act, the Democrats are starting a program to target ALL Trump

The Democrats now will have total control of the White House, both
houses of Congress, and the mainstream media. By shutting down
Trump's personal twitter account, they're further isolating the 75
million Trump supporters, and his 88 million twitter followers. And
some reporets indicate that the Democrats are trying to shut down Fox
News by attacking Fox News sponsors and cable services carrying the
channel. This would further encourage conspiracy theories and incite
violence by Trump supporters. This is what the Democrats want,
according to the standard genocidal playbook used over and over
throughout history, since they will then use their total control of
the federal government to arbitrarily jail or attack Trump supporters.
This is not a fantasy. This is a standard playbook that I've
described in many of the hundreds of countries that I've written about
in the 6,000+ articles on my web site.

The Democrats are frightened to death about Trump and the 75 million
Trump supporters, and his 88 million twitter followers, and so they're
planning further measures to control them. They're not going to
succeed at that, because 75 million is too big a number. (I sometimes
like to say that a number like that equals infinity, for all practical

On Friday evening, after his personal twitter account was banned,
Trump posted these tweets to the White House "@Potus" account:


  • Several tweets to the @Potus account, quickly removed by

Needless to say, the Nazi snowflake children at Twitter took these
posts down within minutes after they were posted.

There are reports of thousands of tweets trending today with the
hashtag HangMikePence. That kind of organized violence is perfectly
acceptable to Twitter and the Democrats, and those accounts haven't
been closed.

The Democrats are particularly frightened about what Trump will do to
protect himself and his 75 million supporters in his last few days as
president, which is why they're desperate to get him out of office as
soon as possible. The last two tweets were taken down by twitter's
Nazi snowflakes for no other reason than the Democrats are scared to
death by what Trump means when he said that he has been negotiating
with "various other sites" and would have a "big announcement soon,"
and possibly build his own platform. An independent Trump platform
that can't be censored by the Democrats would be a big threat to the
Democrats, and they know it and are scared to death about it.

---- Sources:

-- Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump ... nsion.html
(Twitter, 8-Jan-2021)

-- SHUT DON Twitter bans Trump but President vows ‘we will not be
silenced’ & slams ‘Radical Left’ on official @POTUS account ... ical-left/
(The Sun, London, 9-Jan-2021)

-- Leon Panetta / Ex-Defense secretary blasts authorities for not
being better prepared to prevent the Capitol siege ... siege.html
(CNBC, 6-Jan-2021)

-- Twitter allows ‘Hang Mike Pence’ to trend hours after Trump ban ... trump-ban/
(NY Post, 9-Jan-2021)

-- Biden: ‘Tea Baggers’ Preventing New Gun-Control Laws ... w-johnson/
(National Review, 7-Jul-2014)

-- Sources: Biden likened tea partiers to 'terrorists' ... sts-060421
(Politico, 2-Aug-2011)

-- Teabagger vs n-word / Obama Calls Tea Partiers 'Tea-Baggers' ... rs/340942/
(Atlantic, 4-May-2010)

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

From a blue perspective, it seems proper to ban the advocacy of committing crimes, or countering alleging stuff for which there is no evidence. If you are for law and order, it goes both ways.

China has yet to annex the South China Sea. Trump’s policies seemed to be pro Russia, but he still tried to contain China. The Chinese artificial islands seem to be sinking. They have given up on developing carriers. Old Cold War treaties which banned the US from developing missiles to counter China’s are expiring. The Chinese economy is a mess with floods, problems importing Australian coal and poor air quality from burning poor local coal. This is one place where Trump has done OK. The CCP is still pursuing brinkmanship though. Containment has to be continued.

BLM protest are fine. Rallies objecting to the election results are fine. When the looters, Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys, secret police, the bad cops, militias, Wolverine Watchmen or any organization of any color goes astray of the law, suddenly it is OK to be a law and order guy. Just keep it non political. There should be only one justice system that applies to all. Currently there is a tendency to respond to black protestors but not to red insurrectionists. I’m inclined to believe the law ought to work on color blindnesss a bit more.

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