Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by tim »

Guest wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:44 am
Today, if you turn out the lights, there is no food, no water, and no commerce. It all ends, and we shed two thirds of our population in a matter of months. What survives will be a much harder and much younger population.
"Collapse now and avoid the rush"
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

spottybrowncow wrote:
Wed Jan 13, 2021 7:57 pm
Bob Butler wrote:
Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:53 pm
Guest wrote:
Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:41 pm
Divison line in America:

1. Capital protest legitimate response to fraudulent election

2. Election was fine and the capital protestors seeking to overturn legal election
Agreed. I would word it a little different. Do you embrace the self serving Trump lie? I suspect it can't be sustained. We'll see.
Every clear thinker knows that Trump did not lie, although he did not present his case as succinctly or as eloquently as he should have. The truth is, the left has found the most perfect way yet to cheat, which is to make it INCREDIBLY EASY for dishonest people to cast fraudulent votes by mail. And the left, frequently possessed of no moral compass whatsoever, are perfectly OK with cheating if it's "for a good cause." If you need evidence of this, look no further than the exhortations from prominent lefties to "move to Georgia temporarily" to cast fraudulent votes. While it is abundantly clear that Biden by all rights SHOULD NOT be president, he has cheated successfully enough that he now IS going to be president, and it would be enormously counterproductive to try and derail the process at this point (and, as John points out, the left is desperately hoping that misguided people will try to do just that). I think Crenshaw has the best plan going forward, which is to work at the state level to correct the executive, administrative, and court decisions which enabled this. All we need to do is go back to people having to request a mail-in ballot in order to get one, and not accepting any mail-in ballots not postmarked by election day. If that process is put in place for 2022 and Republicans lose, I won't question the outcome. By the way, I don't question the the present outcome, either. I KNOW Biden didn't win fairly, as do at least 100,000,000 other Americans.
The voting system needed to be cleaned up for years before this election. We still do not have voter registration IDs and good ways to ensure that someone only votes once, and that they are allowed to do so.

The reason is that Democrats do not want any kind of ID requirement. Why? (answer should be obvious to most here)

This year, most states panicked over the WuHu Flu impact on the election and and did not think through what was going to happen with the mail in ballot system. The sad thing is that about 35 states have Republican legislatures that should have put some kind of validation procedures in place.

Yet, even still, if the Democrats were messing with the ballots, I would think that they would have done MUCH better in the House races.

Again, Trump really damaged himself in the election in 4 ways:
1. Insulting McCain, even after he died (cost him AZ and a lot of Veteran votes)
2. Telling people not to vote by mail as it wasn't safe (this alone probably cost him the election. Side note - FL Republicans went all out to tell their people TO vote by mail, and it worked)
3. The Television briefings on the virus. He did not look informed or Presidential.
4. The First Televised Debate. He looked anything but Presidential (Side note - after the 2nd Debate, people were calling their election officials to ask how to change their vote)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Navigator wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:17 pm
The voting system needed to be cleaned up for years before this election. We still do not have voter registration IDs and good ways to ensure that someone only votes once, and that they are allowed to do so.

The reason is that Democrats do not want any kind of ID requirement. Why? (answer should be obvious to most here)

This year, most states panicked over the WuHu Flu impact on the election and and did not think through what was going to happen with the mail in ballot system. The sad thing is that about 35 states have Republican legislatures that should have put some kind of validation procedures in place.

Yet, even still, if the Democrats were messing with the ballots, I would think that they would have done MUCH better in the House races.

Again, Trump really damaged himself in the election in 4 ways:
1. Insulting McCain, even after he died (cost him AZ and a lot of Veteran votes)
2. Telling people not to vote by mail as it wasn't safe (this alone probably cost him the election. Side note - FL Republicans went all out to tell their people TO vote by mail, and it worked)
3. The Television briefings on the virus. He did not look informed or Presidential.
4. The First Televised Debate. He looked anything but Presidential (Side note - after the 2nd Debate, people were calling their election officials to ask how to change their vote)
5. Failing to get anything substantial done in regards to domestic policy while simultaneously insulting fellow Republicans who wanted to get things done (particularly when it came to Obamacare, COVID stimulus checks, and balancing the budget)
6. Making very little progress when it came to implementing desperately-needed reforms to our foreign policy
7. Not learning from his the mistakes he made in terms of executive appointments, or even admitting that he made mistakes

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Agreed. Adding to the List
8. Not starting an investigation of the Clinton Foundation (which would have actually put Bill and Hillary in prison)
9. Failure to do anything to actually "Drain the Swamp".

On #9 I was told by the Head of the Army Reserve how he planned to deal with the Human Resource Command (HRC) that was populated by entrenched incompetents (and thus was harming Reservists nationwide). He was going to move the HRC bureaucracy headquarters from St. Louis to Fort McCoy Wisconsin (which is in the middle of no-where). He knew he couldn't fire people (thank to President Kennedy allowing Gov't employees to Unionize), so this was his best option. He figured that most of them would refuse to relocate, and he would thus maneuver them into quitting. He did this, it mostly worked, and HRC performance was markedly improved.

Trump could have done this with a number of agencies. Or even worked hard to reduce their size, budgets and proclivity to create regulations (which they then inspect and enforce - creating job security for themselves).

None of this was done. "Drain the Swamp" and "Lock Her Up" were great slogans completely unacted upon.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Looked at some random Twitter feeds, and see it is now a cesspool of hatred, scorn, vile, bile, derision, contempt, and vitriol. I don't see how that is a sustainable business model that will attract advertisers. The few remaining right-wingers have thrown in the towel.

Tried looking for some positive news...
Some fun facts:
Do Google search for 'positive' and 'twitter,' you'll get a bunch stuff about Covid positives, (downer news)..
Search for "some good news" there's a channel that hasn't posted since Dec 20 (LOL)...
Search "good news" and you'll see "just desserts" posts about some Capitol protester who got arrested...

Lots' of stuff about arresting the whole Trump family and banishing anyone associated with them, out of politics.

Wonder how long they can keep themselves fueled on hatred.

If ONLY the right were dead and buried, we could FINALLY achieve Utopia (after exacting vengeance of course). Cheers for the one-party state.

In other positive news NATO Chief calls for "justice" (retribution) against Capitol rioters/protesters. They use the weasel words so common today: "held accountable" [cringe]. Much of the global military is with those implementing the genocidal playbook. Prepared to be genocided. ... 39113.html

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Navigator wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:13 pm

None of this was done. "Drain the Swamp" and "Lock Her Up" were great slogans completely unacted upon.
This is just a pile of bullshit and demonstrates you have no idea what you're talking about to the point of near complete detachment from reality. I would go so far as to question your sanity. I'm glad I never bought your book as it probably included "survival" advice stolen from heavyweights such as Selco.

Just some quick refutations of your bullshit, leading me again to think you're trolling and gaslighting as no one could seriously be this incompetent.

Draining the Swamp: Trump furiously tried to drain the swamp and probably holds the world record for officials he dismissed or drummed out of office for their inability or unwillingness to carry out his directives. Truth is the entrenched swamp beasts did all they could and used all their powers to oppose him. Oh and this is just the Dept of Justice ALONE: ... of_Justice

Trump appointed a MASSIVE number of Federal judges including 3 Supremes, all in an effort to drain the swamp. You make it sound like Trump did jack shit and sat on his ass the whole time. ... nald_Trump

Arresting Hillary: Trump spent every waking moment trying to indict Hillary (and Biden & Obama) and in fact got into trouble by threatening Barr and finally getting him to resign. The swamp masters opposed him at every turn. ... inton.html

I could go on and on. That is just the start and shows you are one of most ignorant posters on this forum. Most of what you say can easily be proven wrong.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:59 pm
Navigator wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:13 pm

None of this was done. "Drain the Swamp" and "Lock Her Up" were great slogans completely unacted upon.
This is just a pile of bullshit and demonstrates you have no idea what you're talking about to the point of near complete detachment from reality. I would go so far as to question your sanity. I'm glad I never bought your book as it probably included "survival" advice stolen from heavyweights such as Selco.

Just some quick refutations of your bullshit, leading me again to think you're trolling and gaslighting as no one could seriously be this incompetent.

Draining the Swamp: Trump furiously tried to drain the swamp and probably holds the world record for officials he dismissed or drummed out of office for their inability or unwillingness to carry out his directives. Truth is the entrenched swamp beasts did all they could and used all their powers to oppose him. Oh and this is just the Dept of Justice ALONE: ... of_Justice

Trump appointed a MASSIVE number of Federal judges including 3 Supremes, all in an effort to drain the swamp. You make it sound like Trump did jack shit and sat on his ass the whole time. ... nald_Trump

Arresting Hillary: Trump spent every waking moment trying to indict Hillary (and Biden & Obama) and in fact got into trouble by threatening Barr and finally getting him to resign. The swamp masters opposed him at every turn. ... inton.html

I could go on and on. That is just the start and shows you are one of most ignorant posters on this forum. Most of what you say can easily be proven wrong.
If Trump was serious about draining the swamp, he wouldn't have filled up his foreign policy team with Heartland imperialists and Neocons, and removed those who were already there when he came in.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

DaKardii wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:11 pm
Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:59 pm
Navigator wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:13 pm

None of this was done. "Drain the Swamp" and "Lock Her Up" were great slogans completely unacted upon.

I could go on and on. That is just the start and shows you are one of most ignorant posters on this forum. Most of what you say can easily be proven wrong.
If Trump was serious about draining the swamp, he wouldn't have filled up his foreign policy team with Heartland imperialists and Neocons, and removed those who were already there when he came in.
I have to agree with the other poster who said you argue like a woman - orthogonally. Besides missing the point.

And a common-sense Occam's Razor observation proves you wrong. If Trump wasn't serious about draining the swamp, why did the entrenched swamp dwellers hate him to death? If he was a fellow swamp beast they would welcome him with open arms, with a wink and a nod, like all former Republican Prezs. As John observed, he was LOVED by everyone before entering the Presidential race, and became hated when he actually tried to follow through with his promises. If Trump was so ineffectual with the wall and waves of immigration why is there now a new Biden-insipred human wave approaching the South and talks of Biden reversing all Trump's "ineffective" policies?

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:59 pm

Draining the Swamp: Trump furiously tried to drain the swamp and probably holds the world record for officials he dismissed or drummed out of office for their inability or unwillingness to carry out his directives. Truth is the entrenched swamp beasts did all they could and used all their powers to oppose him. Oh and this is just the Dept of Justice ALONE:
Inability or unwillingness to carry out his directives:

General Kelly
General McMaster
General Mathis

Yeah, they were all unwilling incompetents.

I don't know Kelly very well, but both McMaster and Mathis are the best and the brightest the military has seen since Marshall and Eisenhower.

What do they say about Trump now?

Kelly was very clear about what caused the high turnover in the administration.

I agree that Trump appointed 3 outstanding Supreme Court justices and other good judges, and have given him credit for that in the past on this board.

As far as not buying the book, the only person you are hurting is John, who created this site.

Remaining rational and able to look at evidence objectively is the mark of sanity. Becoming overly emotional and irrational is what points in the other direction.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Burner Prime wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:29 pm
If Trump wasn't serious about draining the swamp, why did the entrenched swamp dwellers hate him to death? If he was a fellow swamp beast they would welcome him with open arms, with a wink and a nod, like all former Republican Prezs.
Except that's not what happened. Many people in the swamp did hate him, but the most dangerous ones did indeed welcome him with open arms. Who do you think people like Bolton, Esper, Grenell, Haspel, and Pompeo are?

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