Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

4 times the population of America set new records every month for production and usage of coal.
Your swamp retards will blow smoke up your own idiot ass so vote harder.

Translation: Laken Riley murder suspect released so he could murder more cracker white chicks.”

You are useful idiots as they loot you blind.

There will be enormous funding shortfalls next year and no one will be able to figure out why.
Last edited by aeden on Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

theta burn weekend

Goolsbee bent the knee today.

Nike gets the boot and even the cbs ghouls can admit Roberta Baskin was right.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Tbills over take nasdaq as easter island b outbred by Muslim invaders as the
useful idiots waste time on self selected minority of Darwin Award perverts and head cases. And still they surge forward.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

The Great unraveling since zombie governments cannot service the debt.
The destruction is structural inflation and taking them out.
The retard stated now that Freidman is out of the way and forty eight Demsheviks to one rational eco policy in fiscal map policy
as the wasting of the taxpayer being ground to dust.
Death by Uniparty will implode it sooner than later. Campuses are captured active measures bish camps.
Air drop their sorry asses in Gaza with Biden who will triple down with open border criminals.

Gulag Archipelago. And we still haven’t learned.

Saltwater economists are associated with economists from the Universities on the east and west coast of the US.
In particular universities such as Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Pennsylvania Columbia and Yale.

It is past clear they are too stupid to drink fresh water and just חָמַס waffen cut outs enabled by the salt water swamp.

Read about the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s. Your already walking in circles.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Phase three and phase four as the locust take wing to take out what's not already looted to devastations from the salt water
collective body farm cannibals from the bish cults. Arafat was correct you are that stupid.

Theories suggest that volume leads prices.
RSI is a momentum oscillator that already leads prices. Incorporating volume can increase this lead time.
Quong and Soudack identified three basic signals using the Money Flow Index.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

... interfering with the safety and security ...

Saltwater economists are associated with economists from the Universities on the east and west coast of the US.
In particular universities such as Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Pennsylvania Columbia and Yale.

It is past clear they are too stupid to drink fresh water and just חָמַס waffen cut outs enabled by the salt water swamp.

Read about the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s. Your already walking in circles.

The first attempt was 1986 on our group. It was a graduate student from Cornell. The internalized drones fell head first.
Sat Dec 02, 2017 6:32 pm
Baudrillard was absolutely correct. “Information devours its own content. It devours communication and the social…. Rather than creating communication, it exhausts itself in the act of staging communication. Rather than producing meaning, it exhausts itself in the staging of meaning.” In the age of advanced ‘communications’ meaning evacuates to be replaced by a simulation of reality directed by whomever is pulling the strings. And since everyone’s socialized identity is entirely contingent upon their ability to stay abreast of the latest vehicles of communication, the twitterings, the ’social networks’ etc, the absorption of meaning by content is in direct proportion to one’s media hipness – and that hipness in turn in directly inverse ratio to actual lived reality – one is aware, exclusively, of their awareness, which is content provider and information fused together into the perfect simulation of meaning – aka meaninglessness. “The real abolished.”

Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:42 am
Frankfurt intellectuals came to the United States.
Ironically, Adorno, the hater of popular culture, settled in Los Angeles. Marcuse ended up in NYC.
You know what they worshipped.
Frankfurt School of critical theory, whose work has come to be associated with thinkers such as Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse, for whom the works of Freud, Marx, and Hegel were essential. I would say 1977 the bent of mind was completed.
1977 was the first operation that flattened and destroy the local labor pool in sticky wages. They bused them from Mexico and paid a fine of no consequence since later I meet the lawyer who worked in that firm. Nice Girl dating an Engineer I knew.
Criminal enterprise backed top down. Uniparty grift is older than you been alive kids. DHS is gross negligence.
Let's talk Bidenomics, fighting climate change, abortion, guns, funding wars, end oil once and for all vote this week we hear
and other Leftist shibboleths instead.

Two of ours cut down and yes, the Lord did deal with them as we noted.

It was the democrats who allowed them in and bused in as they butchered our Guys in Iowa then with shotgun slugs.

Your idiots will never learn anything.

They concluded both should be destroyed.
Antonio Gramsci and George Lukacs carried the torch and created a strategy for destroying both Christian influence and the Western culture itself.
Instead of calling for a communist revolution, as they had in Russia, they decided they should seize political power last, after what they called
"A Long March Through The Institutions" of the West.
Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:24 am
This march would include the schools, the media, even the churches - every institution that could influence the culture.
They began the long march with little fanfare---no press releases. Years of hard work and complete dedication to the task would follow. This commitment was born out of their hatred toward the West.
Although Mussolini had recognized the danger Gramsci posed and jailed him, Gramsci's writings had been discovered and were circulated, particularly the "Prison Notebooks".
Gramsci, Lukacs, Felix Weil, a multi-millionaire, and others worked tirelessly to advance their cause.
They established a "think tank" at Frankfort University in Germany. Although it was originally called "Institute for Marxism," they soon decided that was not a good name and called it the "Institute for Social Research," then later, "Frankfurt School."
Other Marxist progressive elites joined the effort.

As we seen with BLM they just destroyed them in plain view and that was theirs. Locally record slaughter and morning toe tags.
Bish Demsheviks.

Neutrality was said complicity and protesting is antisemitism. Got it.
Educated in gender studies to demonstrate for the Hamas.

The intent is a broom to sweep your dead husk ground to dust and swept away. They already told you this.
It's your money committing mass murder.

The "ultimate education" is well underway now. Even Marx told you what would happen your just slow.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. 2thess

thread: crt, blm, waffen, bish, peleg

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Jan 29, 2024 10:23 am

His wife grew up in urban China. During the early Sixties, they were a Communist nation. There were several famines during that period with a mix of causes. Drought, poor crop yields, inefficient farming, and inadequate distribution methods kept the populace barely fed, at best. You would think that growing a garden on any empty piece of land would be lauded, like the Victory Gardens in WWII in America. Not so. Having a garden was proof that the current system was not working and that the gardener was unpatriotic. My wife and her 5 siblings would go down to the nearby sea almost daily. They would use a stone to smash the shells of mussels and oysters on the rocks. They would bring home a few pounds of prime protein every day. Excess was strung up and dried in the sun. This shaming of home gardens to worship a lame and failing ideology was done in China in the Fifties and Sixties, and now is coming to America.

I'm certainly glad we don't live in one of those ancient societies based on a ruling class that keeps the plebs in line with lies about how they can keep the weather gods happy.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

... extraordinary steps to confront the growing crisis ...
Leftoid juice box doom loop

Chick has burned through 14 billion now buy moar teh eth

The overwhelming majority are too dull to grasp a correct interpretation of the situation. They go on in the routine they acquired in noninflationary periods. Filled with indignation, they attack those who are quicker to apprehend the real causes of the agitation of the market as "profiteers" and lay the blame for their own plight on them. This ignorance of the public is the indispensable basis of the inflationary policy.
Ludwig von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit, § IV Ch. 21 ¶ 19

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... ves-target

It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile, and it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Luke ... ture=share

The peril they will suffer is beyond words.

Bishop Says: 'I'm Not Angry, He's Just Stupid'

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden » ... &m=2&f=jpg

Illegals ignore another dialectic village idiot.
Something about buckets and pallets.

Psalm 90

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