Generational Dynamics World View News

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Space and Fusion

by Bob Butler » Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:28 pm

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:25 am
Do you really think space infrastructure will be the near future? I am 66 and I have been a space cadet all my life, but it seems like nuclear fusion…twenty years away and always will be.
Judging from Starship, yes, I see space infrastructure in the not to distant future. I don't see all that much happening on Mars. Musk just wants to make humans a multi planet species, but where will the profit come from? Where is the impetus beyond a token settlement? On the other hand, mining the asteroid belt has potential.

I share your thoughts on fusion. I think much of the delay comes from people wanting to profit now from fossil fuels. If they really wanted to progress they would. Still, I remain disappointed.

Re: Projection

by Bob Butler » Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:20 pm

Guest wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:25 am
Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:43 pm
Guest wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:40 am
“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him . . .the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” — Edward Dowd
One thing oft repeated in the MSM is that Trump projects his own problems on his rivals. Thus, while Biden does perfectly well say on the State of the Union or D Day speeches, while people walk out on Trump rally incoherent speeches, Trump projects his speaking inability on Biden. I tend to agree with the MSM.
You probably think Trump overfed koi fish and didn’t condemn neo nazi’s too. It’s unfortunate the media did that to you.
No and no, Continuing to make up lies?

Another example of projection... Trump regularly stays up late posting on Truth Social and as a result is sleepy. This seems to have happened in his recent criminal trial. So he invents 'Sleepy Joe'.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Tom Mazanec » Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:25 am

Do you really think space infrastructure will be the near future? I am 66 and I have been a space cadet all my life, but it seems like nuclear fusion…twenty years away and always will be.

Re: Projection

by Guest » Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:25 am

Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:43 pm
Guest wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:40 am
“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him . . .the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” — Edward Dowd
One thing oft repeated in the MSM is that Trump projects his own problems on his rivals. Thus, while Biden does perfectly well say on the State of the Union or D Day speeches, while people walk out on Trump rally incoherent speeches, Trump projects his speaking inability on Biden. I tend to agree with the MSM.
You probably think Trump overfed koi fish and didn’t condemn neo nazi’s too. It’s unfortunate the media did that to you.

Crisis to High

by Bob Butler » Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:33 am

Neal seems to be going on the timing of the basic theory. I'm going on how people are responding (or not responding) to the crisis issues. It is still possible for an external war to manifest. Netanyahu doesn't want the Gaza war to end as it is keeping him in power. If Xi starts to lose control with his economic mistakes he could start a war to distract his people. Putin is fighting the sanctions. Not sure how any of those would go. I just see the US people not launching the major emotive incidents anymore. Domestically, the mood seems to be shifting already.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Higgenbotham » Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:20 pm

Getting back to basics.
The Fourth Turning Is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How and When This Crisis Will End Hardcover – July 18, 2023
by Neil Howe (Author)

The visionary behind the bestselling phenomenon The Fourth Turning looks once again to America’s past to predict our future in this startling and hopeful prophecy for how our present era of civil unrest will resolve over the next ten years—and what our lives will look like once it has.

Twenty-five years ago, Neil Howe and the late William Strauss dazzled the world with a provocative new theory of American history. Looking back at the last 500 years, they’d uncovered a distinct pattern: modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting roughly eighty to one hundred years, the length of a long human life, with each cycle composed of four eras—or “turnings”—that always arrive in the same order and each last about twenty years. The last of these eras—the fourth turning—was always the most perilous, a period of civic upheaval and national mobilization as traumatic and transformative as the New Deal and World War II, the Civil War, or the American Revolution.

Now, right on schedule, our own fourth turning has arrived. And so Neil Howe has returned with an extraordinary new prediction. What we see all around us—the polarization, the growing threat of civil conflict and global war—will culminate by the early 2030s in a climax that poses great danger and yet also holds great promise, perhaps even bringing on America’s next golden age. Every generation alive today will play a vital role in determining how this crisis is resolved, for good or ill. ... 1982173734


The World Is Changing Fast! Do This Now To Prepare - Neil Howe
May 22, 2024
something I talk about in the book in terms of years I mean you're asking for sort of a timetable oh
they what we see and kind looking at the clock uh and looking at current phases
of Life which are begin to lengthen somewhat as we see the likelihood of a climax is going to be at the very end of
the 2020s I mean if you were ask actually ask me when it is uh and the
the conclusion the resolution of the crisis being in the early 2030s we are
our B against year is 2033 but that's just simply you know simply in a bell curb that's kind
of the one that we think is likely as positive ability by running the numbers but I think it's it's unlikely to PE you
know uh you know before 2026 that would be that would be that would be so
unusual that would be almost um an an you know and it and but it but it would
be also very unlikely to to to Peak and resolve you know after you know 2036 and
I realize it's a long period of time you can't you can't say you're watched by that but I but I think get is specific
enough to kind of show you how you should plan your life you know what I mean um thank you thank you D um


by Bob Butler » Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:43 pm

Guest wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:40 am
“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him . . .the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” — Edward Dowd
One thing oft repeated in the MSM is that Trump projects his own problems on his rivals. Thus, while Biden does perfectly well say on the State of the Union or D Day speeches, while people walk out on Trump rally incoherent speeches, Trump projects his speaking inability on Biden. I tend to agree with the MSM.

Re: Lies

by Bob Butler » Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:38 pm

Another guest wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:39 am
The vax has killed many as has been heavily documented and now publicized in the media.

As for crime being 'down', a poster has already stated the reality.

No need to gerry mander when the elections are rigged anyway.
Source? Trump decided he would get reelection better by keeping the economy going than saving lives, so he created a policy of mass murder of his own supporters. It’s still going on. Meanwhile, none of the Covid vaccines have been withdrawn, none of the very few Covid vaccine deaths have been reliably linked to the vaccines. The lives saved by the vaccines vastly outnumber the non extant reported deaths by vaccine. In short, a murderous lie.

Source? Conservatives have a habit of creating conspiracy theories with no evidence to back them up. This smells like on of those. You should link in a source before you lie.

Source? This is a variant of what is called The Big Lie. The last administration filed and lost something like 60 court cases alleging election fraud. The one they won was for the government allowing as many people as possible to vote during Covid, thus allowing procedures normally followed to be bypassed. There is no need in Massachusetts to gerrymander or otherwise battle the peaceful transfer of power. There is no scandal in progress.

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

by Guest » Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:40 am

“Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him . . .the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” — Edward Dowd

Re: Lies

by Another guest » Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:39 am

Bob Butler wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:14 am
Hmm. The estimates for the bridge rebuild is four to five years. The vax hasn’t killed me. Crime is down. There is no need to gerrymander in Massachusetts.

Do conservatives have to lie to counter program?
The vax has killed many as has been heavily documented and now publicized in the media.

As for crime being 'down', a poster has already stated the reality.

No need to gerry mander when the elections are rigged anyway.

Admission Of Failure? Democratic Cities Stop Reporting Crime Stats To FBI
You, see. Liberalism reduces crime... ... -stats-fbi
The Biden administration's statisticians at the Bureau of Labor Statistics have painted a rosy economic picture for the job market. Yet, voters know damn well the economy is in a persistent inflation storm sparked by Bidenomics. That's why President Biden's reelection odds are sinking by the month. The most recent BLS jobs report shows just how absurd these reports get by the month, and there is no shame by the gov't statisticians as working poor Americans struggle to pay rent and put food on the table.

Context about the political BLS is crucial to understanding that data massaging doesn't stop there. The White House has recently unleashed its propaganda cannons, claiming nationwide crime has plunged to a half-century low. The problem with this narrative is that it's at odds with imploding progressive cities that do not uphold law and order and fail to arrest and prosecute criminals. Plus, on top of this all, Democrats have flooded the nation with ten million illegal aliens.

Let's begin with MSNBC's Kyle Griffin, who posted on X the latest FBI crime stats that show murder, rape, robbery, theft, and property crime has plummeted across the board nationwide.
The data is at odds with reality. Recently, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre touted: "Violent crime is at a near 50-year low…"
Responding to Griffin's post on X, Red State's Bonchie said, "Pretty amazing what happens when left-wing cities just stop reporting crime to the FBI."
Bonchie cited a recent NRA-ILA report explaining how the Crime Prevention Research Center found that "one factor contributing to the ostensible dip in violent crime is that almost 40% of local law enforcement agencies are no longer transmitting their information to the national Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) database."

You heard that correctly.

Violent crime across America must be so out of control in failed leftist metro areas that radical leftists in local governments just stopped reporting crime data to the FBI. This is an admission the woke utopia of criminal and social justice reforms is an utter disaster.

Here's more from the NRA-ILA report:

In "2021, 37% of police departments stopped reporting crime data to the FBI (including large departments for Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York)," and for other jurisdictions, like Baltimore and Nashville, crimes are being underreported or undercounted. This leaves a large gap; by 2021, the real crime data collected by the FBI represented only 63% of police departments overseeing just 65% of the population. When compared to pre-2021 data, the result is a questionable "decline" in crime.

One X user provides the three easy steps under progressive control to reduce crime:

Don't arrest criminals.
Don't prosecute criminals
Don't report crime statistics
Massaging economic data, like in the BLS' case, or, Democratic cities just not reporting data to the FBI achieves the intended result:
Or better, create this narrative:
We all know this is nonsense data.
A former alleged FBI agent on X explained:

"The problem is, that all the cities didn't stop sending arrest data in at the same time. The problem has been getting worse and worse as mayors got tired of claiming crime was down and then being called liars by people pulling up the FBI reported crime. Their answer increasingly became to just stop reporting the crimes (and also there was some reclassifying of violent crimes as well, like calling an armed robbery a larceny). And, even the murder rates suffered from a data problem that's really not anyone's fault. Trauma care just keeps better and better and a whole lot of shooting victims who have died just a few years ago, now are saved. (Baltimore saw this phenomena when they opened their shock trauma center and murders inexplicably went down while attempted murders went up.)"
The Epoch Times' Jeffrey Tucker had this to say last fall about falling crime statistics:

"Mass statistical ignorance is extremely costly. It allows a ruling class to toss around numbers all the time to sound vaguely sciency but without having any real substance behind the claims. This is what enabled the Biden administration to say daily that the job market is great, that economic growth is strong, that Americans are growing wealthier, and now, that crime is down. It's all completely gibberish and contradicted by every bit of reality that we observe with our own eyes."

And more recently RealClearInvestigations' James Varney wrote in a note, "Baltimore department acknowledges its numbers may not be the same as those it submits to the FBI, but states on its website that "any comparisons are strictly prohibited."

To sum it up, the government is rigging statistics—be it about the economy or crime. You're living in one giant matrix. This time, the bullshit is clearer than ever.
